Becoming a BEE GODDESS in Minecraft!

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see Kim I told you there were so many flowers over here oh man you weren kidding right gather up as much as you can hurry up doing but uh what's the rush anyway we got to get back to decorating oh no what the bees oh step away from the flowers or me and my me boys will be forced to attack you hey we were just Gathering flowers why do you need to attack uh our flowers oh these are your flowers well in that case let's just be le trying to Ste flower get her run let's get her be boys I should have known this so fast a now hand over the flowers hey we can talk about this right sorry babe but you know rules are rules and I made them so uh this is B boy territory yeah don't listen to her honeyed words Aaron so it's going to be like that huh fine I'll just have to kick all your beehinds myself oh I'm going to do it I'm going to use the poison Stinger that's did he die oh you idiot that's why we use our normal Stingers wait poison Stingers oh oh what the sorry babe but you should have just handed over the flowers all right guys be seeing you wouldn't want to be can't just leave me alone like this look at my little eye it's even doing the little oh what huh what happened wait am I a b now it's infectious are you kidding me a I just wanted to decorate my house okay let's see maybe I can H ooh this is a nice tree with a lot of bees I can't be it h this looks really cool like a nice treehouse spot ooh ooh what's down here all right maybe there's a cure down here so I can turn back into a normal player what the huh what the what is happening why are they carrying me I thought they were going to eat me wait wings I already have wings why do I need more wa the bee goddess is born there's a level above Queen all right then let's see how the boys react to this since they stung me I'm going to sting them right back all right so where are these boys oh there they are hello boys hello fellow what Wait f M's a b now she's probably here to get revenge get her I'm here to get it's be just wait a second we no NOP NOP no back what was that never seen the power quite like this whatever she can't take us all at once whatever if you want to fight babe we'll bring it to you attack come on boys I don't think so what am I doing what am I doing now you better listen to me or I can make you guys dance whatever I want this what is this I hate it don't tell me you got the goddess Powers that's right I am the new B goddess which means you have to beave okay fine I was looking for those Powers you know as much time as you guys spent on the server I was expecting this Hive to be a bit more be would be if it wasn't for just one stupid problem what do you mean by that just watch all right whenever I try to put down something be related excuse me yeah make that two small problems hey it's not my fault it's his fault for making it so delicious yep he's going to be you know well you can't be eating the hot that's not a good idea and now that I'm in charge let me make these worker bees come and help o Watch they're going to build for us okay I could let's see what's it going to do oh wow they're fast and efficient check it out let's go check it out I could have done this all right so let's go through the top and uh down let's see what our house looks like there's a bedroom and there's another floor oh this is cute I like this flowers inside the hive and I think these rooms could be for you guys let's see dude oh this is a nice little oh honey honey wow honey give me the honey Piers I wouldn't do that if I were you what no this is great this tastes fantastic wait where am I going I think you're stuck I don't know you may want to get out of there N I think it's fine uh Pierce I I think that there's a hole there why Pi we have no idea what that well he died the way he lived you mean dumb let's see where they go boys hello they're not answering I've got this oh no I think I human into the hive human human human human where's look at you guys buzzing around but today's the first day of bee training a bee training for what we are excellent bees really you ate your hive before it's not our fault that Noy and piercing that honey comes from clouds well I mean you can't prove it doesn't fine maybe she's right yeah did you forget I'm a goddest and that I'm in charge now after you guys stung me anyway here's the babies what aren't they adorable ask where the boy bees all right not the babysitter bees guys listen bees work together and we work together to raise the babies okay okay what do we even do with these things half all right so as you guys can see I put some chests around now you guys can help build baby cribs for the babies to be happy here cribs get to work okay easy enough hey if I build the best crib um does that mean I can be king be sure why not three I need more time one and okay it's done Pierce what happened explain all right I am introducing a new concept to you you ready for this okay introducing be parkour see they got to they got to start up here and they got to work their way up all the way up to top that that way they'll get so tired they'll just sleep whenever they need Pierce we are bees we can fly all right next person we're moving on all right um you're supposed to make some place where they can sleep o Aaron great job fantastic used your brain he is the brain cell for the day it looks like because um noi I like where you were going I called the bunk bead an extra spot when the hive grows and I put some safety rails up top in case they fly in their sleep not a bad idea and then I don't know what this is well you know I ended up with some extra parts so I didn't really know what to do with those but uh look at this you got your side your front your back you're all good there's only one way these pieces to fit together how did you screw this up yeah okay this is what happens when we all use the same brain cell um guys just grab your babies and we're going to come and do one more event okay back to the kitchen where's my kid now you are going to make something delicious for your babies a healthy honey meal or something like that so in these cabinets you're going to find ingredients as your goddess I only found the best and now you have to make a beautiful meal for your beautiful baby more baby C okay this sounds easy enough can we just feed them honey isn't that what baby bees eat okay wait why is it yellow now what what does that mean uh what that oh now it's more yellow uh I have no idea what I'm doing let's see I think it needs more meat oh H that looks that all right guys five more seconds all right okay 15 more me all right and done all right bottle up and present it to your babies to see what happens nobody better poison the baby who is going to go first all right I'll go first I have this red Li win and I really don't know what it is so I hope you like it oh oh W wonderful suppose that's a beat what did you think it was going to turn into Pierce all right who is next all right baby time for you to take flight oh wo wo that was a little bit faster that is a fast be maybe I used too much sugar maybe but we'll have a fast record then good job no out okay anyway it's my turn I I'm make it be now okay and bam oh that is a big be yeah plenty of protein um I think it's chunky can she fly I mean uh it fell in the hold on I got you there you go in the other one all right Zane your turn okay okay I'm done I had to add a couple of my own ingredients but it is perfectly healthy now it's gray though you don't eat gray nobody eats gray oh it's fine all good growing nutrients come on now what happened to that bee oh it's adorable wait wait is it flying backwards oh like your bees came out so great well we've got a variety of all bees and that's good the goddess loves all these bees so what's going oh that head oh that baby scared me so bad I think I squeezed out a little honey what yeah that's Zane okay you know what I don't need this come on Junior we're out of here I don't I don't think I can see you going backwards I don't know maybe we help it or I don't think it's oh it's got it oh there he goes he's good he's good well I don't know if we'll be talking to Zay and his son ever again don't worry I'm sure if anything attacks him that his son's face will scare it off well all the babies are adorable no matter what what they look like now let's get back to the next task all right Aon sometimes they say if you stare at a bee it'll talk to you so let's stare at it I don't think the bees are ever going to talk that's a little bit weird it was worth a shot okay hey uho uh your highness goddess any chance you could um you know maybe make some more honey for us with that magic you got uh I'm kind of starving M what are you talking about there's a whole room of Honey downstairs what happened to it the same thing that always happens to the honey yeah we need a refill how um ah guys me and Pierce got the munchies it's not a problem I still got got some of that human food that I picked up last week remember yeah let's uh last week oh yeah ited okay um okay you guys are really bad at being bees how about we take a little field trip yes come on all right boys now we are at a flower field and I'm sure you know what to do since you were trying to steal from me earlier I don't know you're you need to take these flowers and make them into honey wait wait wait wait you mean like salad Boos have no idea what to do with normally I take care of all that just don't see how we're going to eat these D look at them now you don't eat them you put them in a crafting table and what's this oh it's a miracle oh that's so cool B players can right click and get honey balls look at that that's so cool you be godess I don't know if it was a good idea to teach this I know I know we're just going to let them use the brain cell for a little bit and that one okay oh pollen what is that you think this does I'm not sure what the heck what did this what the H pollen huh okay uh let's come over here you'll never catch come back here you're not running away oh gather this oh this is so cool uh appal be Hest lady yes what' you say hey what what's this thing what's what oh here oh oh uhoh how did you get stuck in that well I was flying around try to get more flowers and this kind of looked like a flower so I tried it out and well this looks like a bad idea this looks like a spider's Nest you need to get out of there right now no this is way too big for a spider web I mean for a spider web this size you would need some sort of giant spiders e e e e e these are ugly get rid of them I just wanted one Minecraft spiders what is this okay I got you they're so gross ew ew stay still that is a big spider get out of here I'm get out of here no no you got spiky come on come on come on come on throw me throw me woo oh my goodness get out of here okay okay okay all right we're safe got him na it perfect that was a lot all right thanks guys yeah you okay man I thought I was going to be lunch just be careful where you're going and don't get stuck in anything that's not honey oh you got it not a problem I'm not saving you well help H it's going to take forever to get this honey going how many flowers hey babe you said you need help or something yeah um you seen Zane where'd he go I haven't seen him in a while no I haven't seen him but we haven't missing a lot of flowers outside what's going on by the way oh you know there was a room up here and you know I felt kind of bad for what I did earlier so I I kind of built you something you made this for me this is beautiful like beautiful even this better so comfy I love it hey got us got us we got something to oo free food nice eat the flowers don't eat the flowers which one is it not these ones eat flowers it's not my flowers by the way how are things going oh yeah zay's been spying on our nest what wait what what are you mean he's been spying on our Nest all right I spot him he's down here I see him oh there he is Zane what you doing it's impossible I was so stealthy you stick out like a swore thumb you're a bee now what are you doing well if you must know I was stealing our flowers again now come on B boys it's time to take this traitor in traitor wait what do you mean what pleasure no don't worry I got him guys I got him I got I got him I got him I got him I don't got him what I can't move why can't I move Zane what did you do to me what' you do I've worked don't you know that smoke makes bees fall asleep what my face is in the S why is this happening uh okay Zane that's enough oh okay whatever I'll take you on another time I'm out of here don't you dare try that on me boy I can someone get me out of the sand yeah can somebody turn the lights back on I'm coming thank you okay there we go perfect ab goddess goddess God come quick there's something you have to see uh did Zan do something Zane oh no no no this is actually something you're going to like for once come on oh a pleasant surprise all right I will be a win and ta ABY got us what do you think that put that away a come on just wait till you see this baby in action uh that's not a baby how did they create that just hear them out all right this one's pretty good uh okay okay okay okay so so let let me picture to you so you know how sometimes you want to eat a lot of honey but your mouth just isn't fast enough uh no I've never felt that well introducing the honey gazler 3000 the what Tada I'm somehow even more confused and scared Pierce just demonstrated for it right oh yeah I thought you'd ever ask okay I'm going to stand back you got to see this all right no you ready ready and fire fire away um see I told you it was pretty good did he even eat no I don't think so it's like he just got stuck on the wall I guess it's interesting and if you think that's cool then check this out and wait what what's going on not supposed to do that no my God what w oh I'm going to hold on to this for safekeeping uh and uh you know put it somewhere safe yeah yeah be careful yeah it just only stuck you to the wall someone can someone help Pierce all right no come on okay all right time to go back to my quarters uh guys guys what's what's going oh what the huh oh what you exploded everything what aren't you glad to see me no not at all actually um not really having been helping or contributing to the it all yeah I kick your butt for blowing a hole in the wall Oh Aaron so violent you shouldn't act like that in front of the child the oh he's back oh he's here oh get that thing out of here come on he's not that bad Zane as the B goddess I must say that you haven't made any pollen today okay so I need you to come back into the goddess Kingdom so that way you can help out okay oh but except I've already got a hive of my own and we don't like competition be attack there's only one be get his but out of my face oh he's got the angry bees oh no smaller bees there's more oh my goodness the angry oh don't worry come here Zane get out of here Aaron oh no Aaron that's it guys Retreat to the kitchen for right now we need to come with a plan it's right there that's right son make your Daddy proud what the huh oh wait what are those w the bebb we need to start working together okay we've got more brain cells with this royal jelly and we should be smarter now right over here your back nice Royal let's see drink the royal jelly this should make us stronger wait what are we doing okay okay ooh nice this is even oh now you are beight now protect your goddess yes ma'am B formation you hiding in there why don't you be men and fight okay want to fight you got to fight s fights with me all right the bees can take care of your minions I'll take you on myself come on let's go poke you in your eye with a stinger all right Zane come here I've got a stinger with your name on it Where'd you go I can't see you up here Queenie Queenie fine let's see yep all right think you can take me on yourself oh no not this trick again yeah I've got a bad stinger I can dodge your Stingers all day what else you got come on can you can you come at me oh I also have this thing what is that it's not a hairer wow that got you stuck what did you do to me all right all the little bees are dead wait a second wait what what here defend you got a oh she already defeated Ain you looking tasty yep yeah he's kind of stuck that honey gun came in handy actually so I think I'd like to rejoin the hive now oh really I think I know exactly what to do with him oh I don't get it so that's it go in there get a honey bottle and you can rejoin the hive okay thanks and well sorry about you know oh it's fine don't worry all right come on move your butt got a lot of mouse to feed all right fine honey bottles coming right up all right let's see if he can do it this should be fun huh oh no not another be that's right she's not fire okay I don't know who gave her a flamethrower oh my son perfect please help me out defend your father baby
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,686,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: JCbtexzpsSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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