Become Like Ayanokoji In 1 Month (No Bullsh*t Guide)

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Let me introduce myself, my name is Eg. I am the first man in history to create the first real life white room inspired by an elite classroom, and this is only version 1.0. So when you click the video, all happy and excited, “oh i'm gonna become like ayanokoji in a month”. Mom get the camera, mom get the camera. I have some very bad news for you. Yes I can teach you how to become like ayanokoji in 1 month, this month will be the hardest month of your life. And this isn’t some gay, go do some active listening so you can manipulate your target. No, I’m going to tell you the clear objective path to become like ayanokoji in under 1 month. A lot of you guys are just not going to be able to do this btw, so just click off the video. Because in my last video when I said you have to buzz cut to start off the year, all you guys started crying like that little losers you are. While the real winners in my real life white room actually took action. But now that rant is out the way, let me tell you guys how to become like ayanokoji in under 1 month. There’s Only 1 THING THAT YOU NEED TO DO. That is kill yourself. Yes, you heard me right please kill yourself right now. In order to become the verison of yourself that far transcends your current self by fucking light years you have to kill yourself. Obviously since only smart handsome people watch this channel, you guys know I’m not talking about killing your vessel but essentially the habits within you and your current beliefs. I do not want to be like those wishy washy youtubers, so let me just get to the meat and potatoes. Becoming like ayanokoji is simple really, but the problem is in order to become like ayanokoji or not really ayanokoji (I basically mean the best version of yourself), everytime take actions that go towards doing that. YOUR SELF will self sabotage you by keeping its verizon alive by doing it's retarded habits. Say right now you are level 1, and you need to become level 10 to become like ayanokoji. You can make progress towards that goal by doing the actions required but then imagine if that level 1 wasn’t actually just a level but something with emotion. So it gets mad when it sees you leaving it behind to get to level 10. So it results in making you masturbait, procrastinate, eat bad food, and basically just make wrong/bad decisions. So here’s the problem, all of us can become the best version of ourselves but in order to do that we need to kill the current version of ourselves. But that isn’t going to be easy since our current self knows that we want to kill it so it will fight back and make us procrastinate, masturbait, etc. So e.g. how do you kill it? Ok so let’s use one of my students as an example. Number 006 of the white room program wants to become the best version of himself. And he’s actually achieving it, he’s working out. He’s studying. He’s reading books on certain subjects to master the subject. But before he goes to sleep every night, his current version of himself sees that he’s making progress to level 2, so to make sure it doesn’t die. It makes you horny and convinces you to beat your shit. Because another thing you have to realize is that your thoughts aren’t actually you. You think your brain knows what it’s doing when it’s watching porn, it’s basically just a switch it pulls and everytime the brain pulls it, it gets dopamine so it doesn’t really care, hence it tricks you into thinking you want to do it or that you have an urge. When all it is, is that your brain just wants to feel some pleasure unknowing what’s actually going on. So I saw this happen to my student so I taught my student how to kill himself. This is how you do it. All you guys watching the video right now, are probably working out, studying etc on the right path. But you guys never seem to make it to the other level, because your current self doesn’t want you to leave it and kill it off. So this is what you should do. First Identity resistance. I’m going to list out 30 forms of resistance that we all face. * Fear: Most common - not working because you’re afraid of what happens if you do. Instant Gratification: Not working because you want / expect instant gratification. Doubt: Not working because you have doubts about yourself, or that it’s even possible. Anxiety: Not working because it makes you feel nervous, anxious or uncomfortable. Rationalization: Not working because you’ve rationalized not to do it. Learning: Not working because you want to ‘learn more’ about it first. Research: Not working because you want to ‘do some more research’ first. Comfort: Not working because you feel comfortable right now and don’t want to feel uncomfortable. Perfection: Not working because you want everything to be perfect before starting. Waiting: Not working because you would rather wait to see if things change. Justifying: Not working because you’ve justified it. Warped Priority: Not working on the main thing because you’re working on something else. Distraction: Not working because ‘that thing’ keeps distracting you. Support: Not working because you don’t have ‘the support’ or a fucking accountability partner. Feeling Vulnerable: Not working because it makes you feel vulnerable or psychologically exposed. Addiction: Not working because you’re addicted to something other than working. Criticism: Not working because you’ve criticized others that work, or being critical of others instead. Denial: Not working because you’re in denial - refusing to see and accept the truth. Drama: Not working because you’re drawn to, create or move to drama in your personal life. Procrastination: Not working because you’re putting it off til’ tomorrow. Self-Love: Not working because it makes you feel stupid and a bit of self-hatred. Self-loathing: Not working because it makes you feel inept and useless. Identity Trap: Not working because working would not be ‘me’ Routine: Not working bc ‘you didn’t have your usual latte this morning’, or ‘you didn’t sleep well’’ Entitlement: Not working because you’re entitled to not & work is beneath you. Judging: Not working because you’re too busy judging people that are. Burnout: Not working because you think you’re too burned out to work. Opinions: Not working because someone told you not to, to take a day off etc. Uncertainty: Not working because you’re not sure how. Pain Avoidance: Not working because work hurts, man. Now List your primary resistance forms below and add context, and also things your current self does that stops you from reaching that level 10, so for example it makes you beat your shit before you sleep, it makes you procrastinate doing work and make you watch videos such as these. You need to at least add 10. I’ll make a doc for this in the description. So here’s an example for myself: 1) Burnout: resistance has a tendency to convince me that i’m close to burnout and should stop working. Truth is, I once burned out horrifically and am afraid of seeing that happened again. 2) Pain avoidance: sometimes resistance tries to overwhelm me by manipulating me into thinking the thing I need to work on will be really painful (e.g. the mindset module) - irony is, it’s not painful at all. 3) Routine: resistance has persuaded me that I need to complete a lengthy morning routine in order to focus and get my work done, convincing me I need to meditate to work well, etc. I don’t struggle with this as much anymore. 4) Denial: resistance often has me in denial, thinking I can act in stupid ways and get away with it. I’ll often deny the truth, e.g. ‘If I binge watch YouTube all day I won’t pay a price” 5) Learning: resistance makes me think I need to learn a lot about something before I can start taking action on it. 6) Comfort: resistance takes the form of extreme comfort - telling me I’m doing well, making me feel pride and happy with my situation, negating action. Now there’s only 1 thing you need to do now. Looking at this photo, Our goal is to become like ayanokoji. The thing stopping us is the resistance we have listed and our current self. Now only we can defeat this. Is with work. Now this is the hardest part, since I can say all of this. But now we have to face the pain. Because the only way we can kill our current self, Is by going through enough pain to unlock that level. And in the white room ayanokoji went through tremendous pain right when he was born. So what is the work? • The Work. It's the only way to keep resistance at bay, and not fall prey to its charming, deceptive nature. • I define "The Work' as action. It's having the intelligence to figure out what you need to do, then doing it. In life there is cause, and there is effect. We must cause, to effect. The Work is the cause of the effect you so desire. Your goal is an effect, a snapshot of the future that is born out of The Work. • To boil it down - The Work is forcing your body to take a physical action in spite of and against the resistance it has feels towards taking it. But not like stupid shit such as what should my youtube channel pfp be, or watching this video to become better etc. only real shit that has ROI. I mean this video does have ROI but yk what I mean. • When you work, resistance gets weaker. The stronger the resistance, the weaker it gets after you beat it. Eventually, after having taken daily action on your goal for a long time, you will have transcended yourself. The only path is the work. The only way is the work. • You will often find that the resistance gets stronger the closer you get to the finish line. Your journey through the fire may be 101 miles long, and I can guarantee that at mile 100 you WILL face the most resistance possible. Your current self will emotionally hail mary the shit out of you. • It will be HELL. Your current self will do everything it can to stay alive. It knows you - it is you. It'll use your weaknesses, your proclivities, your impulses, drives, desires. everything. It will be hell on earth to fight. So remember - when you're going through hell, keep going. So now what is the work you do, to come closer to your goal. This is where my job ends, I swear on everything in my life, you know the answer. Thanks for watching and if you want to join my real life white room server where me and 200 hundred other are grinding fucking hard, and have a whole 1 year roadmap. Complete the test in the description because I’m really strict on who I let in. Peace on the street.
Channel: Eg
Views: 18,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eg's Philosophy, how to become like ayanokoji, Become Like Ayanokoji In 1 Month (No Bullsh*t Guide), how to be like ayanokoji kiyotaka, be like ayanokoji kiyotaka, how to be like ayanokoji, how to be like kiyotaka ayanokoji, ayanokoji kiyotaka step by step guide, become like ayanokoji in 1 year
Id: nBr7G9PuYuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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