Become GOD of PHYSICS in 3 Months - Target IIT Bombay 🔥

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everyone is afraid of physics people say it's one of the most difficult subjects ever some students don't understand the concept some students don't understand the questions while some students understand everything but can never solve even one question why is physics so difficult or maybe it's not hello everyone welcome back and if you're new here my name is tarun and I recently graduated from ID kakur and I fell in love with physics before 12 years when I was in class six reading books like Hal Nick Walker Hy man singage used to be one of my most favorite hobbies ever and back then my aim was to frame five questions which even my teachers won't be able to to solve so right from then to graduating from it kakur with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in manufacturing Sciences I read books after books and solve questions after the questions and I just love physics so let me tell you in the next 8 minutes of your life I'll make you fall in love with physics and most importantly we'll give you a step-by-step guide to master it let's start so first things first in the next 7 minutes we'll discuss why everyone feels physics as very difficult why is it not and how you can become a pro at it what is the exact step-by-step method to learn any physics chapter more efficiently and then if you're a j aspirant what are the most important chapters that you should solve first in order to score your best in J Mains and in J Advanced and finally we'll end this video with one of the biggest blenders that most of the J aspirants commit which you should definitely avoid this video is going to be epic let's start first why does everyone feel physics difficult simple because it's being taught in the wrong way and it's being learned in the wrong way most people just say this is the axium this is the theorem this is the derivation this is the formula that you should remember for the exam but when a student actually goes to the exam he wouldn't know what formula to use and most importantly he wouldn't understand why that exact formula is being used over there it's like people just forget the missing piece which makes a physical chemistry question different from a physics question in J Advanced the logic so moving to the next Point how can you become a pro at [Music] it I'll prove this point with an example in the next one minute but first the method is simple instead of learning and mugging up all the formulas in a chapter just Lear learn the basic formulas the basic theorems and the basic derivations in any chapter because these are the most important things while learning any concept now the next skill that you should develop before solving any question in physics is to read and understand the question well if you can break down the entire question into parts and apply some basic concepts between them you're more than halfway done with solving the question now the last step to be able to solve any question in physics is to become a pro at mathematics because at a higher level every physics problem tends to become a maths problem so you'll need to become good at math in order to be a pro at physics that's it if you can get these three basic things right you're all sorted and to bre this point let's take a small example question this was the question which was being asked in J Advance 2023 and let me actually show you how easy it is all we'll use is some Basics and some logic so here's the question a bar of mass m and length L is lying on a horizontal frictionless surface one end of the bar is pivoted at a point about which it is free to rotate a small mass m is moving on the same horizontal surface with a velocity V not on the path but perpendicular to the bar it hits the bar at a distance of L by2 from the pivoted end and returns back on the same path with the speed V after this elastic Collision the bar rotates with the angular velocity Omega which of the following is correct so here we basically need to find the final velocity of the ball and the angular velocity of the rod right so let's just go by the basics so they gave that this is a elastic Collision which means energy is not lost so energy is conserved over here and then we have the next thing which is linear momentum is it conserved no it's not because there's a reaction force right when you're hitting this there's a reaction force over here which means there's an external Force onto the system and what about angular momentum with respect to the point p is it conserved yes it is why because the torque across the point p is zero so if the torque is zero it means the angular momentum with respect to this point is conserved so that's it done first we'll conserve the angular momentum with respect to the point P which means initial angular momentum of the ball with respect to point P plus initial angular momentum of the rod which is zero is equals to final angular momentum of the ball plus final angular momentum of the rod with respect to point P from there we'll get the equation number one and then we'll conserve the total energy of the system and from there we'll get the equation number two so once we got these two equations it's just mathematics after that it's a very simple question if you know the basic definitions of momentum Force angular momentum and dark and this is the question asked in J Advance 2023 so that is it it's simple basic concepts and formulas plus some basic logic plus mathematics is the way to succeed in physics and now as you got a proper clarity about why people find physics difficult and how can you become a pro at it now let's discuss the step-by-step method in order to become a pro at any chapter in physics in the next 1 minute and then we'll talk about the most important chapters for jmains and J advanc so let's start this is the exact step stepbystep blueprint of it the first step is to start reading ncrt even before you listen to the class this sets up the basic understanding of the concepts generates interest and also raises some preliminary questions in your mind the second step is to listen to your classes and all the questions which are being raised in the first step will be answered if you listen to your class as well see now if you just have 3 to four months left I'm so sorry but you won't be able to finish the first two steps so instead of that skip both of them and just watch one shot lectures on YouTube for every chapter that's the only thing that you can do properly so once you're done with the step one and step two the next step is to solve some example questions from either Hy Verma sing AG or physics Galaxy and then solve 80 to 90 questions from each chapter 40 Easy 30 medium and 15 difficult either from your study material or from any other standard book and finally solve some previous year questions and you'll be good to go if you do all these things right you'd be able to finish your J Mains preparation in something around 3 to 3 and a half months and end up scoring somewhere around 80 plus marks in physics and you'll take something around 6 to 7 months for your J advanc preparation and end up scoring something around 60% to 70% this is my guarantee so now before we end this video let's look at some of the most important chapters both for J Mains and J advance so that you can start your preparation in the right direction set your priorities in the right direction this SL that you see on the screen right now is for J Mains take a screenshot of this right n because it is going to be very useful going forward and for J Mains i' would say semiconductors communication systems EM waves and experimental physics are some of the easiest and most important chapters that you should definitely finish you can easily answer four to six questions if you know this Concepts well through ncrt and this SL that you see on the screen right now is for J Advanced take a screenshot of this this has the easy medium and most difficult chapters which also have heavy vitage and J Advanced start from the easy chapters because that will give you the initial momentum and will also help you build confidence in you got it physics is easy all you need to do is to get the basics right and apply some Logic for example in mechanics things like where is the force acting is there friction over there is the energy conserved is the linear momentum conserved is the angular momentum conserved these are some of the Basics things that you should always look at if you get these things right while solving questions you're all sorted stop getting scared of physics man just get the basics right and solve 50 to 100 questions in each chapter and eventually you'll become the best in your class and one of the biggest mistakes that students do while learning physics Concepts is they just read the concepts they reread again and they reread the theory again and again and again but they don't realize that it doesn't help you need to practice you need to solve as many questions as possible only then you'll succeed else everything all the theorems all the concept that you're reading reading reading rereading again and again and again it's all in vain so with that being said change your perspective towards learning physics that's the key to success and that is all for this video If you do whatever I told you in this video right and if you have some patience you'll be unstoppable and the next video is about photographic memory you have been waiting for it I have been waiting for it let's wait for it I'll see you soon bye-bye love you me I
Channel: Quantum Project - Tharun Speaks
Views: 1,295,367
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Id: WiWsnItm9JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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