How to Study for 16 HOURS a Day?🔥

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hey welcome back and if you are new here my name is taran anima finally a student at iit kharagpur and in this video we are going to talk about something every serious student might have thought about at some other point of time while preparing for an important exam which is how to study for 16 hours a day listen before we move forward with the video i want each and every one of you to get a small piece of paper and a pen and sit with me for next five to six minutes of your life because this video could potentially save days or even weeks of your time from your preparation trust me if you don't do this you'll watch this video like any other random video on youtube and you'll forget everything within a day and then you'll get back to your normal routine which obviously neither you nor i want so do this pause the video right now and get something to write down you ready let's get started so in the next six minutes i'm going to mention six points which could potentially help you to study for 16 hours a day and the fourth point is about one of the most asked questions ever on my channel which is how to stop getting distracted even i started preparing for my placements recently and that kind of motivated me to make this video because even i got to recollect a lot of things about pushing myself to study for like longer hours [Music] see the first and one of the most important reasons why we don't study for like longer hours is because we don't have a plan we don't know when to study we don't know what to study and we don't know how long to study in one single sitting and that is a problem even when i said to study one of the main reasons why i come out of that studying vulnerazone is because of these reasons and i usually end up calling my friends to ask them what to study the books the resources the syllabus and all these things but then finally we end up talking about why sudhi has stopped acting in the movies or something and you hear the point right so the first task which i'm going to give you right now is to make a study plan for the next one week this doesn't need to be a perfect study plan just sit down for like next five to ten minutes and write down the little details like what you'll be studying the subject name the chapter name from which book will you be studying and from which book will you be solving all these little little details just write them down on a piece of paper now the next thing to plan is when to study at this point of time make a rough tentative schedule of what you'll be studying at what point of time and then as we move forward with this video we'll try to modify it and make a better version of the study plan if you're a student i'm pretty sure that you might have heard about a lot of strategies on how to study for like longer hours but i'm also pretty sure that you might have not heard about what a focus print is so let me explain to you a focus print is a specific duration of time when you assign yourself a specific work and you give it like one to three hours of time and you're only allowed to get out of the table once the work is done and while you're in the sprint you don't care about what's going around the world all your focus all your attention and all your time should be dedicated to just finish the task you just do five to six focus sprints a day and you won't believe yourself how much work you would have accomplished in that like one single day but here comes two problems with the sprints the first one how long should the sprint last for and the second one is how many sprints should you actually do in a day see for the first one on how long should the sprints last it clearly depends upon the task which you're doing imagine you're just reading a book or a novel it's not an intensive task so you can comfortably pull it off for like four to five hours but imagine you're doing some intensive tasks like solving physics problems in that case you won't be able to do it for like four to five hours right you just need to stick to like 60 minutes or like 90 minutes or something like that and this will give you the most effective time period to study now the second one how many sprints do you have to do in a day see initially if you have a habit of studying for like eight hours a day keep the number of springs in such a way that the total duration of study time would be same and then try to slowly build up on it if you're studying for eight hours right now put eight hours in the beginning and then try to increase it to 10 hours 11 hours 12 hours or whatever it is got it let's move to the next one but before we move to the next one in the last week's video i gave you a few book recommendations right and some of you guys even loved it but then some of you were like taran you gave like 10 books man which one should i start with yeah in my opinion all of these books are actually occurred and i suggest you to read all of them and these books are like really beginner friendly especially the ones like rich dad and poor dad which actually talk about financial education and personal finance i mean these things are not often being taught in schools right and it's not like you actually need to go old school and get a physical book to read a book personally i prefer audio books because they are really handy and they take very less time to finish like you can even put them on while you're going on a walk and i've also heard that these audiobooks actually come in regional languages like telugu hindi marathi and not just in english for example take an app like cuckoo fm which is india's leading audio shows platform with over 4000 shows you can go to the app search for rich dad board that select the language and boom you can finish up entire book in like one sitting and since you are my audience i have an offer for you the first 250 people to click on the link in the description and download the app and get the subscription will get 50 percent off like instead of getting the subscription for 399 you can get it for 199. i mean what would i say to a person who can spend 200 on a pizza but not on this i mean let's go [Music] see i'm again pretty sure that half of the students watching this wouldn't know about this trick but if you already knew about this stick to me i'll tell you something more interesting but if you did not know about this then this is going to be a game changer for you see most of the times we get distracted because of the outside noise imagine you're solving a question or reading a book and someone is shouting beside you or maybe a car is passing by and that sound is too much distracting for you and for god's sake sometimes even a pin drop sound can take your thoughts from your book to south africa and this is the reason why most of the people prefer to study in calm places but what if those so-called calm places are not available and this is where our earphones come into picture just put this on and go to spotify or youtube and search for white noise for studying and boom there you go this will drastically change your attention span because believe me my friend this white noise separates you from the surroundings and takes you to some other dimension but what the hell is this white noise and how does it work see white noise is a noise which contains all the audible frequencies of sound in equal measures so when you put it on for studying this sound this white noise it masks the outside sound and separates you from the outside world but you might ask me taran in that case doesn't this white noise itself disturb us see the answer is no because our brain is designed in a way to identify the changes in the surroundings it sets up the base for everything and then measures the changes related to the base so initially you'd be able to notice the white noise but in a few minutes you get used to it and after a while you will even forget that you are listening to it trust me this trick is great especially if you have low attention span just like me so definitely right in a very broad sense why do we fail to study for longer hours see the first problem can be in the starting in the beginning which is starting to study but once you start to study the only thing the only thing which can stop you from studying for longer hours is getting distracted so ladies and gentlemen how do we stop getting distracted see this is my theory again but this actually works in a lot of situations i broadly classify distractions into two types first external distractions and then internal distractions anything which disturbs you which is an outcome of some other person is classified under external distractions for example imagine your mom is asking you to go to market or your friend is calling you to talk about some movies or something or maybe some car is passing by and you got distracted because of its noise so all these things are an outcome of some other person and these are classified under external distractions and these are very easy to control you just need to form a proper study space where there is little to no noise and you need to let other people know that you're studying for like next one hour or two hours or something like that this way they'll know that you don't want to be disturbed and imagine if something like your phone is disturbing you just put it in some other room and come here and study very easy now let's talk about internal distractions see these distractions are majorly due to yourself i'll tell you two examples first example imagine you're listening to a class and suddenly you got to realize that you went off to goa and started enjoying with your friends on the beach how did this happen and when did you go to goa i'll tell you one more example one fine day i was sitting in the class and studying something very serious and suddenly i just realized that one of my hairs it just fell on the book and then i got to look at the hair so i just picked it up and i looked at it and i said what would happen if all of my hairs just fall down i'll get bald and then it would be more difficult for me to get a girl i won't be married how will i have kids and then i got into depression so you can see how the small hair can take you to depression so this is one kind of internal distraction and how do we solve this see this kind of needs practice this is actually a skill initially everyone gets distracted but whenever you get distracted from the next time you just need to tell yourself that it's fine everyone gets distracted but you also need to tell yourself to stop overthinking and just come back immediately to the task that you were doing previously and every single time you get distracted you just need to do the same damn thing which is come back to the studying and force yourself to stop overthinking and come back to the task immediately and with time you'll realize that you're getting less distracted and your attention span also increases it's all about practice [Music] in one of my previous videos we talked about how having a proper area or a proper place to study would be damn helpful when we said to study while it is true that it reduces the friction of getting into the process of studying most of the times we as humans we also get tired of sitting at the same place and one thing which actually helped me a lot and which is like out of common sense is that just get out of that place for some time and sit at some other place for like some duration of time this new location can be your terrace or some other corner of the room or any other place where external noise is again less i mean to say don't go and sit in front of your tv guard it let's go see in the entire video we were talking about how to study for longer hours but how long is long for some students it can be 16 hours but for some others it can just be six hours and this entirely depends upon the individual but what i want you to take away is not the idea of studying for 16 hours a day but the idea of improving your quality and the quantity of studies which you already have right now so if you're studying for five hours right now use the above tips and tricks to study for eight hours a day that's the entire point while some students can study for 16 hours a day not all of us can do it and it's not like a necessity to top in an exam to study for like 16 hours a day some people can even study for like six hours a day and still rank one in the class i mean we already talked about this in the video called how to study more in less time and now the last and the most important tip or like the strategy or whatever you want to say for the entire video is the ability to forgive yourself see most of the times we plan to study for 16 hours a day or sometimes we plan to finish a task in some amount of time but often we fail and just because we fail to get the task done we feel depressed just because we failed to study for longer hours we feel bad about ourselves and then we'll start comparing ourselves with someone else and we'll feel like failure but at the end of the day you're forgetting that you're just starting you're comparing yourself with the person who has been doing this for a long time come on he's experienced he can study for 15 hours or like 16 hours a day or he can study a lot in like very less amount of time but my friend you're just beginning right now you're just starting this journey and every single time you fail you just need to calm down you just need to take a step back and come back stronger if you plan to study for like 10 hours a day and you failed tell yourself that it's fine you know what i tell myself when i make mistakes and fail i just tell myself that we are apes and it's fine to make mistakes and fine to fail but you also need to tell yourself that you need to try better the next day you need to fail better the next day so just go right now sit for 15 minutes and try to make a perfect study plan for the next one week again i don't care if you're on the bed if you're on the sofa if you are in front of the tv if you're watching this at 3 am or 3 pm or whatever the time it is i don't care just wake up sit for 15 minutes just 15 minutes of your life and make a study plan and before you go go to the comments right now and write down started and once you're done making your study plan just come back and let me know that you're done i'll be reading all the comments you have 15 minutes i love you and i'll see you very soon yo bye yo microphone check make it a microphone check give it a microphone i'll make the make it a microphone dead don't stack to me newbie i can truly be moody i could have played the grinch in the movies i've been
Channel: Tharun Speaks
Views: 1,124,624
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Id: gOFxExkhS2o
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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