BECOME A REAL SUPERHERO | Powers VR (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

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My name is JackSepticEye. And welcome to a game called Powers VR. First off look at this art style. It's like a cartoon! Because we've all played cel shaded games before like the borderlands games or like The Walking Dead, or The Wolf among us. They're different types of games used this style before I but I've never played a VR game with this. Which is really bizarre to look at when you're in the actual thing. So this is supposed to be a game that you can test out superpowers. That's, that's all it is, It's an early access thing pretty sure. Greetings hero I have big plans for powers vr and thanks to you and others i get to work on that so i just wanted to thank you for your purchase yes so it's still in development so this is not the full games don't judge too harshly this version explore metropolis island while collecting and testing out various superpowers hell yes please can I fly I really wanna fly, i want to spider man, i wanna teleport i wanna super speed or punch I wanna do it all, VR is the place that I can finally live out my boyhood dreams of being super! oh wait what am I doing? what Oh, initial.. ah it's a fuckin' comic pane[l] initialising, welcome to Metropolis island v1 ah a simulation designed to test your abilities look for blue beacons ok ahh this is awesome they'll lead you to super powers eight in total to collect use them to fight or to explore first ones on the house, i'll let you haaaavve phazer the space bender, no not the space bender! change power cancels teleport, teleport ok.. wait what? oh god OH GOD NO UM, DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE AIR NOT RIGHT NOW thanks phaser the space bending teen phaser can teleport himself to any nearby location even ledges but oh I teleported on top of that oh I was like why can i teleport just into the air oh this is cool-looking it's cute it's quaint um, excuse me i need to come up onto your house for a second can I no okay I'm going down here then I can't stand on the roof cause it's a slippy slidy. SHH! dun dun dun da dun da da dun dun dun da da I'm sneaking! Somebody is gonna gonna peer out there quick we gotta go we gotta move what's this one the shield maiden the vengeful maiden dispenses her own kind of justice and shields the innocent ok can I can i change my power ahhh change power walk what oh awesome fear not citizens of Metropolis city I your great protector i'm here just there's nobody around to protect hello, knock knock, do you see any bad guys? Oh! Hold on.. it is me the fierce maiden of justice here to protect the people at the fuckin christ i though you ignored me what do i do? how do i attack. eh eh no smelly smelly go away oh ok Jack out jack-a-boy out what we have here is do i havesome sort of attackie do dark princess- prinxess? ok the rebelious vandal runs her gang and has the ability to shoot laser beams out of her eyes whoo haha im fuckin Superman bitches but that's not where my eyes are though that's more like me shooting laser beams out of my ears what's this? somebody's lost i can combine powers lost buddy awwwww buddy! hey there's another power up there okay on we go! buh-buh budda-buh-buh badda-buh-buh badda-buh badda-buh-buh DIE BITCH!! Ahhhhh...fuck Oh, I really like that it said boom! That's cool. What's that city over there? That city's bigger are one. That city thinks it's better than ours: we should fight him! start fuh.. okay you're not into that imma kill you. BOOM BITCH!! This is awesome. That looks like a wig huhahuhah where was the next power? Up here? Can I get up there oh god oh oh OH! Jesus Christ OoOoh I'm fucking high up oOoh I didn't like that one fucking bit Ok, there's another power over there 1,2,3.. ok and i have 3 so there's still 2 missing somewhere. Oh God get me down please get me down get down. I don't like that. Oh Jesus Christ. Ok, what is this?! "Alloy: the stubborn alloy can decimate enemies with his prosthetic minigun. Watch your ammo." Ok, ok.. oh.. ohOhohohoh.. Ahh yeah! How do I get ammo back? Hello? Hello? How do I get ammo back?! Wait it's telling me that I need to reload. Haha i have all the ammo now! FEAR ME!! I AM JUSTICE! Where is everybody? Hello? Oh I'm in a building. That's a sword! No it's not it's a fucking brush. That's a sign or something huh i thought that that was my fearsome top hat warrior friend. Well okay i got another fucking power. What'd I get? "Professor Hex: The Explorer turned villain weilds mystic arts and can cast various spells." Oooh.. Woah. Dude I'm like the "Doctor Weird!" Or, Dr. Strange I mean. Oops. Okay, that does that oOhohoh, what does this one do? Okay, that's pretty cool. I like this! This is neat-o! Boooo...Boo hahaha Okay, fucks sake The actual, uh, combat itself...not, not the best. But that's fine. You know what? Bew bew bew bew bew bew bew Ahh fuck. Ahhh I died. Said careful. okay my, my bad ok I like this one I wanna use this one. I want to feel like Barret from Final Fantasy VII.. Ahhhhhh.. and you, fuck you okay oh my god i love the style of it When you see the gun, it says "ratatat" that's fucking awesome Bwahh! Uh oh. Uh oh, he sees me! SHIELD MAIDEN! Shield maiden, there we go. That was close. That, that was lucky when we survived we're okay "Fuego" Isn't that just fire? "The superstar turned superhero can hurl homing fireballs. For large area damage." Ohoh... Hyuh! Oh my God! Where's the bad guys? I want to kill everybody. Fwuhh fwuhh fwuhh.. Oh my God. It even says "Fwoosh!" Fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh that is fucking cool and like the fire itself looks really awesome oh my god this game is cool i feel like a fucking child I mean I do most times but this really makes me feel like a ch... where even am I? I'm over here facing the fucking wall. Okay, hyuh! Hey now. Fwuh huh huh wah... Ahh yeah. Oh yeah, get him. Oh yeah get him. Get someone? Plea.. no? Okay, hyuh. Did, did they not work? Just the, the... the act of actually throwing them is so fucking fluid and cool. Bewbew! Hyuh! Yes! Ahh, this is fuckin' awesome. I'm having so much fun. I want more of this. Oh, no! I'll save you from from fear and justice. Go fireballs, fireballs of death! okay you know you put wings up in front of something to just make it cooler so just keep on driving cloche but this is why a track hand and then this is my like teleporting hand or my my locomotion hand got it all i got dessert scope what happened here I was like super straight like I don't have to recite the acutight wait ok you guys like a back 10 jesus oh god no no thanks no thanks today can I go somewhere of car carried out three down both fuck didn't like that so it's the best I've the super heroes fear of like you know i'm a super i do everything super I'm in superhero which means I get super scared as well they look they're all yes she's our fri that's the fucking what I wanted here we go Harland the optimistic woman can cruise this guy's by extending her arms away from her body okay haha yeah haha yes oh my god guys guys wow ok I'm done that I fat fat that is about the life power ok ok it stopped working it's up for good I'm stuck ok I i got great push sorry there really isn't anything for you up here maybe in a future version ah but this is a fuckin tallest oh god oh god oh god scary what happens if i walk off I've got my body really doesn't want you okay where am i okay walk-off happen happens when you walk off okay up here on top of the trouble is our welfare someone of all powers is here to save the strap robber then that the death that entered uh but I apart but don't let that little actually i should be really Superman right now I do this ok ty fearsome be but this looks good for you I know why they're ok let's hope haha i got off to save another day but a baba Baba whatever specific haha oh my god it's fucking cool ok anyways but I could aim with my head instead of having to like aim with my arms because I got three confusing to do hold your arms off and then you can have to go to date me the only player i just touching the ground now wrap the space for one move in the direction you're facing oh my god everybody fuck yeah being out okay okay that's that's main mortal and nemesis fire hydrants ok i like the fire and I like the super speedy and fly these this means that my cause motion sickness wow oh my god all my god jesus fucking christ is the first like the flash or RV flash I should take that fucking cool o our brothers left the fireballs are not the back because they don't home in as well as I'd liked people I liked doing this off oh just some ok ok ok ok like like like that not today fuck 000 you want to get me you won't get a big catch me catch me ah hey guys haha ok oh why but the Bob haha what's this by making a dash of the upper back I haha have to ask ok and so it was my trap on the city was phase that day from the awesome muscular times from i'm super smart and not nearly as funny as he thinks he is jacksepticeye haha this is deserted video on powers they are holy shit that was awesome like seriously one of the coolest things I've ever done they are spoilers good the idea is really good i would love to see because that's what i really want with this type of thing is like I want like a fully open world game that just give you powers like that and you can take around to do whatever you want like imagine i don't know i keep my things like an avatar game i know not James Cameron's Avatar like the last airbender avatar imagine it like a VR open-world game of that well in general I just want talking anyway I don't know why it doesn't exist please give me a really good avatar open more game please where is it I'm realizing that like I don't know a game like that when you get powers and you're playing around the city like spider-man game or something then you build up your powers over time and let you get around the city even better like imagine how full a fully-fledged like New York City taken from my google maps google PR google earth and then making that an actual like proper full city like highly detailed and everything is no you probably do that anyway that's why i said you could do a squeeze to google earth but going through that and haven't been able to fly across the street like really close to traffic and like doing this kind of shit and flame within out between lamppost everything I so one side and this is a really good example of what that could look like the city in this is really small and the controls need to work on it like how to figure out how to fly it was going like this you play the professor then go like this going to change the small bit so I don't know how maybe I just didn't get it straight away and I probably should have spent more time with it but almost card i really want like a full game of that that would be so awesome i want to live out my dreams that I had whatever the kids because the X thank you guys so much for watching this video of you did fight started but then face like your part and the growth cycle i was actually I thought I it's never more after your building right well what about but over the above but what about the mother
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,743,470
Rating: 4.9399295 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, powersvr, powers vr, super powers, superhero, superhero VR, superhero VR game, superhero game, super powers game, videogame, superhero Virtual reality, HTC Vive, Valve VR, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, VR demo, HTC Vive gameplay, reaction, games, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, VR funny reaction, Funny VR, lets play, virtual reality lets play, Steam, Playthrough, gameplay, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye, VR horror, VR horror games
Id: gX5sHeX8xnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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