Because of the Birth of Christ - Pastor Nathaniel Haney - December 20, 2020

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[Music] hallelujah can we stand to our feet today let's just worship the lord no reason why the holy ghost can't move divinely powerfully life-changing in a life-changing way today if we just worship him right now let's just lift our hands and glorify him let's recognize him in all of his glory father you are so good you are holy and only you are holy god you are great lord father and all that you do you are perfect god and all that you do god today we worship you god with every song with everything that we do [Music] we lift you up in this place lord god lord i pray today god that the liberty of your spirit god and the power of the holy ghost would flow in our midst lord god as we lift our hands to praise you god as we worship you god in spirit and in truth come upon us lord today father even every individual god who is online right now and worshiping from their homes god i pray that there would be a special touch of the holy ghost in their lives in the name of jesus because we've come together god in the same mind and the same accord god and one same spirit god to encounter you today father to fellowship with you today god to be in communion with you today god in the holy ghost [Music] amen i do feel the holy ghost today i feel the spirit moving in our midst today amen it's the power of god that can change us can transform us today there's no reason why we can't tap in into that fountain of life this morning amen it's in the air it's in the atmosphere hallelujah and the best way to just connect with him is just to recognize him and worship him with your spirit with your soul and make sure that your soul is involved with every single word every single song we're just worshiping him together and i'm telling you now we're gonna feel the supernatural power of god moving in this place does anyone believe it this morning does anyone agree with me in the holy ghost this morning amen one more time right now before the praising comes can we just lift our voices to heaven and worship him how you know how to do worship him in your own way just lift up the name of god we bless you today god we bless you god in the spirit we recognize you in your greatness father have your way today god you are welcome in this place lord father and today we praise you in jesus name we pray amen praise god are you glad to be in the house of the lord today [Music] come on are you glad to be in the house of the lord today hallelujah how many remember the first time you came in contact with jesus come on how many remember how many remember the first time you were baptized and buried in a water buried grave just and the blood of jesus just covered you how many remember that i remember just the heaviness and the weight of just life just begin to fall off of you come on does anybody remember that anybody remember those times now did that happen only one time or did it happen again and over again and it happened again even at times when you didn't expect it you didn't deserve it let me say that one again you didn't deserve it [Music] i know we're gonna celebrate christmas in just a few days his birth the reason he came is that we could have this liberty that we feel here this morning we're cleansed we're washed by the blood come on come on cleansed and washed by the blood a sound mind does anybody know what i'm talking about a sound mind where the blood of jesus has washed you he's cleansed you he's purged you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're gonna sing about the blood here i want you just to join right in with me and let's sing together all right you may be seated if you want to would you be free from your burden of sin there's power in the blood power in the blood would you or evil a victory win there's wonderful power in the blood sing it there's power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamb there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb lift your voice there is power power wonder working power in the blood would you do service for jesus your king [Music] would you live daily his praises to sing there's wonderful power in the blood oh there is power power wonder working power in the blood there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamp would you be free from your passion and pride oh yes there is power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamb there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood sing it again oh there is power power wonder working power in the blood of the lamp there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb i know it was the blood i know it was the blood i know it was the blood for me one day when i was lost he died upon the cross and i know it was the blood for me sing it now i know it was the blood i know it was the blood i know it was the blood for me one day when i was lost he died upon the cross and i know it was a blood for me sing it again i know it was the blood i know it was a blood i know it was a blood for me one day when i was lost he died upon the cross and i know it was a blood for me and what can wash away my [Music] and what can make me whole again [Applause] i know nothing but the blood of jesus for my part and this i see and for my cleansing this is my plea singing that precious that makes me [Music] no other fountain nothing but the blood of jesus in sin i wandered sore and sat with bleeding heart and aching head till jesus came and sweetly said i'll take your sins away oh thank god for the blood thank god for the blood god for the blood that washes white lift your voice and sing thank god for the blood god for the blood thank god for the blood that washes white as snow how wonderful god's mighty plan how he graced the awful gulf did span when he took on the form of man to take my sins away oh thank god for the blood lift your voice and sing tell him thank you jesus that washes white as snow one more time thank god for the blood thank god for the blood thank god for the blood that washes white as snow hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on from the depths of your heart where you're at right now you may be standing sitting whatever you're doing just say thank you jesus thank you for the blood thank you that it washed me thank you that it cleansed me from the guilt and the shame come on hallelujah hallelujah the blood is still flowing here today hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i wish someone right now would just find some gratefulness in their heart from the depths dig a little deeper and say lord i thank you thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah and we are here today i know this is sometimes this next song is often just sung at christmas but it's one of my favorite songs i can sing at any time of the year and it simply says oh come let us adore him something in my heart today he's just full of thankfulness it's full of gratefulness the only reason i can stand here today is because of his grace and mercy and then he goes and be over beyond that he gives me a sound mind and if i have anything in my heart that's not right with him he's a merciful and gracious god that can reach down with his precious blood just washing away [Music] and if you've ever experienced that before and i know a lot of you've experienced it more than once you can sing that song from the depths of your soul that says oh come let us [Music] let us [Music] the lord everybody in the building lift your voice [Music] oh [Music] lift a hand and sing it this time oh come let us adore sing it to him oh come [Music] [Applause] on come let us adore him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] let us for he alone is worthy for he alone is we stand here to declare today we declare this today for he alone his word [Music] christ the lord and we sing we give him we give you all the glory we give you all the glory we give you all [Music] the lord with just the voices o come [Music] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] for he alone is worthy for you alone come on sing it from your heart right now alone oh this is beautiful [Music] [Music] the lord we give you all the glory everybody we give you that's it come on sing it [Music] out glory we give you all the glory one more time let's sing we give you all the glory sing it to him we give you all the glow that's why we're here this morning that's why we're here this morning come on give him the glory right now give him the glory everybody in your own way hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's it come on that's it give it to him give it to him [Music] huh [Music] thank you all say thank you jesus the lord has been so good to us as a church and as a people and of course do not forget the reason for the season it is all about jesus anyway thank him let's do it again just thank you jesus [Music] we have thanksgiving in our heart right now jesus [Music] before we go to prayer as we always do and we're going to continue to do so a couple of weeks ago pastor haney in one of his messages mentioned that there was a current movement to repeal our governor governor newsom and he encouraged you to do a little research and participate in that if you chose to do so well some of the online stuff is not really working but you need to do it in person and physical paper so in the lobby if you would like to participate in this endeavor there are some forums in the lobby you can write your name and address there the strains are there to supervise that to make sure it's going okay but if you'd like to we invite you to do that [Music] but more than anything else we want the lord's will to be done in this city in this state in this country we want governor newsom to be filled with the holy ghost we want him to make it to heaven so let's go before the lord in prayer right now jesus we thank you for this church we thank you jesus for the holy ghost that dwells with inside of us lord we ask that you will be help us to be sold in light to our friends and family and co-workers all that your spirit will be poured out upon all flesh in these last days and jesus right now we ask that you'll touch governor newsome that you'll feel him with your spirit that you're convict his soul right now in jesus name though that you'll touch our president that you'll touch our elected officials that you'll touch the supreme court that you'll touch this city jesus may your will be done in stockton california as it is in heaven may your will be done in california as it is in heaven may your will be done in the united states of america as it is in heaven we give this city this state this country to you and we thank you lord for responding and to hearing our prayers we ask that your will be done jesus not mine not ours but your will be done we submit to you jesus [Music] and we speak to the north we speak to the south we speak to the east and the west that it must give up the souls that belong to you and belong into your kingdom may your kingdom be done right now on this earth in jesus name [Music] and even as we pray right now every individual that's watching the service that you may have that little cling of for some reason you stumbled upon this service right now well jesus has a purpose for you doing that it is him he wants you to be a part of his life [Music] he is reaching for your soul right now and there is a people in this room and there is a people a member of this church in this congregation that is faithfully watching this service praying for you right now [Music] and for those that once this was your home it's time to return it's time to come back it's time to come back home [Music] let's thank him for all those children that are going to come back let's thank him for the new souls that are coming right now we thank you jesus [Music] for your glory for your glory jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus the lord is with us amen it's now time for our sunday morning tithe and offering and as we have been doing of course you can give online and if you have anything that you have in the building you can contribute that after service service with the esther's jesus we thank you lord for your many blessings that you provided for us in this church this year lord for it is not us that has done it but it is you and your miracles lord we ask right now that you'll bless all those that are giving right now whether it be little or much jesus we give it in faith believing right now that you are our provider you've done it before you're going to continue to do it again we give it to you jesus as you've given to us thank you jesus for your blessing in jesus name we pray amen god bless you as you give tonight this morning why don't you wave your hand and say hello everyone don't leave your seat but just say hello good to see you in the house of the lord this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and everybody say amen soon and very soon we are going to see the king is what they were playing and it's not going to be too long till we see jesus this world is shaping up to lose a whole bunch of righteous and godly people called the bride of christ and we're getting ready to go home and see the lord and i believe that that is the heartbeat of the family the church the bride of christ today amen well we're going into christmas week and this is a time where we celebrate the birth of jesus christ and um december the 25th i believe that the byzantine church which is the eastern christian church celebrated on the on january the 6th and so there's a few room there for the dates it's not stated exactly what day jesus was born on but the point is not exactly to be on the day but is to recognize that jesus christ was born and that he did come into this world and that he came with a purpose and that purpose was god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and that son was jesus christ and we are so thankful today that we have christmas every year because it reminds us of the great love of god toward humanity it's also a time where we can take a few days and slow down and give special attention and worship to the lord that he was willing to lay down his life for us that he was willing to come to this earth and i want to encourage you if you have not been extremely faithful in your prayer throughout 2020 maybe you've been through a little depression or you felt a little heaviness on you or a little gray in the skies because of everything that's happened this year why don't you make this year end with a bang so to speak and why don't every day you get up in the morning and worship the lord for all that he's done how far he's brought you how much he's kept you how much he's blessed you and on christmas why don't you get up and have a special time of happy birthday with jesus and let him know that he is the reason that you live the reason that you are saved is because he sought you out and i'm so glad that he did praise the lord today i want to read from the book of first john and we're going to read through a few verses of scripture and but i want to talk to you about the birth of jesus and its purpose i know that a lot of people are going to highlight today and already have being that the eastern time is three hours ahead of us i know that a lot of people have already ministered in in churches and there's been christmas plays and christmas music and there has been preachers that have talked about the story of the birth of jesus christ and they celebrated christ and i think that's a wonderful thing however i feel like uh preaching more about faith and deliverance today because of the birth of christ and so i'm not going to take it from the traditional you can get online and probably watch somebody else tell you the story or you can open your bible and read is really what you should do and take your time through it and chew on it it's a great great story and i i read it read parts of it this week myself and i will read it on christmas for sure but today i want to talk about why there was a birth in bethlehem what was it all about not just angels singing and not just a virgin having a child and not just uh uh the shepherds coming and and all of that i i'm so glad that that did happen the wise men came about two years later and brought gifts worthy of a king and it was to the king of kings unknown to them really but we want to talk about why the birth transpired verse 4 of chapter 3 if you have your bibles in first john verse 4 of chapter 3 it says whosoever committeth sin now the word committeth there has to do with habitual it doesn't mean someone that doesn't have a lifestyle of sin but it refers to a lifestyle of sin someone that persists and someone who practices and someone who continually does something it's not referring to children of god that stumble and fall once in a while it's not referring to the man that or woman that uh makes that mistake and falls into sin and gets up and says man i've really messed up i gotta and repent and that's really what you do when you fall into sin you don't wait till next sunday you don't wait till next week in church but you just get up right then and say god i fell off the wagon i dropped the watermelon i need to get right with you now and i ask you to forgive me for that that's how you keep sin from getting a stronghold as you deal with it immediately if you let it just sit in there and fester and and get a hold of you it has little hands in it in suctions and it can get in your heart and after a while it can become practiced lifestyle and then that becomes habitual and that is where the danger lies all sin is dangerous don't get me wrong all sin will cause you to be lost but there's that period of grace that god works when you with you when you fall this is talking about people that have walked past that and are in a lifestyle of sin so we want to make that clear as we open up today whosoever habitually sins whosoever has a lifestyle of sin transgressive also the law for sin is the transgression of the law now and ye know that he was manifest let's talk about the word manifest the word manifest means to make something visible or something uh uh revealed that we don't have knowledge of or we haven't been able to see so it's not only a physical scene but it's a it's a knowledge a a a in our mind in our heart about a certain revelation or un or or uh mystery that's come to fruition in our lives the biblical word of mystery of course and so here we have it saying that ye know that he was manifest that's jesus christ for this purpose notice to take away our sins so i want everyone to say that to take away our sins that was pitiful i think i'm preaching an empty building anyone watching online there's actually people out here so say to take away our sins if you ever wondered why jesus was revealed in bethlehem and throughout life it was for the purpose of taking away our sins now that is the good news for me it's a lot of good news in the story of bethlehem but mostly none of it would be any value to me if first and foremost he didn't take my sins away if he left me in my sins no matter how good the story and how great the story is i wouldn't be able to partake of what happened on that evening in bethlehem and so i am thankful that the manifestation the revelation the baby gods in flesh was done so that my sins could be removed let's move on it says in verse seven little children let no man deceive you he that doth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous verse 8 and he that committeth again we're talking about habitual sins we're not talking about a one-time stumbling or falling we're talking about a lifestyle someone that refuses to repent someone that refuses to turn their back on the temptations of the world this is what this is referring to it says he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose everybody say this purpose this purpose the son of god was manifest that he might destroy the work of the devil so the purpose the reason that jesus came to this earth it looks like maybe they're two-fold but actually they're one in the same from different aspects one is aspect of this revelation manifestation is to take our sins away and the second aspect of this reason is that he would destroy now destroy is not just breaking something it's not just disengaging something but destroying is making something useless something ineffective when you destroy something it goes beyond being able to be put back together and the bible says that jesus the purpose that he was manifest the purpose that we have the story of christmas the purpose that we have the angels saying in the heavens about the glory of jesus christ in his birth the purpose of the manger and the purpose of the virgin birth was for this that satan's works or you might say strategies and plans and what he does was to be destroyed when jesus came to this earth hallelujah and i'm so glad that jesus came with a purpose whenever the lord shows up you can rest assure he has a reason for being there it's not just a happening it's not just a a circumstance that that takes place but god has a motive when he does something praise god i want to read from the book of hebrews chapter 2. hebrews chapter 2 and we are going to read verse 13 through 16. it says i hear a few pages we'll give you a moment to get there it says and again i will put my trust in him and again behold i and the children which god hath given me for as much then as the children are partakers that means they take something they are involved and it's part of what they do part of who they are partakers of flesh and blood he also we're talking of jesus christ likewise took part of the saying that through death notice he might destroy him that hath the power of death that is the devil so here jesus christ took flesh and blood that's why he came in the form of a man that's why he took on the clothing of humanity the bible says god was manifest in the flesh he was manifest or revealed in the flesh and the bible tells us that it was because he came to destroy satan and his plans and his strategies and so again we're hearing the writer of hebrews tell us what john has already told us but explaining how this was done through flesh and blood flesh and blood was being uh the same thing that you and i are partakers of now that's significant because had jesus not had flesh and blood he would not have been able to be the sacrifice for people humans that have flesh and blood but that flesh and blood allowed him to partake of death god being a spirit god being life god being eternal if he hadn't had flesh and blood he would never be able to die and it would all be just a a fraud and a hoax of the story of calvary everything about it there wouldn't have been nails that could have held him in his eternal state had he taken on a theophanic form and hung on the cross it would all been just a show without any reality to it but he took on flesh coming through the womb of mary and had blood in his veins and when the bible talks about we are cleansed by his precious blood hallelujah our sins are washed away through the blood of jesus there's power in that and so it tells us here that he came in flesh and blood that he might destroy satan satan who had the power of death verse 15 and deliver them everybody say deliver them deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage for verily he took not on him the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of abraham the writer is really making the point that jesus christ why being superior to angels took on a form that was inferior to that of the spirit bodies of the angelic world and he wants to make that point because he understands that the whole deliverance from sin and from bondage hinges on the fact that jesus christ was able to die at calvary and had he not died at calvary there would never be the deliverance and there would never be the setting free from the bondage that men and women were in because of sin you see originally man was created to be the rulers of this world not the spirit world but this world the material world the natural world god created heaven and earth he created this earth and he made from the dust of this earth he made a man and he breathed into his nostrils and in his nostrils was the breath of life and man became a living soul and rose up and god said to him i want you to have dominion over the earth i want you to name the animals i want you to take care of the vegetation i want you to rule and and be in charge of the works of my hand and the things that i've created i want you to be the person that manages and is the steward of this creation and he placed that in adam's hand and adam and eve had a job to do and they were the custodians of the creation of god in this earth not the universe but only this world there was a devil by the name of satan that came in the form of a serpent and begin to tempt eve now some people make you think adam was created in the morning and by that evening he had fallen into sin i i don't believe that i believe he was in the garden a while i believe the very fact that he named all the animals that took him quite a while to name all the animals and to get acquainted with what his job was but anyway some people have that concept i believe it was a period of time that once he was created was in the garden and it's not really necessary to the storyline to indulge all of that information what is important is that man had dominion and satan came and tempted him and when he began to tempt him he actually is recorded as tempting eve the bible says that adam was not deceived but eve was eve did not understand what was happening when she when she surrendered to the temptation and took of the fruit but adam understood the sin and he sold us out he didn't just you see when you sin when you do something you often don't realize that it will affect generations to come that are under your influence a father a mother that lives selfishly affects their children and sometimes their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren there's people in this church that i've had to counsel i've had to talk with that you're still suffering from the home life you were raised in something your father was something your mother was something that was in here because somebody in a previous generation was self-centered and lived for themselves and their selfish uh fleshly desires and did not care for those that would come after them that's a true fact the world understands it that's why they have psychiatrists and and counseling uh family counselors because they understand that people are messed up from their home lives because mom and dad didn't care so much about the kid but they were selfishly indulged about what they wanted and they lived their life to please themselves not giving a thought well adam in the same way was selfish he wasn't really thinking about his children he wasn't thinking about the generations to come all he was thinking about was self and he sold us out and when he sold us out he handed over the dominion of this earth into the hands of satan when we go to second corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 it says that satan is the god of this world who has blinded the eyes of them that cannot see the glorious image of christ we understand in ephesians he's called the prince of the air we understand in ephesians he's the spiritual wickedness in high places listed with other demonic forces and we understand that he's the authorities and the powers and colossians that jesus conquered and satan took that dominion and when he took that dominion he had authority on this earth the point in case is that when he tempted jesus christ he said to him he said if you will worship and serve me and do as i ask you to do i will give you the authority of this earth now jesus christ did not rebuttal him and say you don't have that authority i used to believe that but the more i studied i realized he actually had that authority and had he not had that authority jesus being the son of god would have known and would have corrected him and say that's not yours to give but he didn't say that he quoted the word to him and he resisted the temptation to take a shortcut because by going to the cross and going through the grave and being resurrected he was going to inherit the kingdoms of this earth and he knew that so why give into a temptation for a fleeting moment where he would have lost it anyway because he himself sin would have begin the decaying process as flesh does with sin and so he didn't do that but satan has this authority and dominion and what he does is the systems of this world are under his control now he doesn't own the trees he doesn't own the soil he doesn't own the gold and the silver the oil and the water he thinks he does but he don't own any of that that belongs to god the bible says in psalms 24 the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof there's no way the devil can lay claim to any of that however what he does have is the authority and the system of the world in his control that's why the devil fights people in so many ways of life because that's where he is predominantly in control he controls the finances he controls wall street he controls the economy he controls governments he controls uh diseases and sicknesses that he loses he he controls now he doesn't always himself come and do that but that's under his domain that's under his authority he he controls all kinds of things he controls the hearts of men and women that are in bondage to sin you see if you're not in in liberty and living with christ you are in bondage and you are under the influence of satan that's what ephesians chapter 2 clearly teaches that a man or a woman that is not saved is under the influence of the ruler of this world which is satan that's why when you get born again and you get changed the devil doesn't want to let you go he wants to hold on to you wants to keep you in bondage he wants to keep your life until you go back into bondage from the bondage you came out and so he works against us and so one of the things we have to understand is that our enemy our enemy outside of our flesh that it gives into temptation the outside source that feeds our flesh comes from the spirit world comes from satan you got to know who your enemy is and when you know who your enemy is then you have a good chance of understanding what you are up against according to the teachings of the enemy in the bible and the bible says in john 10 he is a thief who comes to steal kill and destroy now that's not what jesus comes to do jesus comes to give to you he comes to bless you he comes to deliver you he comes to give you the peace and the eternal life that he brought at calvary satan on the other hand is trying to steal things that god gives you he's trying to destroy the life and the liberty of the holy ghost he he's trying to wreck everything that god imputed into you as a child of god and when you understand that we also understand that satan was a created angel a cherub with a beautiful voice and you've heard me say this a lot lately because we talked about the gates of hell a couple months ago but i want to say it again satan had that beautiful voice and he was cast out of the presence of the lord out of the place that god had him in the midst of the stones of fire and now he goes before the lord to make accusation against the church he goes to make accusation against righteous people and the bible tells us that he had a voice and inside of him was uh pipes and and and drums and different musical instruments so when he spoke it was a musical voice that that's what he was good at and uh the bible teaches us that when we read about him it's no wonder that over and over in the new testament we are talked to by the apostles and even jesus christ makes mention of it how the devil comes and tries to reach into the heart the heart being connected to the mind he tries to speak into us thoughts and tries to plant things into our thinking and then if we're not careful we'll hear those thoughts of the devil and we ain't even done it yet we just hear them and we begin to repent over them or think that we're this evil and wicked person i want to tell you not everything you think is coming from your natural mind but some of it is coming from the voice of satan he wasn't born with a sword in his hand michael was he was born with a voice and so he has to make do with the weapon that he has and that is a lying tongue jesus said that he was a liar and uh and that lion's spirit still is after god's people and so that's our enemy and he speaks into our mind that's why the apostle paul wrote casting down every evil imagination now an imagination are things you think in your mind and it says the reason we cast down the evil imagination because they want to exalt themselves that means they want to they want to magnify themselves they want to become bigger than life in your heart and mind they want to exalt themselves against the knowledge that's the word of god that's against the teaching or and the things that god is putting they want to exalt themselves against that for the purpose to bring you into the thinking pattern of the world the system of the world and the bible tells us that when that happens that we begin to go into captivity and we begin to come back into bondage and that's what jesus came to set us free through the birth of jesus christ at bethlehem was to deliver us from these things i want to take you to the book of colossians this morning chapter 2 if you have your bibles colossians chapter 2 verse 14 is where we will uh read uh it says in verse 14 it says blotting out or erasing out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us what that means is that there were things that testified against you and i that made us guilty and worthy of death but when he went to calvary and laid down his life the things that required death on our part for the sins that we have committed they were removed by what he knelt to the cross what did he kneld to the cross what was nailed to the cross jesus was nailed to the cross and the bible says he that knew no sin became sin for us so when they nailed him to the cross the sin that was of us he became so they nailed that sin and the sins that would have stood in a court of law so to speak and testified against us and made us worthy of the sentence of spiritual death separated from god those sins were taken away and nailed to the cross in the person of jesus christ that's what that's referring to there and then it goes on to say of jesus it says that uh which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross verse 15 and having spoiled principalities and powers the word spoil means to strip it means to take off it's used sometimes to put off the the flesh it's put off the old man it's used in that term that's the greek word there it's also used in the sense of being victorious over an enemy and stripping them of their power stripping them of their authority bringing them under uh bondage to the victor and so here it's referring to the power and authority of satan and the bible says that jesus christ when he went to the cross and nailed the sins on the cross delivering us from the condemnation of the sins of life the bible tells us that he spoiled that means he conquered the principalities and the authorities of the spirit world that held us in bondage oh hallelujah and what once had us in prison and was the jailer that stood guard over our souls and said you cannot escape something happened when he said it is finished and gave up the ghost and bowed his head and died when jesus gave his life at calvary the power of the jail and the fetters and the handcuffs and the bars and the prisons no longer had the power to enslave people that would call on the name of jesus and let the blood of jesus wash them and cleanse them from their sins praise god and so this is what happened he spoiled principalities and powers and made a show of them he didn't do this in a little secret place that nobody would see but this is visible to anybody that wants to be saved that's what's so powerful about the story of jesus christ and the death and the burial and the resurrection we say that really fast but there's so much to the death there's so much to the burial there's so much to the resurrection and then the ascension after the resurrection and you bring that story together and it is fraught with power and deliverance and it is the ability of man to get up and to live life abundantly where before they were on a down here slide to hell now we're on a stairway to heaven because god has saved us and god has delivered us and god has empowered us to be victorious over the enemy and we no longer have to live in bondage but for the purpose he was born that he might destroy the works of the devil and what the devil used to have authority of those old testament saints he no longer has that power over the new testament church because jesus has died and been resurrected and has overcome the evil one therefore we ourselves in the power of jesus christ can live victorious and overcome the evil one also hallelujah we're not in bondage but we are delivered by the power of calvary in the name of jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] devil i want you to hear what we're saying today huh we know you don't have the power to keep us in bondage any longer we know you've been stripped of your authority to overcome the church therefore the gates of hell cannot prevail against god's people [Applause] oh hallelujah and when the evil one comes in with a voice to bring deception and to steal your faith i know a little secret that's really not such a secret if you read the bible it's something we all know when we read the text it tells us that he's a liar it tells us that he's been defeated it tells us that everything he says to us about our salvation is wrong hallelujah you see in the old testament when he went before the lord and said i've been present i've been walking the earth to and fro the lord said have you considered my servant job now imagine this job lived before jesus was born so he could only have faith in what was to come he couldn't have faith in what was done and so his faith was only in the future messiah coming he wasn't under the blood he didn't have the name of jesus he wasn't filled with the holy ghost he didn't have the bible to stand on the authority of the word of god it hadn't yet been written and the devil came before god almighty the image of god sitting on the throne represented representing the totality of the invisibility of god and and the the image said to him he said where you been he said i've been walking to and fro and the lord said have you considered my servant job and the devil said the reason that he serves you see the devil doesn't even he just starts off with accusations i mean the conversation like jumps from here to here there's like frames in the picture there's steps in the stairway that are missing in that conversation he just jumps right over and says the only reason that guy serves you is because what you do for him god says oh really see i know his heart i know what he thinks i see something you can't see you only look that tells us that the devil doesn't know what you're thinking he doesn't know what's in your heart he only can observe the exterior actions and draw conclusions and so if you don't speak what you're struggling with in your heart he has no idea you're struggling with that i don't know about you i don't believe the devil can read my mind my mind has been blood-bought my heart has been purchased and it's off limits to the devil and when god looks he can read the thoughts and the intents of the heart but the devil can't do that he's got some limitations and god said if you consider my servant job and you know the story job was put through a grueling test and job could not defend himself god had to do the defending but when we turn over to the new testament and we begin to read the story of calvary jesus tells us he said listen behold i give unto you power see he didn't tell the old testament saint that but he tells the new testament say he says behold i've given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and then he said behold i saw satan as lightning fall from heaven i give unto you power over all the enemy then he says in my name you shall cast out devils you cast out demon forces paul under the inspiration began to write in the new testament he said it like this he said we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places put on the whole armor of god now if god's going to protect me i'm not wrestling with it forces of darkness that's god's business but god said i'm going to give you the authority that i took and left behind and you put on christ and when you walk out on the battlefield the armor of god you put on i don't have time to get into the old testament and walk you through that but when you put on christ you have put on the armor of god and he said above all take the shield of faith we're with you shall quench all the fiery darts of the wicked praying always with all prayer and supplication that's praying in the holy ghost what we got to understand here is that the devil knows that some of us don't have the knowledge that we need to have and we're living in old testament mentality sometimes about the relationship between god and man and the enemy rather than living in the new testament mentality of the born-again child of god and so when the devil comes in like a flood and desires to wipe out the church yes there's a certain element where jesus is the head of the body and he's in defense mode or he's in empowering mode of his people we understand that that we don't lose that aspect but we add another dimension to the battle we add another dimension to the revelation and that revelation is that i can look the enemy in the face and i can say satan when i say satan i mean the whole kingdom of darkness no matter what demon it may be it may not literally be satan but he's the representative name the accuser and i say satan i rebuke you in the name of jesus upon the authority of the word of god that jesus spoke to me and said i give you power i rebuke you and i do not accept what you're trying to put in my life that's my privilege as a child of god now the mistake people make is they forget this is a battle and when you go to battle and there's a war going on it doesn't just fire one shot and the enemy lays down their guns and say we surrender let's run up the white flag sometimes those battles if you read history can go on for weeks and weeks before finally one surrenders i read a lot or have read a lot about world war one and world war ii and in some of the battles in world war ii were culminating into the great war and when that war the great war being the first war officially but the great war and the magnificent of atomic weapon being released was the world war ii when that war was finished there was five or six years that had been taken place in about 70 to 90 million people dead but when they finally marched into berlin they finally marched in they found that bunker and they routed out the last of them and hitler was dead gibbels was dead hitler had shot himself shot got married and then took the poison then gibble shot themselves had their bodies burned the perpetrators of that war were made so small just ashes were laying there and some of you got the devil as this giant mountain-sized enemy that has this great shadow that he cast over but if i read the book right that was maybe some time ago when he was perfect and without sin but what we have now is a shell of an angel what we have now is a defend lion what we have now is an enemy that has been stripped of his power and his authority and spoiled by the lord jesus christ and he still comes around and he comes boasting and talking and telling you what he's going to do but god has empowered the church [Applause] and the devil knows his only hope is to keep you deceived and to wear you out and to make you believe that he's got the authority and the power and so we give up because i rebuke you satan and the battle don't end we pray maybe fast do all the things of scripture stand on the word of god and it just persist might even be for year after year and we get discouraged and feel well we don't have the authority and we just give up and the devil knows he's on a winning streak when he gets you thinking like that he knows that he's going to get what he's after if you get discouraged but when you just stand that's what paul said having done all to stand having done all to stand stand there for when you've done all you're supposed to do and it seems like the battle's still raging you just put your feet down in jesus name you just climb upon the word of god and say heaven and earth will pass away but this word ain't going nowhere i'm going to stand on the word of god i'm going to believe the lord no matter what comes against me i'm going to hold on by faith you see if you give in the devil wins but there's a whole lot worse situation that actually has taken place according to hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 he that cometh unto god must believe that he is you got to believe that he's the creator that he's the almighty that he is the sole god he's not the s a species of gods that climb the food chain and now is the ultimate god and the species of god anything like that he is the only god ain't a god above him beneath him beside him behind him in front of him there is no other but jesus that was his he was given the right hand to fellowship he sit down on the throne when you get to heaven you're going to see jesus you read revelation there's not three thrones sitting up there there's only one that's why colossians says he is the image of the invisible god there ain't another god and so that god you got to believe is the supreme almighty god with all power and then it goes on to say for he that cometh unto god once you establish that he is the one there's no other once you establish that it says he that cometh unto god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently or persistently seek him now it preferences that scripture by saying without faith it's impossible to please him when you surrender and give in and don't hold on to the word of god you are in effect telling god i have let go of my faith in your word and i have surrendered to the temptations of the enemy you defeated and god in his nature cannot help but be displeased with a child that allows you to put more faith in the power of the enemy than you put in the conquering christ and so the devil wins on two ends one he brings you into captivity and second he steals your faith which messes up the relationship and so when he comes after you he comes to steal your faith jesus told peter he said i have prayed for you because satan has desired to steal your faith and i've prayed for you that it would not fail you not that you wouldn't fail but your faith would not be lost because if you have faith you can fall but the battle ain't over if you have faith you can lose a skirmish here and there but it's not over by a long shot because faith puts the fight and faith keeps you in focus of the end goal that jesus has given to us as a church praise god and so we have this story here verse 16 says let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect to a holy day or of the new moon or of the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of christ and so what he's telling us is in the old testament that was the shadow that was the example and it's used the word example is used several times in the new testament the shadow and types and when we see things like for instance the old testament christ was the rock that ruled with israel and give them water and when moses smote the rock that was a type of christ being smitten on the cross so those were types those were shadows those were examples for us in the new testament and so people were saying because they were christians that these holy days of the jewish festivities and in the calendar that were made for types of the new testament you're supposed to be putting your faith and reverencing and doing all this and paul says hey hey don't let them judge you according to the types and the shadows those already brought you to christ you've already got what the type and shadow is now if you want to do it because you're a jew and you have festivity that's fine but don't look at it as the saving power you got to understand what it was doing it was leading you to christ as a school master was leading a child to school and then he goes on to say which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of christ what body we talking about if you get to reading through this passage it's talking about a building that is fitly joined together a habitat of god and those old testament types and shadow were leading us to a point where we were the temple of god now pray tell me how is the temple of god going to be desecrated by the enemy when the almighty god's living inside only if the keeper of the temple allows it to happen there's not too many people in here that would allow people to come and break your windows and spray paint your house if you could do anything about it you try and stop them and yet we allow the devil to come and spray paint and desecrate and break the windows of this temple to preach on holiness for a while there hallelujah but we allow the devil to come and do all of that kind of stuff and god said i put you as the custodian of the house that we live in and i put you in custodian of the kingdom of god that i'm bringing to the earth what are you doing allowing the enemy to have victory in this area when i have already thoroughly defeated him the answer is that at times we get discouraged at times we come to a place that we don't know who we are in god you know we judge people we judge situations often times and then we use that as part of the measuring and the calculations of the way we walk with god and the way we perceive the word of god and we'll look at someone and say well if it happened to them then i'm on a evil a level plane it can happen to me that that may be good if they get some great blessing from god but what happens is we also follow that line of thought that reasoning of thought when something bad happens now we don't always do it consciously but unconsciously we begin to think like that and these little thoughts of doubt come in well they were a good saint and they prayed and it didn't happen for them and so i guess hey the bible says you're unwise if you judge or perceive of another you only have one master to answer to and that's him and he's going to judge you according to his word that he has given you not according to what happened in someone else's life and so if you use that reasoning of thought for good things it uses that for bad things and some people just bypass the good and use it for the bad and say well i know they were they're a better christian i and if god won't do it for them he won't do it for me i'm going to tell you something that you may not know god operates by faith god answers prayer not because you have a need but because you have faith and you've brought that need to god if god took care of every need in the world and that was the only prerequisite this world wouldn't be in the mess it's in right now now in the future when he sets up his kingdom that's all going to change but right now this world would not be in the message sin if god operated by compassion and need and feigns of that nature now that does touch god's heart there's no doubt about it but every time he healed someone forgave someone did something for someone there is faith that is in the mix when we see jesus and jesus is the same yesterday today and forever and if you think god is going to just have compassion on you because you come down and ball and squall i'm sorry it's not probably going to happen you may feel better at the moment but you're going to be discouraged tomorrow but if you'll come and bring faith to god and say god i believe that you are the god that can answer prayer i believe you created this earth i believe you are the one that put the sun out there and it's still there and you put the moon out there and it's still there i believe you're the one that made the water in the trees and the mountains and the valleys you made this body that was in my mother's womb at conception you made the animals that are here when you begin to put god in his right full position and then you just follow that same biblical teaching that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think according to the holy ghost that worketh in us that means when we get to praying being the temple of god this power that is in us anoints and enable us to do things that we normally wouldn't be able to do in the carnal nature and when you come to god in faith that moves god someone says i've been praying but it looks like everything i prayed about has been lost well if that's going to be your attitude that's going to be your result i prayed about this and it didn't go that way i prayed about this and it didn't happen this way can't answer for every failure in life this is a battle this has some ups and downs but when you let the downs dictate what the ups will be you've already lost you got to get a little fight in you as a good soldier of the cross and you got to understand that if your feet slip out from under you and a prayer isn't answered somewhere along the way and somehow you can't get back around to that prayer you don't give up on everything in the future because of a few setbacks in the past and say well i just give up on god and that's what happens to people people give up on god and people walk away and they go back in the world they're miserable there then they end up coming back to the church and we got a yo-yo going here up and down up and down i'm in the church i'm on fire for god and then i'm backslid for a while and i go out and and maybe i don't go out in the world per se but i sit on the pew and my heart goes out in the world but man you take a soldier that's got the taste of blood has the hunger for battle believes in the mission and believes in the cause and trust what their commander tells them and his practice and his trained and is now going forward to the land they've got to conquer the enemy they've got to defeat try and tell them some historical failure of a past army that they belong to that didn't win and you're not gonna have success with them you know the marines when uh president reagan was elected jimmy carter had been the president for four years going back a little ways and i remember when he got when he was elected they had held i think it was almost a year they i think they had held in captivity then muslims had a embassy and a bunch of our people reagan got elected the day he went in he said you go after him and they went after him and they lost they was expecting them and we lost several marines that were killed on the spot you think reagan just wrapped his hands and said well we tried we'll just have to leave our fellow citizens in captivity you think the marine just said well we lost a few marines and and we should we we can't go back and do it oh no those marines and that president got together and said we failed the first time but we'll make him pay the second you read the history it wasn't too long and they went right back in there and they was able to get those people released and since then they've had battles after battle and they don't look back and say i remember the time we tried and we failed some of you are like that not just in this building but online you're still living back in a past failure and judging everything god's promise in the future i'm trying to help someone today and you're saying i remember i tried to trust god for this and it didn't work out and i lost but i'm going to tell you there's some marines today they they if you go to the marines and they're interesting study but they teach their history more than any other branch of the military they know all these stories of failures they go to boot camp and and then they get some training they know stories like this a lot better than i would as a preacher do you think that when they come out of boot camp they come out defeated and their chin dragging the ground and and and saying i don't know if we can do this but we got this blue uniform on and we got this machine gun so we're just going to have to act brave for people absolutely not not any of the marines i know they come out of boot camp walking about five feet taller than they should be thinking they can take the whole world on by themselves because somebody in their life puts something in them and said we'll never let that happen again we are going to be more prepared than we have ever been before and they come out and they're the first line of defense when america goes into a country or there's something that goes wrong what do we do we don't call up the air force we don't call up the navy we don't call up the army i'm sure they all get a call rip and respect there and get the position but the first boots on the ground is going to be the marines of the united states and they just keep going in and they just keep going in and they just keep going in i'm telling you it's time for some christians to get that kind of spiritual attitude that says yes the church has some failures and yes i have had some failures but it's not over by a long shot i'm still breathing and i'm still standing by the grace of god and i still believe that god is able to do what i lost in the past he can give me victory in the future and his word will not fail me and i am going to overcome in the name of jesus christ and god has empowered me to be victorious [Applause] i like the story of john paul jones the father of the united states navy he was up against three british ships man of wars these huge ships filled with cannons and he was on a a ship that was leaky small and under uh uh armed for the battle he was in but it was the best the united states had at that time we were just a little infinity and across they were firing their cannons and if you never fired black powder you'd never understand but black powder puts out clouds of smoke that's why when we wrote when the star-spangled banner in 1812 was written oh say can you see if it had been smokeless powder he probably could have seen but he had to wait all night long to the next day for that black powder to clear so they had they had hit his ship and his ship had holes and it was sinking in the water and they got on their horn and said and they had they said to him they said are you ready to surrender and they thought he was going to be running because they couldn't see the white flag that they expected to be run up on the mask and across and through the clouds of smoke came the voice of john paul jones he said i didn't even begin to fight yet i ain't even begin to fight yet and then they lit off all their cannons in a and and in support of what he said and for that battle was over all three of those giant ships and their whole crews of trained british welfare and warriors surrendered to john paul jones who had an old leaky ship that wasn't fit for battle because we didn't have the money but we had men that had spirit and i want to tell you an attitude is more important than all the bells and whistles [Applause] you may not have the guns and the swords and all the things that the enemy has but i'm going to tell you if you've got a fighting spirit if you have faith in the cause if you believe that god is able you can stand and look the devil in the face when he tells you have you surrendered and say i ain't even got started yet in the name of jesus i declare the victory in the name of jesus i hold fast to the promises of god [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this book was here before i came along and it's going to be here when i'm gone it was here before my daddy came along and it's here after he's gone it was here before my grandfather came along and it's after he's gone and the next generation's gonna have this book now this book speaks to god's people and it's full of stories and promises and victories to build our faith and to encourage us as the children and people of god and when you get in battle this is the sure rock to stand on this is the sword this is the builder of faith this is the empowerment you say how do you know that past training because i remember jesus got in battle with the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and forty night he was afterward led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and the devil came unto him and said if thou be the son of god turn these stones into bread and you know the devil always quotes a few scriptures he takes a line here and there and kind of strings it together and makes a mess of things let me tell you how that works for some of you that don't understand it there's there was my dad used to tell the story it's always funny at least it is to me probably it won't be to you but it was to me growing up and he talked about the man that one need to hear from god and he opened his bible close his eyes and let it fall and then put his hand and the story was judas went out and hung himself that's an actual verse of scripture how many know that's in the bible it says judas went out and hung himself well obviously that wasn't the word of the lord for him so we've got to do this over so he pulls it back and and he um he lets it fall with his eyes closed and he puts down and he opens it and reads go out and do that likewise you know that's actually a scripture in the bible too no no no no god that ain't you closes that book up and he says uh this time third time's a charm and pops that open and it falls and he puts us opens his eyes and says what thou do is do us thou quickly. that's how the devil puts scriptures together and then he talks it into your heart and your mind now that's kind of funny to us a little bit but that's actually what he does and he tried to do that with jesus he took a little scripture here he took a little scripture here and he tried to build and say well you know if you're the son of god casting himself down for the angels took it out of context and he brought it to this testing point and said this is what the bible says that's why you got to know the book that's why you got to know the scripture because when the devil comes in and brings a few scriptures out of content you got to look him in the face and say listen devil that's not what it was written about that's not the context of the story and i'm not going to accept the lie that you're trying to make god's word speak in this context and you know what jesus did he just rebuttaled him by the real word of god not that that wasn't the real word of god but it was in the context and he said listen i know what you're doing and i am not going to accept that kind of temptation you know why devil i know why i was born i know the purpose that i'm here on earth there's a cross that i don't really want to go to that's why i said father if it be your will let this cup pass he didn't want to go to calfrey but he said there's a cross and i got to get to that cross and if i mess up here the cross isn't going to be there it would do us good to know our purpose if jesus knew his purpose we ought to know ours and when you know your purpose you know the victory that comes with fulfilling the purpose of god and i want to tell the church today christmas reminds us of the love of god it reminds us of the purpose of god this week will be over friday morning you'll get up and christmas of 2020 and the american culture is gone but you me the devil and the church and the world will still be ticking along absolutely and i plan to kick the devil in the teeth every morning of 2021. i plan to be victorious in the name of jesus over and over and over not because of who i am but because of who he is and what he did and that's god's plan for the church we're going to be victorious in the name of jesus we are gonna overcome by the blood of the lamb and the testimony that jesus has given us as christians hallelujah we're going to pray more we're going to pray in the holy ghost more we're going to talk about jesus more we're going to have greater faith than we've had in the past and i guarantee you that if there was a battle this year there will be a battle next year but men in women of god we cannot be moved and affected by the world but we have got to affect the world there is a difference let me finish by taking you to acts 27. paul is on a ship he's a captive he's in bonds he's connected to a centurion which is a leader of a group of soldiers and he told him he said look he said there's going to be harm there's going to be a a catastrophe if you sell this time of year now god didn't tell him that he just full of the holy ghost and was had the gifts be able to perceive that something was wrong well they did exactly opposite of what he said he said don't sell they're not saved and they sell we're going to go to rome we can make it they get in this storm and they can't get to land and the waves are thrashing the ship and the ship's falling apart they're throwing off the luggage they're throwing off the cargo they're throwing off the food and they have hardly anything left and they're just hoping that that ship somehow will make it into a cove somewhere on the islands that they're near and everybody is scared except paul the bible says in verse 21 of chapter 27 and after long absence paul stood forth in the midst of them and said sirs you should have hearkened unto me rubbing it in a little bit and not have loosed or left from crete and to have gained this harm and loss in other words you should have listened to me and you wouldn't be in the mess you're in and you wouldn't lost all the cargo and now i exhort you to be of good cheer everybody say be of good cheer now they're in a storm everybody's scared he's about to get executed if he says the wrong thing and he's reminding them they didn't listen to him in the first place and now he's saying i want you to all be happy what's there to be happy about we're going to die we've lost everything and he's telling be of good cheer it may not make sense to the sinner but it makes perfect sense to the child of god you can have a smile when the rain is down when the clouds are covered when all hell is broke loose the joy of the lord is your strength hear me now the joy of the lord is your strength you can be full of the cheer of the holy spirit no matter what's happening on the outside be of good cheer for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you but of the ship we'll lose the ship but we're going to make it to shore for there stood by me this night the angel of god now notice whose i am and whom i'm served two things you need to notice paul understood he said i belong to god and i serve god you know i remember years ago i was going into a war torn country and they were in civil war i was doing some missions work and and most of the missionaries had enough sense to get out of there and we were going back into a rebel stronghold and i remember the lord spoke to me and said if you fear me if you have the fear of the lord you don't have to fear anything else now i'll tell you there's a few times i've struggled with that but i still try to hold to that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and when you fear god the bible says the angels of the lord encampeth around about them that fear him if you are a christian but you don't have the fear the respect of god the angels aren't obligated to camp and protect you but if you have the fear of god that's why i'm telling you it's important to have that kind of reverence that fear that understand people say fear you're not supposed to fear the lord you are supposed to fear the lord not like a tyrant that wants to destroy you but is a great monarch that holds life and death in his hands of who you are and that kind of respect makes you reverence god there's also other aspects where he's your father where he's your friend or he's your provider but there has to be that aspect of him being this mighty mighty monarch that you fear and he said unto them he said i want to tell you i belong to him and i serve him ask your ques yourself this question do i really belong to god or am i in control of my life do i really serve god or am i living life for myself you see if paul in a situation like this really was living life for self he could have never had this kind of confidence you have to be absolutely sure when you get in the darkest hours of the night who you're serving and who you belong to and then he said fear not paul he's telling what the angel said fear not paul thou must be brought before caesar and lo god hath given thee all them that sell with thee wherefore sirs be of good cheer i believe god but he said i believe god that it shall be even as it was told me i believe god what do you believe i believe what the word of god said our faith is not in something outside of god's word but our faith is in the words of god howbeit we must be cast upon a certain island and he goes on and explains it god is looking for men and women who can weather a storm and still keep sight of who god is can go through the darkness of night and not lose your faith in his word and when you can keep your faith in the word of god i'm going to tell you something there is no foe that can defeat you there is no weapon formed against you that will prosper there is no flood that will overcome you there is no fire that will destroy you there is no river that will drown you when you keep your faith in god who art the whole mountain that standeth before cerubal because it's not by might and it's not by power in other words it's not by nature natural but it is by the spirit of the lord god in us working through us empowers us to claim and be victorious of those things that he's taught us in jesus name i'm going to ask our musicians to come this morning but i'm going to preach faith like i did this year i'm going to preach faith next year i'm going to preach faith next year i'm going to teach and preach that god is able and that you have been empowered to be more than conquerors through christ jesus we're in a we're in a we're in a season where the church has got to have faith we're in a season where the waters are troubled we're in a season where the storm the winds are blowing we're in a season where the enemy's coming in like a flood we're in that season but you and i was built for that season we was saved for that season and if he endured to the end we also can endure to the end let's stand if we would i want to offer you hope today and tell you that i don't care what it looks like somebody needs to tell the enemy i i haven't even begin to fight yet i'm just getting warmed up in jesus name you need to confess the word you need to believe in his word hallelujah let's sing um have you got any rivers you think are impossible got any rivers [Music] you can't know through [Music] god specializes in things that are impossible and he can do what no other power can do oh god any rivers you think are a crossable got any mountains you can't talk no through oh god specializes in things though impossible [Music] oh and he can do what no other power can do if you need god to help you this week i know it's a time of cheer i know it's a time of christmas but i also know that it's still life it's still the real world behind jingle bells and snow and sleighs and packages and christmas lights nothing wrong with that it reminds us every day of the wonderful coming of savor but what but what's wrong is if we use that as a smoke screen to the problems behind the scene that are the real life situation that we're going through [Music] and god wants to help you to be victorious this week to have the true joy of the lord and i'd like you to reach over and you're with family you're already sitting with family so we're not worried about any bugs or anything like that i want you to reach over and lay hands or join hands with somebody right now and pray for them i want you to pray for them in the name of jesus family more than anybody friends that are close to them we're sitting by ought to know ought to know what we're going through hallelujah and i want to just take a moment right now and i want to pray a prayer of faith over us i want to pray in the name of jesus holy spirit today i come to you in the name of the lord jesus christ and i ask you to look out across this audience and into the audience that is online watching us today there are people that have needs uh their hearts are yearning for the power and the deliverance of god as they walk through certain situations as we come to the close of 2020 but god i'm asking you to loose the power of the holy ghost upon your people the body of christ and to send forth your angels god to help us and to protect us to guide us and to strengthen us and to minister to us as a people and let the unction of the holy ghost rest upon us vitalize our spirits quicken us and make us alive in the holy ghost god and give us the vision and the will and the power of god to go forward in the name of jesus rebuking all the enemy in the name of the lord lifting up the word of god that we stand upon that god will supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus trusting in you lord for the provisions through this time that we walk granted in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth granted in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what you and i can't do god is well able to do we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we thank you [Music] you can't turn [Applause] [Music] god specializes in things thought impossible [Music] and he can do what no other power can do god bless you today thank you for coming may the lord be with you this week and be sure to tune in for midweek service and you want to stay and pray you can stay here and pray the altar is open you can stay in your pew and pray be respectful as you leave here today god bless every one of you in things that are impossible and he can do [Music] you think of uncrossable got any mountains you can't turn oh god specializes in things that are [Music] impossible and he can do what no other [Music] got any mountains you can't know through oh god specializes in things that are impossible and he can do what no other power can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 3,817
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 45sec (7725 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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