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the Beast I don't know that name yeah oh my god it was really funny because I remember like mashing down being like I'm so lonely like I am literally sat at this dinner table on my own speaking to inanimate objects if I'm lucky most of the time there was nothing even on camera with me so I'm just like function to turn a beautiful smile me you do you just give her everything that she wants all the time I don't know how anyone would say no to you for anything my one of my favorite lines from the film is a song where Gaston sings in the pub and the other life story says I used antlers and all of my decorating and for some reason that just really makes me giggle no I really don't know what my tips have to do with it it's very confusing Tim morgue is great show me whispers in my beard most people you know I just I mean it it I'm always just kind of quietly stunned very poor thing they were saying that I couldn't be a feminist and underboob and have food bang is imagine but who is the beauty and who is the Beast here the mashed potato obviously the carbohydrate complex carb isn't it what your key ingredients are great there's butter in mash he butter don't be well with dr. Wasson for besting Chloe are you buying everything that has vitamin is the bad are you saying this chasing its own shadow literally this is too much how cool to get to play out one of the most romantic relationships in cinematic history it's wonderful pretty amazing and also kind of sad to me because I feel like I teach 2:26 and nothing romantic about ever again and my real life we'll have to try to live up to that bull room in that dress and Dan Stevens awesome you know a - you gonna be terrible I'm dying I can't even concentrate after you know someone is really good-looking when they just managed to wear a gray like for a suit and let's make it look ok if I have to sing on a bird I must just look pretty phallic to me that's all I'm saying everybody light you could you basically can't take yourself too seriously when you're dancing with a man in a muscle fool a muscle suit on stilts you're talking to a dancing Carol said you've got to have a secure about it'll put the machinist zero-gravity in the market really different that's no I don't want to come down this is a little high for you oh no you kind of want to stay ok you go here you stay there and you can come down here i Henry eight cut women's heads off you like wrong promote misogynist you're not red bring up the bodies what I mean I was saying amber lynn was like total angel ad but literally he was chopping their head I mean hopefully if my head's all fun um but I just got this cruise Tommy jokes like someone tell me a joke ok it's funny and delightful someone tell me a joke ok it's funny in delightful just as long as it's like appropriate yeah you can't be like belly laughing because that'd be weird I used to be like a delighted giggle hahaha level hahahaha yes just like that Thank You Harry Potter a lot of the fans want to know are you and Daniel still in touch you guys tech to suspend anything about the film um gosh we actually have a group whatsapp which I invited everyone really from the main cast from Harry Potter's come to the screening and Matt Lewis and from Felton came to screening we've had in LA it's kind of like Pokemon I'm trying to catch them all right now Barney and Dan left you know we're all spread all over the globe and so you know it's a case of trying to like get people into the right places but and bring up discovery supported by my by my old co-stars I am an amazing table tennis player oh I mean we me like olympic-level i made them play thrill happy happy and got everyone to dance and we did like a massive beating the Beast cast conga line oh wow it was surreal yeah someone says one of the messages so hurry up for the get and I don't know why that also really makes me not forget here like singing and dancing in the movie I love singing and dancing in the movie I kind of want to only sing and dance in all of my movies because it's just so joyful and it's just so much fun and it's like it like makes you feel happy every day so good in fact when I'm when an ill even now I will occasionally put on tag on to watch the nice laughing yeah very good very good nice laughing I know at the end bill was saying that you guys it was so hard to get everyone together and you guys were all there together finally at the end and you play for real happy I did yeah Amanda being is very surreal spontaneous Beauty newbies conga line there is no marios headline like in mcallen and emma thompson all like that the disaster it was pretty amazing it was fun and all kicked off because it smells happy which is one of the great songs of all time I was like what it's so you have to cheer them at the same time CYO go on holiday together conversations day is very sinister directly my personal pain is that Bell and Mary would make you know maybe not mention in in an idea maybe reason but we can stop rambling we do this rain is that all me I listen for quietly it was very fun playing a princess it was even more fun playing this Disney princess because she's actually not a princess and she gets like run around and ride and like she's very she's very adventurous so I would have like one Belle's heart somehow quite in the same way than doing the world oh no it might not have quite the same effect I'm not saying the variable isn't romantic but Emma you said you felt like you transitioned to into a woman on screen yeah yeah I thought how that was this weird symmetry between her my any embarrassing they felt very solstice tree and actually we're at the movie on the day that I was the anniversary of the date I was cast as Hermione and so they felt like that was a synergy and it did feel like I kind of I know yeah it feels it did feel that way gossamer I'm joking I secretly found science I might quit my job one day and just become a full-time table tennis player what was Chronicle for me is that usually it's the woman who's wearing silly pair of heels that means that she can't dance so that she needs like someone to catch her but in all seven senses it was me trying to spot Dan she's in these ridiculous kind of like stilt to do this walls and we had a number of occasions row but I've got you got you don't like this is hilarious this is such like role reversal so yeah it was funny like we were really equals in that dance because we were both kind of like I had two big dress on he had the ridiculous beast thing you know we were like it was very bonding I feel like we saved each other's lives on numerous occasions oh my god you're so sweet you're so good with kids oh my god great mom someday okay attempting was it to not sing the hills are alive oh my gosh you did I did yeah no it got to be done you know it was just so sound of music did you let anybody know in advance we just go for it did it yeah okay that's got to be done take 14 don't care Santa music sorry guys just give me one no I don't want to be up there letting me over much of being that guy you're so self-centered that you have to go to the pub named after you yeah that takes effort but be about narcissistic that's custom there are people like that though mm-hmm depending on the area like it's not that words with you're just going look I think we've gone too far it's mice - mice - like really cartridge as well wonderful thing that if I'd love to take you like fifteen years later and I said I would still think about it goes I'm here yes missionary Assam to eat Emma Thompson about all sorts of different things pretty up there she's got back from me and from Antarctica I didn't do as you do classic Emma tom clancy tom says it only care about that was pretty cool to me Sammy teach about his new cookbook pretty cool also I've never seen anyone eat as much I must say it was like Brad Pitt in a movie was like every time I looked it down he was holding something eating something about the eat something shadow head only had eyes on one thing I wish I had never had those thoughts blonde highlights mostly not with a big challenge but for both of us and I was particularly concerned about not breaking any of Emma Watson's toes I was very concerned about that [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: A Swizzle
Views: 316,515
Rating: 4.9556346 out of 5
Keywords: emma watson, funny moments, best moments, beauty and the beast, hermione granger, harry potter, interview
Id: NCXdfVPnWmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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