BEAUTIFUL, SIMPLE Smoked Whole Chicken | How To

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what's up you guys it's susie from  and today i am showing you the beauty   in a simple whole smoked chicken often underrated  but i think that's because people aren't always   doing it right and chicken kind of gets a  bad wrap but once you try a smoked chicken   my way you're going to be making two every  weekend so you can have awesome chicken   all throughout the week and i'm going  to show you how to do it right now i think the secret to a really juicy tender  delicious and flavorful whole smoked chicken   starts with a chicken brine and a brine is  essentially a salt and sugar liquid solution   that tenderizes and imbibes flavor into every  piece of this chicken it's very simple to put   together i have a gallon of water i have a cup  of brown sugar i have a half a cup of kosher salt   and my kind of special secret bonus ingredient  that i like to add is a half a cup of   vinegar-based hot sauce i really like tabasco  because it's high in the vinegar it gives   some acidity to the brine and it's not spicy so  it's just this great additional flavor profile whisk all together until the sugar  and the salt dissolves into the liquid all right brine looks awesome now  it's time to put in our chicken   this is about a four pound whole fryer chicken  and it just goes into the brine until it's   completely submerged if you need to you can put  a plate or a bowl on top of the chicken to keep   it in the liquid and you want this to brine for  at least 12 hours you can brine up to 24 hours perfect put a lid on this  pop it in the refrigerator   okay my friends chicken is coming  out of the brine i have a little   pan prepared with some paper towels so  i can pat off all of the extra moisture we're going to take our lovely chicken and we're  gonna stuff it i've got a lemon that i've cut   into slices i've got an onion that i've cut into  quarters and i have a couple sprigs of fresh thyme   all of it just goes right into the cavity i've also got some butcher's twine  i'm just gonna tie these legs together also going to tuck my wing tips   so that these ends don't burn i just take  it and fold it behind the shoulder joint next up is seasoning so i want to reinforce  all the flavors that we put into the brine   i'm going to drizzle the outside  with some more tabasco sauce this   is going to add flavor but it's also  going to help our seasoning adhere   and finally i'm just going to sprinkle the top  with my brown sugar based barbecue seasoning   this is my sweet rub i have the recipe available  online or in my app or you can purchase a bottle   for yourself in the store or of course you can use  your favorite brown sugar based barbecue seasoning   this is going to go on a smoker preheated to 225  degrees now typically smoking low and slow at 225   can lead to rubbery chicken skin however  because we gave this a brine there should be   enough moisture in the skin itself and in the  meat underneath that we're not going to have   a rubbery chicken skin problem it should be soft  it should be bite through if you are somebody that   loves a crispier chicken skin or has a little more  texture to it i would recommend cooking at 275   don't go above 275 because any higher than that  you're really not smoking and you'll probably burn   the sugars in your brown sugar based seasoning  so 225 is my go-to i like a soft chicken skin it   should take about two and a half three hours for  a bird this size to reach an internal temperature   of 160 degrees if you're going at 275 you'll be  looking at closer to hour and a half to two hours our beautiful smoked chicken is ready to come  off the smoker it took the whole three hours   to get cooked all the way through but now it is  a perfect internal temperature of 165 degrees   fahrenheit i really really recommend having a good  meat thermometer when you're cooking things like   chicken you don't want to guess when it comes to  chicken doneness i cook mine to 165 degrees in the   thickest part of the breast we're gonna break this  bird all the way down so that everybody can get   a piece that they like the breasts the thighs the  wings the legs but of course we have to taste test   and i always like to grab a bite of the breast  meat first even though i'm typically a leg and   a thigh girl i feel like if you can get a juicy  piece of smoked chicken breast that is one of like   the few delights in the world and if your chicken  breast is good you know the whole chicken is good   and i just like can't get enough of  this beautiful smoked chicken breast now   we talked about the skin early on look at that  it's bite through it's not leathery it's tender   all of the fat underneath has rendered but the  brine has kept it juicy also the flavor is poppin you get a little bit of a kick from that  tabasco but the sweet brown sugar rub   on top really mellows out any of the heat  and it just is absolutely delicious the   brine ensures that this turkey is juicy it's  very moist it's very tender the texture is   i would describe it as delicate it's absolutely  phenomenal we've cut up all the turkey you've   seen all the beauty shots you've heard about how  delicious this is now it's time for you to try and   make this recipe on your own at home so you can  feed the people you love and become a backyard   barbecue hero when you make this beautiful turkey  snap a photo tag me online that way i can see it   and cheer you on on your journey on your journey  to becoming a backyard barbecue hero as always the   recipe is available on the hey grill hey app  or on my website we'll see you guys next time   oh awesome good chicken
Channel: Hey Grill Hey
Views: 128,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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