Beatrice Chestnut - Final Reflections - Enneagram Panels Workshop Series

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[Music] yeah thank you for coming and we'll just do a little rap here and see if there are any further questions or comments about the whole experience I let me just start by asking this I I put out a thought for you all first of all I put out the thought that I hope that we do more things with Beatrice and her partner in the future how many people would want to try to come to more work would be here just out of curiosity well that's the vote of confidence ISM so we like that who else wants to speak to what it has been like for you personally to be here for all three panels if you've been here for all three I'm just curious what what effect if any has it had on you to be part of this energetic body that's been quietly created by being here what's the other thoughts reflections yeah what I mean most on the top of my head aware of is on a deep level just an increase of my compassion for all of us yes yeah just okay isn't that true yes because that's what Enneagram does for me in general I mean instead of looking at a co-worker or my wife or somebody else in the thinking why did they do that all right I just gotta say isn't it amazing to watch the archetype working itself out yeah you know and it just gives you a built-in comprehension and compassion for how human we all are and how powerful these archetypes are who else has thoughts yeah I share this deep compassion just witnessing everybody experience and also such appreciation and gratitude for everyone eleven of them really so beautiful and it makes me feel glad that I'm doing this work but also safe in just expressing open in my heart and it's really wonderful things thank you five six yes thank you yes Pauline um one image of many that that you brought forward that really struck me Beatrice was the notion of people saying I don't want to be in a box and you're saying you're in a box it's thank you the dimensions and I suppose implicitly the way the way how the way of me that image gave me is that these three workshops have been like appreciating an architecture of being human and I was very like somebody who tends to be very impatient with the foibles of others and lines on the hood and what I was quite aware of from moment to moment was appreciating how unfortunate would it would be to lack any of these archetypes as a community and being very appreciative from that perspective right appreciation of diversity yeah other thoughts and questions yes um this is definitely been life-changing for me eight nine and ones it was so amazing to get the body feel of each one of them it's a little bit dangerous you know because now I I never guess about different people in life and but being a to after listening to the twos I just realized oh my god I am so exhausted and then realizing well I do this Qigong practice I can get back in my body more and just in two weeks just to really be able to sense into what it's back I mean I've been doing she done for a while but anyway I could just sort of go oh that's how I can be there in my exhausted all the time so thank you for that and then my wife is a six so that was that was just lovely thank you so much yes but that's very painful you know the invalidation I feel when she and I are thoughts like this yes but I just I wanted to thank you know each one on the panel you said something and there were you know some notes I made that really have altered the way I think about my life and I think also I get the sense that there's something more graphic one session you know now I'm very curious about nines my husband's an IV but there's something I think and maybe what it is is that we human beings came together and some of you have been together on other days but we all came together and there's just something fundamental in that that's inspiring but unless I want to say was just a few minutes was sitting there very powerful others yes I just want to say I've known be four point two years now I get to be able to watch your capacity as a teacher just demon and mature is such a delight and and Michael I want to say that I mean just in general this this panel series has been really transformative for me because I feel like I've gotten such a deeper and subtler understanding of the types but I have so appreciated the way that you've held the space and the level of depths and and subtlety and the curiosity in your question has been so inspiring so I just thoughts and reflections yes so I wanted I'm a six and I what I'm feeling is on the one hand just the great depth and richness of the anagram system which I was familiar with a long time ago and it connects back to a little bit now and but the other part feels like oh my gosh there's so much yes like it's like it's wonderful that there is so much and it's daunting yes yes oh yes thank you yeah hoodie others your last boss yes coming to me is is angeles-area encoded to us once in a workshop um Nelson Mandela saying we need to take care of the young ones because they have a long way to go and we need to take care of the elders because they have come a long way and we need to take care of all those in the middle because they're doing the work mm-hmm and I have this sense of this deeper feeling of meaning to take care of everybody who's doing the work because there's incredible work being done by the people that you that you introduced us to and you know we just need to take care of each other yeah one or two more and then we'll Pinterest and I will say last few words yes transparency about your type and your process that was very instructive one more we're good all right well Beatrice what's it been like for you to do these three words it's been great you know I've been doing panels for a while and I love this format because you know it's not just me lecturing worrying about if I'm boring people it's it's having the opportunity to create a space where people can share their stories and where you can see how these people who look really different end up having the same story of course different angles on it so so it's just been I love this I love teaching the anagram this way I think it's it teaches it teaches so much depth in such a short amount of time in such an entertaining and instructive way so I so appreciate you allowing us the opportunity to do here and I feel like it was the perfect marriage between this method that I love that I think is so effective this tool this model which I think has the potential to transform people's lives certainly is transform mine and with this community that I think in this space that you bring and the people that you've drawn here and just putting it out to you know through your organization I think has been a beautiful coming together of great people and an important teaching and and I think a really gripping engaging method of doing this and I'm just feeling very grateful to all the panelists because it's you know that's the tricky part about this is asking people to come here all the way here and share their stories I'm from far away and so I feel very grateful because a lot of them did it because you know we have a relationship and some of them I've just met but they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart so so I'm grateful for that and just to appreciate the opportunity to meet people and share this and it's always exciting for me when people get the Enneagram and they sort of get a window into what it is and what it can do and how it creates greater compassion for people and greater us this greater sense of we're all on this journey together so feels just very gratifying and satisfying to have had the experience with everyone here Thank You Beatrice and um I guess I'll riff a little bit on some related thoughts I said at the start I've said several times during these three days that in in 50 years of studying archetypal psychologies with great deep respect for the Giants like Freud and Jung and and with infinite respect for the traditions of astrology and tarot and itching and the great second level of figures although some would put them in the same level with Freud and Jung as James Hillman and some of the other great archetypal psychologists there's something about Enneagram which I didn't see for 30 years and then it opened for me and three or four years ago and I've just been immersed in it ever since and I think that the core points for me are first as I've said it's deep roots and at the Abrahamic faiths and the Greek tradition indicating that these nine types have been constants at least in the Western civilization for thousands of years and I love things that are rooted in ancient traditions it means more to me than something that has been developed recently because it feels to me in a much deeper sense that this is an intrinsic part of being human if we take energetic experiences like this and know that we are able to have very high levels of culture with much lower levels of consumption and much more grounded ways of being then in the end all will be well and all manner of things would be well so thank you for being with us keep your ears and eyes open Beatrice and commonweal will circulate our plans for more work together and really this feels Beatrice like a very deep blessing at the heart of our work so I thank all of you for coming to the new school at commonweal so let's just end with a moment of silence together peace peace bless you all travel well come back thanks for coming thanks for coming [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: NewSchoolCommonweal
Views: 998
Rating: 4.5294118 out of 5
Keywords: TNS, Enneagram, archetype, psychology, archetypal, personality, Beatrice, Chestnut, Palmer, Helen, Gurdjieff, Lerner, Michael, HR, organizations, 5 type, 6 type, 7 type
Id: acM8BHyyT6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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