Beatmaking & producer tips with !llmind and KOMPLETE NOW | Native Instruments

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all those little details that you incorporate in your beats like they all matter such a simple thing to do but just a little detail like that can just get the club to go crazy [Music] i go by the name of ill mind i'm a music producer from new jersey i've been producing for 20 years worked with man almost everyone kanye west drake j cole kendrick lamar lynn manuel miranda travis scott i mean the list goes on being from new jersey and just being so close to new york was a huge influence on my music all the the essence of new york rap definitely influenced my sound big time and it still does i grew up in a musical household my dad was a musician as i got older i started getting more curious about like playing instruments and then eventually hip-hop and then sampling and then getting lost in that world i still keep a lot of the same process that i used to go through when i first started making beats it's just now i get to just create everything i can play around with the keys or play around with like an effect and create something brand new and then treating those like those old samples that i used to you know use back then on actual vinyl possibilities are endless now all right so we're here at the historic gold digger studios i'm here with my complete control i'm about to make a beat from scratch using complete now and uh we'll see what we can come up with right now i just want to find inspiration i want to find a patch or a texture that resonates with what i'm thinking right now like i don't know what i'm about to make so i usually just improvise mess around and then see what we come up with so i'm going to open up hybrid keys i love hybrid keys because there's some really cool like pad like synth type stuff so i'm just gonna build like a basic foundation and then start adding from there [Music] all right so let's get a good tempo going let's go 155. all right so i'm just going to give myself a little countdown let's like lay something down and just start building from there so [Music] what i like to do with midi like i i love converting to audio because i feel like audio is like a much easier format to manipulate so what i'm going to do is right click and bounce in place which is a cool feature in reason so now i have my pads here as audio and then like let's just keep building so i'm going to delete that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna quantize that duplicate [Music] it's just like a cool spacey sound i think it's got like a cool like texture to it emotion it's got like an 80s sort of like synthesizer feel to it which i'm like a huge sucker for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so let's quantize that and then now i'm going to go to lo-fi glow which has like some really cool texture type synthesizers i'm gonna try to add like some personality to this little melody that i have going on [Music] [Applause] okay so now i have sort of like a cool little sort of idea melody idea um this is enough to work with i'm gonna go ahead and join these clips and treat them like an audio group and then i'm gonna play around with the pitch so one cool thing i like to do is transpose up and down to evoke different emotion and you know see if this sounds better at a different key [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see how much like darker and cooler that sounds when you pitch it down so i have it down minus three from what i originally had um and i like it so i'm going to keep it here for now so i'm going to go ahead and duplicate this whole section here set my endpoint start point and then what i'm actually going to do is for this entire second section i'm gonna go minus five so minus five from here would be basically minus eight so i'm gonna go to minus eight and then i'm gonna play this and you guys are gonna be able to see what i mean [Music] so pretty cool little thing you can do to like you know create more of like an emotion with you with your melodies at this point i just want to like start layering this with more stuff more interesting little textures and maybe some like little you know riffs here and there just to kind of give it a little bit more character so i'm actually going to go to retro machines for this i love retro machines because it's kind of stays true to like the retro old-school kind of like synthesizers that we all love and i think for this track it's appropriate and also i love sounds that already come with some grit and some dirt and that's one thing i love about uh these native instruments patches is like they they're all just like ready to go you know as you guys can see like i didn't have to do that much processing to this stuff it's really just all built in there so it makes my job easy i love the categories section of this and i can also search by character i'm really just like searching for just real small little detailed things that will kind of like just add to the personality of the melody [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hear that little static in there like it's just stuff like that like that's why i love these patches because it i don't have to do any additional work to make these sound like real dirty and low-fi so right now i'm just sort of like feeling it i'm thinking of different drum patterns already so i'm already like thinking about what kind of drums i want to put on this so i'm going to go ahead and open up battery which is awesome i've been using battery for like 10 years i remember using like a really old version of it for a very long time [Music] immediately like i knew this is a patch that i want to use like texture wise i'm going to use this and see what we got it sounded pretty [Music] saucy i think i'm going to like speed up the whole beat that's another thing i like to do too is like adjust the tempo up and down just based on like the motion so i feel like i want this to be like real up tempo so we're going to go 160 and see what that sounds like [Music] okay so let me open up the midi and see if i could do some note repeats with some of these hi-hats all right so i'm going to switch this to 32 count so i can really get in there and do some stuff the thing about trap music is it's it's the hi-hats is what like really carries the the groove and it kind of like reminds me of like a marching band where it's like you know just like real real percussive and real rhythmic and so you know changing the grid to 32 count for instance helps me to really get in here and program some ghost notes in there the hi-hats is it's really cool to like have different velocity strikes on it to give it more of like a human feel so you know some of these ghost notes like you can see here i'm kind of like adjusting the velocity to each one of those so it doesn't sound so robotic so we have a cool like little drum pattern going i'm going to look for a bass patch first and then i'm going to lay down those kicks so let me open up massive x and see what we have for the base i'm gonna go to base and then we're just gonna start from the top and go through oh wait sub oh see that's cool so i just want to shave off some of the highs so i'm just basically lowering down the high gain on here and some of the mids a little bit let's give it that real like deep low rumble that i'm going for it's real simple it's really just one note and then we'll do another note for the chord change and then like that's pretty much it so i think i want to keep it like pretty simple with the low end here i'm really just like being mindful of like whatever kick drum i'm adding later so i'm really just like looking for something to fill in the low end like you know i want this to sound crazy in a truck i wanted to sound crazy in a club that that's what's cool about massive x is you can really get in there and adjust like the frequencies and the sustain and the attack on some of the sounds and you can really achieve that sound so that's kind of what i'm going for so i'm going to select all on this base that i programmed so i'm going to join those first i'm going to select all and you guys remember earlier when i did the minus 5 thing so i'm going to actually do that again so select all and i'm going to go minus five on my note so one two three four five and i think that should land on the right note for this section yeah that's hard all right so i think i want to speed this up too let's go up to 1 62 just slightly okay so now i'm gonna go back to the kick drum that i chose earlier that i really loved this this kick drum right here is crazy this is the bachmann kit so you just kind of like go through different ideas and then once you find the one that you like you just keep it so i'm just like trying different patterns see what fits [Music] okay so quantize that 116. [Music] [Music] to switch it up the vibe a little bit like for this second part i like to add like certain kicks here and there like little ghost notes to just give it like variety you know so because right now the pattern is very simple but i like it simple so i don't want to go too crazy and complicated so i'm just going to add like little kick drums here and there to give it a little bit of flavor and sauce especially on this second part [Music] [Music] all right so i'm going to go to my pen tool here bring up the velocity on those kicks [Music] the song is kind of progressing so now what i'm thinking about is like how can we format this right verse intro pre-hook hook verse two stuff like that so i'm gonna go ahead and drag this whole section and duplicate it and then we're actually gonna take the kick out in the beginning so let me duplicate this one more time so we have three sections now i'm thinking about an intro right like how can we start this thinking we don't need the bass in the beginning [Music] i think i want to cut this entire second section and just have that happen later so i'm going to use my pen tool here cut there cut there i'm going to cut this entire section we're going to bring this back here and then we're going to have it set up like this so i'm going to take my kicks out see what that sounds like okay so now what i'm doing is like i'm thinking about how to like i said how to format this so i think i'm going to keep that same chord progression going and do the switch up later so we're going to move this over to the right i like just kind of staying on that cord for a second so i'm gonna bring this back here that's gonna sound crazy like when the kick drum comes in [Music] [Music] all right so now for this like third section this is basically like a verse part so i'm gonna take some of the elements out so we'll take this out maybe this too see what that sounds like [Music] let's just add one more section here honestly like this beats pretty much finished so now what i'm doing is i'm setting up the the format of the song so i have an intro i have a verse i have an idea of where i want the pre-hook to go a hook whatever you know just the different sections of the actual song i'm thinking about where to put that um and then right now i'm just like gonna do like little transitions here there so like little cuts and just basically ear candy right so i'm gonna do like a little chop so i'm gonna zoom in and do kind of like a pre-roll thing to go into this next section so i'm going to change my grid to 16th [Music] and grab my blade tool here and chop [Music] so i'm gonna chop there and i want it to go like that so we're gonna take this section out i'm gonna grab this and do kind of like one of these little drumroll kind of fills [Music] as i'm creating the vibe in the process like i'm thinking about where this can get played so this little cut right here transition going into the next section like this is that's for the strip club that knock you know what i mean all those little details that you incorporate in your beats like they all matter right and that's like so such a simple thing to do but just a little detail like that can just get the club to go crazy the final step honestly here in reason is basically you know put a limiter on it to bring the volume up a little more without having to like squash it too much because i want to keep the you know dynamics in here i want like the drums to still like really knock through the mix real simple from here you know just like if i get in the studio with an artist or you know i just send it off to some people that i want to show it to and hopefully they record a song to it or we get in the studio record a song right on the mp3 when we get to that point where like we have vocals recorded and we want to take it to the next step then i'll go ahead and just like bounce each audio stem to wave and then i'll take that to the studio throw it into the vocal session and then we can start like really working on the song from there [Music] the process of making a beat with complete now was super easy all the sounds were right there i love the browser tab to be able to search what kind of texture what kind of synthesizer i'm looking for and the drums i mean i'm really impressed by battery now drums they sound super crispy all the effects are there they sound saturated the snares are snapping the kick drums are cut through the mix made my job easy and i didn't have to do any of the heavy lifting in terms of eq'ing and you know layering different drums like everything was just right there for me on the keyboard i love bad right now man [Music] all right so this beats finished i'm super excited to see what you guys can do with this so you guys can actually go to to download the audio stems for this beat create your own remix to it and native instruments is actually giving away a bunch of really cool prizes to all the winners i'm really curious to see what you guys got so get to it [Music] you
Channel: Native Instruments
Views: 4,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: native instruments, komplete now, illmind, illmind making beat, illmind type beat, illmind studio, illmind beats, illmind producer, illmind komplete now, illmind loops, illmind native instruments, massive x, battery 4, hybrid keys kontakt, beat making, beat making tutorial, beat making software, beat making tips, native instruments komplete now, beat making workflow, beat making how to, beatmaking tips, play series native instruments, hip hop vst, hip hop beat making
Id: TOr1tcSm8VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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