Jeia creates a track with MASCHINE+ | Native Instruments

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what's up folks my name is jaya i'm a music producer and instrumentalist a big part of my workflow is recording instruments and today we're going to dive deep specifically into the sampling feature on machine i'm going to show you exactly what's happening on the machine while i'm producing so first let's talk setup this is my current setup right now i have my guitar plugged into an amp modeling pedal and from here it goes to this a b pedal my synth is also plugged into this a b pedal so this a b pedal is a great small footprint solution if you don't want to use a mixer and this way i can just switch between my guitar and my synth very quickly and from this a b pedal it goes to this pedal chain so right now i'm using uh machines internal audio interface this pedal right here is a reverb pedal it's the last pedal that goes before my machine so this pedal outputs a line level signal it goes into machine's line input let's talk monitoring it's very important to gain stage while you're recording you need to be able to mix things kind of what you hear and what you're playing or if you're playing against the sample or you're playing against drums you need to be able to hear everything it's important to know where things are so if you're using machine plus internal interface and you plug it into the stereo line in all you need to do is here on sampling tab input set it to external stereo input 1 is what you need to set it up to and as you can see there's already signal there but you cannot hear anything [Music] so two ways to hear signals here one is through the sampling tab here there's monitor turn that on there you go the downside of doing this is that you can only hear the dry signal so if you hear the reverb is this a reverb pedal that i have right here so if i turn it off it's dry af [Music] so dry this is where option two will be beneficial and most of the time i use this option too option two is to listen through a pad so i'm just gonna turn this off so there's nothing i go to a pad and i will go to channel channel midi here make sure you go to sound go to input audio source input one again if you're plugging into the line inputs on machine you would want input one you can hear that this way this pad becomes some kind of a pass through now we're listening to this chain through this one pad so the benefit of doing this is that you can put an effect on this sound say machines reverb effect go to rom [Music] you can basically use any of machines effects you can add delay let's go to beat delay or chorus [Music] this is great and sometimes i put the effects even on on group instead of the sound so whatever it is that i'm recording in whichever sound i can hear the effects and i can save some dsp by not putting each effects in every sound and this is actually the technique that i use the most instead of monitoring through sampling all right cool so let's start let's start with an idea let's pick a melody loop and we're gonna build things around guitar that's cool i'm not feeling that though maybe some keys [Laughter] [Music] i think we're vibing with this so let's load that um it's a little too slow what's the tempo tempo 75 uh we loaded that i usually go i usually just stretch them tempo is already correct [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we're gonna need some drums let's load some drums maybe this [Music] all right let's start with that [Music] i don't like that let's change the hi-hat maybe this oh i like that that works we get an idea we get some drums let's actually get to sampling so much housekeeping before the actual sampling but this housekeeping is important all right first things first i usually find the key of the sample if we know that it's a a like i'm not vibing where it is right now like keys wise let's tune it down [Music] where is it now five one two three four five [Music] we're now five semitones lower you know what's disturbing me right now i can hear the bass rumbling on that so let's let's eq the low end [Music] sometimes it's just mixing issues just too distracting and i cannot deal with that this is good a lot of bass frequencies are gone now [Music] so in that case i kind of just want to loop that so this is what's the length so 8 bars we're going to sample exactly that a bars and uh make the destination i mean target sound so whatever it is that i choose before the sample will go in this pad when i'm recording a loop i usually turn off all the time-based effects like turn the echo off turn the reverb off so completely dry [Music] so i can add that later let's go back to sampling let's do that let's let that play [Music] [Music] go to work [Music] reverb [Music] let's uh record another one [Music] maybe something like that [Music] so [Music] that seems to work so far so usually while i'm recording this i'm already starting to think about the arrangement i would usually duplicate that pattern and uh maybe we're not gonna need this one [Music] so we're gonna go to events select this and clear so this pattern would only have the chords and the original sample and this pattern would have that little melody [Music] and why not duplicate another one and delete the sample and make it only guitar that's the key clear that [Music] this part could be an intro this part could be a verse and this probably a chorus the one with the melody so it gradually builds and i organize i start organizing my patterns the way i would want to structure them later so that's how i do it now let's play around with the synth at this point i usually go with another group because i think we got enough going on in this one group so now when i i want to play around with the synth i would create another group um light orange sure select one i think we're still listening through this pad aren't we we are [Music] we're just gonna leave it as is that's fine right now let's not use loop let's record one shots let's try that [Music] i have my petals engaged [Music] it's beautiful [Music] [Laughter] the guitar needs to go [Music] okay let's go on detect mode actually [Music] lower the threshold actually that's a boost that okay it's a little louder now [Music] let's catch that cool so i usually do it so i just go and detect uh and start that it's recording now and i play it back [Music] there's enough um [Music] chop that make this choke group maybe no just yeah leave it as is that much and duplicate that [Music] and i just treat it as a sample [Music] so right now i'm just shaping the adsr of the samples that are recorded of those one shots maybe we can grab we can grab another one [Music] oh that one that one [Music] cool so what i did there i just basically recorded a long sample find the good ones chop them and shape the adsr so it kind of just flows smoothly into the um b and the original instrumental let's record something [Music] i i'd like to hear them longer to be honest so let's um delay that add a delay to the whole group [Music] split that [Music] that's cool um let's record more stuff let's record some interesting stuff textural stuff [Laughter] so [Applause] [Music] this is super interesting [Music] let's do that [Music] team [Music] [Music] my let's get that [Music] oh there's a delay on this let's duplicate this to a new group fully dry now we moved it because this group has delay so let's delete that [Music] let's record a base um for my chain i basically have the exact same thing this base goes to the amp sim goes to the rest of the petals aside from the tone i usually don't change anything [Music] let's see let's let's do two alternatives one is with short notes like this [Music] and the other one is long nose like this [Music] let's um duplicate the pattern and record the base here um let's do this actually [Music] yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] bye let's duplicate that let's create an alternative version of that select this clear that out select a new pad sample [Music] do a long take let's try that [Music] [Music] [Music] cool so um that was a lot we recorded a lot of stuff we started off with this piano sample and we added some guitars to it [Music] we added some melodies and we added some synths [Music] and some interesting textures that was fun that part and together they all sound like [Music] [Music] okay so final words for me is that one don't be afraid to make mistakes you don't have to be the best guitar player in the world in order to record yourself playing guitars really get familiar with the sampling tab dedicate a block of time to sit down and really mess with the sampling to try to record a bunch of stuff from various sound sources try the microphone even what does each options do are you vibing more with the loop mode or with the detect mode or with the sync mode like you don't even have to follow exactly what i do once you master sampling you'll find your own workflow my techniques right now my method works best for me and i'm so used to that right now it has become muscle memory like i already know where things are and just go wild with it and don't get too attached to anything i hope you learn um a thing or two from this session and thank you for watching this far and yeah i hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Native Instruments
Views: 7,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: native instruments, maschine+, maschine plus, maschine+ guitar, maschine+ workflow, maschine+ tutorial, maschine+ midi, maschine setup, maschine, maschine native instruments, maschine native instruments tutorial, maschine native, maschine plus sampling, maschine plus tips, maschine plus beat making, maschine beat making, maschine workflow tips, jeia, jeia maschine, maschine how to, maschine how to sample, maschine how to make a beat, maschine mk3 how to use, maschine guitar
Id: 2y5rilvajD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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