The Most POWERFUL Gears in Brawl Stars!

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gears you either love them or you hate them but either way you already know what they are so let's get right into this first and foremost we have the speed gear it is overall great since it provides a very noticeable speed buff to any brawler using it and it usually performs very well with short range Brawlers since they usually have an advantage over the long range Brawlers and Bush covered Maps ever since Shelley's speed buff this gear has been deadly when she uses it and now she can quickly hit enemies with a surprise delivery of her awesome super this gear gets an 8 out of 10. next up we have the vision gear and it isn't really the best but that's just because it has better Alternatives either way the gear has limited use on a majority of the maps but it's still pretty effective with brawler CTL damage over time such as Crow Byron or Willow you never know though sometimes a few extra seconds of you seeing the enemy is all it takes for you to be able to snipe them but again as good as I'm making it seem it's not really better than other gears so it still gets a three out of 10. the third gear we will be looking at is the health gear this regeneration booster is best geared towards see what I did there no okay I'm sorry this gear is great when it's used by high HP Brawlers since their standard regeneration per second is generally higher so hypothetically if you are playing Frank for example you can back away from combat for a very brief moment and recover a massive amount of HP so you can then return to the fight ready to eliminate the entire enemy team the only exception to the hit points rule would of course be Tech since he has the well-oiled star power if you combine that with the health gear he can fully regenerate his health extremely fast I mean this one's okay but I'm still gonna give it a six out of 10. next up we will be looking at the shield gear contrary to the previous gear the shield gear is actually more appropriate to low HP Brawlers since the gear itself grants a 600 hp Shield across all Brawlers it will make a larger impact to the low Health Brawlers than it would to the higher ones the shield gear is very popular and Gamers like knockout or Showdown where it can help prevent you from being one shot by the deadliest of supers or in some cases the 600 Health that the shield provides can just be enough to make the difference like here I wouldn't have made it without the shield this gear is powerful but it still has its moments so I'm giving it a 7 out of 10. and next up we have the damage gear I think that it's safe to say that the damage gear is easily the most popular gear used throughout most of the Brawlers because who doesn't want to do deal more damage either way this gear is seen as pretty beneficial to both high and low HP Brawlers because there's either a larger HP spread for the gear to be active or a higher base damage that the 15 will be added to this gear performs astonishingly well with Brawlers like B Mandy or even Dynamite because their base damage is already pretty high as is and now we're really pushing it towards that one shot range just because that gear is so good I am giving it a well-deserved 9 out of 10. that's all for the super rare gears let's move on to the Epic ones the first epic gear that we will be taking a look at is the reload gear the Boost that the reload gear grants you can in some cases have you reload just fast enough to get one extra attack in before something happens in combat like you being defeated other than that the gear can allow you to pressure the enemies significantly faster since it's usually paired with Brawlers who deal high damage but have a slow reload speed and finally the reload gear can allow you to attack the high save a heck of a lot faster I'm giving this one a 7 out of 10. our next epic gear is of course the supercharged gear this gear can be very useful to the 10 Brawlers that can select it but it does have one major downside that is that Brawlers like Jackie with the gear will not fill their supers Faster by receiving damage either way it does reduce the amount of attacks or projectiles it takes for Nanny Sprout Lew you get it the rest of the list to fill their zippers don't get me wrong though it can still be very useful on Jackie if she unloads all three of her attacks on an enemy she only needs to receive a little bit of damage to fill off her super allowing her to possibly use it more in some situations and overall I'm giving this gear an 8 out of 10. and now moving on to the third and final epic gear we have the pet power gear now this is probably one of my favorite gears from the recent update because it's able to increase the power of any pets that you can spawn in with the selected Brawlers this gear is already super powerful it provides a noticeable damage increase to any pets that the selected Brawlers can summon and it can even be more devastating once you combine this Gear with any gadgets or Star powers that the Brawlers already have the pet power gear is useful in any game modes that you would be willing to play those Brawlers in and this gear is awesome and I'm giving it a 9 out of 10. that's it for all three of our epic gears now let's move on to the most exclusive gears in the game the Mythic gears first on the list of Mythic gears we have Pam's super turret gear now this is pretty much just pet power but for Pam and they decided that she was too good for it to be an epic gear so it's now a Mythic gear but either way her Mythic gear is very powerful in any game mode if it is hot zone for example and you need to be in a select area for an objective you are able to pressure that zone and use all of your attacks and then Retreat for just long enough to reload and while that happens you very well may have recovered any lost hit points in the previous moments this makes it so much easier for Pam to pick off enemies slowly but surely while keeping usually full health and of course her teammates have definitely got to love when she has that gear active so if you're looking to be a good random I think I have a pick for you this gear also gets a 9 out of 10 because I feel like if I gave it a different score than the previous you would judge me anyways our next Mythic year would be for a Mythic brawler himself and that of course would be Jean and his talk to the hand gear now you may be thinking to yourself that one tile isn't that much of an increase but believe me it is noticeable this can be a game changer in some modes where you can now reach the enemies without revealing your location whereas in the same situation without the gear you wouldn't be able to achieve that if you're looking for a gear to select his Gene I would definitely pick this one as my first choice I give this one a 7 out of 10. next on the list of Mythic gears we have ticks thick head tick easily has one of the absolute best Mythic gears that exist his head is pretty much one of the fastest units in the game so 1 000 extra hit points or a bit over a 41 buff is a huge difference this now makes very few Brawlers able to one shot it with their attack in standard conditions and it also makes it reach its destination way more often it's most definitely very difficult to deal with and it will be the first gear that I'm gonna give a 10 out of 10. the next Mythic gear we're looking at is enduring toxins Bros Mythic gear is certainly better to use than the damage gear since it will allow for more damage output every time he uses his attack or super this makes the odds of the enemies being stuck and waiting for their Doom significantly higher it's a very straightforward gear that technically adds a bit more than a fifth tick of poison damage but it's certainly not broken or in need of a Nerf either way I give it a 7 out of 10. the next Mythic gear we're looking at is sticky spikes if you rage easily this gear will be your worst enemy it now makes Spike's super slow enemies to a near stop and it is unbelievably broken this now makes Landing a super on an enemy a very easy outlet for takedown since it creates Sitting Ducks out of those Brawlers while still doing damage to them this makes the fastest Brawlers feel slower than 8-bit's Grandma but this gear is still fun to torture the opponents with and this gear easily gets a 10 out of 10. next up for the Mythic gears we have lingering smoke Leon's Mythic gear is certainly great to have regardless of the star power it can allow him to either gain an additional 1000 health or even travel further while invisible as good as it is though sometimes he just does not need an additional second either way it's still always great to be safe and I highly recommend this gear but I'm still gonna give it a 6 out of 10. the next Mythic gear we will be looking at is Amber's sticky oil Emperor's Mythic gear used to be extremely broken in fact it was so broken that it got a Nerf in less than a month even now it can be a pretty good resource at slowing the enemies down just a bit where your team can now reach them a bit more easily and it's now harder for them to escape the fluid and the burning takedown that follows but hey since you can cover a massive area with Amber's fluid it's definitely a great idea to use this gear 7 out of 10. the next Mythic gear we are looking at is exhausting storm Sandy's Mythic gear is like a slightly weakened Crow star power but with the proper placement you can hit the entire entire enemy team with it all at once you can combine it with root Sands and prevent their HP regeneration while they're weaker or use healing winds and possibly make them less likely to avoid the sandstorm regardless of which star power you used the 10 power decrease is actually a pretty big deal over time I give this a 5 out of 10. anyways the last Mythic gear that we'll be looking at is quadruplets Eve's Mythic gear is certainly a little Annoying to go up against but it's not the worst thing ever Eve has an already annoying super to begin with and the addition of just one hatchling is what I think a perfectly balanced gear but I will say it does get incredibly annoying if you're the only one on your team Eve gets a 6 out of 10. anyways that covers every single gear that's currently in the game I hope you learned as much about gears as I did today but anyways that's all I have so if you stuck the whole way to the end thank you very much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Jimbo
Views: 92,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brawl Stars
Id: mCJ4T6qe2lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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