Beater Bomb’s NEW Setup Makes TOO MUCH POWER!

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel we're here in Hartshorne Oklahoma for a legal street race what a time to be alive we're have a lot of fun today got a bunch of small-tire cars a bunch of big-tire cars we've got small-tire coming up right now we're gonna go talk to a few the racers real quick and then we're gonna get to the racing here we go let's go on mr. Baum clean it clean it this is the car show right yeah and I don't that's all I can win to that I don't think you're gonna get best finish what okay so I haven't seen the car obviously you watch the end of the hood you're not kidding yeah I've got you first no walk over the other side okay taillights they're the same they are the same Oh guys my haters to get used to a different view I'd like them to have to say hey that's really nice you know I'm looking but I need to have factory - factory - Street car you know I bet I've heard on the street otherwise did a new cage whole new capo everything's new yeah brand-new cut the floor out all the floor so it's a full chassis car that no it has factory frame rails okay a fox body doesn't have great rails in this section most most users put in something this car had to so got rid of that and there's tube there but rails there's a factory frame rails still NHRA legal steel floor under the driver's side however all the others carpet gotcha it ain't that expensive of new transmission get use performance Vasco speeded performance Brad and I did all the cage work of gotcha from top to bottom it might have two turbos two turbos yeah okay might it might yeah but it might just have one yeah to to bullhorn it's still that the feeder booth now this is a six Daisy now six okay yeah great Oh keep up with the times you've seen that guy went in a lot yet cuz you haven't been out yet Oh [Music] it just fast okay how many times have you hit the new car out once and how did you do I may have beat it so yeah it's undefeated yeah with everything new yeah and this is the next race to take you to yeah Pass is in have you raced this on this road before last year oh you did do this how'd you do this event I may have one it's kind of like a theme well since you're not gonna tell me what the real setup is this the real setup forget here this is the most honest you lose the important thing is between the steering wheel and the seat well good luck try not doing everything that's right now it's okay Oh quarter throttle okay that's all I can ask for good luck and have fun out there [Music] anyways guess she's everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that plane limply [Applause] [Music] beater Bob nice very nice did you win nice and soft off the line and then ripped her out I'm pretty good yeah pretty happy with first and I was pretty up there on the pair's I was fourth paired yeah yeah not much down the on the rubber rubber pretty big good flooring it the whole way that's good that's good is I'm not the type where I don't Ram it yeah I'm sometimes I don't get it all the way there 91% looks good Stan second round yeah [Music] [Music] there you go thanks man generate yeah we can't erase this year last time we raced was the can't see the cash states the big one last yeah that's the last time we haven't if we hadn't race each other too long calm everyone's guessing on this road right now yeah man until the Sun Goes Down it's gonna be tricky big breezy and tracking for ya it's hotter yeah no I'm sure it's fun waiting down there to come back heyo as you see I stripped out of my pants they're ready for some more yeah good it's nice to at least go around here with all the workers get in the car here this last we definitely all the good first pass yes sir and once again big block fruit spray yep Nick block complicated by 16 pocket to codify the Ducks illusions IRD hook and chassis racecars any sauce good to see you in don't want two reasons this year hey Seymour I hope so you're looking sitting around thanks man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was the one that's waiting Orleans take one from New Orleans yeah you look real pretty in this light I can tell by the way that car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] left lane turn left lane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he look like he almost hit the curb [Music] [Music] all right small-tire stick around funky going right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they got start cheering you're wearing a shirt let's see the fries [Music] [Music] damn em fastback jumped out and then Joey said huh-huh here comes the boost that was sick public good one had to work for it yeah yeah good thing he didn't have this far down the track you think you came around on the last time so it damn close good race that worried yeah you can't think quick enough to worry there's good race yeah uh I definitely underestimated the track and him so do you think the truck can can take anymore oh yeah Suns down oh yeah oh yeah next video way better [Music] [Applause] around trace the paddle on against oh really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's close this no I like a couple feet look how close I was dude what the I thought I'd got him but now super nervous like yeah dude that was a drag race yeah I'm not upset I mean those are like some of the fastest dudes in the country yeah yeah man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to like three or four so Ralph three small tire coming at you right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he said Baba I'm turbo speeded up and he was gone that was a close one look like for me I don't know I don't think yours blows no all right hit it up review I was out like 60 foot [Music] these great animals stomping then [Applause] [Music] that was close I think I don't know holy I just heard from Matt Kendell came around him on the top end just barely I don't know if maybe the left the left way might have jumped yeah that or was a killer life but damn Kendall came around him still [Music] [Music] think there's any question that mr. Hanukkah beater bomb takes about two cars that car is flying on this road that new combo is fast you can really tell ephors power and about half track it's just [Music] [Music] oh hey run good times here did you turn up on the last one does it take you good we can do that two more times have you guys drawn yet yeah what'd you get Shelly oh no way I was hoping to see that in the final so wait have you guys run before yeah we're uh - days out by st. Louis Oh in the semis and he beat me well that's the one he won yep okay the first time had the car oh yeah yeah you want that revenge now yeah honey walk back this be a good time here no what's gonna be the trick kind of live with yeah I think if I can be on the flashlight winning [Music] pretty good [Music] [Music] either way well they kind of want some revenge after that calf is erased him and last time that there was no videos of it might have been a fluke no one got videos though now might have been a fluke well they're gonna lose now that we're here is that you're soon I guess we'll find out of course we will be able to put more power in after the last one pull the power back out to do hey got a little didn't look that bad from my perspective I'm trying to put all I can that the brochure take I mean I'm sure Kendall's gonna sixty-foot the data me and hopefully I'll have enough real estate to drive around him but you know that probably the question what I've done that a few times tonight oh yeah yeah so we'll see it's always a good race between us you know pretty good competitors I mean always race each other and it's fate I mean two fast cars they're always gonna meet eventually so very proven Kirsten yeah all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] Peter just died [Music] you got it man that was the race I wanted to see tonight more will happen rearend horrible timing yeah hell yeah she's fast it was good to see her in person now I got all kind of all fixed up well I guess it was a fluke me beating Kendall it's my fault I'm sorry that's well we were just gonna have to keep chase and Joey around the country to see that race some other place maybe on the streets maybe the track who knows but one thing's for sure the view beater bomb is fast as hell every one of the small-tire world better look out I know you've already seen that race but I wanted to see that race yeah I'll just glad I come out on the better in this time yeah because it's always a battle with me and him yeah but you know two quality cars that'll call last there sooner or later you guys are both won a lot or is oh yeah yeah I mean you know we we've both put in a bunch of work and effort we've gotten great sponsors behind us that's what takes a couple food guys open so we get to see you and the crazy convertible sorry la fine all right that's a one-out Wow this ought to be interesting Mustang on Mustang still yeah knightly different cars yeah crazy convertible yeah things while I like it how many cubes together still on or small really whole lot of booths no enough to make it into the final today yeah how do you think it's gonna go it's 409 in the morning and we're getting into the final on fire right now you have four or five grand on the line stuff like that per se is taking home finally after all the all the craziness we got the crazy low and convertible against Kendall we saw when three grades last weekend to be making a lot of money week takes us off [Music] [Music] oh yeah and we got to see a good final - that was that was a good way to wrap things up Congrats to Kendall two weekends in a row we got to see him take home the money nice racin two weekends in a row he's seen here come whole pot eight Grove because I've been dying today cuz I got up Friday morning and was in the shop at 7:00 a.m. I've been in bed since oh my god literally no sleep before I went out in the shop at 7:00 a.m. I had a crankshaft walking that was appealing we got the motor trans in fired it up and just a little bit before midnight and loaded up we went to a test spot made two hits and came straight here damn oh yeah it's working yeah that's for damn sure needed that for a while Congrats t on the team thank you thank you for badass alone definitely could have done it without all these guys coming hoping that for sure what about end up in and yeah yeah I don't know it was 49 cars 20 split apart so where'd you win before last weekend we won the king of the 28 to the u.s. thirty-six down there dearest ones yeah that's true but there's no rain did we are oh you did that to yourself I came off really weird we put it in a wind tunnel shut uh turbo is sucking so much air and pulling me back where it's shut this is the part where the haters turn it off yeah this is their like we've heard this [Music]
Channel: 1320video
Views: 651,436
Rating: 4.8985467 out of 5
Keywords: drag racing, street race, cars, legal, racing, automotive, street cars, 1320video, 1320, beater bomb, mustang, too much power, oklahoma, midwest, fastest cars, small tire, racing on the street, legal racing, turbo, nitrous, foxbody, camaro, burnout, tires, crazy convertible, big block, small block
Id: bq8mEFL7jMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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