Beard Growth Time Lapse of 90 Days | Greg Berzinsky

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hello this is Greg Brzezinski from beardbrand great your beard grows really fast does it want to show you how fast your beard actually grows by showing you one photograph taken every day over the course of 90 days stay tuned if you followed along in the series and read any of the comments inevitably there are people say your beard grows really fast you're very precocious really fast when in fact my beard grows pretty average at the end of 90 days I figured I was about an inch and a half in length I've had one trim which you just saw recently from Jake the barber leaving the majority of the length in the front trimming off the sides a little bit but for the most part my hair is about an inch and a half long where it wasn't trimmed which is average I'm going to show you a series of pictures that I took over the course of 90 days took one selfie a day if you fall along an Instagram you'll realize that I take a lot of photographs and a lot of photographs are taken of me so I'm not stranger to the camera but I found it really challenging to remember to take a selfie straight on over the course of 90 days initially I thought I was going to take it all in the same location but because I couldn't remember always to take a picture you'll get a sampling of here of where I was when I remembered to take that picture so here's two texts of this clip one going slowly you'll see about 90 pictures some days there are actually two pictures in there but for the most part here are 1995 pictures taken over the course of three months they give you an idea of how fast your beard grows so enjoy [Music] [Music] now here's another clip same tape but run pretty quickly just in about ten or fifteen seconds you can actually see how fast your beard really gross you also see the changing hairstyles that I went from something that was pretty short back at the end of October to what is pretty much this haircut now my hair also growing about an inch and a half my hair in fact grows even faster than average probably 5/8 of an inch or even more some months so I might have grown my hair might have grown almost two inches in the course of those three months so here's that fast clip [Music] I hope you enjoyed seeing those clips of a pic a day for 90 days I don't know if you've ever considered doing something like that to mark your own growth it doesn't have to be daily because some days if you really if you look at that it doesn't look like there's a significant change but if you took a photograph every week and look at them over the course of a week you would realize to the growing rate of your own beard for the most part most guys would be the average length at about a half an inch a month but you can actually see for yourself how fast your beard actually grows it's a comment below tell us if you consider taking a pic a day or at least pick a week to monitor your beard growth until we meet again beard on thanks for watching this video beard brand has launched a private community called the Alliance its foreign men who are looking to invest in themselves and who are looking to keep on growing click the link over there and come join us or stick around and watch some more awesome videos
Channel: Beardbrand
Views: 1,200,352
Rating: 4.8381424 out of 5
Keywords: beardbrand, 90, ninety, day, days, beard, growth, grow, growing, time, lapse, timelapse, greg, berzinsky
Id: l35LLwl4Ndk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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