The Plant Based Speech You NEED To Hear!

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you have not seen addiction until you try to take a piece of chicken from somebody [Music] but when you start talking about diet one of the things that people often think about is yeah doc but I like I know that that feeling because when I first became aware of how important it was to change our diet to one that is more appropriate for our physiology I had the same feeling I'm like uh I can't live without a hamburger you know I I really like fried chicken basically God told me look you need to get off that something especially if you want to have a better relationship with me and at that point I really didn't have much of a choice uh well I had a choice but from my standpoint if the choices between you know a piece of food and having a better relationship with God that isn't a choice I mean I always want to have a better relationship with God and and then once I did change my diet I immediately started feeling better I had more energy my mind was clearer I stopped getting colds acne cleared up I was a teenager and I'm like oh my goodness this really is the truth and it really does work and so I decided I'm gonna dedicate my life to helping people understand just how important it is for us to change our diet and everything I've learned since then has simply added to that knowledge base and the conviction of helping people to understand just how powerful diet change is and the other thing that I discovered after I changed my diet was that that feeling I had that I couldn't live without something it was an addiction you know when we think about addiction we always want to talk about Alcoholics or heroin addicts or people who smoke crack but you have not seen addiction until you try to take a piece of chicken from somebody okay those people will cut you once I actually stopped eating dead flesh not only did I no longer desire it it actually began to see what it smelled like and it smells like exactly what it is dead rotting tissue and I became horrified that I spent 16 years of my life making my body a graveyard I see people all the time in the hospital and they're like you know why did this happen to me why am I getting sick because you are putting rotting tissue in your body you are eating death you're killing yourself slowly day after day after day and we don't have to do that and once you break a habit you break a habit so I'm gonna ask a question I often ask at uh lectures I give how many of the people here right now are in relationships raise your hands please good just about everybody now how many of you are in relationship with the very first person you fell in love with nobody well okay we got one lucky lady back there all right you get the gold star but most of us fell in love with someone once thought we couldn't live unless we were breathing in the air that person exhaled and then that person did something stupid and we're like why am I with this fool and we kicked them to the curb and we learn to love someone else and we probably love them better than we love the idiot well just like you did that with that person you can do it with your diet once you come to love a diet that is good for you and healthy for you trust me nothing's better because that when you sit down to eat you know that you are building up your body you are affirming your life you're improving your health and you're actually helping the planet and then most importantly you're not visiting unnecessary pain and suffering on other innocent creatures I actually like to start with two passages from the book of Isaiah the prophecies about the Messiah but I feel like this is my commission from God too uh the first is from Isaiah 52 verse 7 it says how beautiful one mountain are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings and publishes the peace that bringeth tightings of good and then there's 61 verse 1 the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach Good Tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of prison to those who are bound and I'm going to tell you about four people whose lives were dramatically Changed by changing their diet and you'll see why I love these scriptures because when people do Embrace a diet they it's like they are released from prison their eyes are opened literally and they receive their health and their life back and so we're gonna start off with a quote from um Dr Mark Hyman and he said food is the most powerful drug on the planet it can improve the expression of thousands of our genes balance dozens of hormones optimize tens of thousands of protein networks reduce inflammation and optimize your microbiome your gut Flora with every single bite it can cure most chronic diseases and prevent them from developing in the first place by my dad it works faster better and cheaper than any drug ever discovered and the only side effects are good ones prevention reversal and even treatment of the disease not to mention vibrant Health good skin fewer wrinkles and it makes you age backwards I mean it's just a win win win win when we do what we are designed to do it is just amazing what will happen to our health and to our physiology so I want to start off by talking about beautiful person by the name of Kathy vess I met Kathy back in the mid 90s um when I was working in free clinic in Alexandria Kathy had really severe diabetes she had had diabetes by the time we began interacting for 17 years um and it had caused her to become completely disabled because she had blockages in her legs that were so severe she couldn't walk for a block without getting cramping and pain that forced her to sit down she told me that when she got up in the morning and opened her eyes she'd have to sit on the side of her bed for at least 20 minutes or half an hour in order for her vision to clear enough for her to get up and start trying to get dressed and take care of herself she had severe heart disease and despite taking combination insulin shots twice a day and oral pills her blood sugar is still averaged in the 250 to 300 range and she felt terrible and so I sat her down and I said well Kathy you know type 2 diabetes is related to the way most Americans eat it's uh caused by an animal food centered diet and I actually started talking to her about changing her diet in the hopes that I could ease her into becoming a vegetarian and then ease her into becoming vegan well Kathy kind of said in a way get out of my way Dr Mills because she decided to become vegan overnight and literally over the next eight to twelve weeks I had to take her off of every single diabetic medicine she was on she came off of two of the three blood pressure medications she was on and over a period of six months she lost 65 pounds without uh even trying the blockages in her legs cleared up to the point where she was able to go out and walk a mile and she was able to go back to work this was a woman who had been disabled and sick and thinking that she was going to die and suddenly she had her life back and Kathy was so thrilled and so grateful she used to we actually went to the same church by the way and she would accompany me sometimes on lectures that I gave in the DC Metro area just to tell her story because it was so amazing but this is what can happen when a person adopts the diet our bodies are designed to eat the disease will reverse you will get your health and your life back next person I'm going to talk about is a gentleman um that I see in the clinic uh where I work right now now right now I am the medical director for two uh federal agencies I'm the medical director for the health clinic at the nuclear Regulatory Commission in Rockville Maryland and I'm also the medical director for the United States Census Bureau you might say wait a minute how can you be the medical director of two separate agencies well um without giving you the full back story during the last Administration um they were actively attempting to um close down the Census Bureau until somebody reminded them that the Census Bureau is created by the Constitution and they can't get rid of it completely as part of that they reduce the hours of the medical director for the health unit at the Census Bureau from 40 hours a week to eight hours a week one day a week so I work at census one day a week and then the other four days I'm at a nuclear Regulatory Commission but again as with all patients that I see I talk to them about the importance of adapting a plant-based diet and I saw a gentleman there I'll just use this first name his name is John and this was a man who had been struggling with hyperlipidemia pre-diabetes and kidney stones all of his adult life he was on a number of of medications to lower his triglycerides to lower his cholesterol to treat the kidney stones and he had just recently had about of kidney stones for which he had seen his nephrologist and he came in for his evaluation again talked to him about the importance of adopting a different diet and he said you know what I'm willing to try that well John came back uh saw him in April he came back last month and he brought in this spreadsheet of how his numbers have changed since he went plant-based his triglycerides which have been running in the 200 range are now normal his cholesterol had dropped by almost 100 points no more problems with kidney stones he's lost weight he feels energetic again once again complete turnaround in his health and and he said to me he said Dr Mills I've been on these medicines for years and they never did anything close to this for me and so once again you see The Return of Health the banishment of disease by adopting a plant-based diet now I want to tell you about Frank Smith Frank Smith was a gentleman who had a history of IV drug use he's very open about that and as a result Franca contracted hepatitis C and over you know several years the hepatitis C costs him that and he also admits some drinking and other issues that caused him to develop severe cirrhosis of the liver and ultimately that cirrhosis turned into hepatocellular carcinoma he had liver cancer he went to Lombardi Center at Georgetown and they showed him that he had two large tumors in each lobe of his liver this is in 2013. and they told Frank they said look this is terminal you've probably got about six months you need to kind of get your Affairs in order because you're not going to be here very much longer Frank realized that he needed to make a huge change in his life so he went to see a colleague of mine Dr Theodore Watkins who's a vegan physician Dr Watkins put him on a strict raw vegan diet and over the next eight months those liver tumors completely regressed but it doesn't the story doesn't stop there and this is the amazing part after the liver cancer was healed Frank took harvoni which is a medication to treat the hepatitis C and that did clerk hepatitis C but he still had cirrhosis well over the next year and a half hysterosis reversed just from being plant-based and that is unheard of so again once again when we eat the right food our bodies can heal itself or heal themselves and then the last person I want to tell you guys about is a Woman by the name of Donna green Goodman back in 1996 Donna who had been vegetarian in her life all her life meaning that she didn't eat meat but she still used Dairy and eggs noticed a lump in her left breast she went to get it checked out and it was biopsied and it was cancer and they removed what she said was a pecan-sized tumor and did a lymph node dissection and she had seven out of 11 lymph nodes that were positive for cancer I'm assuming most of you guys are non-medical and you don't really understand what that means what that means is that she had stage three breast cancer stage three breast cancer is a death sentence for a woman women are told when they are diagnosed with stage three breast cancer is that we will put you on chemotherapy suppressive therapy adjuvant radiation therapy and we can put the disease at Bay for probably five years or so but then it's going to come back and when it comes back it's not going to respond to anything and it is going to kill you Donna obviously she had a young child and she was she was a fairly young woman she didn't want to accept that she went to see two other oncologists and they told her the same thing so she once again prayed about it and felt that God was telling her you need to become completely vegan so she not only eliminated all Dairy all eggs Donna said she also eliminated chocolate and caffeine and over the next again seven months all of her tumor markers went to zero now as I said stage three breast cancer anticipated survival of three to five years this was 1996 Donna is still alive and well in teaching classes and that is absolutely incredible I want you guys to understand that plant-based diets are incredibly powerful and they can treat and reverse disease now since we're talking about breast cancer I I want to mention something that people get really confused about because when you know I talk to people about their diet one of the first things they say well you know you can't eat all those words got all the Mistresses in it I'm just like OMG okay number one their phytoestrogens meaning they're plant estrogen-like compounds is not estrogen but you know what that milk that yogurt that ice cream that cheese you're eating that's got real estrogen in it that's got mammalian estrogenones that's the stuff that will kill you that's the stuff that raises your risk for prostate cancer breast cancer and other forms of hormone-related cancer not to phytoestrogens study after study after study after study has shown that the phytoestrogens in soy protect women Against Breast Cancer both before and after menopause before and after diagnosis and you say well wait a minute how can that be it's because the plant estrogens will bind to estrogen estrogen receptor one but they don't activate it so they actually lower total estrogenic activity and thereby reduce a woman's risk for developing breast cancer in the first place or having a recurrence and the largest sort of natural experiment in the world that proves that this is true look at China and Japan they've been eating soy for centuries they have lower risk of breast cancer lower risk of prostate cancer and oh by the way the men are not wearing bras okay all of the studies support the uh and show that soy is healthy and protective let me say not only should you have no problem eating it I would encourage you to include it in your diet there is some information misinformation out on the web about soy a lot of that has been put out by the beef industry because the meat analogs are cutting into their business and they're trying to scare people away from using soy-based products but they are healthy and you can feel very comfortable that they will help protect your health and help you live a long and healthy life and again that's true for both women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer I also want to mention the importance of utilizing cruciferous vegetables and mushrooms well actually before that let me talk about beans a little bit because when I was in medical school and one of my uh Max medical classmates found out it was plant-based heat it's like oh man beans oh that's depression food I ain't eating no beans I'm like yeah okay well you know what research shows it shows that the longest lived populations around the world are those that include beans in their diet on a regular basis so I'm gonna ask you guys to do a thought experiment with me I want you to think of the nastiest vilest grossest combination of material uh that you can think of so let's start with some fresh manure manure so we're gonna got a bucket we're gonna put some fresh manure in there right we can see some dirt and mix it in with the fresh manure and then I'm gonna have somebody who's been drinking come and vomit in that bucket and then lastly I'll have somebody else relieve themselves in that bucket stir it all up who would be willing to put their hand in there nobody well what would happen if you put a bean in that bucket in a couple of days you're going to have a beautiful healthy pristine plant that will go on to produce a ton of food that's how powerful beings are they have incredible compounds in them that fight disease ward off cancer and that boost our immune function and that's why you should be eating beans at least three times a week and the greater the variety the better for you because just like we should be learning that diversity in our society helps make us stronger so does diversity in our diet mushrooms are incredibly potent for stimulating and regulating our immune system helping it respond appropriately but not over respond they also help prevent inappropriate clotting in our bloodstream it turns out that cruciferous vegetables are also really important for cancer suppression and immune boosting and what are your cruciferous vegetables all right so my yell out some names of cruciferous vegetables broccoli cauliflower cabbage brussels sprouts kale bok choy turnips charred yes cruciferous vegetables are really amazing because they contain these compounds that are directly cancer suppressive but they also interact with a receptor in our digestive tract that actually turbo charges our immune cells and make them much more active much more potent in fighting disease so you need to be including cruciferous vegetables in your diet all the time okay now if I say allium vegetables what am I talking about onions yes and what else garlic leeks green onions uh yes allium vegetables are also incredibly potent in terms of suppressing cancer and I have a little uh Charter pair says the same garlic dose that will block 80 percent of cancer cell proliferation had no effect on the proliferation of normal cells and that's why again we need to include as uh these allium vegetables cruciferous vegetables in our diet as often as we can every day if they tell you that you should use you know two or three cloves of garlic triple it okay um because it will benefit you to no end I'm gonna close by reading uh the slow passage from one of my uh lectures is why does green come why do we look at flowers or an expansive Lush virgin foliage and pronounce them beautiful with the warm contented thrill of someone who feels safe and at home perhaps it is because our minds know what our creative cultures have forgotten that we are creatures of the plants our genetic history is entwined with theirs they beckon us with their siren song of color and fragrance it is a song made irrepressible and Irresistible by our genes which resonate to the refrain it is as though our genes recognize in the various colors and Myriad sense offerings of support sustenance and safe keeping our innate love of flowers and other flowering plants tells us that if we want to live a healthy life on a planet that can sustain us and the Earth's other inhabitants then a plant-based diet will be seen as both our heritage and our destiny thank you guys for your attention [Music] [Music] thank you
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Keywords: plant based speech, plantbasednews, vegan, diet, Yt:cc=on, plant based speach, plant based motivation, plant based succsess, plant based success, plant based speech talk, speech plant based, talk plant based, plant based talk, plant based, vegan speech, plant based speech usa, plant based speech milton mills
Id: K530xARS7Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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