Bean Trailer Tour (After 2 Months Full Time Living)

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so this is that bean trailer walkthrough you've all been asking for and yes we've had this out for over two months it's been way too long but we're finally getting the chance to show you what we think of this trailer so this is where a lot of you are going to go ah for that kind of money that makes no sense and that is this galley as you can see has no sink this galley as you can see or here has no water tanks this galley does have a stove which is a must for us and it does have a fridge but other than that it is pretty paired down and there's a reason why they created it that way you know i love all the bean trailers but i still if money was no object would still pick this base model beanstalk and i'll explain to you why throughout this video there's a handful of companies that almost refuse to put a sink in their trailer bean being one of them escapod that we did the walkthrough now both bean and escapod have added sinks to their builds but after talking to both these companies and getting to know them i think it's more about meeting the demand of the end user more than what they think actually belongs in this trailer now don't get me wrong i think async is great for a lot of people but i think for a majority of us we would be much better off with the option they've provided here so as a traditional teardrop owner the first thing that really caught my eye on this was that it has this pass-through galley so for those of you who've seen our teardrop just like any other teardrop you can get into the cabinets here but you can't get into them from inside and so what that meant for our family is that we had two of everything i had a toothbrush inside and a toothbrush outside now i only use one toothbrush and i can grab it from either side i can pass food through to may i can pass a sleeping bag through it it's just helped us stay more organized haul less gear and then it just simplifies the process they have what they call the trofast drawer system these you can purchase from ikea you can kind of mix and match this pulls out into the galley but it also pushes into your trailer so when you're inside the trailer you're not fumbling through items they're not falling all over everything is nice and organized in its bin because most of the trailers from bean are overland trailers you're getting overland components in this basic beanstalk model so this is the cook partner stove fits two fairly large pans pretty well it is a really beefy setup this stove pulls out allowing you to still get all this prep space if this stove was built into this i would lose all the space where that stove was placed [Music] so this trailer with the base build comes with a cooler but if it was me i'd upgrade to a fridge this is the collapsible dishwashing station so this can collapse down so when you put it in there shut this you have a ton of room for storage we just leave it completely down like this and we're using it as a drawer uh if there were some upgrades on this trailer in the future that we would love we hope that they would start integrating drawers we noticed in their black bean build they added drawers to this as you know we're a huge fan of the drawers and it's just the little things like the built-in bean logo into the fiberglass mold these curved rounded designs i mean everything about the bean you have to see it in person to understand the beauty of this you love to help so this one's gonna sound a little ridiculous and that you pay top dollar for a trailer like this and you only get two five gallon little blue water containers and honestly this is what we would prefer and i think many of you will as well if you have a 20 gallon water tank which many manufacturers put in their trailer one thing you're going to have to winterize it it's going to require maintenance and it's going to make it difficult for you to use in the winter i've been surprised to find that having 20 gallons of weight even over the axles it gives me this almost i've heard this in the comment section like a nauseating feeling as i'm towing it down the highway and each section of pavement that divides there's this little bump in it i can't even explain it there's like a little sloshing a little up and down motion that i don't get on trailers that have less water in them and in terms of water usage our family would get about a week out of these we do use lower water than most families so i'd say maybe four to five days before you have to fill these two jugs up and then i'll bring you around to the other side of the trailer but probably in the morning as it's starting to get a bit dark out here i'm gonna push through here you're gonna hear the kids they're trying to get to sleep in there we have our 10 pound propane for most families this is going to get you all the way through a whole summer of cooking even intermittently using your gas fire pits like when we have fire bans like this we'll pull out our little fire pit and use this to give us that nice toasty feeling in here we have the geyser shower you could also put an on-demand hot water heater in here and then the feature i want to talk about more probably tomorrow is the clearance of this trailer [Music] oh hear that wind it was really windy last night the wind was just ripping through here last night so i just took this big ol awning and folded it really fast on top of itself put the velcro up and then just jump back in the trailer so that's what this ugly mess is so i always forget what these are called rock sliders rock skids rock guards this is an add-on that i'm starting to realize is even needed for a trailer like this because of that clearance i mentioned we're taking this thing everywhere and this is really for those narrow trails where you have the stumps and the rocks sticking out and it just gives you a peace of mind that they're not going to make it to the body of the trailer and damage it one pound cake made i'm feeling awesome i need to mention the cons as well as much as i love this paper towel holder if you have normal paper towels the wind can grab this and kind of pull it out so what we do is we just put a rubber band around this or like bean suggests you buy these nicer paper towels that are thick and then it won't pull out there's a bee on there you see that bee there goes all right pardon the red eyes part of it is you know early morning here i'm still just waking up as you can kind of hear my voice but it's from the dirt last night just chasing this awning with the wind blowing through the valley but speaking of that i mean we're up in places i never thought i would go with a teardrop as you can see in the reflection here this place is gorgeous and part of that is this 15 inch clearance i mean with 15 inches it's not going to bottom out on anything my tow vehicle will always be the limiting factor the subaru outback under 10 inches clearance our jeep under 10 inches of clearance to be honest i can't think of any vehicle like this that comes stock that's 15 inches or higher so i would never need any higher for clearance especially as a frugal guy i'm not going to be building some lifted kit anytime soon other than that i'm going to talk about the build in a bit i think this beanstalk model is pretty over engineered and pretty overbuilt in a good way in a bad way too because it adds some weight but it really makes it to me off-road worthy i don't know why i would need something any beefier than this so this is something here we've been prototyping with beam when we reached out to bean this is what we asked for in the trailer we asked mark could we get an oversized tongue box for this beanstalk as you can see this is rhino lined or armadillo'd super beefy but it's not that heavy because it's aluminum it didn't add a lot of weight to the tongue and what it can hold is just incredible everything that was in the tongue box i put inside this tent just to give you an idea of how much it holds now if you find a way to fill this up you still can come over here they've added three different track systems of gear tie downs so you can add a bunch of extra gear here and look like the clamp that's heading down the road one of the features teardrop owners will whine a little bit about is the size of the door so on this what they did is they put in an oversized door so as you can tell i'm not sure if it's wider maybe a little bit wider but definitely a lot taller so this is my mom's newest addition to the family she's gonna try the whole pony cart ride the grandkids around thing careful you don't want to hurt yourself on that tom says no step here but i've watched how bean just makes a trailer everything's pretty over engineered so i can easily stand on this it can support all my weight in other videos i showed you guys i can jump up on it for someone my size i can easily get up here it helps me get up to the rooftop awnings and tents and all the things that are out of my reach and speaking of those things out of my reach you have the ability even on the beanstalk because it has that strong composite inside the fiberglass to bolt in a lot of add-on items so i have on here a 23-0 awning that spreads out all the way 180 degrees here in front of the camper and then a rooftop tent is mounted up here so i know you guys want to see that interior it really is the selling point of this trailer like may never wanted to leave it she called this her little home so i'm just going to go get that mattress get the cover on it get some lights on in here and give you a tour welcome to the inside of the main trailer the lights here they actually are dimmable you can push and there we go this is the lowest setting let's go over to the galley the pass-through galley so the galley is my favorite part about this trailer if you open it up on the other side it's just the galley where we cook but i just love that i can get everything from in here because the one of our big problems was we i would always forget something on the other side so once i was all ready to be tucked in with the boys i would have to scream drew come grab me blah blah blah and he would have to bring it to me and so when he told me that this trailer had this i was like yes yes this is this is my jam because i always forget something like diaper wipes or if i didn't finish washing my face i can reach in here and grab my face lotion and finish my night routine in here with the boys while they're reading a book so to me this is like a plus it worked out really great for our family living in here this summer i had my own drawer which was really like uh luxury because we didn't have this before so i had a whole drawer to myself and then the boys had the drawer next to mine drew his drawers face was up here because he's the taller guy so he took up this whole space and this is pretty deep it goes um it's like pretty much the length of my my whole arm it doesn't seem that big of a deal but for somebody who lives in a small camper trailer like we do this is like this is like me hugging it like this and then the other cool thing is this side was more storage space it goes pretty deep as well so we kept a lot of the stuff that we needed like rain jackets or um kleenex hats things like that up here and it just worked really well because you didn't have to dig through your drawer you can just hop in here and grab and go and then the cot drew will put in in a bit to show you guys what that looks like but east really love the cot right here is a really soft i forget what it's called what is it called it's like a headliner a soft headlight soft headliner and i love just kind of leaning back on it it feels really good when i have my pillows here but drew really loves it because he gets to use this whole space as a projector for movie nights with projector screen right like the whole movie fits perfectly wide on this thing it's pretty awesome look at the new screen this is like a legit movie theater my favorite i have so many favorite things i can talk about but one of my favorite things is um that this little hook set that comes in here that comes with the bean um we use it for everything we use it to hang our keys our the boys water bottles have a little um hanger so we hang their water bottles here we hang our hats here we hang our headlamps here and this summer we were in a different camper and i like just muscle memory like went to hang something and i'm like there's nothing to hang anything there's like where do i store my things i need for at night and then the other cool part is the usb hooks we use that a lot um our phones are usually hooked in charging in the night time or drew's battery chargers for his camera you can go up here and just manually turn on the fan but we really love the remote we just use it it's really cool because you can control if the air goes in or if it goes out you can go 10 which is where we normally have it at maybe 20 once this summer it's just enough to feel like air moving but you don't hear it there's no turbulence it just feels like you're being wrapped in this nice cloud of air it's really quiet um it's so quiet that we usually forget to turn it off and we'll come back at night and go oops didn't turn off the fan again let me just turn off the camera before i forget changing is really cool because i can kind of stand up in it she's only how tall are you i'm not tall enough to be a model show me on here okay so i at 5 11 can you see me yeah at 5 11 i can do a very comfortable close change i always thought i needed to stand all the way up like some sort of pop top but this is by far enough putting on pants putting on your shirt everything is like really natural and comfortable and that's that extra foot of headroom every teardrop we're in has one less foot than this has what do you think you like your bunk [Music] you usually read on it there's a lot of space under there huh and now for the best feature and i saved it for last and that's the fiberglass design it's actually such a great feature that i made an entire video devoted to composite and fiberglass design and why i think it's the right fit for me and many of you out there so check that out in the description below and as usual stay safe on the road and we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Playing with Sticks
Views: 538,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardrop trailer tour, rv living, rv living full time, teardrop trailer, teardrop camper, teardrop camper tour, tiny home, tiny home vs camper, tiny camper, bean trailer, black bean trailer, playing with sticks, alaska, camping, travel trailer camping, fiberglass, overland camper, camper trailer, best teardrop trailer, fiberglass trailer, small camper, what is the best teardrop trailer, rv life, travel trailer, best small camper, walkthriough, trailer walkthrough, tour
Id: rzjE8UNGeus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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