BCM 10pm Prayer Call LIVE from KCC

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everybody said i don't mind way hallelujah i don't mind waiting i don't mind waiting on you lord oh come on i don't mind hallelujah i don't mind waiting i don't mind wait on your lord everybody say i don't [Music] you may be seated of course your speed is determined by what is chasing you i'm glad you that are watching here you're watching just for one moment i wanted to come on here live with you so that we can pray and believe god for supernatural miracles in your life this is one of the greatest months of your life and it's going to be one of the greatest moments of your life because you're getting ready to shift your life how you're going to shift it you're going to shift it through intercession anything that happens in your life is not just gonna happen a happenstance or coincidence but it has to happen by the divine design and plan of god let me share with you what i shared with the call on this morning the word of god says in mark in genesis chapter 49 verse 19 is somebody back down that screen if so let's use it is anybody back there is it are they okay genesis 49 19 thank you brother peters genesis 49 19 we'll use it in a minute genesis 49 19 it says gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at last somebody shout a truth pay very close attention to that that is a prophecy we know what is happening in this text in this text a man by the name of jacob is sitting down with all of his children when he sits down with his children he makes a declaration over every one of his children he goes to reuben he goes to simeon he does to issachar he goes to all of the tribe but then he gets to gad and he releases a prophetic word and i need you all to listen to me because you do not understand why you up under so much warfare and why you are being so attacked you're not being attacked just because the devil hates you you're being attacked because the devil is doing everything he can to stop you from reaching your full potential you are not who you are called to be yet and the devil does not see who you are but he sees what the prophet have prophesied because what prophets do is we release the mind and the intention of god for your life look at somebody and say a prophet has spoken over my life it got to come to pass so there's a prophetic word that was released by jacob if i had time i would talk about that but parents be careful what you say over your children whether you are saved or unsaved any declaration that you make over your children has weight that's why god tells children to honor your mother and father because you always want to keep your parents in a posture to speak the blessing over your life here it is god through jacob speaks a word over gad and says this is what i see in the future i see that a truth shall overcome him but he will overcome at last that's the prophecy pay attention that's the prophecy do you have a prophecy hanging over your life do you have a word that has been spoken over you the minute that prophecy was spoken hell heard it the minute a declaration was made over your life hell heard it hell said uh-uh we got to stop this word from coming to pass we got to make sure this saying don't manifest we got to make sure this never comes to pass now the word may not have been given directly to you but it was given to your grandmother it was given to your mother it was given to your father it was given to your great auntie it was given to your great-great-great-great-grandmother and the prophecy is that i'm gonna save your children i'm gonna save your grandbaby you don't even know there's a prophecy hanging over your head but the devil do you didn't hear what i just said i say you don't know there's a promise over your life but the devil does and because the devil knows there's a promise over your life his job is to frustrate and hinder the prophecy from coming to pass but somebody shout not on my watch so look at what happened he releases up my god y'all sound good tonight so here he hit it i just got done beating him up in bible study they really knowing it right now all right so i want you to hear me so look at what happens because a prophecy is released over their life from genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua judges ruth first and second samuel first and second king version chronicles ezra nehemiah esther oh through this time this is thousands of years but the prophecy ain't came to pass yet because the prophecy had a date to manifest now there's a prophecy hanging over gas what's the prophecy on gas genesis 49 19 a truth shall overcome him but he shall overcome at last that's the prophecy now here's the thing when the word was given to gad gad don't even know what jacob talking about and that's why you need a real prophet because a real prophet will speak something out of you that you don't even know in you a real prophet will identify destiny in you that you didn't even know you had he'll show you that you're gonna work in food and you don't even like cooking he'll show you that you have an anointing in administration and you don't even like putting stuff together a prophet imparts impartation is not giving you something it's pulling out of you what's already in you but it got to be identified somebody say identify me holy ghost so here's the prophetic word that's been released the prophetic word is that god or truth shall overcome him but he shall overcome at last that's all god knows he don't know nothing else but guess who knows hell no hell no that somewhere there's a prophecy hanging over gas and the prophecy is god gonna be overcome by truth but god gonna end up overcoming the truth that's all he knows that's all the devil know give you mark chapter five hold on mark chapter 4 mark chapter 4 verse 35 all of a sudden jesus one day in mark 4 35 when the evening was coming jesus said let's go to the what to the other side just that's a normal day that's a normal day just a normal day we're going to hang out on the other side what you're going for jesus is the time where jesus would pull away with the disciples time of retreat jesus said let's go to the other side as soon as he says that look at the next verse and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as was in the ship they were also with them other ships verse 37 and there rose a great storm what on here jesus said let's go to the other side evidently something is on the other side that the storm don't want jesus to get over there it was a sunny day everything was beautiful wasn't no storm that wouldn't have got on the ship if it was a storm every sun was out it was easy like sunday morning sun was shining everything looked good but i'm trying to tell you that even the elements know your prophecy the son shall not smite thee by day another moon by night i'm telling you that elements can hear trees can hear stars can hear storm the minute jesus said let's go to the other side there was a storm that was started in the second heaven why why would the devil deal with the storm because remember he's the prince of the power of the of the air so if there's anything that he can get control of it would be the elements he would give it the wind he would deal with all this stuff and the bible says jesus said let's go to the other side ain't no storm but soon as he say let's go to the other side a storm break out i do want to pause for a commercial break and let somebody know if there's a storm going on in your life there must be a promise on the other side i don't know who that was for but there's a good place to shout i said i just want to pause and let you know turn them lights on a little bit i said i just want to pause and let you know that if there is a storm that just broke out last week a storm that just broke out last month the only reason the devil is fighting you is because he knows right on the other side something about the break for you somebody to shift come on tell three people so i'm about to turn for you stay with me stay with me watch this i'm gonna uh uh we're gonna get happy feeling happy so the prophetic word is released my time is almost up the prophetic word is released gay the truth shall overcome here you shall never come at that prophecy what do they got to do with mark chapter 4 35 mark 4 35 jesus said let's go to the other side he get ready to go to the side a storm break guy why is a storm breaking out what is going on devil why is you bothering jesus devil why is you trying to stop jesus from getting to the other side the only reason the devil is mad is because the devil has knowledge by prophecy of a promise that's on the other side i don't have time to get into it but in the spirit realm i told you you have in witchcraft what you call eavesdropping spirits these are spiritual tape recorders these are people who will give you items and in the spirit they will attach a spirit to the item to record your conversation and you wonder how they know certain stuff you trying to figure how did they know that they attached a spirit to an item to hear your conversation i don't get into that but it's called eavesdropper hallelujah hobie i shy but i'll stop up the ear of the eavesdropper tonight not only do you have an eavesdropper but you have watchers but in the name of jesus i blind the third eye hey i feel something creeping up on me now you got watchers you got scanners you got people who astral project what's that they know how to make their spirit leave their body and come to your house but i command every witch i command every warlocker i command every demonic agenda going on in the name of jesus i cancel it clap your hand and say it here so sit down y'all i'm almost done time almost up i came i came to make y'all want to pray you that's watching me i came to put a stir in you to pray something is about to happen in this nation in the next couple of months and in the next couple of years america's going to war you're coming after your young boys the draft is coming back i'm preparing you for what's coming to this nation you church that's sitting at home sleeping your church is sitting at home lazy you people that aren't praying i'm telling you it's time for the church to get on her knees because something is conjuring in the spirit something is going on but i'm not worried about it because when they get dark in the world arise and shine everybody losing it you're gonna have peace stay with me a song came right a storm came why did the storm come why did the storm come jesus oh jesus said but let go to the other side why the storm come why and prophet khan what do that got to do with genesis 49 19. go back to genesis 49 19. god a truth shall overcome him he shall overcome at last okay so what mark five mark four here come a psalm mark five verse one i finish out and they came over onto the other side of the sea into the country of the you missed it the devil got nervous because he knew on the other side was a time-sensitive prophecy he knew on the other side that there was a prophecy given by gad and he said as long as i can keep jesus out of gallery he's all right but the minute he heard jesus was about to go to the land of the galleries the devil got nervous hold on you ready you ready but why did he get nervous because there's a prophecy the prophecy is a truth shall overcome him well look what's over here what's over here verse two verse two come on and we need to come out the ship that committed my band out of the tombs with a man with unclean spirit uh-oh verse three who had his dwelling among the two could nobody bind him no not with chains oh come on come on because he had been knocked and bound with feathers and chains chains had been plucked the sun about the feathers broken in pieces couldn't nobody tame them verse five come on who are back there always night and day crying in the mountains in the tombs crying next cutting himself a song he saw jesus fall he ran next verse and worshiped him cried with the loud voice what have i to do with jesus son of the most high god i judy verse say don't torment me before he said come out of the man that wasn't clean spirit verse 9 he asked him what is your name [Music] what's your name he say my name is what legion if you look up legion legion is nothing but a truth the reason the devil was mad it's because he knew on the other side was a man who came from the tribe of gad who was bound by truth but the other part of the prophecy was the truth wasn't going to overtake him he was going to overcome the truth okay here's what i'm saying the reason the devil got upset is the devil knew that on the other side of that storm was the fulfillment of the prophecy the prophecy said that there's a man in god who's going to be overcome by truth guess what mark 5 jesus said it's time to go get him but hold on here oh i'm finna get happy because it wasn't really just about his deliverance give me verse 14 next verse next verse next verse next verse next verse next verse this why the devil sent that song the troop man the gad man after he got delivered departed and begin to publish in decapolis now decapolis is not a city it means ten cities you miss it the reason the devil got mad is because the devil knew that when this man got free there were 10 cities of people that was about to be delivered can i make it personal the reason the devil don't want your prophecy to come to pass is the devil know that when your prophecy comes to pass you're going to see the fulfillment of every promise that god ever spoke i need you to slap three people around you and say everything you need is in your prophecy next time wait you don't understand and this is what i need y'all to understand the reason the devil is fighting your prophecy so strong the reason the enemy is fighting you so strong is he knows that if you get free a whole bunch of people gonna get free he knows that when somebody see you walk in your house walk in your car walking the fulfillment of your promise your whole neighborhood about to come to jesus and i came tonight to pray with you against every storm that was sent by the devil to hinder your prophecy to come to pass tonight by divine authority by the blood of the lamb raise your right hand and say in the name of jesus every demonic storm that was sent my way to hinder my prophecy i don't hear y'all to hinder my prophecy to hinder my promise tonight as i cut my hands and i pray i command every storm sent by the devil to cease now now clap your hands and begin to pray clap your hands and begin to pray okay pray pray right right pray clap your hands stomp your feet male 1 live under the back [Music] [Music] i commit every storm i command the beast that rides on the wings of the air every demonic storm every witchcraft storm every eleval shutter storm sent to him to my promise sent to him to my prophecy tonight by divine authority i command that storm to cease i command peace i command peace i command peace clap your hands up your feet and command every storm to go command every storm to cease come on bright [Music] y'all ain't praying i said pray clap your hands pray you that are watching pray pray yay pray pray [Music] [Applause] hey come on pray i said come on pray i said come on pray [Music] [Music] come on pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray louder pray harder pray louder pray harder pray louder pray harder [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of raise your right hand again say in the name of jesus every wrong prayer every false prophecy every ease dropper every watcher every scanner that has been sent against me to hinder my prophecy from coming to pass tonight come on tonight as i cut my hands and i pray i command i don't hear you i command one more time i command every demonic force sent to hinder my promise be destroyed by fire now now clap your hands and begin to pray pray pray yeah they both shut down father you made this church a promise you showed us you showed us in the realm of the spirit a man walking in this church writing a check for a million dollars we command the release we come against every liar we come against every scandal we come against every spirit a sign to hinder the world from coming to pass by divine authority by the blood of the lamb we cancel it in the name of jesus may every wrong statement may every negative word spoken against my life every negative word spoken against this house every negative word spoken against my finances every negative word spoken against my children tonight as i cut my hands up and i pray may every negative word be dismantled may every wrong prayer be dismantled may every demonic word every wrong prayer every whisperer every gospel every liar every scandalizer i command your mouth to be sealed shut up i command your tongue to cleave to the roof of your mouth or whatever you have planned i command confusion to the camp of the enemy clap your hands stop your feet and command the release hey break it back lemon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clap your hands clap your hand stump your feet and command it command it get the best tape you cannot have it i will prosper i will walk in the fulfillment of everything god spoke over my life satan you are rebuked satan you are rebuked your plan is dismantled your agenda is cut over the blood the blood the blood the the blood the blood the blood of jesus clap your hands hey billy yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of it is the effectual favorite prayers of the righteous that avail much i've been sent from heaven to light you up in the spirit i've been sent from heaven to command a fire to burn in your spirit i've been sent from heaven to command the release to pull you out of the place you're in raise your right hand say in the name of jesus tonight come on this is our last prayer tonight as i clap my hand and i pray and stomp my feet i command a release now now clap your hands and command the release command the release command the release command the release in your finances command the release of your son command the release of your father bound by addiction your son bound by drugs your daughter bound by depression commander release command the release commander release commander release release my daughter release my sauna release my finances you spirit of infirmity get off of my mother get off of my grandmother get off of my grandfather i command the releaser you said it you spoke it it must come to pass clap your hands up stop your feet command the release command the release command the [Music] [Music] you said it it gotta come to pass i command the release of finances i command the release of resources everything that i need to fulfill my destiny everything i need to go to my next level everything i need to be who you call me to be i command the release i command the release i command the release money do you hear me i command you to release demons of hell tormenting my family do you hear me my divine authority let my son go let my daughter go let my family go pray pray [Applause] [Music] command the release of your healing command the release of your liberty hey something is breaking something is breaking something is turning something has shifted something is moving hey hey [Music] you're a little shy in the name of you that are watching you need a breakthrough you need a change you need a shift you need things to move for you i'm going to tell you right now long as you're lazy ain't nothing going to happen pray fervently pray until something happen pray till it turns pray till it shifts there's a storm that's been released from hell to stop you from going to the other side but in the name of jesus i prophesy tonight you will cross over hey now shout for your crossover shout for your crossover release a sound in here release a sound [Applause] hey hey i said you're crossing over [Music] hey i say you call my god i feel something you ought to shout where you at cause something hey homer yay hey hey hey homie ashanti yellow basha hila the name of jesus it is so tonight i know you've given all day tonight we're sowing a crossover seed you that are watching you that are here it's on the screen 300 of you just say oh you got to give us a 20 seed 300 of you you that are watching you that are here go on the thing go on cash out go on the website doesn't matter but you're selling that seed at dollar sign pbc jr 20 it's your crossover seat name it name it crossover c name it i'm sewing like crazy i'm giving like crazy why are you giving so much because i'm about to cross over why you shouting so much because i see myself on the other side while you're adjuncting because i see myself in another play i see my brother free i see my son delivered i see my sister that high i feel something breaking in here shout for your sister shout for your brother shout for your mother shout for the cross over hey shout [Music] you're sewing you that are watching don't miss this i'll give you so many testimonies that's been coming in as we've been praying we're praying you got to have a target i told you a couple of days ago last week have a target don't just pray everything you gotta have a target gotta find something that you're going after that you're pursuing and i'm telling you this is the year of manifestation everything that's been held up from you god's about to do it i day to go run the five people and tell them get ready for the crossover you that are watching run the five people and tell them get ready for the crossover yay billy bye yum biosia hey i say run and tell them get ready for the crossover get ready for the shift get ready for the turnaround get ready for the breakthrough get ready for the manifestation of whatever you're praying for whatever you ask god for get ready for it something is about to happen something is about to shift something is about to move i don't know about you but i feel it hey i say rejoice that you're going to bed tonight knowing you're about to cross over hey glory i say glory it is so i want to say faithful it's been 35 minutes it's been 38 actually i love you that are watching you got a chance to pray with us we pray every day at 12 o'clock noon here in charlotte 12 o'clock in jacksonville 12 o'clock then houston it's praying time church it's not time to be cute it's time to pray the saints said if you don't pray you won't stay and if you don't fast you won't last got into a hardness as a good soldier you that are watching i'll be in dallas this weekend friday night come on out we just asked you to register not for there's no price we just want to see who else coming come on and register friday night it's free saturday morning there's a special service where there's a special registration for that but i'll be releasing the word of the lord over your life but need to meet me in dallas houston i won't be there tomorrow if you are watching houston i plan on coming but it's my understanding that airports are closed and airports are backed up because of the storm the church has power but some of you don't have power and it's flooding and i don't want to be insensitive to what's going on i had every intention on being there but i won't be there tomorrow but we'll be in jacksonville on thursday and you'll get to see the service live so you'll stay in tune with what god is doing in kcc i don't care what nobody tell you ain't no better place to be i want to challenge you i want to challenge you to get and pray wherever you are 12 o'clock pray pray for one hour pray for two hours you that are part of this church meet us here prayer don't be sitting home looking at the flintstones do they still come on okay let me sit at home watching the flintstones and george jetson amen amen amen but that's all that don't be sitting home doing that come on let's get in prayer 12 o'clock it's getting ready to happen for you i feel something happening i feel something breaking i need about 30 people that believes something shout right there [Applause] all of you that are watching don't miss out on this crossover seed every one of you that's watching sow that seed in faith believing god for the supernatural nothing's gonna stop you you're more than a conqueror this is the greatest season of your life get ready to cross over i love you you annoying it your favorite more grace hug five people and tell them i crossed over tonight you
Channel: Kingdom City Church
Views: 2,971
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: prophet brian carn, prophet brian carn 2021, prophet brian carn singing, #prophet, brian carn, prophet brian carn preaching, prophet brian carn sermons, kcc, kingdom city church, kingdom city church service, brian carn kingdom city church, christian motivation, faith, gospel, blessed, nothing is impossible, motivational speech, Jesus Christ, kcc charlotte, worship, BCM, change your life, change your thinking, change your thoughts, miracle healing, deliverance service, prayer call
Id: QS06KRPcvN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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