BBQ White Smoke, Dirty & Bad smoke!

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today we are going over bad smoke this is the smoke you do not want going over your food through your smoker let's go hello my name is kevin and today we are going to talk about dirty smoke this is bad smoke you do not want in your cooking chamber you can just smell that this smoke is off and i'm going to show you why this is happening and how to get better smoke i'm also going to let you in on a little secret finally i'm going to leave you with a tip on charcoal make sure to burn off your charcoal as good as possible you want these to turn bright red have a really good flame going because i could smell just the combustion the poor fire that hadn't started yet because the charcoal was just starting you can just start to smell when you're looking for it or i should say smelling for it how off that smell can be so you want to get them red hot you want the ash over and then you want to load them up into your firebox all right most people as a beginner think they want just a cooking chamber engulfed with smoke that is not the case this much smoke will lead to off-flavored food so you really want to be running a cleaner smoke how do you get that well first how did i get here look at that i got the nozzle or i should say valve i don't know why i said nozzle i got the valve completely shut all right fires need air to breathe this needs to be open all right now once that gets open and enough oxygen allows the flame to catch again we want to get a burning flame that's how you run a proper fire as you can see we are now running a good fire all right the flames going really well it is combusting the way it's supposed to be let's take a look all right it's hard to see but there is a bit of smoke coming off it's very faint it's not dark white billowing smoke this is what you want you want that clean smoke so as you can see you can't really see it coming out there you can see there's there's smoke in the chamber all right it's very faint that's what you want you don't want that heavy smoke all right but kevin when i'm running i haven't got my temperature up yet but when i get a hot flame going my temperatures really tend to get high all right if that happens you need to use less fuel so you need to use less charcoal you need to use smaller splits all right my achilles heel is i like to use big splits and that causes poorly smoked fires so for this size firebox this piece of wood is just way too big it needs to be cut down and split into smaller ones i know you could probably jam this in here but it's really not what you want it's going to smother the fire it's going to produce a lot of poor smoke so for your firebox for the type of smoker you have you really have to figure out how much fuel it can truly use so this is one of the hardest things for somebody new to smoking they just got a smoker there isn't a lot of smoke coming across the chamber so they think their food is not getting any smoke the secret i want to let you in on is the first couple times you do your smoke and i did this too i just had way too much bad smoke and we trick ourselves into thinking that that piece of meat we're chewing on that tastes like a branch that that's good barbecue it's not we're new we're excited we can't wait to get that deep smoke flavor but that's too much smoke you're putting on your food there's no flame in there right you're not creating good smoking flavors now everybody you invite over to your party they're probably just as excited for you to have a new smoker and they taste so much smoked flavor they might not realize or what uh what i'm trying to say is they might be complimentary when they're either not used to good barbecue or they're just your friends and they don't want to hurt your feelings all right for most of us we don't learn about thinner blue smoke until later on until we have a real friend that tells us hey that is just way too much smoke flavor on there you're not creating enough good smoke so a good rule of thumb is to always have a flame always be producing a good smoke now for some reason for me even when i have a good fire going i still don't always get that thin blue smoke even when i get my charcoal to the right size i always have some white smoke and that's okay but it's the really thick white smoke i showed you earlier that you want to avoid like i said this isn't technically thin blue smoke that people really look for it's got a little bit more white than i'd imagine but i'm happy with it because it's not that really thick heavy smoke and that's what you want to avoid and that's what i want to leave you with so i hope everyone's having a great day and i'll see you soon what i want to leave you with today is charcoal all right premium lump charcoal is definitely a higher quality and it costs more because to me it does taste better but if you're doing a lot of smoking it is completely fine to use briquettes i got two bags for 16 bucks i would say hopefully this lasts me a long time but it probably won't because i use the smoker a lot and i've been using charcoal as a base so don't get tied up in i have to use premium all the time i love this stuff i'll bring it out when i'm having a party and i want to use it for that but for when i'm cooking by myself for my family the wood provides the flavor so i'll use this as my base for charcoal there's a lot of people out there that get really hung up on the type of charcoal and you shouldn't use stuff that's inexpensive no you see a deal you grab it because if you're doing it right you're smoking all the time and you're gonna need a lot of fuel to get you through thank you
Channel: Comparison Cooking
Views: 448,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq white smoke, white smoke, bbq smoke, how to get bbq blue smoke, how to get bbq white smoke, bbq blue smoke, beginners bbq mistakes, white smoke bbq, best smoke for bbq, worst smoke for bbq, worst wood for bbq, bbq bad smoke, bbq dirty smoke, how to get better bbq smoke, how to get bad bbq smoke, bad bbq white smoke, bbq smoke for beginners, bbq smoker fire management, comparison cooking, bbq beginners smoke guide, bbq beginners smoke management
Id: iaKwEQHuFqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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