Biggest Mistake We Made - Buying A Whole Cow!

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today we are talking about the biggest mistake we made when buying our first cow today we are going to go over the biggest mistake we made when buying a cow and then we're going to go over some things that you really want to take advantage of when you're about to buy a cow so Before we jump into the biggest mistake if you like topics like this smokers cooking on the trigger cooking on a pellet grill make sure to subscribe to this channel turn on notifications below and leave a comment down below because that's what our channel normally does but it is this time of year where people are starting to gather in their backyard and they want to drink beer with their friends and when they drink beer with their friends they normally come up with some great ideas like dude let's buy a cow and that's normally how it happens so I want to share with you some of the mistakes or the most important mistake we made and then some things they probably want to take advantage of and we're going to do that right now the biggest mistake we made was after we bought the cow and we got it shipped to the butcher we let it hang for 36 days that's right we let the carcass the meat we let it hang for 36 days before they slug they butchered half of the cow all right but Kevin isn't that dry-aged yes that is absolutely JH beef right there the problem was that's too much dry-aged alright we had 754 pounds of beef and bone hanging and it was all being dry-aged now when you go to a fancy restaurant you have dry-aged rib eye you have dry aged sirloin or I should say New York Strip filet those are the primary dry aged beef that you're used to eating if you go to those type of restaurants dry aged Chuck dry aged top round bottom round shin shank all that you normally don't have dry aged now that might not be the problem because what happened was the first few months you would text your buddies oh my god this dry-aged is simply amazing and it was but then a few months go by all right and then you're cooking up that top around and that dry-aged is starting to be this tastes the folks really starting to show even though it's been sitting in your freezer it's you're just having the same meat over and over and over again you have anywhere from 200 to 300 pounds in your freezer and you need to work your way through it that is just too much dry-aged now what pieces were awesome like I said the ribeye the filet and the New York strips were awesome all right start it off good in the beginning a chuck roast was really good doing the poor man's brisket that way delicious right top round was okay all that it was just okay but as time went on no it started to get this is like I said it's a lot of funk the thing I liked the least was actually the brisket which is crazy because I know there's a few videos out here that say oh my god 60-day dry aged brisket it's amazing no this was not good all right and I've tried trying to risk it twice and both times have not been good so I don't know I'm gonna try it again because I'm like these videos can't say it's this good and I taste it and it's that bad but the fat on the dry aged brisket has just been nasty it's been too funky it's not even a good funk you want so anyway that was our biggest mistake and I've been told by a lot of people even the butcher was calling us after you know 14 days because that's pretty much as long as you want to go for hanging after 21 days so like hey this is still hanging you want to keep going yeah of course we want dry-aged he called again after 28 days and then we finally told them to pull it and cut it at 36 days the butcher knew best now I did mention that we only cook we only had the butcher cut half of it well we decided being average joes we wanted to try to butcher half a steer ourself all right and I put that video right here so you can see it in case you and your friends are that ambitious also that you want to butcher some of it this is a video of how regular non butchers did butchering a cow and it was a lot of fun but our butcher did a phenomenal job so it's kind of hard whether we're gonna do it again or not all right let's talk about a few pro tips that I learned from this experience number one was getting a chest freezer all right if you don't already have one you're gonna have to buy one I'm mine was about 7 cubic feet it cost me I don't remember it's 8 9 months ago I think it was 200 $220 wasn't the worst in the world but it's been a game-changer and not just because you have to store 200 pounds of beef that's huge - but now anytime I go through the grocery store and I see a deal I can pick that deal up and no I have plenty of room in my freezer because there's no way you're gonna be able to put this much beef in your refrigerator at any given point you have to have some type of deep chest freezer out in your garage or somewhere to store this the other advantage of the chest freezer which I think you should take advantage of is you should have a rule in your house anytime beef tenderloin is under $10 a pound you have to buy it there's no more decision to be many you have to buy it all right you bring it home and you slice it up the way you want I made a video on that and it is just a really quick breakdown of a beat tenderloin you can cut up steaks the way you want it you can cut up the beef tenderloin to do roast the way you want it it's very therapeutic it's a great fun at home butchering experience and when you have a chest freezer you can cut it up put it in a vacuum sealed bags and put it in your chest freezer your kids and family are going to be spoiled because they're always going to have really good steaks that you got for a really good price all right and finally the last thing I want to leave you with that I thought was a pro tip is one of my friends had bought a cow the year before and he told me he ate all the steaks first and then he was left with shuck top/bottom and ground beef for the next six months and he didn't really want to eat it so the cost savings wasn't there for him because he had to go back to the grocery store all the time and buy steaks he was very into steaks which is awesome so I went in with the mindset of the first month I didn't want to touch any of the steaks I got from the cow we got so and yes I'm calling it a cow I know it was a steer it was a Black Angus I know I know I know but when you're drinking beer in the backyard with your friends you're like hey let's get a cow alright that's the conversation everybody else on the grammar police calm down we got a cow we got a steer we got a Black Angus whatever you want to call it thank you anyway I made sure for the first month I didn't have any steaks and I wanted to really get through of some of the Chuck some of the top and bottom round and the ground beef now for the whole cow being dry-aged I will say the ground beef cuz you're gonna get a lot of ground beef you're probably gonna get 200 pounds of ground beef when you get a whole cow the ground beef was amazing the dry aged ground beef is still actually my favorite part of this entire cow so it was a huge win but the like I said the other things you going to get tired of the chucked the bottom the top most people that's not their favorite thing to cook up so I forced myself in the beginning to eat a lot of that and to do new recipes with those cuts of beef so that by the time I got to my steaks I didn't have a ton of chuck and top and bottom less desirable cuts now in my house I eat so much beef because of this channel that I've really come to appreciate those cuts more than actual steaks some days I like all the different flavors I get from different cuts now because I've had to experiment with so many different cooking methods and flavors that to me I don't need a ribeye every single time anymore I like other cuts so that I encourage you to look up different recipes on how to get it done but that's what I want to leave you with is start with the less desirable cuts so as you're working your way through your freezer you're not through your steaks right away and then I guess we're having Chuck again so that's what I want to leave you with today just kind of as a public service announcement to get ready for cattle that's about to be auctioned a lot of county fairs because we're so under quarantine have been cancelled so what you should do is probably go on to Facebook and if you have a local County you know Commissioner page or County Farm page you should reach out and start following and say hey when is the cattle auction going to be because there's going to be a lot of livestock that's being sold right online right on Facebook and you and your friends should probably start talking about that now because before you know it guess what auctions gonna be here and hey are you in are you are you who's in with me on getting this cow or pig or go whatever it might be you want to start organizing that right now so you're ready when the auction comes you guys have been great and I will talk to you soon
Channel: Comparison Cooking
Views: 46,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buying a whole cow, buying a whole cow for meat, buying a whole cow to butcher, buying a hwole cow to butcher, buying a hwole cow for meat, mistake buying a cow, buying a cow mistake, buying a whole cow mistake, buying a full cow mistake, mistake buying a full cow, whole cow, buying a meat cow, buying a cow for meat, dry aged beef cow, whole cow dry aged, full cow dry aged, dry aged whole cow, can you dry age a whole cow, Kingsford stockade, comparison cooking
Id: V7G3KwvZZcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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