Bay Area Forecast: Rain Chances & Sierra Snow

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okay jeff let's get a check of our forecast let's get the statue back yes let's do that i felt it was a tad bit warmer i wasn't frozen as much last night and those clouds that moved in really helped to kind of act as a blanket so it was a little bit more enjoyable out there this morning and through today and as we move through the next couple of days we're even going to see that chance of rainfall and that's going to be some good news because we have our expanding drought across the state and that's what i wanted to begin with tonight a look at how things stand on the current drought situation and you'll see a lot of the bay area is in this brown color here that's a severe drought through the north bay east bay and also for san francisco so as we well know this means increased fire uh danger with some higher burn intensity when fires do get started crop damage trees also generally become very stressed we're looking at some pasture loss also some river flow decreases as well so any kind of rainfall we can pick up of course continues to help this situation and i do think the weather pattern is leaning towards us getting some more rainfall you can see that cloud cover out there right now and as we bring into the forecast through tomorrow morning it'll stay dry but we have the chance of a little bit of patchy ground fog i want you to be on the lookout for if you're up early tomorrow morning with temperatures in the 40s and as we head through the day we have high clouds remaining with us and some cool temps and then those rain chances also see our snow coming our way by friday so a look at storm range or mobile doppler radar and you can see we do have some rainfall offshore this will not impact us but it is a sign of the times and uh how that pattern continues to change so through tomorrow morning we have those clouds and 40s here for the south bay peninsula at 42 tri valley at 40. also down to 42 in the east bay uh san francisco 47 and the north bay at a cold 38 but at least it's not those temperatures we had below freezing to start off the week as we move through the day tomorrow we'll get a little bit of a break of sunshine here a little window of sunshine through the afternoon and 61 in san jose and it's going to be really similar as you head throughout our microclimates no big extremes here 60 in martinez more of those 60s for the peninsula 61 in palo alto and daly city dropping into the 50s here at 57 and you can see in san francisco we'll be at 59 in the mission relatively light winds out of the west at 10 and the north bay 62 in ukiah and also 63 in napa so let's move on to those rain chances and things really have been getting refined on the forecast kind of condensing our rain chances down and you can see by friday morning we'll have that rainfall lining up here off to the north so it really is all about friday for these best chances of rainfall let me go ahead and advance this and show you how things will play out through friday and we'll see the best possibility of some widespread rain friday afternoon and friday evening and then also bring back some snow to the sierra so on my extended forecast we have 50s and 60s in san francisco next seven days with the rain focused on friday and a spotty chance early saturday so i do not think the whole weekend's going to be wet so that's good news for any plans and a spotty chance of rain next wednesday for the inland valleys we'll keep it those 60s over the next seven days and the rain focus again on friday's forecast and while that rain moves in the other good news is the sierra snow right up near the highest levels we could see around 12 inches there at kingvale four inches south lake tahoe and kirkwood at seven and with the snowpack providing a third of the state's water supply also any kind of snowfall we can get early on is going to be great so we'll take more looks at the weather coming up at six o'clock uh right now it's uh definitely jacket weather outside the heater is probably about to click on in my house so i don't know i'm liking it it's feeling a little bit festive like thanksgiving's around the corner right i love it i think it's fantastic by the way jeff and janelle we did some research here the bigfoot museum in felton started by a stanford grad it's in felton and it's been around for 15 years so we do have a bigfoot museum here in the bay area it's fairly new okay we can check it out okay thanks raj
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 4,453
Rating: 4.647059 out of 5
Keywords: weather, weather forecast, Bay Area, Bay Area weather, Bay Area weather forecast, rain, snow, Sierra snow, Jeff Ranieri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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