Battlefield 3 FULL GAME 4K 60fps RTX 3090 Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] my [Music] you know what you've done and everyone ah are you that better yeah who are you you see ie good morning sergeant blackburn what are you going to tell me what's going on 18 hours ago i get a call from homeland security saying there's a marine in detention i need to talk to some story about a terror plot in new york and the marine claims he has information to stop it now the best part is he says it's going to happen today so here we are you look jet lagged and by that i mean you look like [ __ ] who is this that's him that song and you still believe he's planning an attack here in new york don't you why because he said so i read the file he's trying to save his own ass he doesn't know what we want to know just hear me out you want to bury me after go ahead we don't need to bury you you're already dead he doesn't know what we want to know we're on the clock i'm pursuing this lead what you're going to do is help us clarify the attack scenario your cooperation might even get you free of the world of crap you currently inhabit all you have to do sergeant blackburn is fill in the blanks are we clear when did you first hear about solomon and the plr it was nine months ago operation sword breaker iraqi kurdistan okay i'm listening we have a situation developing here get your team dismounted and into the staging area asap this is one three copy out what the [ __ ] are we stopping here for our objectives 20 clicks north of here i don't know montes yeah let's get out on the road [Music] okay let's go i guess we're led to the party where's the lt hanging right up here hey you ever asked yourself how this part of the world gets so [ __ ] up all the time you know yeah gentlemen welcome as you know we're dealing with the plr insurgents crossing over from iran a lot of sectarian tension i counsel to remember gentlemen the people of this country are not your enemy plr is at all 9 30 we lost contact with viper squad they're investigating a possible ied near spinzer meat market that's a pretty [ __ ] bad part of town you believe the plr involved sending you in to find our marines provide support call in cassavac if necessary you're the quick reaction for us gentlemen i'm trusting you to handle this let's go find our marines we're on it let's go way behind gentlemen let's go find this patrol we have a sid rip on enemy inside this district go what is this school all right keep forgetting they don't have schools where you come from stick together check your corners what was that someone needs to tell eod to blow those ammo dumps further away wait tremor we're like 90 clicks from a major fault line big cross street here hella exposed wait what something coming back wait for him to pass [Music] let's move okay crossing twos black [ __ ] okay moving get the lid out black now not a single civvy i don't like this [ __ ] god keep shooting they're moving they're moving let's go let's go find me give me a second i'm up i'm up i'm up i'm [ __ ] up but i'm up rbg my 12. second floor right there right there engaging firing [Music] get the hell inside now we got him hey buddy can you feel this all right up we go check your corners i hope chapman's gonna be okay he'll be fine he's a tough son of a [ __ ] eyes open it's all you don't stay visible in the window these guys weren't local they weren't speaking arabic al-bashir is exporting all-star insurgent talent out of aranta here now i don't know let's just get up on that roof be careful out there clear clear [ __ ] contact anyone got eyes on i can't see him dude that's a [ __ ] 50. stay low stay low hotel i think let's go cover the cover we'll draw him out ready moving okay moving going okay moving okay get on the [ __ ] deck get down to the edge and stick his head out and then we [ __ ] shoot it roger hug the wall black wait for us to get into position don't bunch up keep moving talk to me you got eyes on i got it [Music] black now there's a sniper okay okay across the street 50 meters mid way up he stuck it to a spider hole i got 18 give it to black [ __ ] cover's getting ropey you're the best shot you see that weapon clint you wasted make it count brother i'll cover you and you hit him clear your back blast stand by three two one suppressor [Music] good effect on target we good we're good let's go find this patrol misfit 1-3 this is dock holiday we got your man patched up down here we're ready to move back to the staging area for evac can you provide cover from up there it's your thing doc holliday which direction over north side misfit 1-3 in position looks pretty clear roger that we are moving keep your eyes peeled for hostiles our guys are pretty exposed down there watch your sectors [Music] i see enemy movement street level straight ahead okay moving more guys coming in check the street level and rooftops i think we're clear miss bit one three we are moving over we got your six you are clear [Music] oh you gotta be kidding me okay [Music] this is dark holiday many thanks we're through we'll take care of your buddy out they're moving in on us now i think they're in the building can we get the [ __ ] off this rooftop now please roger can't go back down too messy need to find another way down we'll never make it over we can use this as a bridge do it [ __ ] it boy scout [Music] go go [Music] so temporary setback break we're oscar mike target location over we're pushing through let's hope they're okay so what happens if the plr take over country run by terrorists ain't good bro america was founded by terrorists or terrorists what do you think the [ __ ] revolutionary war was history is determined by the [ __ ] victory how did you even get into the marines you know what campo i often ask myself the same goddamn question [ __ ] contact is that the patrol it's two of them just stay focused [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] we got wounded nkia in here i got it mr next well this is one three and he casts back asap how copy i can find that branch out and this layout doesn't look right at all [Music] i found something this is totally not good secondary's under here secondary copy that oh [ __ ] boys we are attracting a lot of [ __ ] attention what's the problem can't cut the wire i can't cut anything until this wire's traced black when you're nominated follow the wire [Music] blackbird did you get that follow the goddamn wire just get that wire cut [Music] ah [Applause] get up here now [ __ ] grenade [ __ ] up oh enemies let's move move there that enemy vehicles oh [ __ ] earthquake come on let's [ __ ] go [Music] all right you claim you're knocked out after the earthquake yes sir don't bother calling me sir it's not going to matter because you're going to torture me anyway you don't work that way anymore now you just go to the darkest corner of the room great how long were you unconscious sounded set when i came too there was a broadcast were you out for six hours eight it's important is that a trend try to focus on the question please i was still shaky as hell when i pulled myself out so i don't know it was dark hold yourself up we're buried i did see something you just said it was dark and you were groggy are you trying to get a rise out of me we're just along for the ride sergeant blackburn you're driving for now if you say so so it was dark and you were groggy you saw something after the quake what was it ah on the other hand i have a better idea i'll let you choose m [Applause] oh all units as they become available reaching out with catastrophes aggression soldiers aggression aggression all american soldiers [Music] foreign foreign so [Music] that's come on don't forget to stop by hiding foreign come on aah [Applause] freeze [ __ ] hands holy [ __ ] blackburn am i glad to see you in about half an hour this place is gonna be every [ __ ] man for himself come on let's get the [ __ ] out of here misfit this is misfit 1-3 i think i'm almost back at the staging area i don't know this place looks real different without any freaking buildings [Music] i got the door come on milnet was saying there's riots all over the [ __ ] city and get this a coup in iran sponsored by your friendly neighborhood plr so [ __ ] here's all right lc okay let's go let's go i got you buddy stop me if this is incorrect through cabbage year in the plr seize power in iran almost the same day as the earthquake they become a threat a few weeks later we send in 50 000 marines to take them out we go to war in iran is this a history lesson what part did you play in going after al bashir that's a broad question well then i will narrow it down your first mission initially our role was to do bda after airstrikes in the northern quarter of tehran battle damage assessment why were you doing that it was procedure we were looking for a high value target fast air was supposed to hit so far as i can tell you don't have a great history of following procedure tell me about your interaction with lieutenant colby hawkins she was an f-18 pilot she don't know her as you went in she took part in an air strike on al bashir hawkins we just got raised to alert one plans have changed we're launching now kag says we're special today we're not on station for some whiskey delta ground support desk is going to fill us in airborne we are flying strike mission over tehran into mirabad airport e-lindt has sat images they think they know where al-bashir is so get your fangs out hawkins we're hunting big game today that's pretty much it there's iranian bogeys in the air already pucker factor [Music] 9.7 [Music] luke alvashire is about to have a really bad day okay let's rock and roll [Music] hold the lid [Music] roger [Music] okay good [Music] system check weapons initiate hmd visor [Music] got a green light up front switch the canon [Music] weapons and counter measures good to go have good ends good highs good lows no outlines ready in the back here we go [Music] put attention they're 20 center let's do this here we go [Applause] leveling off on your starboard six is heavy 2.2 to 8 miles good minor turbulence fast here we go back pushing the one to the left i got the one on the right two one two sharp four six confirmed vid on two engaging in angel six sharp four six copy here we go hawkins where's [Music] key [ __ ] flares oh [Music] [Music] nice job pumpkin i don't see it players good shot slash one continue with original strike package destinations what the hell [Applause] is [Applause] enemy lock he's don't lose he's breaking left left side he's pulling hard so rogers coming from the airport [Music] rolling on the target area with potential high value target over roger ground element coal sign reaper one in the area construction two one and two two coming in for j dam drop switching over to agm 88 all right hawkins switches over to ground attack take out those positions good job before [Music] switch to infrared [Music] on target [Music] you have another one near the radar tower [Music] three seconds [Music] oh [Music] heart hunters to try to take off over 4-6 roger hawkins reference those three bunkers across from the main terminal use infrared [Music] [Music] this is [Music] that's the last one this is reaper one i have three vehicles moving along the runway this one brhvt wait out two four six stand by to engage if the target is verified how copy rogers [Music] be advised you have a single aircraft approaching from the south at low speed altitude 502. you have eyes on over roger it's a helicopter looks like it's headed for the vehicles roger you have four six on station four six this is reaper one we need them to get out of the car so we can verify it's our target stand by to engage [Music] standing by [Music] [Music] roger [Music] roger three seconds watch for traffic with cedar west [Music] i got the ball bringing her down power power 550 500 right on the ball bring her down that's a nice story i don't see how it connects what i gotta draw you a map al bashur was never there that's why you went in now we knew he was in tehran somewhere he'd gone into hiding i see and until this point you didn't believe al bashir was affiliated with solomon there was no link just what i saw in iraqi kurdistan when i saw it i've got a question al bashir was our jfk we should have left them where he was you remember saying that no who did i don't know sure you don't i bet you don't know who shot your c.o either [ __ ] you let's not forget the nature of a little interaction here this is not a trial you are guilty i know how your [ __ ] story is we're not here to manhandle him let him go now as far as our treatment of him goes our directives are very clear i just want to get to the bottom of this and i want to do it cleanly fine tell us how you found the nuke in tehran that is a big city it is no gun trucks yet wheels of fate turn slowly my brother this is haymaker said traffic bda of airstrike targets turned up inconclusive however as about 300 hours forward elements of colonel garrison's regiment took to via bridge this puts misfit and haymaker in position to capture enemy structures housing strategic intelligence break copy that there's haymaker we're going all call science misfit we on mission launch repeat we are mission launch sir roger blackburn go go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] beautiful come on i need rounds downrange get over that wall like that come on i got him [Applause] i got this [Applause] he pulls him down enemy happens come on [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] let's go [Applause] [Applause] get grenada [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] clear door clear captain brady outstanding job securing the apartments 1-3 will attack from misfit for this mission you're with us sir i'm wondering about this route one tree is the fastest course we can fly to the bank [Music] it's going to take us right up i mean that's all badlands after the tunnel sir round three this is initiative i think i just agreed to be ambushed why don't we just shoot ourselves to save them the trouble seriously we're gonna get jacked frankly gentlemen i'm not hearing the aggression i'd like keep scanning nothing yet you heard him pull over let's get this over rpg overpass over here [ __ ] back as soon as we're out i want you guys to light him up [Music] oh push up god hey [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here sound off i'm good all right you good good [ __ ] that was a t90 and i'm still breathing i'm better than good i'm [ __ ] awesome blackberry blackberry are you okay there's got to be a way out of here let's go that thing's gonna cut them apart man there's fast air and cobras on station if they can get here in time [Music] i think that's the bank i guess so [ __ ] t-90s back we gotta do something [ __ ] [ __ ] going [ __ ] is engaging thing up personnel this way let's move see if we can find a way into the back come on up down movement boost me up [Applause] i'm in got him clear hugo [Music] changing oh good timing let's keep moving gentlemen we're looking for any sign of al bashir find it bag it you guys clear the basement we'll sweep the rest of the building roger blackman come on montez door [Music] [Music] [Music] propel down okay shaft looks about 60 feet down slow and quiet pay out your rope careful mission impossibilities blackbird on point keep tension on the line yep [Music] i hear something down there [Music] blackbird prep a flashbang ah all right we're done let's get it on see maybe albert shearer's in there i don't know let's find out markovich open the gate [Music] the [ __ ] is this you smell that smoke cordite let's get this door open god damn it teddy yeah i'm going in here holy [ __ ] it's gold mine it's an operations room looks like they tried to destroy it no look shit's still here i want everything bagged and tagged oh [ __ ] we got maps of paris new york i got a train timetable here says 602. holy [ __ ] come over here radioactive is that a good idea we don't got a choice holy [ __ ] you know what that is russian portable nukes there's only one there wait there's room for two more where the hell are the other two hey you need to see this there oh [ __ ] that's al bashir who's the other guy i don't know they're coming down we need to secure the nuke and get the hell out of here what about the intel no no there's no time let's get the nuke and move now this whole building's gonna come down this is misfit 1-3 misfit we have secured what appears to be a wmd break there may be more than one oh that can't be good how many portable nuclear devices did you see in the bank vault one you saw one just one the space is for three just because i see a couple of lights at night doesn't mean they saw a goddamn ufo look we believed there were three i believe elvis is still alive too but i'm not buying any tickets for [ __ ] shows about the other nukes well one's already here so you don't know about paris what you heard me didn't stop who didn't stop what you mean him he used to be russian spetznas vimple unit dimitri dima mayakovsky the kind of operator who doesn't show up someplace by accident we know you know that we've met if you want to make a point make it we think you know why he was in paris tell me what happened in paris then i'll tell you we don't know any more than you do the only person who knows what happened in paris is dema [Music] [Music] yes foreign [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign okay good yes foreign oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what do i get foreign [Applause] foreign oh oh [Music] oh [Music] yamaha foreign wow [Music] so uh oh foreign you guys ready that's fine oh [Music] [ __ ] foreign [Applause] foreign let's get it foreign [Music] [Music] please [Music] foreign my [Music] like mushy [Music] ah [Applause] [Applause] foreign yes when wasses 10 hours ago 80 000 dead ground zero was the euronext exchange how's it feel you think i wanted this you oga guys were even more [ __ ] up than i'd heard you were i'm trying to stop this from happening in new york who do you think did it sergeant the plr and solomon well the blast shield matches russian suitcase nuke specs we put dima in country at the same time do you know how that looks demon was trying to stop it the paris newton must have been one of the missing ones [ __ ] then what didn't you still let it happen sergeant go back in time to the bank you said the paris nuke links to the bank can't beat demon can't be i am waiting i sent out a distress call anvil three part of charlie company first tax they came to get us miller came to get us brother miller put the dinosaur down it's go time stop for the birthday actual advancing log into form out solid copy and actually right our tanks ahead this is why we came here out negative nothing again okay everyone identify multiple tanks closing it faster these guys are well trained way to go miller nice good kills dude two t-72s engage can't destroy nice work three four next checkpoint zeroed above you [Music] rocket battery is your primary target cass is on station roger anvil actual standing by for gun run [ __ ] okay miller where's the target [Applause] here we go alternate for immediate re-attack break anvil actual might have to pick up the ball on this and adjust to attack the bdm position out is go through it miller don't stop let's go prosecuting enemy dismounts get the [ __ ] out of here target destroyed okay this is better luck sabo i got a dust cloud advance i see it moving right to the left okay t72 engaging are getting one second they're vehicles dead ahead fire fire against tanks to the left crazy watch yourself [Music] [ __ ] a miller oh [ __ ] fire quiet [Music] before proceeding how copy roger [ __ ] enemy tank left sector he gave your first focus on the tanks all right let's switch the door engage the infantry keep us moving rpg teams vehicles and infantry roger swing west to proceed to highway advise with checkpoint reached out stay alert payback you are clear something up ahead that transport engineers someone tell that how there's a war going on [Applause] [ __ ] plr shot ambushed us [ __ ] before we were ready i just need someone to get to the trigger that means somebody's gotta get out there but it ain't gonna be me get your help back here go ahead come on pull the trigger yeah you gotta collect that guy's salary dude he just did his job get back in the tank bro we need you on the 50. engage and destroy all enemy forces report when outside city limits out shut that vehicle rpg focus on it tank in the gas station this is insane all elements front engaged another right behind that one 10 o'clock you up front rpg 10 o'clock [Music] all right miller advance wait out you were trapped at the bank yeah and running out of time like we are now so they came into the city where was that there was a plaza outside we're with the nuke inside the back waiting for miller and havel three to get there i radio them i need to know when the relief force is coming they say three minutes we'll be there in three minutes structures it's tight though okay let's do it dude this is not good man miller get your ass down here we're going to find out patches without anything we're going to be fine do you want to get nailed by a sniper let's just get better and better still operational oh [ __ ] there's no one roger heads up the plaza roger we saw him stand by to get the hell out of there come on what the hell was that get the [ __ ] power back on now we gotta see what's going on [Music] done roger yeah we [Music] prepare for evacual coffee [Music] solid coffee we'll mark elizabeth three four good job uh barely enough room for them confirming you'll be there in 15 minutes is roger we're working on air support hello mr miller is it americans and their souvenirs is this your child no i can see the name johnny miller hope he doesn't miss it too much well children they get attached to these little things they can cry for days when they lose one you know why because these small objects remind them they're loved but loss it's part of growing up isn't it part of growing up is accepting the inevitability of death the inevitability mr miller of death my father told me that he would be a hero to your children too i hope that gives you comfort brother [Music] shame you come to our country to murder us yet we are the terrorists when we try to protect our nation and our people this is the price you pay [Music] this is the price you pay pretty picture isn't it it's nasty but it doesn't connect solomon to the nuke what else do you have sergeant what else do i have what else do i need you just saw him murder miller look in the mirror sergeant you and your buddy demas fingerprints are all over the store are you [ __ ] cop i mean whose side are you on look you're in the same room where this video was taken you're at the bank where they found the nuke isn't that right yes that's right we found the three new cracks the torn up map solomon who's on the security monitor with al bashir the building's gone your evidence is gone you got nothing yes all right when was this you're sure okay thanks well it appears one of solomon's aliases just hit the grid here in new york there you go so i guess your story checks out al bashir was real clear about solomon being his right-hand man was he when when we went after him camp homie why the [ __ ] he leaving me assaulting something's not right okay take out the lights you gotta black out the lz send it when you ready nice shot two left keep it coming good shot one floor lz secured have eyes on over roger from we've got eyes on the street roger you need to shift right to get eyes on over get into position you need the street cleared we're in position over roger what do you see black friend [ __ ] plr one four pull enemy to your front engaging over reference team's position go right a couple of floors above the street behind the balcony take them out good shot one floor you're good to go relocating to op bravo now over come on let's go see you on the ground okay clear let's go [Applause] go ally up ahead come on first i'll list you over hold up i saw something [ __ ] there's a guy watching the street reference the neon sign on the left second floor guy standing in open drop okay on me quick before they come back this is misfit one three we're at rv bravo roger nearby clear the way over roger let's cover them there they are the street dead ahead 50 meters right of the band [ __ ] drop them fast good shot one four good to go cover them while they cross this way stay in cover when you get down there roger good copy [ __ ] this one stay close [Applause] use your blade foreign stop stay close let's go shhh me uh uh let's get moving there stairs let's get over the other side of the block might as well send them a grid for an ambush yeah all right it's on the other side of these buildings we'll cut through here [ __ ] get ready jesus christ this is it this is the [ __ ] room this is where they did it oh [ __ ] misfit this is misfit one three i'm an rv delta there's something here how copy uh can you remember specifically i'm seeing evidence that this is the location where corporal miller was executed matches the description camera set up everything are you sure i'm pretty sure yeah all right i'll find the team asap many thanks round three the first marine division has just now captured the eastern quarter the battle for this city is nearly over let's finish it today wait for him yes oh grenade [ __ ] okay clear let's go it's all making sense now cole's trying to personally bring in al-bashir guy's been stuck as a captain for years he's trying to show the brass ain't a fuck-up he's bucking for promotion over here we're 200 meters from the target building it's just through the mall you ready yes sir let's do this if [ __ ] go sideways we'll use this area as a fallback position all right update that burns campbell you'll provide overwatch from this rooftop right here we'll already be back at the mall and come back we have now confirmed out by shares location we'll take the shot absolutely now we need out but you alive needed intel on the loops we found at the back i do not want to belong in style resolution here do you understand we're on it let's do it going in back of it let me one four one three stepping one three set and ready over roger we got eyes on blackbird send it when ready [Applause] re-engage quick area clear disregard headlines vehicle coming your [Applause] way roger rogers get ready do you have flashbangs on we don't see [ __ ] down here roger got you covered right side ground level he's down 12 o'clock upper floors [Music] [Music] ready keep it up on to the next guy quick [Applause] light it up [ __ ] more hostiles [ __ ] they're coming this way they crossed the playground light them up [ __ ] rpg on the roof drop that son of a [ __ ] you're right vehicle lights gotta stop come on hurry move move get the [ __ ] one four one three we got alpha shear securing him now over roger i got him you cover the road [ __ ] up fat we gotta get him out of here oh get your ass in here i found a good location extract out this one's the bed hey hey stay awake come on hey don't die on me now hey what's your name what's your name my whatever blackbird lay some claymores down here there'll be a lot of angry people showing up cover the entrances when the enemy arrives just blow them up come on hurry up here they come round three status hold up inside the mall west side second floor near the extract point roger try to make it [Music] entrance [Music] oh i'm gonna make thank you round three heads up plr are using outside stairs to get to the second floor watch the entry points over roger cover off on those doors dead ahead what's the condition of the prisoner severe bleeding shock setting in doesn't look good do not let him die you read me keep it alive roger so one four one three what's your status on getting to the mall over under heavy fire enemy units are breaking away from contact and moving toward you second floor exit doors how coffee solid coffee blackburn we got to relocate come on all stations misfit 2-2 is three mikes out stand by on extract out oh so we're a little busy without bashir right now he doesn't look die you good me keep it alive we'll go backwards come here i think he's delirious you cannot stop sully anymore then you can't stop the sun from rising here comes our ride blackbird get ready to pull out [Music] check fire frenzy pokemon for a little bit longer oh i'm [ __ ] a shark get dressed over here come on we need a hand we're losing him hit him with this it must have been him he said get the bombs he used them for leverage and he stole them he used me and he uses everyone better at me with his plans trains and for that i will get him for this listen the 14th of this month when the sun is set solemn will strike burning come on hang in there come on damn it we lost him the hell he was talking about here's his phone maybe there's some good intel in here does this look familiar because it should perhaps you'd like me to tell you what's on it what's it gonna cost me time's running out oh i'll give it to you for free that phone contains information about a russian arms dealer named amir kafarov he was on pretty good terms with your old buddy al bashir did you know the dead horse i'm sorry i didn't realize i was done speaking did you know that kapharov and al-bashir were working together all i know is we were redeployed based on the info we got from this phone and where was that northern iran kavarov was believed to be there with the missing nukes believed to be no one but you heard alba's year's confession no one knows where he got this phone listen to me we have to stop solomon you took the phone call you know he's here that's all well and good sergeant but we still need you to fill in the blanks this next part is where you have a big credibility problem fine kavrov had a villa in the gilad valley we were headed there but it got complicated okay cafes compounds on the other side of this valley just past the gilad bridge so who is this guy exactly the guy from alpha shear's phone and arms dealer that's all they know that's all we know he could be connected to those nukes all misfit call signs advance to one six resting on red brick roger that can you confirm the size 13 i have no further information now hey makkovitch wake up it's enough sleep dream warrior huh 34 minutes asleep for 34 minutes drinking a vanilla milkshake that means something oh [ __ ] ambush left there in the trees [Applause] vehicle down taking fire from the left enemy behind the rock left side [Applause] [Music] down [Applause] [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on i don't know we're gonna play up the middle short yard go go get up here move move move contact front [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] leaving cover [Applause] oh god damn it russian paris real russians what does that mean maybe they're working for kavarov look either way steve i'm concerned that we are slightly over matched here we got a job to do those nukes it's misfit let's go talk about it oh my god russian transport holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we can't go through them no way no how enemy units down there setting up airdrop rules out a straight route so what the hell is going on here they're here for the same reason we are sergeant we at war with russia now is that what's happening are you fired upon yes doctrine says you can return fire if fired upon that's not war not technically you understand what i'm saying yes sir i'm saying we need to get there first you think the russians are here just because they're covering their asses we know they're working with the plr but let's move it out okay yeah we're just gonna finish one more by starting another that is our [ __ ] standing montez you heard the orders let's go you can't go through no way no fall in and prepare to move targets coax true fire right now [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] so [ __ ] me [Music] suppressive fire hold your sectors [Music] cease fire cease fire come on gather it keep an eye we have to get to the other side of the valley asap we have solid intel and russian infantry moving in a northerly direction they're tipping their hand to kavrov's location he's who we want he's who we came for we're pounding across to the next checkpoint understood counter attack contact tree line to our front troops in the open 200 rapid rate [Music] so get up here now hit him with 18. [Applause] well done [Music] [ __ ] column movement eyes open roger on me let's go [ __ ] god move right move right right out on the right flank covering fire light him up holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] are you doing stop tuning [Music] engaging [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take cover okay we're good to go on your section [Music] [Applause] i'm engaging keep the tempo up fire and maneuver behind cover right side [Music] we could get out of this envelope fire and unfuck ourselves now enemy armor drop two more bmds armor's active at mobile fire okay i got eyes on infantry defensing on our position [Applause] direct front [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so sergeant campbell sir we are not equipped to take on a russian brigade maybe we ought to rethink this this is maneuver warfare sergeant if you don't like it you can go join the [ __ ] air force gentlemen you have never let me down before now i fully expected to accomplish this task absolutely sir no steve look i'm sorry but that's completely unreasonable i have serious reservations about this sergeant campo push on as required that's faster [ __ ] did he see us did he see us oh he's doubling back holy [ __ ] [ __ ] can't do [ __ ] all of that thing where are the stingers they're in the vehicle [ __ ] it's coming back again we're [ __ ] stingers were in the last that was the last of them can we get him we're gonna have to come on man let's go hurry here go go find the stinger did the growler [ __ ] cut off stay low boom boom push up god damn it push up [ __ ] blackbird searching now back go is it in go it's caught in the [ __ ] rack [Applause] you [ __ ] dick steve [Music] all right i know what you think maybe if i'd have done something different that both still be this is a war and things happen in a war now we still have a job to do we have to get the cap problem we have to get him first whether the loops are there or not there's no way this is [Music] it's on you marines are you coming with me so you lost most of your unit in the valley against the russians who survived montezuma myself cole some others did captain cole get your guys killed what no isn't that how you felt about it deep down you know in bosnia i lost four of my closest friends rocket attack the guy that was on op was sleeping i was [ __ ] up for six months thought about killing him we all talked about it i still think about how he failed us i feel sorry for you but i feel more sorry for your buddies because they never knew who you really were they would have understood would you would you understand turning on your buddy for the enemy the russians weren't our enemies they killed your [ __ ] friends hold on hold on now at the same time you were in the field in iran we intercepted burst transmissions between dema and his handlers in kiev he was in iran as well why was dima in iran with the russians [Music] foreign [Music] hey foreign my foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] their space is problematic i'm aware of the situation just do what i say at least [Music] what [Music] be foreign is we don't know [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] don't let them go past the schoolhouse [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] foreign [Music] is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay because [Applause] snipery [Applause] they've reached the villa all units [Music] [Music] [Music] defend the seafood [Music] [Music] now [Music] super [Music] oh thank you [Music] ah [Music] first yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m they're upstairs [Music] so set up a machine gun don't let them get to the helicopter do you see them no [Music] how could three men do this good [Music] all right [Music] oh uh three uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh shoot that's listen this key goes to a safe deposit box in geneva take it take everything in i don't have them do you understand it's not me you want it's not it's solomon listen i have information about solomon i know what he's planning i know where the suitcases are going let's make a deal my freedom for information you let me go i tell you everything i tell you where solomon is going i know what he is doing anyway so you drive there you and whoever's left you call montez now if i'm in your shoes i'd be thinking about my friends i'd be wondering what i could have done differently i might even be wishing it happened to me and not them so you get to kavarov's villa ahead of the main forces of russians ahead of everybody not everybody demon was there wasn't he and you made a decision you made a [ __ ] momentous decision about your life and your allegiance about how much you're willing to do for your country you don't know anything about the decisions i had to make tell us what it was then convince me we split up to search the villa i was alone [Music] do not do anything stupid this piece of [ __ ] right there stole three nuclear devices from russia and sold it to a man called solomon solomon's using the plr he has at least two targets new york and paris he is using public transit to move the weapons he's going to detonate the new york device at times square very soon this cannot happen we can avert war between our nations just two of us no politicians no money changing hands just two soldiers speaking the truth help me help me to do this that's it i have to leave now you don't shoot him millions will die i said remember do whatever you have to do to stop someone's plan so you admit to shooting your commanding officer under the direction of a russian agent is that correct so unless you have something else significant to share with us sergeant this investigation is over you have been played it's the russians oh it's solomon haven't you listened to anything i've been saying you want us to believe that there's a plr threat and solomon's at the head to believe that you acted in the best interests of our nation when you let a russian agent go and shot your own man but we can't nothing can be corroborated this is insane no one can verify the third nuke even exists the bank collapsed alpha shear is dead your unit is dead demons presumed dead kafrov is dead 80 000 french people are actually dead those are all your witnesses sergeant the only thing we can say happen for sure is you fragged your co bring him in oh man you saw this man shoot his commanding officer right just knock off the [ __ ] sergeant didn't dema set you up didn't he talk you into shooting coal and then escape to paris where he triggered the nuke wasn't that dima solomon has the nuke solomon is one of ours he is an overseas asset and he has been for years we put him next to al bashir for information you are [ __ ] me he's a murderer you saw the video well you get the good with the bad when it comes to assets and sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good isn't that your angle jesus christ the nuke is still out there solomon's still out there you can't just walk away from the threat you might be right sergeant maybe solomon was too close to the fire but i assure you we are on top of this situation the russians are a clear and present threat yes what do you mean you lost a train he is an overseas asset and he has been for years you use me and he uses everyone and he said get the bones 80 well the blast yield matches russian suitcase nuke specs we've secured what appears to be a wmd wait there's room for two more how many portable nuclear devices did you see in the bank where the hell are the other two the 14th of this month we got maps of paris new york using public transit to move the weapons strike train map inside the bank fault what was the time written on it um 602. why dave you trust me oh yeah all right follow my lead so oh [ __ ] come on move it the train's coming get on the [ __ ] train black you got one shot go so ah [Music] no one i [Music] we're not ah are you oh you are good what's next i'm not afraid to die how about you ah help me [Music] back hey connecticut he must not get come on come on they're getting away [Applause] police scanners are talking about hard men in times square it's got to be the plr buckle up [Music] oh guys first you'll never win it [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] radiation is like life a uniquely damaging event perhaps i will live another 30 years perhaps i will die tomorrow i am telling my story here the story of how solomon used power-hungry men like al-bashir and kavarov to set fire to the world and the american marine who like me chose the hardest path of all [Music] but i have no regrets i have always served russia trying to make a difference sometimes i was forced to make difficult choices many lives have been saved many have been lost i am certain moscow does not view it in the same light as i do but enough is enough as vladimir would say you can only die once make sure it is worth it [Music] you
Channel: AFGuidesHD
Views: 2,634,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 3, bf3, bf
Id: V0GdtkMOMxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 51sec (12771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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