Battle of Allia and Sack of Rome โ€“ Rise of the Republic DOCUMENTARY

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This is such a good channel. I highly recommend watching all their other stuff too. They use Rome 2 and Attila a lot to reenact the battles. :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sh4o ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah thanks for posting that on reddit. I just realized someone has already posted this earlier :) ~ Best wishes , K&G team - Malay Archer

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think CA sponsored this if you look at the description

It was a good video, about what you expect from K&Gs

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/itgmechiel ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I LOVE their channel.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sennius ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 05 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] in our previous documentaries we covered the wars between the Romans and the Germanic tribes but centuries before the first contact between these two cultures happened the Romans fought against the ghouls in many bloody conflicts this is the story of the first sacking of Rome of its second foundation of the king of the cenotes Brennus and the second founder of Rome Marcus furious camelus we know very little about the original homeland of the goals but historians agree that it was to the north of the Alps between modern southern France and the Danube Basin by the end of the seventh century BC the goals over populated the area and started to look for new lands we know that the Gauls trade it with the Greeks and Etruscans and some ancient sources suggests that wine they acquired from the latter convinced them that Italy was the most prosperous of lands around 600 BC the legendary Gallic King Bella visas led a number of tribes across the Alps they defeated the local Etruscans and founded a few cities among them medial Arnhem modern Milan over the next two centuries the Gallic tribes moved towards central Italy and that put them on a collision course with the burgeoning Rome [Music] meanwhile the Romans led by Brutus overthrew their last king in 509 BC almost immediately the new republic entered a period called the struggle of the orders during which the plebeians struggled against the patricians to get political equality this internal strife continued for more than 200 years by the end of the fifth century BC the Italians managed to temporarily stop the election of consuls who were replaced by the so called consular Tribune's this new office had powers similar to that of consoles but plebeians were allowed to hold it and the number of Tribune's often ranged between two and eight the Romans also started a practice of appointing dictators during times of crisis these military leaders held the full authority of the state for a period of six months the Roman army was then entirely different to its later form as the legions fought in a pot that a phalanx despite internal conflicts Rome won a slew of wars against its neighbours securing territory around the city in 406 BC Rome declared war on its rival the Etruscan City vague the Romans were unsuccessful in the early years of the war but that changed when the talented commander Marcus furious Camillus was appointed consular Tribune in 401 Camila's quickly captured the city's allied tuve and that allowed the romans to besieged the city the siege continued for five years before the exhausted Romans made Camila's dictator in 396 he attacks the enemy Citadel by the sewage system and quickly ended the war however despite being a hero of the war Camillus wasn't popular among the populace hasn't blocked people are bein attempts to populate baiii and forced the soldiers to give part of their loot to the gods the discontent against him only increased when another enemy city fillory was spared which meant that soldiers would get no loot accused of stealing the plunder Camillus was stripped of his title and banished according to the legends he stopped at the gates of the city stretched his hands towards the capital and prayed to the gods to punish the romans in such a fashion that they would never need his services again [Music] to the north one of the Gallic tribes dicen Nona's under King Brennus conquered part of the east coast of Italy by 400 BC in 391 they besieged an Etruscan City called clues ium which asks the Romans for assistance three ambassadors were sent by the Romans and when they asked Brenes why he was besieging close iam the King answered that he was attacking the city for the same reason the Romans were as hacking their neighbors the romans were probably insulted by this answer they slipped back into the city and incited its citizens to Sally out against the cenotes a battle ensued and the sides were evenly matched at some point one of the Roman ambassadors joined the clues Ian's Brenes saw him and was enraged that an ambassador had broken ancient diplomatic law the Gauls immediately lifted the siege of clues ium and marched towards Rome sending a letter demanding that the Romans punished the ambassadors but they refused the distance between close iam and Rome is less than 200 kilometers so the March probably took the sonomas around 10 days which gave the Romans enough time to gather their forces however at that time the Roman army was not professional so most of the recruits probably had no training the number of combatants is still debated with some sources claiming that each side had around 70 thousand troops it is really difficult to imagine that a single tribe and a city-state could have filled it that many soldiers so 15 to 20 thousand warriors for each of the armies seems reasonable informed of the approaching calls the Romans led by their consulate Tribune's moved out of the city and crossed the Tiber forming up in a phallus at a place called alia with their left flank to the river and their right flank on the hill probably hoping to use the high ground to their advantage however that meant that their line was over stretched and their centre was weak at the same time the most recent inexperienced recruits were placed on the hill the Gauls positioned their troops opposite to the Romans with their best forces on the left they charged across the line throwing their javelins and then closing in some sources claim that their swords had no problem chopping the Romans Spears as soon as the lines collided the Roman Rite was pushed off the hill meanwhile the left was pinned against the river as the Roman center was too weak to help either flank and no reserves were left the goals quickly divided the Roman army into soon the Romans were in retreat the soldiers on the left side tried to swim across the river and many drowned while the rest fled all the way today similarly the right retreated to Rome at least half of the Roman army was gone while Brennus had taken very few casualties the fleeing soldiers caused panic in Rome most of the population had left the city while the officials and remaining soldiers moved to the Capitol Hill and fortified it this victory surprised the goats and they waited for three days before entering the road a further surprise waited for them as the city gates were left undefended legends claim that a dozen Roman aristocrats decided to stay in their seats in the forum and the sight of them perplexed the ghouls still soon one of them killed a senator and a bloodbath ensued Brenes attempted to take the capital with an assault but it failed so the Gauls looted and burned the city as they were now low on provisions and needed to continue the siege of the capital foraging parties were sent to the countryside one of the larger parties passed near the city of Ardea where camelus were staying in exile the Roman general used all his talent to persuade the audience to attack the Gauls at night his new small army surrounded the foraging party they started shouting and blasting trumpets which disoriented the enemy Camila's ordered an immediate attack very few balls managed to put up any resistance and even fewer flesh the rumor of this engagement reached Fay where a portion of the Roman troops were they immediately asked Camila's to assume command of them the latter refused saying that those in the capital should elect him first it is noted that one young man among the Romans managed to take a letter to the capital avoiding the ghoulish patrols what was left of the Roman Senate quickly convened and appointed Camillus as dictator on receiving this news Camila's traveled to vae alongside the IJ ins and other allies unfortunately for the Romans the Gauls chanced upon the tracks left by the messenger a large group of them climbed the cliff and ended up on the ramparts the legends claim that the century here was asleep and that the Romans were saved by the sacred geese belonging to the temple of Juna as the animals managed to wake up the defenders with their cries and that allowed the Romans to repel the attackers the situation became less favorable for the Gauls the siege continued for seven months and they were suffering from sickness and as Camillus was hunting their foraging parties their provisions were low but the defenders of the capital were also starving and the two sides agreed to negotiate the Romans promised to pay 500 kilograms of gold however the Gauls tampered with the scales when the roman tribune demanded an explanation brenes added his sword to the scales laughed and famously said why rictus woe to the vanquished the in Roman delegation was now not sure if they wanted to accept the new terms but as this was going on Camila's led his army into the city and approached the negotiators he ordered the Romans to take the gold back and the goal was to leave saying that the Roman custom is to protect the city with iron and not gold Brennus was enraged but Camila's countered with claims that as a dictator he was the only one allowed to negotiate a skirmish erupted between the two sides but eventually Brennus ordered his army to leave the city camping ten kilometers away from it [Music] once again the details are obscure but the Romans attacked and defeated the Gauls on the next day at Gabi it is said that Brennus was killed during this battle meanwhile Camillus was declared the second founder of Rome and continued his career fighting more wars and eventually contributing to the early reorganization of the legions the Romans continued fighting the Gauls as the latter supported Hannibal and other Roman enemies the Sedonas would only be subdued in 283 BC eventually Caesar would conquer Gaul ending the Gallic threat forever meanwhile the sacking forced the Romans to build walls and the city would not be sacked again for the next eight hundred years we are planning more documentaries on the history of Rome so make sure you are subscribed to our Channel and have pressed the alarm bell to learn more about the decisive battles of history these videos are made possible by our brilliant patrons over at patreon and our YouTube sponsors visit our patreon or press the sponsorship button to learn more about the perks this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 636,445
Rating: 4.9458098 out of 5
Keywords: ancient battle, ancient history, total war (video game series), 390 bc, roman empire, total war, marcus furius camillus, vae victis, battle of allia, battle of the allia, ancient rome, roman republic, history documentary, kings and generals, full documentary, history lesson, documentary film, animated documentary, world history, historia civilis, war - topic, extra credits history, armies and tactics, decisive battles, brennus, gallic wars, caesar, sack, barbarians rising
Id: 2tRg2WwmJZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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