GWDIM Convention 2020 Day 8 Session with Apostle Johnson Suleman.

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[Applause] [Music] so hallelujah amen good to see everyone god bless i want to first of all acknowledge our mother the lord and the leadership of this great ministry for what god is doing we only see what god is doing we are not aware of what the devil is doing we are not aware we don't know about it we don't know about it and um for a long time [Music] i have watched the ministry god servant and it's been a ministry with results outstanding result we spoke in august or july and what we were doing was just sharing testimonies and challenges [Music] it was exciting you know to see see what god is doing and see all the challenges that come with it and i want to say to every one of us here this is the time to show what you have learned over the years [Music] this is the time to show the virtue that you've drawn from the altar it's the time for you to be extremely loyal loyalty is not proven in the presence of a set man it is shown in his absence and i know that this work is going to get into a new level an outstanding level of the power of the holy spirit and i need all of us to be known for what dr oyo was known for power [Music] i like i tell them in our church a preacher without power is a lecturer without knowing asides power then there is no gospel what makes it a gospel is power and i want to thank god for you please don't let this place be too crowded it's okay they can stay outside don't let india be too crowded for ventilation are we expecting something from the lord thank you man thank you very much god bless you just lift your hands and just worship do something outstanding father we honor you [Music] you got fire in your eyes nothing hides from you [Music] you see everything even the deepest secrets of man [Music] and manifest yourself you will be all consuming fire coming manifest yourself you got fire in your eyes nothing hides from you you see everything you [Music] you are jesus if if you are all i am you are hey you are me oh matters we asked tonight that you throw your weight around [Applause] and prove to the devil that you are master let jesus be glorified amen in jesus name we pray sit down and jam your hands together for the lord [Applause] [Music] amen break your bible to second kings 2 9. second kings 2 9 [Music] 2 9. come with me together after the count of two every one of us let's read it together second king two verse nine want to go and it came to pass when they were gone over elisha said unto elijah said unto elijah ask what i shall give thee before i am i'll be taken away from thee and elisha said i pray let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me the season of glory someone said the season of glory say it loud and clear now if you study your bible clearly please i need you to give me attention because when you think i'm starting i may actually be finishing when you study your bible carefully and cleverly you will discover that the manifestations of power that we saw in the old testament are more graphic and more deep than what we saw in the new testament what we saw in the old holds more dramatic presentation than what we saw in the new testament it was in the old testament that somebody patted the red sea it was in the old testament that the children of israel walked through the wilderness with just a pair of clothes as they grew the clothes grew with them it was the old testament that somebody commanded the son to stand still and a day is missing and confused jehovah's witness that today they think saturday sunday and sunday saturday because somebody did something dramatic now when i look today and i wonder we see just little manifestations of such deep and dramatic power of god and i've been a little bit worried and concerned and i ask myself what is the difference and when i look back to back and i discover that the difference between what happened in the old and what happened in the new is value funny we live in a generation of believers where people are passionate about god for what they want not for who he is people are passionate about god for what they can get from him but know what he is to them so the problem is value so god is up a generation of people who are going to get drunk and get crazy not because of what they want from god but because of their passion for who he is so god is raising up a new breed a new generation of people who are going to be sold out to him not because of what they are expecting because you can be a part-time christian and defeat a full-time devil you must be sold out into the dynamics of loving god and being passionate about god am i speaking to somebody now there was a time in the bible when you studied the word of the lord the bible said god said to noah i'm going to send drought upon the earth and after the 40 days we have fulfilled noah had a an impression in the spirit that god was done so noah sent a pigeon and the pigeon had known yet to rest its feet noah sand another proper dog and the dead came back with all leaves in his mouth and noah sends a death the third time and the days never returned the dog was in the atmosphere for two thousand years hovering searching for a vacuum vessel and when jesus was being baptized as he came out of the water that dove rested on his head so what god hold on what god is doing is that god is on the search god is searching for people but no matter how desperate god is for vessel god will only use lovers god will only use lovers god is not looking for users god is looking for lovers those who are going to be passionate about god in the days of elijah there were things to pursue there was mathematician there was fame there was money there was academic prowess there was connection and there was contact but elijah had a passion there is something i'm pursuing that is very intangible am i talking to somebody here when you get a point in your life when there are troubles and challenges in your life there are trials you go through that are shaking you go through and you're expecting god to deliver you from some trouble god won't deliver you from some trouble god will only deliver you in this trouble because the troubles of our life is to get our attention towards god the challenges of our life is to get our focus towards the almighty god am i talking to somebody right now there are there are challenges you go through and you start questioning god in psalms chapter six verse three like the psalmist you say lord how long in psalm 13 1 how long how long in psalm chapter 74 verse 9 how long in psalm chapter 80 verse 4 how long you are asking god questions in psalm 89 46 how long in psalm 1913 how long in psalm 94 verse 3 how long and in daniel chapter 10 verse 1 how long in jeremiah 29 28 jeremiah said this captivity is too long the place we have we read is very dramatic before i go further that i want to open up your mindset there are people who are present here because there are bodily afflictions still such expectation miracles healing are all benefits of passion they are all uh dead blessings of a passionate heart with god am i talking to somebody here so it doesn't matter what others are pursuing many years ago i come from a muslim family when i became a believer i had friends who wanted to pursue wealth i had friends we wanted to pursue fame i had friends we wanted to pursue connection but i made up my mind to be crazily in love with god i wasn't ready for money i wasn't ready for connection i was ready to be crazy with god they advanced and went ahead of me just like what happened in luke chapter 5 when jesus said to peter cast your net into the deep and there were so many fishes all the fishes were in the hurry and there was a particular fish before he got into the net peter pulled it out and that fish was in the river for two years on the day jesus entered into companion and they asked him a question do you pay tribute and he said to peter peter we've got to pay them their deals but peter there was one fish that was not smart enough to enter into the net you go and get that fish but this time the fish was coming with money in his mouth listen to me child of god while others seem to have gone ahead of you take your time with god when you are clear you are coming with evidence in your mouth when you appear you are coming with grace in your mouth am i talking to somebody now it was a generation a generation of depravation the first time i read the story of elijah i was a little bit uncomfortable because i saw it as greed you have not collected a portion you are asking for a double portion now to me it looked like greed until i saw what he encountered in the time of elijah there was no name so elijah needed to carry what was more than the courage on his master to confront a greater wickedness in this day in the time of elijah in the time of elijah i think this is better even in the time of elijah women we are not eating up their children but it happened in elijah's time in the time of our fathers that we are not they were not ebolas that we are not in kobe 19 of our fathers we are facing something that is more than a goliath we are before a brutal realm a brutal reign a brutal image of people who are coming out with a force against the church so we need what is what was more than elijah to be resident in our life to be able to confront wickedness i was having it to have a crusade in an african country it's an islamic nation and i sent people there to check for the stadiums and check for everything we could use and some of the leaders in government said what are they coming to do and they said show them some clips we are coming for the gospel who are coming to bring life to this nation miracles are going to happen and they laughed they said we have a session a colony for the blind economy for the crippled economy for the deaf and um before your pastor comes we want to host him to that colony let him pray for the ones that we know and if they are healed we will give him the stadium free of charge and the people told me and i said please let them give me a date and they brought a date and we flew down there come down as we landed the airport we landed the airport they said can we go to your hotel i said i didn't come to go to the hotel where is the colony can we go to the colony we go to the economy and as we go to the economy when i say name i mean lame at the muslim world when i say i mean when i say blind began to walk and someone stood in front of me he said please stop for now i said why we said we use this colony to get help from foreign countries so stop for now i said are you giving me the stadium they say free in this generation of glory you shall manifest i say you shall manifest you shall manifest you shall manifest you shall manifest if your aiming is louder take the blessing take your seat you know one time please hold on i'm hold on i'm coming with a few points one time the disciples of john came to jesus and said john has been arrested in matthew chapter 11. and rather than jesus being in a hurry he stepped back and began to talk about john now a man is in jail you are outside of jail rehearsing the might it carries he said who did you go to see who did you go to see he said of all born of women no one is like john meaning john was greater than abraham john was greater than enoch yet he died in prison and as i said that scripture john was expecting jesus to bring him out but jesus was expecting john to walk out john was expecting jesus to carry him out of jail but jesus was saying if only he knows that he has a double portion of elijah us listen to me you are expecting wickedness to end meaning like god is expecting you to end this we are spiritual captivity god is expecting to end it and someone is busy crying about marriage crying about relationship you are crying that the brother walked out of your life why cry about your brother [Applause] the way god sees you do you know one of the reasons why the children of israel could not conquer the lions goliath gave them a name he called them servants of saul in verse number 17 and this is servants of saul so long and the servants of souls what's your name again so long they we are you must work in this glory number one place a demand blessed demand glory what is glory i give you a few definitions of glory and will scatter in a thousand directions what is glory glory is supernatural endorsement for heavenly fulfillment when heaven decides to endorse a man to empower him to walk in fulfillment on it supernatural endorsement for ethnic fulfillment the backing of god that comes from the man and make his life glorious what is glory glory is divine exposure that arrests satanic foreclosure divine exposures that arrests of satanic foreclosure when glory comes upon a man his life and destiny cannot be in sale am i talking to somebody here what is glory what is glory glory is invasion is invasion of mortality spirituality raspality perestiality say celestiality vicinity and infinity what i mean what is a nationality when glory comes you invade your surroundings when very calm your heaven is turned open so glory is the invasion of mortality spirituality terrestriality celestiality infinity and vicinity what is glory glory is the mixture of mortality and divinity in an entity called humanity is a mixture of mortality and divinity in an entity called humanity you now you understand the mystery of christology christianity means that christ is hundred percent god and hundred percent man so when i talk about a mixture of divinity hundred percent divinity when you talk about humanity hundred percent humanity that you are manifesting as an entity in utmost spirituality am i talking about somebody right now and that is why when god connects you to a place like this when you have been connected to a man who has been in ministry for over 40 years i have been preaching for 32 years non-stop forget about how i look i'm way older than i look i've been ministry for 32 years and i can tell you that there is a place of sadness if you must advance in life in judges chapter 6 verse 13 and like what gideon said he said here are the miracles that our fathers not our parents our fathers told us about not our parents our fathers in other words even though my family is in captivity i have a relationship with fathers and the angel said go in this dynamite what was the night is relationship with fathers his encounter with others am i talking to somebody here and god is saying everyone that wants to swim in that glory must understand that place of demand because life does not give you what you deserve it gives you what you demand and what you demand is expressed through desire [Music] true desire i hate casual christianity i hate christianity without result [Music] even in our bible study i pray for the secret in a bible study i pray for the dead i have one life to live and the trademark of that life must be power [Music] one day i was walking with a young man this is like five years ago he came to see me he's a muslim came to see me so we are working see all these miracles are not true i said why now it's very limited he was trying to scientifically explain that there is a way you speak to the body and when you speak to the body he said there are some structures in the human system once they begin to gear towards positivity the healing process he was saying all kinds of nonsense i was looking at him and he knows science more than me [Music] so i was looking at him i see he tried to talk i said these things are supernatural you can't explain he was talking and the lord said to me use anything i'll back it up just use anything so i was confused use anything use anything while we are going we stood in front of the house so i held him as i see this light now he said yeah i say to go off now so he said so i designed i spoke in tongues for a while i said go off the light went off and they shouted nepal nepal this is the light snapper so okay hold my hand i said come on the light came on it's in nepal it's okay stay here i said go on it went off i said come on it came on i said go on it went off i said come on it came on i said go off it went up more than 10 times off on off on so i turned to myself explain it is that they go out now listen to me in psalm 37 verse 4 i'm talking about desire to enjoy glory there must be hunger when you have this desire food when you have this desire i fasted for a year and i was not aware [Music] sometimes i walked to my wife eating this week she's confused is he asking me he said no i will not answer that question you certain things lose value money lose value these things are additional benefits of passion if you are here today and all you came for is financial breakthrough i'm not talking to you i have three private jets yet i first seven days every month it means nothing to me [Music] sometimes i take off and i speak in tongues till i land and cannot surprise you we deal with an offering to buy one am i talking to somebody here we there is an offering to buy one or how can the man of god be blessed must we all be poor there is color that comes with passion and desire in proverbs chapter 10 verse 24 he said god shall grant the desires of thy heart in proverbs 11 23 the desire of the righteous is always good in psalm 145 if you read verse 16 you say you open up his hands and you fulfill the desire and verse 19 he says shuttle through the desire of them and unlike what paul said personally in romans 21 you say i desire that all israel am i communicating in proverbs 18 of this one is a true desire a man having separated himself begins to intermediate with all wisdom it begins with passion it begins with when you have desire you don't know who is offending you you are not aware when you are desire you don't know who is speaking against you you are not aware the governor in nigeria he killed me in 2017 he said all i need is two weeks to close your ministry and i said to him i don't have ministry i have a lover if one ministry take ministry i will drop this mic 10 times over if my life is about ministry but don't take god's presence away from me 15 million was invested on social media to say all kinds of things why it was being said i was in america for crusade the next time i'm in london the next time i'm in germany the next time i was going about and they said what kind of person are you i say i don't have reputation i have trained it away all i have is passion i don't care what you say i don't care what you think what i care about is the intimacy and you know the word intimacy means entire into me and see [Music] ask somebody what is your desire how can you say what is your desire [Music] if some matters to you that makes you matter on it sit down there are certain people god can't afford to lose [Music] they are going into the world is not an option i study my bible the bible says luke 15. a shepherd had a hundred sheep one strayed away he left the 99 in the wilderness now i'm a pastor and i'm very compassionate but i'm not stupid if i have a hundred members one left you leave you live now our band on 99 are no good like that though be abandoned tonight listen in the wilderness and they can make and one for it when he found it he tribulated and called people i said the sheep that was missing and he carried it on his shoulder i was dancing i said lord this is not fair what about the 99 and the lord said no don't forget i said that the government shall be upon the shoulder that missing sheep was the captain of the other hundred sheep if the captain is missing then the 99 will be restless sheep because of the mandate on the life of the sheep that is why sometimes even when you are discouraged because there is a mandate on your head even when you are not happy you still love god there's a mandate on your health hey i was in minnesota one time i walked somewhere they were so eager i worked there i saw dinner i saw buffet i said this why you called me say yes so i'm going back i said this is not what matters to me i have one life to live that is why you are called man m is for morning a is for afternoon n is for 90. if you don't maximize it you may soon go into extinction [Music] your desire is what regulates your lifestyle your desire is what it regulates is what controls your lifestyle your passion is what sharpens your vision having vision is not enough until you apply person vision cannot be emotion it is when passion is applied on vision sharpened for god you will get there [Music] there is there's a dimension in god that is beyond miracles [Music] it's beyond what is beyond power manifestation it is generational impact [Music] it's beyond manifestations [Music] look at this have you asked yourself a question now can i be very playing with you years ago i used to speak on national issues a lot you may have seen that on papers or not it got to a point i kept quiet i can't quite for one reason elijah will not argue with government [Music] as i am tired of just talking i want to come with a word from god that will short presidency as i'm tired and when i spoke hell broke loose and they said if you do not end in prison you know there's no precedence and i said the person to put me in prison has not been born and the president had it he was in london he said anybody navy efforts police soldier there's anyone that's in first lock him anyone that seemed first everyone locked him and the lord asked me can i be arrested we are pressing buttons [Applause] am i am i communicating here now i want you to reorient your mind that you end this impact and stop pursuing breakthrough pursue god great one day i gave a prophecy about a family i told them their father was a wizard i said if he if he sees a lie they should bring him so i said that i traveled to syria alone while i was in syria alone the man came with police so they said they came to arrest me so my wife ran outside he said what happened he said where's your stupid husband he's under arrest so my wife called me say honey i told you this prophecy be careful be doing this much more you are too direct and i said why are you talking like that what's going on he said there is a man this man he said you're under arrest i said give him the phone i said hello he said i'm chief one useless name like that chief something one rubbish name he said you said we need a constant constant cause as a chief i'll be nigerian on friday night saturday morning come to my office but if you are coming call me soldier police is too small call me boy scout manu war red cross pack them and come as if by the truth sir if you are able to walk to that office then god didn't call me that night that night i took up my trousers i wear boxers and i said father i said his name is chief i don't know the other use listening as a father i carry this intestine i put it close to his spinal cord father i carry him i put it under his his dental eyebrows lord i changed his body structure when i got home i was waiting for the visit saturday the wagon came it was the children the car was packing away jumping down and i said what is the matter because our father is dying our father is dying was in the hospital so we drove there and saw the man like a vegetable i said i touched this message your mouth used to call me so the man was lying down there i said let me pray for him okay sir i gave him power i said father showing mercy power as the father forgiven yes marriage and let your desire be about god do you know what do you know why many men are rich they have no respect for money [Music] men who are rich have no rest they have no value am i communicating here no value because money is spiritual no money is coded is spiritual is coded is spiritual we call it money generally but every facet codes it students call these coffees doctors call it medical bill workers call it salary money is coded is coded church call is seed the policeman out there call it i was coming from london i was coming from london and i had 30 000 pounds and i was just thanking god for a wonderful meeting but the money was too heavy for me to carry and i don't like carrying money so i said what do i do with this one the lord told me by pastor who had the problem he said give it to him now the fact that i don't like carrying money doesn't mean i said i wanted to be empty the lord give me everything i said what everything and i gave him why i gave him i was walking to the plane i was very angry a commercial flight this is called sacrifice because it bleeds you i was very upset with myself when i got into the cut long story short go to the plane i landed in lagos someone calls me up on the phone i am generous so and so and so and so retired what's my business with the retired general i mean i am generous so and so and so retired what do you want he said my house is in vi come i said what kind of alcohol do you take i should come so i hung up the phone and the holy spirit spoke to me said i was wrong call him back and correct him so i called him i said sir next time when you you have not met people you ask them can you come and i said okay are you on your way no i didn't know that's how generous talk i didn't know i didn't know they give all that they give others they say are you on your way when you are the gate call me the holy ghost said follow him so i told the driver i said you know so please say yes i said take me there we got there i said i'm at the gate he said wait he opened and i got in there when i got there the lord opened my eyes and i saw what was wrong with the man i saw his medical report i saw when i last did the checkup so i said everything to him and the wife he was looking at his wife confused when i was living he gave me a pack a brown pack i thought it was books because of the the wait so when i entered the car something said open it i opened it was dollar bills when i counted it was 1 million us dollars when i i looked at the money i look at the driver [Music] i held the money and my bible closed because the last days you know if i when i came down from the car i forgot my traveling bag i was just going with the money he said you're back i said i can't buy money i was waiting for my key anybody who greeted me was a suspect i heard the money speaking i said no what to do no one know what i got into the room i was looking at my time time was slow i said god time was slow i got to the plane a commercial flight and they said this is too heavy let's check it in i say check me in give this thing a seat me check me in as i got on the plane i put it on the overhead compartment the lord said johnson i said i know that voice and i know what he wants to say he said johnson i started crying i said lord please not please he said do you love me i said you know i'm crazy about you so give me that money you should do your shouting for what's not yours that was the day my love for money died he took his depression he took it [Music] he brought it he took it when i was crying he asked me a question did you work for it you see our past we add to things that only god brings you see our touch we are for things that we cannot form i need you to change your mentality oh you are here you come with a blind person they will see you come with a name he will walk but it is beyond miracles is the image of his son what is your desire what is your knowledge of god when all our church is no man in a branch now in our churches around eating the bible i've read the bible 47 times genesis to revelation every word 47 ushers members in the church three times five times back to back if there was something we knew in islam it was knowledge [Music] when the church noise knowledge in psalm 73 if you read verse 22 you say i was ignorant i was foolish i was like a beast before him nothing reduces a man to the class of animals like ignorance isaiah chapter one verse three the ox knows his owner they ask not his master but my people have not known me in john 4 24 john 4 22 rather he said you worship what you know not we worship what we know for salvation is of the jews in jeremiah chapter 4 verse 22 my people are foolish they have not known me the knowledge of god in first corinthians 10 1 paul said i would not have you ignorant first corinthians 2 1 concerning spiritual gifts i would not have you ignorant second corinthians 1 8 be not ignorant the biggest problem we have is the bankruptcy of knowledge in proverbs 19 verse 2 that is so big without knowledge it's not good in proverbs 11 9 true knowledge of the just is a just man it takes knowledge to maximize deliverance what is your desire i didn't come tonight just for an invitation i came tonight for a and re-reorientation for people are going to say father have mercy on me for seeking things i want to seek you have mercy on me for seeking things it's you i want to seek [Music] elisha number two and like now listen to this part because you may not like this part of the gospel but i know for a man of god like dr goomba i know what he believes we have a long chat and i know what he believes number two this glory that's about to hit the edge to maximize it you must have a judgmental mentality and you release what i'm saying a judgmental mentality you must have a dominion consciousness you don't pan past it and you hammer him you don't manage him you damage him john the baptist had a double portion of the anointing of elijah yeah this hear this hear this some years ago [Music] my message god loves everybody god wants to save everybody god god he's a god of mess you know i hate this die he doesn't sit well with me my wife had a baby 15 years ago [Music] as she gave birth i was excited i ran home to go and get some things when i got back i saw people telling me take heart god gives god that scripture didn't come from god it came from job [Music] it wasn't jesus that said it it was job that said the lord give it the lord okay because ecclesiastes 3 14 says whatsoever god does abide dead forever nothing can be added nothing can be taken so i said no and they said take heart i was walking what's going on he said ticket i saw my wife with stuff on her nose and she was covered clinically dead the baby good beautiful girl but she lost that excitement was gone i turned and i said i want to pray he stood by me and said you know god knows why unless there is something to hold on you know this is such is life there are some of these this encouraging quotes that are very senseless have you had some of them see the downfall of a man if the person here is falling from there are some falls you fall you crash so don't fall so i walked in there and i remember the principle of jesus praying for the dead is to avoid destruction so i say no it's out mitchell out i heard my wife's hand i said i don't understand where are you going how what will i tell the world [Music] and that period just witnessed manifestation of the power of god explosion you know people have people africans have a way of connecting things with things i said you better come back because i can't explain i can't defend while i was talking the lord said shut up worship me as i began to worship my hands yesterday i was still worshiping when i noticed our hands were moving he looked and she sneezed and came back when she came back the lord now said listen the lord now said listen to my emphasis the lord now said now judgment this came from somewhere listen sir you woke up another stroke it was not a coincidence thing for god to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you in fact in galatians 5 10 it was so serious that paul spoke pidgin i have confidence in you to the lord that you've been another wise minded but here that trump let you shall be at the judgment whosoever he be [Music] we forever raise the right in the name of jesus by the power of his glory every conspiracy against my life [Music] the bible says if they slap you on one cheek on the other side he never said the other cheek he said the other side the other side can be a gun jesus was on the cross this this i have three mandates number one to raise a passionate lover for god number two to enforce judgment anyway i preach if i forget utter otaku i don't forget slotako my wife said my wife said only some sundays you don't do what i call i said but we kill people we kill witches i'm gonna explain to you i lost two of my brothers in one day say mother same father because a witch told my mother that she would bury them i mean i said you can't do anything you can't do anything [Music] your declaration should be on the platform of your connection both of them that we didn't see their bodies to bury they were the car was burnt my mother asked an asp of police my mother retired as an assistant commissioner as an asp of police somebody threatened my mom my my mom was mad baking paper [Music] beautiful woman i remember as a young child that i was crying i said god if you ever give me power my uncle says shut up you don't know who attacked your mother may be here now my heart was burning but there was no power [Applause] my heart was burning wickedness elijah was walking one day and 42 children began to mock him i asked god the question why would you allow a man of god release she beers on children and the lord told me who told you they were children they were adults behaving like children i said i don't understand and god said 42 children can't maintain a fight without a leader 42 children don't know what a godhead is and the lord began to analyze it for me elijah had a mentality of judgment there are so many of you there are certain wickedness you have allowed in your life thinking is the will of god there are certain manifestations of hell hey my god there is somebody under the sound of my voice he's the same yesterday he's the same today god is on your side power is on your side somebody shout judgment i can't hear you i can't hear you i can't hear you take your seat in the year 2006 the award it louder i finished preaching when i finished preaching i was tired i walked to the office i greeted better than fairway saturday night normally what we do we begin our services very early we are going to call school of the spirit then we are going to the main service so minutes to five i got a call say run to church now i said why he says somebody landed there's no airport in the church premise somebody landed i said what landed so i said okay a pastor was living in my house so i told him to follow me we got to church and we saw a man with his hand inside a pot but it was tied with whites and some chops where are you from they say it came through extra projection so i was looking at him but this time some women that were sweeping the church had covered me i said what daddy wrong i said to where they say just run should i say bring him to the office they said no no wrong they were guarding me i sat in the office so i told the other pastor with me i said go and bring that man he said sir i said go on he says i should be both of us we are there just now [Music] me i'm just following you sir no no i'm not afraid no i'm not afraid but this thing should be when the man lands he saws we passed he's on his own let's not go and look for what's not looking for also and i said go and bring him he wouldn't swipe came downstairs and i looked at the man and the man said john sullivan i said yes he said i came through astra projection i came from a cult you mentioned the name and he said we have sent people we have sent this we have said that so we are wondering what is resisting we're checking our mirror we don't know so i came to find out as i said there's problems it's easier to project here but to leave me that i'm looking for trouble you brought trouble to my house as i said it's easy to come over to go fire it began to turn the whole upside down people were gathering inside service i see somebody should preach i'm having a good time here and he opened his mouth and began to confess [Music] when he confessed the first name he mentioned was an elder in church [Music] i'm preaching to them tomorrow morning right anything i hear i will say to you and i am telling you what i have seen [Music] and there's something that you must understand those of you are pastors when people are too close to you you don't pick messages about them so for you for you to for you to be able to live in the spirit you must mentally dissociate people from you mentally mentally disconnect there's no one that should be too close mentally you must dissociate them that is the only way god can open your eyes to see who they really are you must be extra because there are some things heaven will not show you well until you make inquiry let me tell you okay let me show you something god said god said to somewhere go to the house of jesus the best lambite name location that was depth but yet someone got there confused looking for david the same god that mentioned jesse could mention david there are certain messages that can be gutted until you probe and inquire god releases most time can be coded you have to probe i'm talking of judgment you must have that judgmental mentality preaching for a church in worry and about to go preach there i saw a vision in the car in the plane i saw a tree rice apples bottled water every time the lord moved the rise to a corner i saw white substance as what is this it's a poison poison poison present presence okay now i felt when i get to the meeting the lord is going to talk to me about somebody who was present so i thought so i said okay that's one that's a good message and when i got to the location they said i have to confess to the pastor's house as i went there they brought me food same place same apple same bottled water i started laughing i said woman of god carry your poison gather your present woman of god carry your poison can i shock you i would be stupid to still preach there by that action they have shared grace i carry my trouble that's how brutal the world has become every animal has got what is called in science a defense mechanism when you touch a snail it goes in you touch your tortoise it goes in you touch it serpent it comes for you that thing you see the serpent does when he raises up his head is called a defense mechanism now when you touch a porcupine you know what he does it throws stops at you every believer judgment is your defense mechanism now naomi say when thy judgments are in all the earth the inhabitants of the earth will lend righteousness there are some people that can't live right until they are judged there are some things that cannot be straightened until they are judged one day a man called nebuchadnezzar tried to take the place of god and the decree was made by the watchers they say let the heart of a man be taken from him and the heart of an animal be given let his hand come to his feet and his feet to his heart and the bible says he became an animal i'm sure the wife went dead that morning open the door honey good morning the next thing she heard us she said no this is not normal she closed the door she called the son go and check your father and the son said that the good money and the man became the minister of agriculture for several years he went into the wilderness under the judgment of god god is a god of judgment the bible said the lord killed it and the lord make it alive in psalm 136 he says he led them through the wilderness for his mercies and jeremiah forever he fed them by day and by night for his mercies and jared forever he was a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire for his mercies and journeys forever he killed their facebook for his mercies and journals forever so when god shows judgment to the wicked it is communicating mercy to descent when god shows judgment to the wicked it is communicating righteousness to the center when god shows judgment to the wicked he is communicating preservation where's your right hand anything taken from you since you were born it was taking time i retrieve it and i remove it stretch your hand here forget about that we stand as a team anything taking from you from that retreat [Applause] [Music] i'll talk to you tomorrow i'll talk to you tomorrow yeah we're going to frost i don't know we're going to pray for a restoration if you have if you have glasses on take it off take your glasses off just keep it keep it keep it we're going to pray for a restaurant ushers don't worry leave people for now and pray all right pray leave them pray when it's time for that you do that just pray everybody pray everybody inside or outside we're going to pray for a restoration of passion whatever has dwindled your lord a response in the name of jesus i can hear you in the name of jesus passion for god is foreign is outside okay okay now those are the emergency sessions after taking these prayers whatever it is it's going to go [Music] whatever it is you're blind you're deaf don't wait for prayer as we are taking these prayers miracles will break fast [Music] one more prayer we're going to pray ready for are you ready just touch it gently [Music] are you ready for judgment say in the name of jesus destiny contentions oh yes yes shut up [Music] [Music] hey is agnes is your husband his name is nathania thank you lord i'm not clap your hands clap your heads thank you [Music] i am still watching the silence until you come see the white you mess me up i am strong when i am you ask me is oh [Music] the grace of god is upon me and my eyes are open woman woman look at me look here don't cry i saw one i saw two i saw three i saw four i saw five i saw six i saw six i look at children i saw six yes yes how many children sis the grace of god is upon me and my eyes are open i saw in the realm of the spirits [Music] the lord said to tell you he is not unaware of your pain of your hardship in the realm of the spirit i saw the children normally i saw our children and i saw her three days ago in the realm of the spirit i saw you three days ago in the realm of the spirit in your house and in the realm of the spirit i saw you complaining about one child and as i'm talking right now i'm hearing emmanuel yes who is emmanuel i saw him manually the spirit of god carries me from where i am now and i journey in the spirit i get out of all y'all i see myself in quarrel yes i see your son in the glory now as i see your son you love him i see myself in the realm of the spirit i am antarctica i saw myself in the field i saw football through god huh for you believe me yes this woman you think i'm guessing a talata cataclysm who's nancy who's nancy come here who is nancy if your name is nancy let me see to the back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the back hold your hands to the back no not this row just this one now there are 60 of you there's going to be a fresh baptism of passion a fresh baptism of passion passion passion for god passion for god passion for god passion for god passion for god passion [Music] that's my husband's son your husband my husband [Music] [Music] what's your husband's name [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] are they three yes sir [Music] wait if your name is god free raise your hand if your name is god free god free i don't have time please your name is god free raise your hand don't come just raise your hand where you are [Music] i'm seeing godfrey by the side of godfrey i'm seeing dorado come come here come here listen there are 36 people all right let me minister let me listen there are 36 people what has not been done in your family you are the one to do it mommy the lord is saying this lady i should give her something that's what he's telling me i should help you all right it's going to be like a new beginning 250. these 250 000. stand up stand up stand up don't lean on the rails don't lean what time this is [Music] so just please so you don't fly from there just step back step back a little bit all right i'm gonna pray for you i'm gonna pray for your family [Music] can see the whole stuff about who's over who's over [Music] hands lifting everybody [Music] 36 of them lord i ask wherever they are upstairs downstairs outside everywhere what has not been done in their family say in the name of jesus i receive i receive fresh passion from heaven from heaven i receive grace i receive praise what has not been done in my family now huh hold your hands do you want the anointing do you want the anointing both hands no step back from the really old hands hold it are you ready are you ready lord at a count of four let there be a vessel that will be empowered use them to change their family story at a count of four let there be a release of praise one two three four we command sickness to go we command the sickness to go we command disease to go some things have no emergency i just had that on my right ear recommend cancer to drop i'm hearing this on my right ear some something is happening someone has been healed now the emergency someone who got a problem from the wrist down the lord is healing you rise up and start walking someone's eye will be touched exercise dominion over five breaths over gross i saw god internationalizing you all of you all the inspired i saw god internationalizing me father i ask send these ones to become ambassadors in their families let's sickness disease shut is [Music] right now we tear down altars anyone here that's a victim of wickedness i decree tonight marks the end of wickedness in your family tonight marks the end of victimization in your life [Music] anywhere you have been summoned in the spirit realm of something representing you i'm seen in the name of jesus hold on i'm seeing 11 people shh lift your hands everywhere i'm seeing 11 people the lord is telling me he said pull out their glory wherever your glory has been buried 11 of them 11 of them 11 holy ghost where are they we are yeah where is that girl where is that boy 11 of them that's one that's true that's three where are they yeah foreign that's it miracles are breaking shots tell me from that tell me from there this man was carried from lagos to this place due to a stroke he has stroke one hand and one leg i saw a woman rather than feeding them feeding i saw a woman who had a problem with sight i saw that woman being healed it was a blind problem i saw that i saw that and as i was worshiping now i heard that on my right ear the lord said i'm healing a blind woman pepper this is a confirmation what is that you must be praying where she screams [Applause] are you born again follow me is that about two years papa clap your hands with jesus love of my life oh oh oh is [Music] for prophetic release like worship when you see a prophet prophesies it gets to a point it stops to worship it's not for fun he's trying to reconnect can i pray for you say you're born again why am i asking you you are going to become a voice [Music] look at me the lord says in your family there is a power that fights rising when anyone is rising they bring them down i'm going to be addressing that tomorrow tomorrow i'm going to be addressing that that thing that brings people down will bring it down and i saw in the spirit god says the baptism has been handed over to you and by reason of this thing god has handed over to you [Music] in the next two years look at me you think i'm guessing you think i'm guessing yes man you think i'm guessing one two three look here one two three i see you in school and i see one two three what level are you 300 levels i think i'm guessing this girl you think i'm guessing she's looking at me [Music] i am tying to your school i'm in your school i entered this department is not accounts it's not visa me it's not medicine i enter wildlife i enter ecotourism you think i'm guessing i should keep quiet can i go now hey i saw in the spirit realm the lord begins to tell me that he's about to say to you i see somebody hey i like this one look here jehovah is about to settle you but that settlement will relocate you you think i'm guessing wait now prophecy is not your myth the grace of god is upon me my eyes are open hear me and the lord as i speak to her i speak to 72 people [Music] a customized helper will locate a customized a helper listen to me i didn't just come to god we do it i had god he said good and i'm sure it's because he has someone here in mind i had god if you understand that ministry you know i don't go out i don't go out i only push around our branches around the world we are in 68 countries so i just go from one nation to another but god told me he said go go so i am here on that divine assignment that someone here a customized helper is coming away please as this thing happens you are going to testify tomorrow there is someone here a strong man dies tonight amen the strong man dies tonight mommy god told me to tell you what i just said now i was praying god told me he said tell her and her children that the strong man dies two with your hands [Music] love you i saw i saw the projects that was going on there i saw the project that was going on there any wise person let me give you a council what has helped me any wise person if there is something you are believing god for in your life personally look for a project around so to it as you communicate to that project you are initiating the fulfillment of your own project are you following me as you as you [Music] communicated we don't have an estimate yet of what we would complete [Music] would not be able from [Music] i'm we don't have an estimate we don't have a list of what we finished so 50. is nothing for god my heart believes when i see what this what the world does with money that is why that is why look here i was a muslim my father was an alleged who come from islamic family the reason muslims are richer what are you like the richest man today in africa is a muslim the reason they are rich is because they are dangerous givers meet a muslim and say barca says he gives you money [Music] it says for telling him happy salah zomana meet christian happy christmas same to you [Music] same to you happy christmas same to you so we need to become dangerous givers whatever you are you are going to join me as we do something about that project i have to go and look at it and see it you need to be a blessing are you listening to me god can learn you have to give a million dollar you have to give 500 go can you have to give 200 to give a hundred thousand so that project [Music] you are saying god i want to do that everyone under the sound of my voice who want to collect and tap from this auction that god empowered me a courage for over 32 years [Music] it's not a pledge if you want to pledge pleasure nigeria my country but i'm talking about a seed you are holding in your hand so many but i'm coming with this tomorrow i will support my i will do my best to be to connect with that project it's it's the kingdom is the kingdom you want to join me i'll i will i will do something about that it's the kingdom you want to join me this apostle i want to sow to that project you come i'll be here tomorrow morning i'm ministering tomorrow i'll minister you tomorrow morning you are coming with your seed 500 200 100 leave your seat and come come and meet me here you are coming you are coming with your seat tomorrow morning come the first 50 of you stand this way he's my pastor in my league's pastor he will give 1 million i know i want to do that because not less than 100 not less than not less than but why did you break like that you have 50 wait [Music] i'm waiting for you outside or inside [Music] feeling like never before [Applause] worship who is coming from outside come let's give them some time are you giving stand this without worries don't worry both of you are prophesied stand this way stand separate stand separate come come come come come come i'm waiting [Music] in the name of jesus wherever you are this is the last time in your life you would lack amen father i decree by this practice of obedience may your lifting be confirmed may outstanding wealth be endorsed in jesus name now you call me that's it tomorrow morning i'm going to take it from your hand put it in the altar anoint your hands and believe god for honor dignity into your life tomorrow morning move to your seat every other person there's money don't worry don't let them write don't worry don't worry they will fulfill it tomorrow morning you want to connect with them 50 20 come come come come 50 20. leave your seat i expect everyone to be out [Music] come come come come come anywhere oh i speak a blessing upon you begin to enjoy grace in jesus name be upstanding everybody be outstanding be upstanding be upstanding hold a seat hold that nothing in your hand hold an offering hold on god is going to send you a helper [Music] oh she's like that he says he's like that she's looking at me kneel down let me pray for you help will come from the throne of grace [Applause] in the name of jesus father i speak a baptism of grace baptism of grace baptism of grace [Music] [Music] me oh oh tomorrow morning is warfare it's warfare it's warfare somebody is about to die for your sake listen listen listen listen i'm on an assignment and tomorrow we're going to be addressing matters some of you tonight as you go you will get phone calls and get text messages there's a reaction in the realm of the spirit there's a reaction in the realm of the spirit lift your offering lift your outfits be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed [Music] [Applause] be blessed in jesus name we're going to give some time so that those from outside are there bulls outside are there balls you i want everyone to cast their offering before i drop this mic every one of you in jesus name this is my season of increase my heart rest in your love oh is oh you are you are he makes the way is [Music] i said [Music] i'm me [Music] [Music] [Music] let me see oh me oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow [Music] two [Music] [Applause] is hey give me hey [Music] we are having mass burial tomorrow somebody will go down because of him put your hand on your head i'm going to tell the lord let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end open your mouth and tell the lord that every one of you that was brought out for physical administration please i will attend to you first thing tomorrow before i start preaching peace and with that blind woman first thing tomorrow open your mouth you tell the lord let the wickedness of the weekend come to an end
Channel: Dr. Gomba F. Oyor
Views: 52,833
Rating: 4.8726673 out of 5
Id: C1jFnQdrIdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 46sec (7426 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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