Spycakes & I CRASHED Our Lamborghini Supercars While Street Racing! - BeamNG Multiplayer Mod

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now if a moose pops out we're dead oh i'm about to die oh goodbye cruel world this is all right komodo we're on top of a gigantic mountain uh you know we're used to racing down mountains but this is more like just a massive drop and if you make one small like mistake you're gonna die yeah this is this is gonna be crazy but check out our vehicles here yeah so what what do you call that i call this the diesel one thousand why do you have a big like muffler stack in the back of your bed i don't know all the cool kids do it nowadays but listen to this just ripping around uh-huh and i have the uh the rock racer which is a part of the new update check this thing out that thing's sweet looking yeah buddy so i guess we're gonna try to go down the mountain the right way to begin with and then we can always go down the wrong way and maybe chase each other with stupid vehicles okay sure let's try this by the way if you guys want to see more beam angie smack that like button let us know down below in the comments what we should do next okay where do we go do you think a lambo could rip down this mountain yeah no we gotta i do we might have to rip our bumpers off but it could work oh i'm sure just uh driving about five feet will rip them off for us so you ready uh yep you're good you're ahead of me though is this a race to get to the bottom here you're lined up beside me yeah yeah race to the bottom on a narrow mountain and it doesn't count if you fly off the mountain and hit the bottom like you got to try to stay on the road oh okay all right here we go three two one go oh we both stopped there thank you yeah but that'll let you shoot out ahead because i'm sure you're going to screw up here okay oh that was a save and a half on there we go uh-oh i think i'm going to go oh i think i thought oh oh no okay this is our gun bad oh okay han wait i'm good did you why did you say i'm stuck in a tree here could you save it uh no i think my truck's broken okay i'm resetting real quick up at the top okay let's let's edge back off real quick maybe it's not a race let's just see if we can actually get down here all right i'm behind you here dude a lambo is totally gonna work on this it definitely will i think since it's lower to the ground we won't do front flips uh-huh that's totally what i'm thinking here okay okay go down this are you behind me oh there you are behind you a little bit okay man uh uh okay and then you shoot it oh you shoot it what do you mean you shoot it like that i can't do that okay i need to go into low gear here oh man no no not reverse no okay i just might have totally uh oh i'm this is this working this is working too this is this is working for me totally i'm not going oh i'm going backwards down the hill oh this is gonna be bad totally didn't break my front wheels i'm totally not flipping down the mountain right now oh yeah i'm not either uh you know it's fine you're not okay no how come your name's keeping up with my name as i fall down the mountain that's just an illusion you're hallucinating because you're falling down the mountain oh is it oh no i totally don't see you in the distance falling down if you look over and see me yeah i saw you yeah i'm going to hit the lake here so i've got a soft lane you've got to be kidding me i hit the tree before i hit the lake so i don't think soft landings really matter at that point yeah i was stopped by the big pine tree or whatever this thing is and i'm dead now hey do you see me coming down uh hold on i'm gonna go find you real quick let's go find spy we're we're spy it's i'm close to the bottom oh there is like nothing left of your vehicle yeah oh wait wait can i get in the lake come on come on uh you might need to on my screen your wheels on fire there it goes wow so that didn't work out that well that was still really fun i mean it was fun but you think a lambo can do it yeah let's switch over to some lambos this is stupid do they have lifted lambos uh i kinda wish they did i mean it's beam and g and people mod these vehicles like crazy so i i wouldn't be surprised but yeah i don't no we don't have any lifted ones we're totally screwed you know it's bad whenever you spawn it in you hear stuff hit the bottom yep this is gonna go great look at this okay oh yeah so just avoid the rocks and you should be good okay here we go yeah the key is to destroy your bumpers before you go down you're just high centered on a rock oh wait i did too okay let's try this again okay we totally have this is this the start right here this is the start yes all right oh no i'm stuck once again it's all good it's all yeah we need mud tires um i don't know i don't think this is gonna work hold on okay here i'm gonna move mine there we go here we go wait wait wait yep i'm going down the mountain oh i got to reset uh oh jeez okay so if you reset a lot you might be able to get down in like 20 years yeah oh here we go here we go here we go i mean here we go i'm on the track i'm going huh it's a tree yep that's a tree okay yeah okay so i'll give you that you made it a little bit further uh-oh yep still good still good you good still good yeah be nice if you just had like a shoot or something we can get down the mountain oh i just watched you hit a tree okay here we go nope i just hit a rock you know what i'm gonna i'm throwing it down the mountain real quick give me a second yeah me too you know there's some other uh like actual roads and stuff down there this map's absolutely huge we can we can go do some like uh racing and chasing if you want to yeah let's do a police chase out of the american mountains yeah i'm dropping my lambo real quick i just wanted to see what it looked like smashed up like a can i dropped mine in a horrible spot but i did too oh did you drop yours yeah i'm heading down towards the same lake here i'm picking up rapid speed before i uh face my inevitable doom oh there it goes it's a can hey spy hey hey what pull over pull over okay i'm pulling over whoa you got illegal license plate stickers uh what's it say it says komodo and 2004. is that really what it says on your screen 2000 you've been expired for 16 years hold on hold on i'm working on it can i change this i change the oh i changed something else so i'm trying to change the the license plate give me a second uh let me see if i can sync this did it change on your screen to hawaii no no okay so i can't actually do you know i'm leaving oh no he's running weird sirens activated oh yeah this is like a perfect road for this yeah i'm a little behind you my car is super loud but you know i'm gonna catch you yeah mine's super loud too i would like to actually pull over and turn it down but it it's fine you know what we'll risk it okay risking the loudness and death recovery i saved it too i almost died i almost flew into the trees i i basically did i lost my back bumper now if a moose pops out we're dead oh i'm about to die oh goodbye cruel world this is fine [Laughter] don't worry i got impaled too if you want to come see where i am on my screen i'm up in a tree yeah i am too one second uh yeah yeah just come back and look at me uh that was impressive like i picked up speed when you hit me like a lot where are you oh wait wait there you go oh yeah holy you're a tree house yeah i don't know how it got this high up that was like really kicked you that hard yeah for some reason like it's sped up a lot whenever you hit me normally you would just kind of bounce off but like i started helicoptering across the road and i flew into the trees so oh wow that's amazing that that's this is the best crash i think i've ever seen like this has to top all my other multiplayer crashes i was full speed when i hit you yeah that was uh that was fairly impressive all right i'm going back all right spy i'm gonna warn you when i go this time one more lambo chase ready three two one go hey pull over what are you doing what do you mean what am i doing oh you serious yeah i'm resetting but loser oh no you're under arrest for what or damage to nature oh really for nature you crashed into a tree okay oh this road's got some banking to it for some reason yeah this is sweet this map has some really nice straights to it uh we got a tunnel watch out for pillars oh whoa okay slow down oh i ain't slowing down i had to it's not my vocabulary i'm going 215 220. holy i'm going to 200. i'm too 30. eventually you're gonna have to slow down for a turn i mean maybe 235 holy man this is insane i think my slowing down is gonna be my death is what it's gonna be wide open right now all right it tops out at 236. so this is probably the longest straight ever i'm at 225. yeah this definitely is a thing oh i'm starting to beer off the road okay i'm good you know it'd be cool but drag races on this i mean yeah that'd be pretty intense maybe some uh illegal screw racing drag racing oh no no no no no no no turn up here it's sticking i'm good dude this thing has plenty of grip yeah oh i think that's what's going to happen there's like miles upon miles of road here that we can go through well i was good the police had a lamborghini today yeah i mean i would fuel before anything else happens like what's our fuel at yeah we're burning through fuel right now oh you should have looked at your fuel dial there's an overpass there is there yeah i skipped it open hit the side of it oh here comes spy's name i'm drifting i'm drifting oh there he goes hey spy look at this oh he's going to die hey oh there goes his name i missed a tree and then it hit a tree it's fine how about we try another vehicle that was sweet though that was sweet all right spy so i think that this might be a little bit faster this is a gtr but it's a uh a drag racing version of it oh man you ready to do some illegal street racing here on the highway yep okay we're going the way that doesn't have the huge straight so we gotta be a little careful okay three two one go oh i started a little early but i slowed down for you yeah you're good you're good oh oh this feels good it doesn't quite have the acceleration that the other one had but we're going to see what the top ends like yeah top speed might be where it's at even even though i don't think we're going to be able to do it because there's some turns up here oh yeah there is turns uh let's hope this thing grips yeah i just laid on a tab it's got decent grip i'm like oh i forgot about the joke no no no no okay i'm good i'm good oh i'm gonna die oh you wanna go the other way let's go the other way yeah the other way was better all right spot we're going the good way now yeah this one has a nice long straight where we get our top speed and i can crash into you yes all right three two one go nice that's a good start okay so you did give me permission i thought i could crash into you no no no no no no no no no no yeah let's get the top speed first if you want to crash that's 100 fine let's get some speed real quick all right i'm going yeah you're on the inner lanes okay yeah oh watch out for the middle thing oh there's a lot of pillars here okay we're good oh there's a bump on this right side yep i had to go through the pillars so i was risky uh i might have hit the wall slightly and i've got a tiny pull to the right is that a tire behind you that it might be on that's a tire i hit it oh okay it's fine it was your spare don't worry about it okay so i was i'm kind of wondering what kind of speed i would be at without the damage i'm at 215. yeah it's kind of swaying a bit on my end too oh mine's swaying because i hit the wall okay i'm almost at 2 30. i'm at 2 30. i just watched my right front tire disappear yeah but it's gone okay so going down the highway at 220 and a gtr with the only three tires is a bad idea hey spy what speed you at now i'm still 20. oh wait what's happening back there i turned her to a tree oh okay i'm about to die okay come on keep your foot in it keep your foot in it oh oh this is gonna suck wait oh yep still sucks i feel like i want to go faster do you know any thing that goes faster well we got some drag cars that had some really good grip and speed i wonder if they'll beat the lamborghini yeah we got to find something that beats the lamborghini in top speed on this highway all right spy charger time do you think we're gonna go faster than the uh the lamborghini i think this is one of my best performing cars in all of beam ngs so yeah we're gonna get like five thousand kilometers or miles per hour all right here we go three two one two go go you're backwards but it's all good yeah yeah it's fine okay the acceleration isn't the greatest at the start oh this is gonna be fine though yeah like it has a lot of control uh i'm just hoping we don't burn the motors out oh i don't want to be on this lane i want to be on the inner ones uh this outside lane stinks going in this tunnel it's got a big bump yeah it does i hit it yeah yeah i hit the wall last time doing that my wheelie bar saved me hey all right we're about to reach the 200 mark we are at 200 miles per hour nice i'm at 160 but i did hit that bomb okay so it's a question do we reach was it 236 i think was the max for the lambo i think so we might i don't know i'm at 235 right now 236 237 2 9 40. wait we got nos oh we do oh jeez yeah let's activate nice there we go uh nos doesn't do anything for you when you're at 240 miles an hour uh-oh i got a little boost at 170. i am wait oh wow this is ridiculous i'm going way too fast for this road oh i gotta turn i don't know how a drag car like this has so much grip while turning i have no clue but i did reach 230 something turning yeah wow i'm still turning i'm still good i think this thing turns better than lambo which is weird but which is strange yeah yeah it's strange but it is fine so i i just passed the uh overpass that we uh crashed it earlier so i'm still good because okay so you're not that far behind here comes another one okay past it let me know when you're at it uh this was a race right i don't know if it's a race or not but i'm trying to see if there's like something in the road that oh we might catch air here oh okay got a little light that's it okay you're gonna pass the third one that's kind of downhill you'll get a little bit of air like it'll feel a little light but you're still good i'm good wide open okay i'm trying to find something that we can hit here uh okay here comes another overpass i think it just goes in a circle yeah but i want to say that there's something in the road that's going to like prevent us from like going by there's going to be a ramp [Music] yeah a 90 degree angle would be kind of nice that i don't know how this motor hasn't blown up well i don't know i almost flew off though okay i see another overpass potentially i'm going to dump it here uh you know what we're going for the dump you ready yeah uh oh that's gonna be just a wall oh oh you crash yeah i'm dead okay here i come that's a wall uh yeah yeah hit the wall hit the overpass wall okay here we go i'm going to do a kick flip [Applause] so he flew that way that was impressive ouch you're flattening it yeah i mean if you want to call this landing uh that's perfectly fine engine still works my engine doesn't work because it is not really a part of the car anymore but it's fine i'm gonna reset all right spy i think we have one more opportunity to uh have some sort of speed record here on the highway so we got the drag vipers so ready yeah this is gonna be a little crazy too bad we couldn't put the the big rockets on them but all right oh yeah there's a there's a put a jado on any car mod and i put them on like i think it was this one and i hit about 400 miles per hour and then the tires exploded oh no it was fantastic all right here we go three two one go wait oh wait oh whoa okay spot just looking good okay i'm gonna come back there i'll just come back here let's just do a reset i want to stay with you this time all right i'm rolling for grip i watch you uh you light those tires up and go to the side it's fine crash right into a tree okay here we go go and start speeding it has nos too by the way i think this thing needs nos wait this might be faster we're already at two something this thing is totally faster this thing is insane it does gotta be crypto nope oh okay oh oh was that too much damage i kinda wanna oh no i just hit a pillar and i just exploded i think if we respawn up here it should be good oh yeah come hit me okay here we go i died like you're dead i was already dead oh yeah i hit the pillar and it split the car open and fuel went flying everywhere and it was quite incredible oh wait what was happening i was dragging you there we go i'm gonna reset right here this this is probably a little safer i'm going to turn my nose on too for funsies ready it helped a little bit i'm gonna get in this lane here we go three two one go nice oh jeez the grip's a little tough you can't just wide open it all right i got it wide open now oh man oh my god you're off you're gone oh my god i'm at 260. my piston torque rings were broken 270 272 273 this is way too fast 274. question is are we gonna be able to stay on the road and will the engines burn up uh my engine's already damaged i'm always on fuel what the heck well this is a drag car i don't think they need really big engine or fuel tanks oh i'm trying to turn i'm trying to make the highway turn this is somewhat working this is so dangerous oh this is not working did you die i pretty much ran out of fuel anyways okay i'm gonna hit one of the hills over here here we go i am now an airplane oh that straight oh i have an idea one last thing what you got let's head to the half pipe there's a half pipe you're the one i hit last time okay the half pipe is just down this road a little bit get as fast as you can and then hit the jump thing okay you kind of saying double kick flip um something all right count us in okay three two one go uh this is gonna be crazy okay and on the right side or the left side right side right side it's just down the hill here oh jeez oh geez there we go wait that's a guardrail that's a car thanks bye i think you flew over that somehow last time you might have gotten lucky yeah that that was a that was a guardrail i don't think i think you got lucky there and just didn't die yeah because that is the one i'm gonna hit it on the left side real quick see if i can no i'm gonna hit it far right side see if i can skip over it oh that was good that that was just launching it ouch what we learned well we learned that uh definitely do not take lamborghini's down the mountain yeah that's not a good idea unless you have a lifted lamborghini yep
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,660,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, lamborghini aventador, lamborghini crashes 2020, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng multiplayer mod, beamng multiplayer police chase, beamng mountian, beamng funny moments, car crash, pc game, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, spycakes, beamng drive mods, beamng lamborghini, beamng lamborghini aventador, beamng lamborghini crashes, beamng lamborghini police
Id: R7RfH6bCZHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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