The Batman: Arkham Iceberg Explained - PART 2

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get a chaps his eye clam puncher 139 and what the hell have I gotten myself into in case you aren't aware I'm the idiot who explained the Batman Arkham Iceberg some time ago in an over 90minut video that took upwards of a month straight of work to complete unbeknownst to me that was not the completed Iceberg oh no no no not long after I started working on the original script the creator of said Iceberg orange BR along with a Moder derpston P derp created an updated version with over double the number of entries and now I'm going to break all of this new information down for all of you plus any information I missed in the original video we're in for a long one chaps so strap in welcome to the Batman Arkham Iceberg explained part two now let's get this party started however because of how long this video took to make I needed to get myself a sponsor spor to make it worthwhile so please don't click away while I tell you all about underluckystars we all love looking into the night sky right spotting the Big Dipper or maybe Orion then promptly giving up because you can't see anything beyond it due to light pollution well what if you could see it without ever needing to go outside that's where underluckystars comes in they create star maps showing the unique constellations above a place and time that's important to you it could be the day you were born and iversary with your special someone or anything in between as long as you consider it a special day under lucky stars will get a snapshot of the night sky at a place and time and send it to you it makes a fantastic gift for those aforementioned special occasions that your loved ones will absolutely adore and your map is well and truly your own with tons of customizable features from text to font and color that make it yours all their maps are NASA certified and they even ship globally so you won't be alienated no matter where in the world you're watching from if any of those facts pequ your interest and you want to pick up one of these maps for yourself you can follow the link in the description to get 10% off your order and help support my channel thank you very much under lucky stars for sponsoring and let's finally get to this giant project 2 years in the making part one the sky Kevin Conroy Mr Conroy first voice Batman in 1992's Batman the Animated Series and for 30 years after that was the most persevering voice of the character many actors would come and go from The Dark Night Adam West diedrick Bader Michael Keaton Troy Baker Christian Bale Roger Craig Smith George Clooney Jason omara and dozens and dozens more but none of them have been as omnipresent as Kevin Conroy he has voiced Batman across nearly 60 different pieces of media including TV shows movies and video games becoming the quintessential voice of the Caped Crusader for multiple generations of bat fans he was Batman which makes it all the more heartbreaking that he passed away on November 10th 2022 at age 66 his legacy does live on however as we have all the incredible work he did over his 30-year career voicing the incredible character and he was even able to play the character one last time in Suicide Squad kill bu the Justice League personally speaking it's heartwarming that his final role released to the public will be in the Arkham Universe because it was this series that introduced me to this incredible man rest in peace Kevin Conroy and thank you for everything you did for all of our childhoods I am Vengeance I am the Knight I am Batman Batmobile from the very beginning of Arkham Asylum we have wanted to Drive the Batmobile it existed in Asylum but we were never allowed to drive it for two more sequels in over 6 years we hounded rock city to let us drive the Batmobile and when they finally delivered in Arkham Knight we complained that the Batmobile was overused trash if you want too many of my thoughts watch everything actually wrong with Arkham Knight but I think this meme explains the fan reaction best Batwing the Batwing appears in every single game and is kind of usable in Arkham Origins you can't actually fly it but rather use it as fast travel to get across the city faster in Asylum it's used in the outro as well as to drop off the line launcher in the mid game and you can actually see a backup bat wing in the Batcave on Arkham Island in Arkham City it drops off the bat suit on top of ace chemicals and drops the grapal Boost upgrade in night it's constantly dropping things for Batman like the bat suit the spare Batmobile Batmobile upgrades and even taking away some of the prisoners it's basically Bally everywhere but we never get to fully use it I mean not that it would matter because the cities are all too small to ever really use it on but the thought is there in Arkham Origins Asylum intercom [Music] chime this chime has become synonymous with the Saga if you don't have these notes memorized by the time you were done with Asylum I really have to question your mental capacity there were a few other Chimes introduced across a series like Str just chime before talking in City you are mine new inmates or scarecrow's whistle in night but none of them hit the same as the classic and also fun fact this chime is just a sped up version of the first few notes of the Arkham light [Music] Motif good luck getting that out of your heads Wayne Manor Wayne Manor makes three appearances in the Arkham Saga though only one of them is outside of challenge maps that being an Arkham origin's Cold Cold Heart in this DLC Mr Freeze and penguin's goons invade The Manor on New Year's Eve to capture Ferris Bole this forces Bruce to fight through goons to reach the back cave entrance in The Wine Cellar since his usual entrance is blocked by civilians when he Dawns the bat suit the thugs have set the Manor on fire and taken the civilians hostage Alfred is able to get the fire under control while Batman pursues Mr Freeze and that was the first and last we saw of The Manor in the series at least in a truly playable scenario the other two appearances are in city and KN as challenge Maps which are just that challenge maps and are thus not very important although the Arkham Knight variation does have an Easter egg mentioned in part one of this video If you interact with the grand piano the Arkham theme will play and a hidden wall will reveal itself with a bunch of clues about an ongoing investigation the most notable being 4-25 this whole board was in reference to the then upcoming Arkham VR which featured all of these events and this number on Joker cell at the end of the game but the number by itself is a reference to Joker's creation date that being April 25th 1940 and unfortunately this was the last we saw of Wayne Manor in the franchise the bat family we get to play as a good majority of the bat family throughout the Arkham Saga the first time was as Tim Drake Robin in Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge this paved the way for a lot more members to be playable in the future Arkham City also introduced Dick Grayson Nightwing though only in challenge Maps he had no story mode unfortunately Arkham Origins let us play as dick again though while he was Robin during events of Arkham Origins online Arkham Knight brought both Tim and Dick back in and even allow them to be played during the main story however the most notable additions were Jason Todd as red hood and Barbara Gordon as Batgirl in the respective story packs there are other bat family members mentioned that don't make appearances such as Batwoman but these are the only playable ones bat beard despite almost always being clean shaven Bruce Wayne has some pretty powerful facial hair follicles in every Arkham game except for Knight Bruce's facial hair grows out as the story progresses and Arkham Asylum he's got a hint of stubble growing out when he first brings Joker in but by the finale he's got a full 5:00 shadow on his face the same is true for Arkham City though it's much less noticeable since he starts the gameplay completely shaven in Arkham Origins he starts the game with some pretty impressive stubble and only has even more to show by the end Bruce could really grow out an impressive beard if he wanted to oh wait he he did do that in Arkham Origins initiation pretty nice attention to detail showing just how long the knights are going in each game except for Knight which is kind of ironic since that's the game with all the subtle details but you can't win them all I guess Protocol 10 Protocol 10 will commence in 5 hours Protocol 10 is the unapproved worst case security measure set in place by Hugo Strange in the event of inmates attempting to escape and strange and tiger failing to subdue them Protocol 10 will be activated to call them all we were teased about Protocol 10 for the entire game left wondering just what it might be and when strange finally unleashes it you learn it's Batman's worst nightmare helicopters are launching missiles all across the city trying to kill every single prisoner in sight but what's interesting is that despite strange stating to Bruce that Protocol 10 will go forward and counting down to it every hour throughout the night he actually had no way of knowing that it would commence he needed it to be approved by the city council and then they actually gave him permission Gordon was on that Council so the possibility of failure was always there but strange was so confident that it would work he left it up to chance for more info on this see strange is one amazing scene batcaves there are three official bat gaves in the Arkham Saga and a few more unofficial ones the three main ones are in Asylum Origins and VR asylums is located beneath Arkham Asylum and is technically just a remote location set up for the world case contingencies meanwhile Origins and VR have the real deal Origins had the first fully explorable vac cave complete with Alfred a suit wardrobe a training module and a work- in progress Batmobile however since it's so early in Batman's career it doesn't have any of the fun memorabilia the Batcave is known for but in the end it's still the Batcave and even has some story relevance since it ends up wrecked by Bane by the end of the story it also exists in Arkham VR and also allows you a little exploration but is mostly just computerss with bios and the like that said it's also late career Batman so has all the Easter eggs people have been Yearning For The Unofficial ones however are the challenge maps from City and Knight and again they're just that challenge maps in fact Knight is just a slightly upred version of the same map from City while it's cool it's not nearly as fun as being able to walk through it in the main story there are other back cave like locations such as the movie studios in Arkham Knight but but these are the actual bat gaves and thus the only ones that matter gadgets bangs bat claws oo B smacks Batman certainly has them we all know them and love them the bat rang bat claw explosive gel detective mode the grapple gun line launcher cryptographic sequencer they're all classic what more to say part two tip of the iceberg protocol 11 the worst case scenario for Hugo Strange that blows up the top of Wonder Tower it's kind of unclear why his worst case is to blow up the tower but we can guess it has to do with taking down whoever may have attacked and killed him without leaving his body behind his evidence though judging by the fact that the passcode to activate is Wayne it was probably to kill Batman in the unlikely event Protocol 10 failed it would have taken down Batman and Ral ghoul but Bruce was able to jump out the window with ra in his arms sending the two tumbling to the ground below if the stab from race somehow didn't kill Hugo the explosion most certainly did so unfortunately Hugo Strange is dead Alfred small talk in Arkham Origins throughout Arkham Origins you can return to the Batcave at basically any time and have talks with Alfred he'll generally have some wise words for Bruce related to the previous events in the story sometimes though he'll talk about his own accomplishments behind the scenes while Bruce was out and about they're really nice and definitely strengthen the bond between Bruce and Alfred in this game also can I just mention how much experience these things give you just talking to Alfred once gives you 10,000 experience points holy crap dead man's point dead man's point was a popular suicide location in Arkham Asylum where inmates would throw themselves from the top of a cliff to the Rocks below Batman ended up saving an inmate from reaching the bottom and in doing so found a cave ENT Rance this cave eventually became the Asylum Batcave and dead man's point was partially boarded up to prevent inmates from taking their lives judging by all the skulls in the area during the events of Asylum its popularity was certainly warranted Arkham City gang war if you haven't seen my tier list ranking all the Arkham factions or just didn't pay enough attention while playing Arkham City you might have missed the massive war going on in the background between the three factions penguin Twoface and Joker are in a heated war with one another that impacts the game a lot more than most people probably think the game starts with the three just kind of existing in their own locations penguin in the Bowery and Museum Two-Face and parkrow in the courthouse and Joker in the industrial district and steel mill but throughout the game each faction makes some heavy plays that change who goes where who's alive and so on penguin makes the first move taking over the gcpd in Amusement Mile but that plan is quickly thwarted by Joker's crew who kills everyone outside and hold this position for the rest of the game Penguin then cuts off Joker's forces from the rest of Arkham City by blowing up the freeways sending them into the ocean after Batman invades the museum penguin's crew takes over the Subways but once penguin is taken out his crew scatters because they don't really know what to do in this confusion Twoface takes over the bowy and Museum and Joker's crew wipes out everyone in the Subway by taking a separate path through the sewers this lets Joker's crew make it all the way to the Bowery through the subway recruiting many of Penguin's crew to their side while killing a bunch of others but unfortunately they're never be able to make it out of the Subway because two fa's crew holds their position for the rest of the game this war is just casually going on in the background while Batman is doing his own thing and it pretty much explains every combat encounter and event that happens to some degree it's really cool that this goes on but nobody really cares because it's kind of irrelevant to the main plot but it helps flush out the world so much and gives it so much personality I am the night mode in Arkham Origins I am the Knight is a mode exclusive to Batman Arkham Origins that unlocks after beating new game plus it's a new difficulty setting that plays the same as New Game Plus but with one special caveat you have one life if you die at all you go all the way back to the beginning of the game and on the hardest difficulty that's a lot to add ask I only just recently beat it while streaming here on YouTube and I have to say it was one of the hardest challenges I have ever beaten and by the way everyone who beat it by cheesing and resitting every time you were close to death you are very not poggers you're quite cringe Jingle Bells Batman Smells in Arkham Origins some characters will sing the iconic Jingle Bells parody song Jingle Bells Batman Smells most notably The Joker during the turn to Blackgate and a Blackgate escapee when he's being apprehended Jingle Bells thatman smells no this is in reference of course to the iconic song which itself is a reference to the Animated Series the second ever episode for that matter in which Joker sings a song many of us know jingle bells Batman smells Robin laid an egg the batmobile lost the wheel and the Joker got away however Joker in Origins sings a slightly altered version Jingle Bells spells go a mess out of which means you soon be dead it's a fun reference to a classic song that kids just kind of pick up for some reason we never really know why Paulie's Diner this Diner is the location seen at the beginning of Arkham Knight where scarecrow releases his toxin the diner's name is a reference to famous Batman riter Paul Dei who previously wrode Arkham Asylum and city but was not asked to return for Arkham Knight and we all see how that went you can actually find the abandoned Diner on miagani Island at this location here this is important because there's a Riddler trophy hidden here and it's also just fun to see where all this actually started most games would have had the incident occur somewhere else entirely on a completely different Island but Arkham Knight actually lets you see it firsthand PlayStation exclusive content to my dismay as an Xbox player there's a lot of PlayStation exclusive content in this Saga right away in Arkham Asylum we have the aforementioned Joker challenge Maps which were PlayStation exclusive until return to Arkham I'm aware you can play them on Xbox in the remastered version I'm not getting that terrible version please stop telling me in Arkham Knight we have some more challenge Maps as well as a whole mode scarecrow's nightmare which were racetracks fused with a boss fight these things have an amazing aesthetic but I'm sure they also suck because it's yet another tank fight and as you'd expect there's a ton of Cosmetics that are exclusive to PlayStation but I don't care about those so I'm not going to talk about them I hate that there are console exclusives at all and that Xbox didn't even get anything over PlayStation but whatever it's all behind us now so hopefully they won't keep it up in Suicide Squad exclusively on PlayStation three first Joker hallucination while many of us would assume Batman's first Joker hallucination occurred here in Arkham Knight it actually occurred all the way back in Arkham City at the end of the Mr Freeze fight ever wondered why this happened out of nowhere and was never really explained it's because Joker began infecting Batman's subconscious all the way back here in a way also being the first hint towards the Joker infection we would later see in Arkham Knight Joker's blood began changing Batman this early into the infection it just took a lot of waiting and a little bit of fear toxin that would eventually set Joker free on Halloween Batman Arkham videos the quintessential maker of Batman Arkham footage this channel absolutely dominated during the peak of Arkham hype and is still around making highquality videos to this day the person behind this channel is absolutely incredible at these games and tends to have very impressive gameplay generally taking no damage and dropping no combos ever at the same time as walkthroughs they do Easter egg videos breaking down just about everything I talked about in this and the previous Iceberg unedited playthroughs even today providing great non-sp speedrun footage and of course riddle explanations where they find all the trophies breakable objects and riddles for every single area making them much easier for casual players to find be honest how many of you went to the channel because you couldn't find one trophy even with Riddler's hint they've been an exceptional help in getting me stock footage for both Iceberg videos and helping many of us actually complete these games let's give a massive Round of Applause to this nameless hero how about it Cape physics during the development of Arkham Asylum a single lonely animator was responsible for making Batman's cape feel authentic this unsung hero created over 200 unique animations over the span of just over a year all by themselves and they did such a good job that as far as I know all the animations were reused down the line and only added to as the games progressed so whoever this incredible animator is wherever they are in the World We Salute You the games would not be as incredible as they are without incredible Cape physics original animated series cast in Arkham Asylum there are three actors from the original Batman animated series reprising their iconic roles those are the aforementioned Kev Conroy for Batman Arlene sorin for Harley Quinn and Mark Hamill for the Joker I was so close Alfred I could smell his sweat now an Tony Zuko gets my undivided attention he surrendered almost without a fight I don't like it all three played arguably the best and most famous versions of these characters to date so it's great to see the Asylum team paying them due respect and casting them again I'm crazy enough to take on Batman but the IRS no thank you if I see you trying to follow me he dies however sorin was dropped as Harley in each subsequent game being replaced by Tera strong because sorin decided to retire the character I just want to say if there was no Batman there'd be no joker and I'd never have met my pudding thank you Batman I know I know you're shot thatman get me bats I double dare you unfortunate that she stopped after only the first game but it was great to see her here either way Conroy and Hamill would be temporarily replaced in Arkham Origins by Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker respectively to play Young younger versions of the characters but both came back one last time for Arkham Knight it's great seeing Legacy characters continuously reprising their roles for these Incredible characters even if it is only three amongst a much larger cast part three into the water Amanda Waller Waller is the creator of task force x AKA The Suicide Squad and she makes a few small appearances in the Arkham Saga most notably is during the credit scene of Arkham Origins where she tries recruiting Deathstroke to her cause after that we see that she's the one who orchestrated the events of Arkham Origins Blackgate being the one to cause the outbreak to gather new recruits she also plays a big part in assault on Arkham the Arkham tyan movie being the one to send the squad into Arkham Asylum she possibly dies at the end of that movie but is seen kicking by the time we get to kill the Justice League where she recruits a Suicide Squad to do exactly what the name implies overall she doesn't have a very big presence in The Saga contrary to her large appearance but we'll see how that changes with kill the Justice League pop culture references quote from the iceberg Creator himself it was my attempt at covering all these small superhero comic references in one entry like Queen Industries or John Constantine's shop in night in other words all those little Easter eggs that you see covered on channels that aren't mine at this point you've definitely seen the video so I'll quickly list a few examples Wonder Woman's logo on this building in Arkham Knight this shop's logo in Wonder City representing Gentleman Ghost gorilla Gro having a cell in Iron Heights and tons more that I don't have the patience to list you've probably seen the videos and if you haven't you'll probably get some recommendations for them after watching this requium for a killer this is an achievement giving for defeating killer croc in the Iceberg Lounge challenge map of Arkham Knight sometime after the player achieves a million points Killer Croc will jump into the the arena and reenact his boss fight from beneath the surface Nightwing will jump in himself to make the fight actually possible and defeating Croc will give the player the achievement and you can then play the rest of the map with Nightwing you'd think it'd be easy stuff but it's really not good luck Arkham VR is a dream simple as that the events don't actually happen basically VR takes place the night before scarecrow's first attack and shows all of Batman's fears coming to fruition his allies dying at his own hands and him becoming the Joker being locked in the Asylum like he was this is further proof that joker wasn't activated by the fear toxin in Ace rather he was Amplified Joker has been in Bruce's head for the past 9 months slowly creeping to the surface showing him what he fears most with each passing night and also suddenly influencing him to add lethal weapons to the Batmobile and wouldn't you know that on the very next night he'd be set free Arkham City inmates were all freed in the Arkham night story Fallout it is revealed that after Arkham City was shut down all the prisoners including all the super criminals were granted parole hearings that all went one way Freedom since they were illegally held in Arkham City and were almost murdered by Hugo Strange they began working with Hell's Gate to start winning hundreds of legal cases we'll talk about them in a second all prisoners were granted ultimately unnecessary parole hearings because they were all let go given that they signed a declaration to be on their best behavior upon doing so the irony in this event is that the opposite outcome you'd expect ends up happening crime goes down in Gotham as Gordon himself says in his speech at the beginning of Arkham night as for specifically why we don't really know but maybe many of those prisoners really were reformed and wanted to be reintegrated with Society backing up to Hell's Gate on top of being a legal service they also Oasis disposal company that hires former convicts that's why you see so many Thugs and Knight wearing their uniforms and so many of their garbage trucks during two- faes robberies it all started because of Arkham City and all those inmates being set free the ghost in Gray This iconic poster can be seen all over the place in Arkham Knight and as a reference to a classic episode of the Animated Series in set episode The Great Ghost was Bruce Wayne's childhood hero a classic show he would watch growing up before his parents' death this vigilante character helped shape many aspects of Batman most notably the cape and cowl in the episode in question a mad bomber reenacts an episode of the greaty ghost causing the actor who played the ghost to Dawn his costume once more and help Batman in solving the case hey I owed you you got me my outfit back there's of course a lots of other stuff because this is the goat that is the Animated Series but the important part is how much the ghost meant to Bruce and how much of an impact he made even just pretending to be a hero so it's pretty cool rock steady included a nod to this famous episode in Arkham Knight implying the events of this episode happened in the Arkham verse as well the Great Ghost was my hero so it wasn't all for nothing Deadshot in Arkham City Intro as Bruce rain walks through the Arkham City processing center he sees some familiar faces the obvious one is Black Mass being neutralized by some tiger guards in the background however there's one more in line a as the guard at the end tells the prisoners to move one stays in place and talks to Bruce for a bit at this point we all know the speech and iconic bang at the end bang this isn't for nothing it's meant to tell us that this is Deadshot being processed at the same time as Bruce he says Bruce is on his list which we later learn he meant literally he was on Hugo Strange's hit list of various political prisoners and it's actually quite funny that Deadshot shows up here because players going fast enough will see a credit appear at the perfect time for a tiny bit of irony that being Will Smith no relation to the actor who just so happened to play Deadshot and is currently famous for a slap but it is funny that someone with the same name worked on Arkham City and has his credit appear at the same time as the player first encounters Deadshot massive completely unintended coincidence but very funny nonetheless Arkham Asylum and Arkham City World Records this is actually not in reference to speedrun runs since it's specifically pointing out Arkham Asylum and city it's actually referring to the two making it into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the most critically acclaimed superhero games when Arkham Asylum released it gained the record only to be ured 2 years later by its own successor Arkham City which is pretty cool though I don't really know why Guinness decided to highlight this specific aspect of them since ratings are so subjective and it's not like being highly acclaimed is worthy of that much praise and and according to Guinness's website this was only based off of 33 reviews when it was submitted so like what the hell is the criteria for this when Spider-Man 2 comes out the second someone releases a positive review it's going to be the most critically acclaimed superhero game and game period with 100% is there a time requirement or something this record honestly doesn't make any sense and especially with all the recent reviews coming out for Arkham City over the years that rate it rather negatively I highly doubt This Record is still in place Arkham Asylum bios are non-cannon multiple biographies from Arkham Asylum were rendered non-canon by the events of Arkham City more specifically Hugo Strange hush and Jack Ryder strange and hush makes sense strange was just a regular doctor in Arkham Asylum at this point in the timeline he hadn't revealed his mads side until Arkham City began construction and he was put in charge he also didn't discover Bruce Wayne's identity until the events of Arkham City either and similarly hush didn't steal Bruce Wayne's identity until the events of Arkham City meanwhile this bio implies otherwise Jack Ryder is a bit confusing though because it mentions the creeper someone will go into a little while later but yeah these bios are rendered non-canon by the existence of Arkham City and Knight furthermore the artwork depicting these characters is not representative of them at all Jack appears to be wearing clothes inspired by the Creeper's look hush seems to be wearing an armored suit with lots of weapons attached and strange is oddly buff and wearing regular civilian clothing rather than a lab coat ultimately I'm glad they just said screw it and render them non-canon to work these stories into later games rather than just trying to work around them and leave everything intact it's a much better strategy in my opinion Kevin leaked Arkham Knight this might be the funniest entry in the whole video during a Comic-Con panel a few years ago Kevin told a great story about how he accidentally leaked Arkham Knight Way before it was even announced while I'd love to just let the man speak I don't want to just copypaste the video so I'll have to summarize and let him chime in occasionally once it's done and you see what you've done you think yeah you know I gave to that that's my voice in there I made that work but the process is like you know root canal so the recording process for Arkham Knight took a grueling 2 years because they had to record 157,000 lines of dialogue The Reason Arkham Orin even exists is because they needed so much time just to record dialogue and the reason none of the original cast came back was because they were just too busy recording for Arkham Knight with that in mind during a 2013 ComicCon Kevin was asked if he was in the next Arkham game to which he began wondering they didn't even tell us about Orin I didn't even know about Argin I was asked about it in a panel oh are you in the next Aram game and I said has that been announced so he accidentally revealed that he was in the next one thinking they were talking about Arkham Knight and when he heard the name Arkham Origins he was very confused and very worried this led to a whole legal battle with WB and him almost getting banned from going to cons but the compromise was him having someone constantly over his shoulder telling him to shut up if sensitive information could be brought up frankly the easier solution would have just been to give Kevin a small role in Arkham Origin so we wouldn't be lying But ultimately this is funnier so we'll accept it but yeah Kevin accidentally leaked the existence of Arkham Knight before Arkham Origins was even released watch the full story for yourself if you want a good laugh Link in the description they said oh that's so cool Arkham Origins and I went Arkham what and then they said which game are you talking [Music] about the flying Grayson the flying graysons are a famous acrobat family known all all over Gotham and by the name are the family of Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing hey Oz you remember the flying Grayson flying who what you want about flying Grayson the greatest acrobats in the world shut up you fairy whenever they performed in that circus there was magic in the air they performed all kinds of death defying trap e acts without a safety net and this fact would sadly catch up with them during one faithful performance their lines were tampered with and Dick's parents fell to their deaths leaving him orphaned Bruce Wayne brought him under his cape as his adoptive son and eventual Apprentice dick would of course be the first Robin and eventually graduate into Nightwing flying Grayson references are Slim in the Arkham franchise the most we get is a poster in Arkham City that acts as a riddle and Dick using their story as a distraction when he's held up at gunpoint by penguin hence why I had to pull all my footage from the Animated Series although one interesting fact we do know is that these events take place in the short time between Arkham Origins and Origins online which is actually a relatively short time and might break a bit of continuity because Dick is usually a child during these events not meant to be much older than Bruce was when his parents were killed meanwhile he's got to be at least 15 by the time we see him in Origins online to be looking like this and putting himself in this much danger which is pretty odd origin online takes place only about 2 years after base Origins meaning dick was probably 13 at the youngest when his parents were killed which is a bit older than usual but at the same time it's Batman logic so who really cares about consistency Owen's fate is up to the player the opening scene of Arkham Knight doesn't change much depending on how you play it however what does change is the fate of the officer you play as Owens if you shoot anyone in the diner Owens will be a lot worse for wear when you see him later in the gcpd the cops keeping an eye on him will mention how he'll end up losing his badge after this is all over despite not being in control of his actions however if you don't shoot anyone those same cops will note that it's amazing he got out of there without shooting anyone during the end game after capturing scarecrow you can see Owen sitting by himself admiring his badge it's really sad if you did shoot someone because you just ruin the life of this good guy who lives for his job he's now got PTSD for life and is probably going to be blacklisted from ever joining another police force again and it was all because of your control at the start of the game penguin's monocle it's not a monol at all it's the end of a bottle that was broken and shoved into his eye at some point in the past penguin tried to have it removed but the doctor couldn't do it at this point he likes it because it adds character and doesn't want to bother removing it I very much agree with you Oswald the bottle is a much more interesting piece of characterization than a dinky old monacle would have been this makes Arkham penguin stand out more than most other interpretations in popular media and makes me like him a lot more you can tell Robin Oracle is alive you can also tell him that she's dead after the Harley Arc in the movie studios Batman locks Tim in a Cell after doing this before leaving to face the night again you can tell Tim that Barbara is dead because at this point Bruce still thinks he's committed un alive Tim there's something you need to know Something's Happened no not her don't say it Barbara's she's dead I'm sorry let me out I can't they're targeting everyone close to me I won't let them get you as well Bruce please I have to do this no you son of a how dare you you don't get to decide get away from from me go however after rescuing her from the night HQ and removing the militia from the clock tower you can go back to Tim and tell him she's okay I found Barbara she's fine this is the only time you can do this because the moment you go back to the gcpd you entered the endgame and Tim is kidnapped by scarecrow it's already a heartbreaking moment to tell him Barbara is dead but it's even harder when you tell her she's alive because there are no words spoken in the latter Tim just calmly breaks down as a wave of confusion relief and maybe Joy set in but there's also the idea that he's in complete disbelief and thinks Joker completely took over Bruce here and is just messing with him so he's just left waiting and wondering is she actually okay or was that first statement actually true you never really know but it's heartbreaking to watch Tim's reaction either way he's right behind me at this point the clips are Infamous in Arkham Knight you can stand right behind an enemy with a detective mode tracker and when the tracker has completely traced you they'll be confused and think it's malfunctioning since you definitely shouldn't be right behind them but they'll turn around see you and be scared so you can take them out it's a great detail Rox edti didn't need to add but it adds a lot of character to the militia troops who otherwise are sorely lacking it I've got a lock he's right behind me extreme isolation extreme isolation is a location in Arkham Asylum where all the most dangerous criminals are locked up and is notable as being one of the only places Batman can't ever access in Arkham Asylum the closest we get to seeing it in the main games is when fighting the Prototype Titan as he was locked in extreme isolation cell before being released by Joker after the fight Joker then goes into the area himself to escape Batman the only other look we get is in Arkham Knight as Batman locks Joker away in one of these cells at the end of the game to free his mind it's implied this is where Joker is always locked when he's sent to Arkham that would make sense given he's the most dangerous criminal out there we do get a possible Peak into what the chamber looks like in a DLC challenge map in Asylum Heart of Darkness as well as the finale of Arkham Knight when Batman locks Joker in the extreme isolation cell dead body in calendar man's cell visiting calender man on all of his required days or more accurately setting your system clock to all the necessary dates and talking to calendar man 12 times to get the achievement will trigger a rare event leaving the courthouse then going back to visit him again will present you with no sign of Julian day but instead a dead two-faced Thug hanged in the cell so yeah calendar man escapes After Arkham City which is part of the reason why he appears at Wayne Manor during the Nightfall ending because nobody caught him the ghost in the post story dlc's for Arkham Knight such as red hood and flip of a coin you can hear thugs talking about a mysterious new ghost haunting Gotham since Batman died Hey where's Johnny Ghost got him a few days back down by the dock for God's sake guys I'm sick of hearing about this ghost there ain't no ghost okay this is of course in reference to the demon bat we see at the end of the true Nightfall ending this is pretty interesting because it shows that it wasn't just a cool final shot for the game to end on it was real there's some new batman-like vigilante terrorizing the criminals of Gotham we'll go more in depth on what this means in a later entry but just keep this in mind this demonic figure is indeed real and it is absolutely hunting down criminals Batman cosplay breaks world record this isn't technically related to the aror franchise but may as well talk about it in 2016 a man named Keith created a Batman cosplay that broke the world record for the most usable gadget on a single cosplay with 30 unique usable gadgets on his utility belt he's got everything like flares a bull ass extendable baton and even his own shuriken like batarangs the costume isn't strictly meant to be Arkham Batman though he did say he was inspired from Arkham Origins but it's certainly impressive nonetheless Arkham Knight voicemail messages in Arkham Knight you can peruse around Mr Fox's office and find a telephone on that phone you can listen to voicemails from various characters wanting to talk to Bruce first is from Vicky Vil trying to call about what was probably a hitpiece article in the news about Bruce she says she had nothing to do with it and to blame Ryder but then says that she misses Bruce implying that the two were dating around this point in the story this goes in tandem with a message from her in Arkham VR where she says she missed him at the gala the previous night although VR is Just a Dream as we established it implies even his subconscious is thinking about Vicki meaning she must be close to him in some way second is a girl only referred to as Cassie Avid comic readers jump to this being Cassandra kanaine also known as the eventual heir to backgirl but that's very unlikely why would an eventual member of the bat family be calling Bruce and suggesting that they hooked up with one another and that she has friends willing to hook up as well anyway call me when you get this I got a couple of cute friends who are dying to meet you from my limited research that doesn't sound like her especially since she ends up being Bruce's adopted daughter that would be kind of creepy if that was the case so this is probably just some random one Bruce called on to keep up his Playboy aesthetic to the public unfortunate as the Easter egg hunters may be crying third is a call from Lex Luthor talking about business he wants to acquire way Tex applied sciences division he thinks Bruce is just flat out ignoring his offer rather than having a busy schedule ual and keeps trying to persuade him to sell even without the fact that Lex is a bad guy we all know Bruce ain't going to sell he's got too much invested in his Sciences to just sell it even for a clean billion dollars a man of your refined taste doesn't need an applied sciences division after all he needs another billion dollars last is a call from Kate Kane also known as Batwoman and really quick side note this is confusing but we just talked about the potential of Cassie being Cassandra Kane and now we're talking about Kate Kane these two are completely unrelated to each other and have their last Nam spelled differently which I didn't know while reading up on it and was very confusing until I started looking into the bat family tree comic writers please make better choices when naming your characters cuz this was just mean anyway Kate is calling about her upcoming wedding and making sure Bruce is coming while it sounds like any other familial checkin call it's also telling all of us how Bruce is looking to the rest of the world he's becoming a lot more secluded to the point that nobody's seen him in months and Kate notes how Bruce himself tells everyone how important it is to keep up appearances which shows a couple of things not only does it tell us that Kate is canonically Batwoman at this point in time which makes me wonder why the hell she isn't helping tonight but it shows that she understands what Bruce is going through and knows he needs to get it together before his identity is compromised if Bruce Wayne is a shadowed recluse and Batman is practically dead inside people are eventually going to put the two pieces together it's a pretty fascinating side to Bruce that I wish we got to see a little more of during gameplay also it's a bit of an unintended call back to Joker's line at the end of Arkham City no one's seen you in Mons Bruce and you taught me the importance of keeping up appearances let's just say in times like these it's important to keep up appearances and as with everything else in Arkham Knight our final calls are tasteless jokes from The Joker where he imitates the Wayne parents only to break down laughing Bruce this is your father calling it's time we had a talk son you know about the dressing up cuz yeah it is pretty funny I just want to sorry s it's so funny you know cuz they're dead these calls are a nice inclusion because they really expand the world and give us a bit of insight into the 9 months we've been away very nice touch Roxy steady part four deeper into the water the King Bat among Alfred's aforementioned wisdom in Arkham Origins is a running conflict with a large bat he finds in the backat cave Alfred discovers it while Bruce is out in the city and becomes quite terrified of the large Beast throughout the night he keeps tabs on it occasionally trying to make peace with it and eventually he's able to come to an understanding with The King Alfred doesn't bother it it doesn't bother him him though would certainly not be opposed to some food every now and again I'm sure there's a hidden metaphor somewhere in there related to Batman but I'm frankly not smart enough to see it also we see the King Bat in the opening Cuts scene to Arkham Origins so there you go The Killing Joke The Killing Joke is an Infamous Batman comic at this point that really needs no introduction so I'll instead go over its references in the franchise most notable is watching the main event play out where we see J shoot Barbara Gordon in a nightmare sequence in Arkham Knight he doesn't perfectly replicate the scene though because they aren't trying to it's meant to be an interpretation SL Batman's understanding of the events and how they took place plus they needed to keep this game appropriate for a majority of audiences and going through with all the things we see in The Killing Joke would push this game way away from that they would have needed to get really creative with their censorship to do a perfect recreation in Arkham Origins we get another reference to the comic as we see a dramatized version of Joker's one bad day Red Hood and all it's a seriously altered interpretation of events almost a more Joker esque way of looking at things with all the fun fair stuff but it's certainly cool it exists also slightly earlier in Arkham Origins we get a line from Joker about where he got all his supplies for the death trap in the hotel where did I get all of this you ask well I got a great deal on an out of service amusement park oh you should have seen the look on the real estate agent's face when we shook hands on the deal this is a direct reference to when Joker acquires a run down amusement park in The Killing Joke and murders the former owner one of the most Mis references however occurs in Joker's interview tapes in Arkham City where he recounts The Killing Joke origin story to Hugo Strange have you ever tried to walk with an enormous fish bowl on your head don't answer that when Hugo doubts his tale Joker notes how he likes to keep it multiple choice another illusion to The Killing Joke if I'm going to have a p I prefer it to be multiple choice A wise man once told me that if you have to have an origin story you're better off making it multiple choice one that almost everyone has probably missed occurs in Arkham Asylum if you go to the visitor center before the finale you can have some therapy sessions with Joker one of them starts with a very well-known Killing Joke reference there were these two guys in a lunatic aside them oh hell you've heard that one before haven't you this is of course in reference to the finale of The Killing Joke where Joker tells Batman a joke see there were two guys locked in a lunatic asylum and one night one night they decided they didn't like that anymore they decided to escape so they laid it up to the roof and there just across this narrow Gap they see rooftops stretching across town stretching to Freedom now the first guy he jumps right across no problem but his friend ho no way he's afraid of falling so the first guy he has an idea he says hey I got this flashlight with me I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across the beam and join me but the second guy said what do you think I am crazy you just turn it off when I'm halfway across this is an iconic scene that both readers and non-readers know very well the common interpretation of this scene is that Batman kills Joker as the two laugh but the Arkham verse thinks otherwise since you know Joker Is Alive it implies that this scene played out but bman and Joker simply laughed and called it a night it's really fun that rock put this in but kind of a shame it's in such an obscure spot that many players have no doubt missed the references are overall small but certainly impactful on the plot implying that The Killing Joke events at least in some capacity have occurred in this universe Joe Chill Joe Chill is the man who killed the waines he's never been named in the main Arkham franchise though has shown up in many of the games his silhouette can be seen during the flashback scene of Arkham Origins and a warped version of his voice is supposedly heard during the second scarecrow hallucination of Arkham Asylum hold there on please there's no need for this stay where you are however most notably he fully appears during the prologue for Arkham VR where you get to experience the Wayne's murder first hand from the perspective of young Bruce interestingly though since this is a dream we get a unique interaction with Joe not seen before where he talks with Bruce instead of immediately running away it's very creepy and disturbing but perfect in line for this series and especially for Arkham VR you see that kid that's what happens when you try to be a hero permanent snow in Arkham Knight if you have the season of infamy DLC in Arkham Knight there's a simple way you can make the weather permanently snowy all you have to do is complete everything in the main game and season of infamy and specifically save Mr frieza's mission for last if you can do this then complete said Mission snow will forever fall all over Gotham the reason this happens is because the weather is supposed to change back to normal when you go into or complete another mission but since you don't have any other missions to play the snow will permanently fall now there's nothing you can really do with this since you're in a completed save file but you know it's fun I guess I mean hell I accidentally did it in both of my Arkham Knight save files so yeah there's that joker gas death scene in Arkham Asylum you can die a good many ways but one that a lot of people manage to avoid because of button prompts is dying in Joker toxin if you somehow manage to not press the grapple button in time and succumb to the gas Batman will die a horrific death where you heal him laughing as he chokes to death if Joker toxin wasn't scary enough seeing Batman fall to it is horrifying hearing Kevin Conroy laugh as Batman slowly dies and the screen Fades away is genuinely creepy and is exactly what Batman said would happen if anyone was caught in Joker toxin scarecrow's original mask in Arkham Knight you know that riddle in Arkham City where you can scan scarecrow's asylum mask at top of this bridge well somehow that mask made its way all the way to ace chemicals there it is just sitting on the floor of the central mixing chamber does it have a reason to be there no not really should it be there at all considering the circumstances also no that's it that's all I got moving on Joker referencing Jason in Arkham City challenge maps in the Joker's Carnival challenge map of Arkham Asylum there's a small line of dialogue where Joker hints at Jason Todd to hear it you specifically need to play as Robin and in doing so Joker will say what didn't I kill you already no well there's always time right ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Robin obviously this is Tim Drake's Robin and since he's the third Robin that means Joker killed the previous one Jason Todd up until Arkham Knight this was the only significant reference to Jason in the entire Saga there are others people theorize could be Jason references like when Joker tells Batman he could use a new sidekick in Asylum but this is the only one that's widely agreed upon tiger guards are never terrified well that's not entirely true tiger guards never become terrified like normal henchmen most thugs will go from calm to nervous to terrified as you take out their buddies in Predator sections tiger guards though are an exception as they'll never enter this terrified State even when they're the only one left however this fact isn't entirely true because tiger guards can be terrified if you take them down specifically if you hang them upside down via an inverted takedown or ledge takedown while they're hanging struggling to stay conscious they will be terrified which is pretty understandable given their current situation but other than that very specific circumstance they will never be terrified because they're brainwashed and perfectly trained by Hugo Strange to kill Batman animated series head icon in Arkham Knight while roaming Gotham in Arkham Knight you may come across some AR challenges strewn about the city well the icon used to represent these challenges is actually Batman's head specifically the head for the Animated Series suit from Arkham City while the suit itself doesn't make an appearance it lives on in spirit through this little Easter egg 0539 passcode meaning 0539 is the code Batman inputs on the stound stage keypad while going after Johnny Charisma and is actually shorthand for a date May May 1939 which is the first time Batman appeared in the comics a simple reference to be sure but a welcome one impostor Deadshot this is a point of contention among the fan base that is probably going to get some people riled up so no matter your opinion on the matter please be respectful in the comments if you wish to address it as we know Deadshot is one of the playable characters in Suicide Squad kill the Justice League which is a game taking place in the Arkham universe except he might not be see in the Arkham series Deadshot as he appears in Arkham City Arkham Origins Arkham Origins Blackgate and ass suult on Arkham is white this is consistent with almost all comic appearances however Deadshot and kill the Justice League is black truth be told we don't know why Rock City made this change but as aam Fraser tell us the simplest solution is often the correct one they were most likely trying to create a connection that a wider audience would understand right now the general public knows Deadshot thanks to Will Smith playing him in the 2016 Suicide Squad film and from what interviews have told us Warner Bros cast him to play Deadshot just because they wanted him for the character I mean fair enough he was probably the best character in that movie but does Rock City really want to associate themselves even indirectly with a film that practically nobody likes it didn't exactly flop but was and still is panned by critics and audiences alike so changing the of an established character who was right there doesn't seem like the best move at the very least they have offered an in Universe explanation for the discrepancy stating that the original Deadshot was an impostor who was killed behind the scenes by the real Deadshot who then stole all of his equipment and returned to his life of crime so then where has this real Deadshot been the entire time why and in fact how did it take him over 10 years to resurface and kill the faker and how was this Faker so successful for a Whole Decade not arousing any suspicion from anyone for being the wrong race if he wasn't the real thing some clients are very particular when hiring Hitman if they see a discrepancy they shoot on site and then this supposed Faker has just been around for Batman's entire career meaning the real guy would have been active years before Batman even showed up which is even more absurd it honestly doesn't make a lot of sense especially since Amanda w took the fake Deadshot into the squad at the end of Origins Blackgate meaning the faker was probably working for her for years before just suddenly getting replaced by the real guy hell we see the faker working for her in assault on Arkham what part of any of this makes sense truth be told it just doesn't and I'm really not sure how to feel about it if they did the opposite and had this new Deadshot be a faker who killed the previous guy as a way to succeed him I think that would make a lot more sense it would still be a bit of a cop out but would make more sense than the multiple logic leaps we need to make for the real guy to just be missing all these years I'm personally fine with the recast I think Bumper Robinson is going to do just as good a job as Chris Cox I just wish they did a better job with the lore explanation what are yall takes on this but again be respectful cancelled Batmobile Edition this was a cancel collector's edition of Arkham Knight which was announced to be cancelled just 5 days before the game launched it was meant to include a copy of the game some skins an art book a comic and a transforming Batmobile statue that could switch between Pursuit and battle mode with a remote control the cancellation is believed to be attributed to the company in charge of these Batmobile statues project Triforce they did not put out the quality products that were expected of them the Batmobiles would sometimes disconnect from their remotes and some of the functions would jam not wanting to have poor quality products associated with their game the collaboration was canned and the collection as a whole was cancelled project Triforce went out of business a few years ago by the way so it looks like this wasn't their only shortcoming as a company despite not being released some copies of the Batmobile Edition could still be found in online marketplaces so some of these Batmobiles do exist in the world it's incredibly unlikely anyone would be selling it if they had it and even if they did they'd probably charge thousands of dollars but they are out there somewhere definitely a shame because seriously this statue is awesome dead tiger guard was in Arkham City trailer in the cinematic trailer for Arkham City that introduced Hugo Strange we see him interrogating a tiger officer by injecting him with various serums at the end of the trailer we see the guard passing away but we can still see his body during the events of the main game in the processing center enter this door and you'll be able to scan this guard's body as a riddle this guard is the same one we saw in the trailer though it's unknown why Hugo has left his body here for presumably days at this point instead of having it disposed of we know he has the resources to dispose of bodies due to his relationship with penguin so getting rid of this body should be a non-issue I guess this guard has some kind of brain experiments going on behind the scenes that we don't know about that checks out for strangest characters so let's just say that didn't move on the penguin caused zaz to go insane in Arkham City one of the side quests has Batman listening to phone calls from zaz to try and track him these phone calls give us an in-depth look at zaz's backstory specifically of his first kill and of course who could forget this great line my money my money as we trudge to the story we eventually learned that part of the reason zaz lost his marbles was because of penguin here's a scenario his parents were dead and he was rich sound familiar only instead of using his wealth for good zaz spent his in the casino he would go to the iceberg lounge every night and would absolutely kill it at the Texas Holdem table tables he kept winning and winning until he eventually made his way to the owner's table the owner of course being penguin sees thought he would play fair but he was sorely mistaken he had a great hand four of a kind sixes very difficult to beat penguin looked nervous at first but then laughed and laid his cards down one at a time a three a four a five a six a damn seven his straight flush annihilated zaz's four of a kind and zaz was broke this led him to getting kicked out of the lounge and eventually led to his first kill it's unfortunate that this happened as zaz but is a valuable lesson for all you up and cominging gamblers out there no matter how much you pray to R in Jesus The House Always Wins play responsibly folks or better yet don't play at all Catwoman in South Africa during the Wayne Manor section of Arkham VR you can find various postcards scattered around the room from SK also known as Selena Kyle also also known as Catwoman you can see she's been to Beijing Buenos Aries London and Cape Town with the globe in the corner covered in newspaper clippings showing various robberies that have unfolded in those locations so this is a little weird to think about because we can't really see any dates on these postcards there are some numbers in the corners but they don't really give us any exact dates to go off of meaning we don't know the order these postcards have been sent also meaning we don't know when she was in these locations we can make a general assumption that since this Cape Town card is closest to the back cave entrance that Bruce received it recently meaning she was likely in South Africa last and therefore just before the events of Arkham Knight but we don't even know if that's true because as you recall from much farther up the iceberg Arkham VR is a dream meaning it's possible none of these events happened and it's all just Bruce's mind running rampant seeing Selena commit all these heists it's crazy that the most believable thing about this is Selena knowing Bruce is Batman since it's confirmed she knows at the end of Arkham Knight but yeah I guess she could be in South Africa but she could just as likely be in England Argentina China or right back here in America we just don't know when each of these postcards were sent or if they were even sent to begin with Cyrus Pinkney Cyrus Pinkney was a Visionary architect who lived in Gotham during the mid 1800s he was responsible for such important buildings to the series as Gotham Cathedral the Solomon Wayne Courthouse the Gotham Merchant's Bank and even the original buildings of Arkham Asylum he's basically the reason Gotham and Arkham have such noticeable Gothic architecture everywhere you look he has a side mission in Arkham Origins where Alfred mentions that he is at the center of Gotham's longest running cold case on the evening of his 40th birthday Cyrus attended a party hosted by his friend Henry cobblepot in the midst of the party Cyrus suddenly collapsed and appeared to have died however this was eventually found by Batman to not be the case Cyrus left page of his journal hidden in plaques all across Gotham telling the story of what actually happened he knew that Henry was planning to kill him that night with poison wine so went to Amadeus Arkham for help to escape the scenario he swapped the poison with a chemical that would put him in a temporary deathlike state which would lead to everyone except Arkham thinking he was dead not long after his supposed death Henry kobot was killed in a traffic accident arranged by Pinkney who swore revenge on the man trying to kill him he eventually admitted that these actions were regrettable but at the same time necessary his fate is currently unknown when Batman finds his crypt after obtaining all pages of the journal the casket that supposedly contained his body was empty there are chances that he's still alive right now though in all likelihood he passed away of his own valtion some time ago unbeknownst to the rest of the world this is definitely a side mission a lot of people missed since its existence is never made clear to the player they just have to find it themselves and even then are given no way to track it it's truly a detective going to work trying to solve this cold case that or you just looked up a walkr like the rest of us no shame in that Razer Razer is a joker Thug we meet in Arkham Asylum you first meet him in the medical center he's the thug hanging by the rope in the gas room despite me counting him as such Razer does not die when Batman drops him into the Joker gas he's able to survive most of the night until Batman's return to intensive treatment where he's rigging the Gargoyles to blow he's up rigging the final one when Joker decides to test them out and blows him up killing him this time though he's definitely dead and detective mode confirms the findings however the community seems to think he lived this and went on to die in Arkham City he left Joker to join penguin's crew but was killed by being dropped into a pool of razor blades obviously being a punt on his name I'm pretty sure it's because penguin tried getting information on joker out of him but Razer denied giving him any so just opted to kill him instead I personally don't think the city Razer is the same as the one we see in Asylum because again detective mode confirms he's dead after being blasted off the gargoyle I can make an exception for him surviving the Joker toxin but you can't deny that detective mode says he is literally dead Shakespeare bust the Shakespeare bust was how Batman and Robin accessed the Batcave in the 1960s Adam West TV series Arkham Knight took its own spin on the bust in oracle's Clock Tower in the show Batman would tilt back Shakespeare's head and press a button to open a secret passage to the back cave however in Arkham Knight tilting the headback would activate a scanner that scans Batman and presumably his other allies and activates the back computer in the clock tower it's a pretty fun reference to include that Harkens all the way back to the earliest onscreen Batman interpretation hidden TV intro in the Arkham Knight racetrack back cave set you can find a small panel partway through the track to park the Batmobile doing so will LIF the Batmobile up and let you watch a tiny part of the 1960s Adam West Batman TV show it's just sitting right there for you to watch it doesn't really mean anything significant but it's a fun Easter egg for you to find and just watch some classic Batman and hear the classic Batman theme Paulie not the same Paulie for Paulie's Diner rather this guy was a former Joker Thug during the time of matter of family it's a long running background gag throughout matter of family that nobody can determine what actually happened to Paulie and it's honestly hilarious everyone agrees that he died but how went for what is totally up in the air all these guys can agree on is that paully did something that pissed Joker off so he decided to fire him some think he suggested something funny regarding the ferris wheel death trap which Joker thought was meant to be funny since only Joker is allowed to be funny he shot Paulie in the face something he made a pass at Harley which Joker didn't like since he thought Joker didn't care much for her and ended up calling her an annoying witch Joker shot him in the the stomach with an RPG something he asked Joker why they were going through all this trouble for Batman when they could be out making money Joker didn't like people asking him about Batman so shot him in the stomach and threw him in the sea some think he unintentionally imitated Joker's laugh so was shot and thrown off the rig others think he was considering leaving for penguin so Joker lit him on fire and some think he was even a spy for black mask when Joker found out Paulie was Fayed rolled in Honey and thrown in a pig pen No matter how you slice it it's a terrible sad fate for Paulie who almost certainly didn't deserve it chances are it was even none of these things and all these thugs are just really terrible friends hell there's a chance Paulie didn't even exist for all we know or he might even be alive and is just sitting somewhere else on the rig either way poor Paulie he was used to set an example and most of his co-workers don't even know what example he was setting darn shame rest in peace Paulie thanks for all the laughs shooting the Arkham Knight in Ace this is just funny during the helicopter fight in Arkham Knight you can actually see the titular character on top of ace chemicals controlling the Drone well this isn't just a random model thrown in for aesthetic effect he actually has Collision if you position yourself just right and your aim is true you can shoot him down with a concussive round from the Batmobile it's hilarious but unfortunately doesn't lead to anything because it wasn't intended I honestly wish Rock Ste had noticed this and put in an Easter egg for shooting him like instantly finishing the battle because he's knocked out that would have been absolutely hilarious and great for Speed running purposes because so few people even know he's up there to begin with let alone that you could shoot him free roaming has other characters the only character you can free roam as throughout the entire Saga is Batman plus Catwoman exclusively in Arkham City all the others are completely locked out of exploring the vast open worlds outside of mods or are they well in Arkham Knight there's a way to break other characters into Gotham go onto one of three challenge Maps terminal velocity deconstruction or under the pale Moonlight then perform a classic glitch people familiar with Arkham speedr running no and love Corner cover zipping I don't have the time or energy to explain it here so I'll have some footage explaining it in the background but basically you store and eventually throw a projectile Gadget which causes you to launch your character to some far off place and absolutely through invisible walls if you pull off the zip correctly your character will go flying through the barriers around the AR section allowing you to explore the city unfortunately that's all you can do as all enemies and sub areas are despawned only allowing you to roam the city it's cool you can technically get everyone into free roam without mods but it's pretty underwhelming that you can't really do anything with it re's missing body re alou's body has a habit of Disappearing throughout the Saga in Arkham Asylum we see a body near Dr Young's office with a toe tag that reads Ral ghoul however after completing the main game this body will disappear implying that he wasn't actually dead or that his followers took the body away to revive him either one is possible and the same thing happens in Arkham City after protocol 11 blows him out of Wonder Tower he stabs himself in the gut and lands on the Arkham City Sign dying however after completing the campaign his body will disappear and the only remant will be an assassin sword planted in the ground this time we know his followers revived him as we see in season of infamy Shadow War this is of course the last time he's revived as after completing Shadow war and choosing the ending that kills re his body no longer disappears from the gcpd Arkham Origins next gen this comes from a German article all the way back before Arkham Origins was even released it reads that WB Montreal was looking to hire a new creative director one who ideally is an expert in Next Generation AAA action adventure games who could help expand the DC Comics universe the article theorizes that either WB was working on another DC game or that Arkham Origins was going to eventually be ported to Next Gen which they actually listed as PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 God that was a time wasn't it as far as we know nothing came of this job listing as WB Montreal made absolutely no DC games or games in general for the eth generation of consoles although it's possible that this job listing was for work on some of Arkham Knight's DLC Packs WWE Montreal was in charge a few of those DLC Packs specifically Harley Quinn Red Hood and matter of family so it's possible they were looking for a creative lead to head those the timelines actually match up quite nicely as all the DLC released only a month after Arkham Knight launched and they needed a good amount of time to make all of it while working with Rock City to make sure it all works it's possible that they planned on porting Arkham Origin to Next Gen but very unlikely you don't really need a creative lead to Port a game you need Engineers to do all that so it doesn't really make a lot of sense that people were theorizing this would be origin's next gen Arkham Knight's distance measuring is wrong yeah it just straight up is every distance in Arkham Knight is essentially haved so when the Waypoint says it's 4 M away it's actually more like two all the Americans in comment just pretend I said yards but yeah that's kind of weird to think about all the massive distances you've been gliding and driving around the game are basically cut in half by this Revelation who knew Urban chaos Riot response Urban chaos Riot response was the first game by rock steady and was in fact their only game before getting signed on for Batman I've heard some decent things about it from comments and it seems to be appreciated as a Hidden Gem nowadays but when it came out it was not received the best so it's really amazing that after this one game Warner Bros decided to take a risk and let them handle their big boy Batman thankfully the risk paid off and we all know the rest I would honestly love to give the game a try but copies run for a hundred bucks on Amazon for a console that I don't even have can't seem to find it on any PC platform either so I'm out of luck if anyone knows a way to play it without spending a fortune let me know Archie Freeman Archie Freeman was a man who lived in a building that became part of Arkham City when asked to vacate his home he refused and allowed the prison to be built up around him over the months of living in Arkham City criminals would extort him from money and he'd sadly obey one night while searching for food in a dumpster he came across Batman's body having him been badly wounded in a battle against Bane he brought Batman into his apartment and tended to his wounds while relaying his story basically this guy is the reason Batman is even alive for the events of Arkham City the weird thing is that I can't find any reference to him outside of his Wiki page he doesn't make an appearance in any City story from either Arkham City or Knight so I have to assume he's a comic exclusive character but again a pretty important character either way that gives some interesting details about Arkham City that being that regular people were still living there because they didn't want to evacuate now the chance of there being more people like Archie is incredibly low but not zero which is cool but also incredibly sad to think about remote electrical charge infinite combo bug in Arkham City this is something the iceberg Creator found himself and as far as I can see only has documented footage from him but while facing a Titan in Arkham City you can use the rec gun to build up an infinite combo simply use the super stun to incapacitate the Titan shoot him with the rec gun then begin punching him as long as you jump over him every few punches you he'll never lose health and can be beaten down indefinitely allowing you to achieve an infinite combo with very little effort it's unknown why this happened since again this is the only record of it but it's pretty cool this exists for Achievement Hunters want to get an easy way to get stupidly High combo achievements mad Lu love mad love is a famous comic and episode of the Animated Series wherein we see the origin of how Joker and Harley came to be together or more accurately how Joker told stories that manipulated hardly over the course of several sessions to fall in love with him and become his unthinking henchwoman it's as Infamous a tale as they come and we see two versions of these events appear in the Arkham Saga that actually contradict one another in Arkham Asylum we see the most definitive version through Harley's interview tapes Harley is interviewing Joker Joker tells us that tale that wins Harley's heart Harley eventually becomes Joker's partner in crime great love to see it except that we see an alternate Version play out in Arkham Origins in that game we get to actually see the event instead of hearing an audio tape which is great except that it contradicts what we hear in Arkham Asylum in Origins Harley first interviews joger in Blackgate while they do the interview in the asylum in Arkham Asylum these two events can't both happen which is why some people have devised a theory as to how both can Tech technically occur some people believe that the Asylum interview tape is the two role playing their first Meetup for Old Time sake this could have happen but is unlikely because of another detail people seem to miss in Arkham Origins online Harley is already in cahoots with Joker meaning she's already working with him only a small time after the Asylum was reopened meaning this interview tape where she's applying to work at Arkham couldn't have happened because she would have already been deemed insane and sent off which means that origin basically decided that the tapes aren't Cannon sorry all this because they needed us to see mad love firsthand Arkham Origins wanted poster shows Arkham City Batman that it does more specifically the poster that Shiva holds has a small portrait of Batman in the corner this portrait is of Batman in his Arkham City suit and more specifically than that this portrait is of Batman's profile in Deadshot Hit List meaning there's multiple layers of why this picture shouldn't exist yet another case of Origins reusing assets that we all know and love Nightfall death scene in Arkham Asylum if you lose the fight with Bane in Arkham Asylum you have a chance for a death scene in which Bane performs his classic spine breaker move on Batman picking him up and slamming him back on his knee breaking it into two it's a classic move that we all know but a little surprising that it first appeared in a death scene which has a random chance to not even show up rather than a traditional cut scene which would be more widely seen at least we got to see it in Arkham Origins even if it is a heavily nerfed version that does basically no damage to Batman still cool that it exists manbat in Arkham Knight intro it isn't quite the intro but is still very early into the game After exiting the clock tower for the first time in Arkham Knight look directly to the left and skipped the conversation with Gordon you can see manbat flying in the background and then dive below screen showing that he's actually present far before his jump scare on miagani multiple coup hours later it's very far into the background and you wouldn't even know it's there unless you're looking for it so I don't know why Rock City made it so difficult to see especially since it doesn't have any significance onto the story but still it exists and I guess kind of cool Black Mass DLC in Arkham City is a prequel sources are so conflicted about this I don't even know what the real answer is so before the story of Arkham City even takes place black mask was the only person to ever escape the mega prison he stole some explosives from penguin and during a guard change used them to destroy a wall out the back of the steel mill and Escape into Gotham so far so good he was eventually detained and brought back into custody which is where we see him actually in the game trying to fight off tiger guards with a chair got that well some people claim that his challenge maps for Markham city are the events that led to him being red detained but if that was the case where the hell did Mr Hammer come from a how did he escape Arkham City and B why would he even fight alongside black mask before and during Arkham City he's working for Joker and Joker and black mask have one of the worst relationships imaginable between villains so the two working together should never be a thing that happens that's when I thought this entry could just be a typo and that was actually an aftermath after all that's what the wiki claims to be the case this happens after Arkham City but then Mr Hammer still shouldn't be there because he and stickle are United after the events of the game to work together as a more powerful crime Duo so again why would he be working with black mask Mr hammer and the other goons are the big problem factor for this challenge map if they were replaced with black maskmen and Mr Hammer just wasn't there this would at least make some Modo of sense but with all this contradicting information I have no idea what to think also why is Riddler overseeing the event if this is Black Mass Heist this whole thing makes absolutely no sense so I'm just going to stop thinking about it before my head hurts the reason it's claimed to be a prequel is because the DLC is set in a meat packing plant while the city story laying out his recapture claims he was apprehended after a violent Siege at a meat packing plant that he owned cool so why does he get on a train to get away that wasn't part of the story and seems to come out of nowhere just for the hell of it seriously this combat pack makes no sense whatsoever so I'm just going to move on because it's just contradiction after contradiction at this point sh gbat after completing man bat's side mission in Arkham Knight you can return to langstrom's lab to find it in an even worse State than before one of the monitors is now on the ground with what appeared to be blood riding out forever my beloved and Francine's body is missing people have theorized that this could mean Francine was ingested with some of the manbat serum during Kirk's attack and she turned into sheat but I mean she's dead man like dead dead more likely than not manbat just flew in here at some point and stole away her body that's probably it I'm not saying it's impossible the serum could have revived her given the series really loose rules around death but it's definitely not a likely outcome true Nightfall ending the true Nightfall ending is given for completing every Most Wanted mission in Arkham Knight in both the base game and New Game Plus also known as 200% doing so plays out the Nightfall protocol as expected where returns home and the manor is destroyed however in addition you are presented with a postmortem James Gordon who we see has been promoted from police commissioner to mayor of Gotham City he gives a short speech commemorating the death of his friend noting that now that criminals Have Nothing Left to Fear who would be there to protect Gotham we then see a familiar scene a rich family walks out of a theater into a back alley followed by armed criminals they're assaulted robbed and in the worst situation imaginable but the thugs look up to the skyline line and see a familiar outline hey freak maybe you missed the news Batman's dead that look don't scare us no more what the [Music] hell this ending is a subject of countless theories as Rocksteady left it completely open for interpretation however with recent developments to the series most have come to the general consensus on what this ending means Bruce and Alfred retreated to the Batcave during the Nightfall protocol faking their deaths so that the Batman could be forgotten he then went on to create a new persona From the Ashes the demon bat we see which the criminals refer to as the ghost He utilizes scarecrow's fear toxin to put the fear back into the criminals and pursue them as a seemingly Supernatural Force he's still dead to everyone else but his legacy lives on protecting the innocent through the ghost part five even deeper the creeper the creeper is the alter ego of Jack Ryder and contrary to his evil sounding name is actually a hero long story short while trying to do some investigative journalism in a medical Factory Ryder was injected with some experimental Nano cells that give him a regenerative healing Factor he uses this factor to fight crime including having a few team ups with Batman in Arkham though this just doesn't happen it's only implied that Ryder has his creeper Persona with a few references to his existence however it is also implied that Jack doesn't even know of the Creeper's existence the only major piece of evidence for the creeper existing occurs in Arkham City Ryder can be seen with cuts and bruises on his face at the start of the game but upon his safe return to the church his face is perfectly fine almost like the damage never existed which naturally implies that he has the healing Factor furthermore one I almost miss that occurs during Arkham City is in quiny Sharp's interview tapes in them when discussing Vigilantes Vicky Veil mentions the huntress and the creeper Pretty much telling us that he is indeed active in this world but that's all we've got the creeper only kind of exists which is more than can be said for other characters in this Saga but it is weird how Ryder always implies that he just doesn't exist when we've apparently been given proof that he is active in the Arkham burst almost like he doesn't have control when turning what do I know though I thought this guy was a villain based on his name alone Arkham City Nightwing cut voiceover the Arkham Wiki credits Quinton Flynn as the voice of Nightwing in Arkham City but that doesn't really make sense because Nightwing has no vocal deliveries in this game whatsoever we all know he isn't President in the main story but even on challenge Maps he doesn't say a word and though he does have Audible grunts those were just taken from Robin's voice over lines this is confirmed in both the credits and the Arkham City IMDb page Nightwing is not listed among the voice cast in either of them this left a lot of people wondering where the wiki got this information myself included because this seems like a pretty weird thing to mix up some claim it was just a mistake because Flynn did voice dick albeit as Robin in Arkham Origins online except that's not true either dick is voiced by Josh Keaton in this game Quinton Flynn has no association with the Arkham franchise whatsoever he has never voiced a character in this series so it's really confusing how the wiki still credits him as voicing the character there is a theory though that the Batcave Wayne Manor and black mass challenge Maps were going to be more in-depth stories for Nightwing complete with speaking roles for him since Nightwing was originally included with the back cave and Manor Maps this kind of checks out it would have been a small story about tiger invading Bruce's home while he was stuck in Arkham City and Nightwing being the only one to step in and stop them that kind of makes sense and would require a speaking rle hence Quinton Flynn but it would have been cut and reduced to just challenge Maps it's a fine enough Theory I guess but still doesn't excuse the wiki having this blatantly wrong information which is incorrect on two accounts Copperhead poison in Arkham Knight before ace chemicals is destroyed in Arkham Knight you can find a vial of copperheads poison from Arkham Origins it's sitting on a bench behind this destructible wall and is pretty easy to miss it's theorized that scarecrow used some of this poison to amplify the effects of his fear toxin in this game which is possible but unlikely since it's a neurotoxin that kills anything injected in minutes and if it were combined with fear toxin it would just create an Airborne virus that would slowly kill people before the fear could get to them fine enough Theory but it's a little bit weird for me grotesque penguin render anyone else still haunted by this terrifying render they used on the cover of Penguin's trailer for Arkham City like seriously what the hell is this it has nothing to do with the trailer looks only tangentially like penguin and doesn't appear in the game anywhere well people theorize that this was a scrapped boss for penguin section of the game possibly having to do with Titan looking at it it could pass as Penguin on Titan and since we know he has some it would make sense for him to inject himself and use it to fight Batman well sorry to burst everyone's bubble 12 years after the fact but this wasn't even official artwork it was misappropriated fan art used by IGN for only their thumbnail of Penguin's Arkham City trailer it's not from rocket and isn't even related to Arkham at all it's just an incredibly talented fan artist who really likes penguin so go on IGN for a bit for making this incredibly stupid mistake Arkham asylums no shoe rule ever noticed that none of the inmates in Arkham Asylum wear shoes by the looks of of it Arkham has a no shoe policy now in real life psych warts do have a no shoe lace policy because shoelaces are a self harm risk but they still let you wear shoes and even give patients shoes to wear without laces however it seems like Arkham has taken that rule one step further and just ban shoes alt together the only inmates we see wearing shoes are Joker since he literally just got there Harley since she broke in and wasn't a patient at the time and to a small extent scarecrow who just put bandages around his feet to resemble shoes everyone else is completely Barefoot guess the Deads just had a thing for feet huh at least they all learned to cover up for Arkham City Blackgate is a mall After Arkham Asylum According to some thugs in Arkham City and billboards in Arkham night yes after the events of Asylum and all the criminals being moved to Arkham City black gate was turned into a shopping mall this honestly kind of makes sense because there's nothing else to do with it at this point Quincy sharp opened Arkham City without even using taxpayer so why keep a prison open with no prisoners especially after Joker burned down a good amount of it to move his crew to Arkham it's a nice little continuity detail between Arkham City and Arkham Knight that's pretty fun Holly Robinson Holly is a young girl taken in by Catwoman in the comics she ends up taking the Catwoman Mantle when Selena is out of commission or dead but in Arkham no such event occurs so she's completely relegated to the background and is only name dropped her life is used as leverage by Hugo strange when trying to interview Selena during Arkham City and it allows him to get some answers out of her this is the only reference we get to Holly in the entire series but it's nice to see them acknowledge her existence in some way even if all it does is give us some Catwoman lore dearest Rush Love Joker this is in reference to the Titan containers Joker planned to ship out to the other villains in Arkham Asylum if you recall just before the double Titan boss Joker has crates of Titan ready to ship out with villains listed on the name tag bags these included Catwoman black mask penguin and more these were all changed in the return to Arkham remaster to be only penguin since he's the only one that ends up with any Titan formula in Arkham City but in the original version Joker planned to send some to someone named Rush except that's not true you can only see it as Rush by taking control of the camera and clipping into this box where you see the first letter as R in all likelihood this was supposed to be hush but the artist made a small typo and put an R so rather than send it back to get fixed they just slap the corner of this crate on the r to make it look like an H is clipping out because who else in the entire Batman Mythos has ush at the end of their name it's just a hush don't overthink it 89 Batmobile in Arkham Origins we all know you can see the under construction Batmobile in the back of the Batcave in Arkham Origins what you maybe didn't know is that Bruce's blueprints for the car aren't his own they're actually the exact same blueprints used for Michael Keaton's Batmobile in 1989 meaning WB Montreal just took the already existing asset and paced it into their game thinking nobody would notice but oh we absolutely did WB well played and might I say a very good choice for inspiration The Three Stooges in Arkham Asylum there's a certain intercom chime that references a classic three stoes bit aging Dr Howard Dr Fine Dr Howard this references a time when the Stooges were word doctors since Howard fine and Howard are the three's last names a funny reference that is perfectly in line with Joker I can totally see him referencing other three su's bits at random times and this one fits so well since you know we're in Arkham Asylum Catwoman is related to the Falcone I know it's Falcone but the game's pronounce it Falcone so that's what I'm sticking with anyway I'm not so sure about this one the Arkham Wiki claims on cn's page that she is the adopted daughter of Carm Falcone which is a bit of a change from most versions where the two are related in the cases the two are considered family Selena is the biological daughter though usually one where Carmine was having an affair but apparently in Arkham she's adopted and the only real evidence toward this is a billboard that exists somewhere in the series for the life of me I couldn't find which game this came from but it's on our Wiki page so let it be so well well Julian day what are you doing here Catwoman oh very nice to see you here don't get too excited there's no way I'm letting you free not after that Falcone mess how funny that you should mention that illustrious family and so close to your birthday tell me are you expecting anything specific from your father this year what do you mean oh nothing really I'll be seeing you kitty cat this year or next ultimately this doesn't change anything because the falconis are so irrelevant to the story of the Arkham Saga only making a tangential appearance in Arkham Origins through Carmine's son Alberto so even though this is technically a piece of lore it doesn't really mean anything failed Titan henchmen while exploring the sewers of the Botanical Gardens in Asylum you hear Joker singing as he makes the Titan formula what you may have missed however is him disposing of a body this body has the mutations we all know Titan is prone to doing namely enlarged limbs but it's also a dead guy being dropped into the sewer it shows that joker still hasn't quite perfected the formula at this point and he's just trying whatever he can to get it right no matter how many goons he needs to dispose of in the process Batman slamming unconscious thugs to the ground this is a pretty funny encounter that can occur in Arkham Knight though I'm not entirely sure how to replicate it myself basically if you perform a move that simultaneously launches an enemy into the air and knocks them out you can use the grab move to slam them into the ground despite them being unconscious it's a pretty cool move so I'm surprised I hadn't seen it before now but it's pretty funny you can do this does it really mean anything no but it's funny and that's what really matters in this world Arkham Origins playable villains in reply to a random tweet praising Arkham Origins game director Beno Riker said that his original pitch had a lot more content than we got it would have included playable villains in the open world allowing the game to stand out from the other entries in the series as we know this didn't happen but we can still see remnants of it we did get death Strokes in challenge maps and apparently Joker has some files left behind that have been restored with mods weird but most notably we did get to play as Joker and ban in Origins online while it's not the open world concept they wanted we did still get to play as the villains so I think that counts for something Cadmus Labs Cadmus Labs is a company owned by Lex Luther that specializes in cloning technology you can see a poster for this company in Harley Quinn's Revenge placed eerily close to some Joker statues this led some people to believe that joker would come back in Arkham Knight but as a clone it wouldn't have been the first time either as this isn't too dissimilar to the app plot of Batman beyond return of the Joker so there is indeed some precedent for this happening as we know this was a bust and Joker was indeed dead but it was an interesting Theory nonetheless that kept a lot of us on edge Arkham Knight inspired the Batman who laughs this is a head Cannon for many fans since Arkham Knight came out 2 years before the first appearance of the Batman who laughs it's very possible since we were very close to getting a Batman who laughs like ending at the end of Arkham Knight Batman's worst fear is becoming the Joker and Scott Snyder the creator of the Batman who laughs said in an interview that he's basically Batman's worst nightmare come to life Batman if he was infected by The Joker Toxin and lost all sense of Ethics what he wants to do in Gotham is bring Bruce's worst nightmares to Life Sounds Familiar almost like how Bruce is infected with Joker's blood and begins losing his moral compass he begins attaching lethal weapons to all his vehicles and Joker begins slowly creeping in to take over his mind by the end game Joker does fully take over but Batman is only able to fight back thanks to ironically fear Toxin and his sheer willpower this is a very likely possibility and after seeing legitimately hundreds of people in my comments say how much they would have loved to see the Batman who laughs in Arkham Knight I wouldn't be surprised if it was Snider's main point of inspiration Joker's one rule in Arkham Asylum during one of his many intercom Chimes Joker says that everyone only needs to follow one rule on his Arkham Island and that anyone who doesn't comply will be killed the best part it's a secret it's ultimately just another classic joke from the clown Prince of Crime rather than some deep insight into joker as a character which I'm perfectly fine with a serious house on a serious Earth Arkham Asylum see subtitle is a graphic novel written back in 1989 it appears to be the biggest story influence for the art Asylum game with many ideas shared between the two most notably among them is the inmates running the Asylum and the backstory of Amadeus Arkham and the current Warden going crazy to believing himself to be amadeus's reincarnation the biggest differences occur in the present Rogues Gallery between the two Works sirious house on a serious Earth has villains like Mad Hatter Twoface Maxi Zeus and Clayface while Arkham Asylum has Bane Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn this naturally leads to different plots overall but the influences are clear in fact there's one especially notable reference to the novel at the beginning of Arkham Asylum at the beginning of the game when Joker says this don't be a stranger you're always welcome here it's very close to Joker's final line at the end of the novel just don't forget if it ever gets too tough there's always a place for you here not sure if this is an intentional reference but knowing Rocksteady it probably is also it's clear the art especially was a big inspiration for Arkham asylum's concept art and eventually art style this stuff is honestly terrifying just like our eventual Masterpiece of a game it makes perfect sense that rock city would pull so much inspiration from this comic especially since it was and still is one of the most well-received pieces of Batman media ever Batman Arkham Asylum live in London this doesn't actually have to do with the Arkham series but is a cool thing that londoners can maybe experience apparently there's an immersive experience in London giving visitors a once-in-a-lifetime experience in inside a recreated Arkham Asylum utilizing advanced technology and interactive theatrics following a completely original story to create a chilling and immersive experience and unfortunately those are all the details that exist it was planned to open back in 2021 but to this day the website still says that it will be opening at a later date the only thing that remains is a blank website and two nearly identical trailers on their YouTube channel with no news of an opening date at this point Point who knows if it'll ever open Scarab symbol in panessa so I can honestly say I've never really noticed that the chronicles of Arkham have a Scarab symbol in the center I'm sure I've seen it but I've never really acknowledged it which is weird when those same symbols appear in Arkham Knight during Jason's torture sequences and I also never noticed them but yeah there they are they only appear during the hallucinations and disappear after snapping back to reality so I guess this was another way to link Jason's torture to the Asylum I don't know why we really needed that I mean we all knew he was tortured there and if we didn't we'd find out from the man himself only a few hours later also I guess this means Arkham has some kind of Scarab symbolism to it never really comes up again so I guess it doesn't really matter using the wreck on Grundy using the remote electrical charge on Solomon Grundy will make him regain Health which you know makes sense because he's powered by electricity it also causes penguin to laugh and taunt Batman for doing so this fact is actually used in speedruns to temporarily stun Grundy and make it easier to lay down gel without getting hit in the first two phases but yeah that's about it tiger operating out of Arkham Asylum after the events of Arkham Asylum the island was put up for auction to the highest bidder tiger purchased the island and made it their base of operations under Strange's command unfortunately we get no details beyond that simple factoid and the fact that they quickly moved out after strange was killed during Protocol 11 Shadow War moral dilemma this entry is essentially asking which outcome of Shadow war is Canon if we weren't in control and couldn't make a choice would Batman have saved re or let him die we may never know the answer but you can argue for either way many claim letting re die is the cannon ending simply because it is the better outcome Nissa lives and disbands the league war is averted and the warmongering Zealot that is Rachel ghoul lives no more however choosing said ending draws interesting parallels to when Batman walks Joker's body out of Arkham City it's basically a shot for shot remake and implies that if given the chance he would have saved re Batman says that he would have saved Joker even after everything he done and regrets not being able to do so while walking his body out does he feel the same way about re while walking his body out that if he was given the choice rather than the player he would have SA saved them even if it does lead to a worse ending where Nissa dies the defectors go into hiding and the league lives on meaning that they will kill again it's probably what Batman would have done it may not be the ending most of you chose I know I let re die my first time but it is probably the Canon ending but in the end it's just a hypothetical and we will probably never know all we do know is that letting R die has him being proud of Batman interpret that however you wish happy unicorn TV in Arkham Knight near the lighthouse on Bleak Island there is a random TV you can turn on using the remote hacking device doing so plays a pixelated dancing unicorn with the aforementioned text on a TV this just kind of exists it's not a reference to anything and it's completely hidden from all of the players tools aside from the remote hacking device it doesn't even show up in detective mode it's just a funny thing that the developers put or maybe even left in just for the hell of it it exists and that's about it Riddler's father as with seemingly all the great villains out there Riddler had an unfortunately abusive childhood his father would belittle him constantly calling him a and even accuse him of cheating in a school competition because there's just no way he could have been that smart this played into his future psyche leading Edward to his eventual emotional instability and overall psychosis we see that his father's influence never really left him over the years with one reference many people most certainly saw during his boss fight in Arkham Knight where he screams out die father I mean Batman even in the midst of fighting his greatest foe Riddler is still haunted by his father which is unfortunate to see but also a little funny in a really sick and twisted way admit it you laughed at this line too even with how sad it is in retrospect the road to Arkham the road to Arkham is a short tieing comic that takes takes place minutes before the event of Arkham Asylum it shows exactly what went through Batman's mind as he drove Joker to Arkham that fateful night and more importantly shows that his choosing to go with Joker into the Asylum wasn't a split-second decision he was planning it the entire ride there turns out the reason Batman is so on edge this evening is because Joker wasn't the only easy arrest he made lately he's been getting multiple anonymous tips ratting out villains leading to far easier arrests than he'd normally be able to make both that and scarecrow had their plans exposed allowing Batman to stop them before they could get away with their plans the same thing happened with Joker someone was able to make a shockingly quick 911 call to alert the Police that joker was holding the mayor hostage letting Batman swoop in to save the mayor and stop Joker rather easily he says himself actually it was one of the easier takedowns I've had lately Batman suspects that three easy arrest to Arkham can't be a coincidence especially since Joker had been missing for months up until that point so him surrendering almost without a fight seems too good to be true while we don't know exact details it's very likely Joker orchestrated all of this he made it easy for Batman to arrest zaz and scarecrow so they'd be in the Asylum during the big night while also making it easy for himself to be locked up so he'd get inside he knows Batman all too well so knew it would get on his nerves and get him into the Asylum into the perfect position to take over the mad house it seems like Joker's line at the end of the game was all too true months of playing did indeed go down the crapper overall return to Arkham is a nice little comic giving us just the right amount of details we needed to know from the buildup to the evening but I'm glad the details are relegated to a comic and not thrust into our face during the actual game tman tman is another of the many villains we hear about but never see he's a criminal obsessed with deck collecting and killing those who owe others money the only mention we get is a single line of dialogue in Arkham Knight where were a former Arkham City inmate in Paulie's Diner mentioned how he owes some people money and if he doesn't pay up tman is probably going to get him the others he's talking to suggests he go work at Hell's Gate to start earning some money which we've discussed is a front for Twoface unfortunately this is all we get as tallyman makes no appearances or even mentioned outside of this but he does exist make no mistake of that a Death Foretold towards the beginning of Arkham City Joker locks Batman in the Bell Tower of the church with a bomb as he counts down the imminent explosion Batman jumps out the window to escape the blast but what many players may have missed is the conversation Joker has if the player sits through the countdown what are you waiting for we both know how this is going to turn out you're going to come and find me you can't stop yourself can you sometimes I wonder if all this will just end with one of us looking down at the other's corpse trying to work out what to do next the only question is who whose body will it be I know who I'm rooting for what about [Laughter] you now get out of there now or you'll ruin everything this is of course for telling the inevitable the fact that joker is going to die at the end of this game and perfectly predicts how Batman reacts that reality at the end of the game Batman is left looking down at Joker's corpse wondering what to do next it's a great piece of foreshadowing that nobody really saw on their first playthrough because we were all so focused on getting away from that blast part six bottom of the iceberg unfinished racetrack in Arkham Knight in the files for Arkham Knight there existed an unfinished Riddler racetrack somewhere below Gotham it would later be repurposed as the way Tech underwater Loop DLC track good on Rock City for repurposing old assets and making something more unique out of them than just more Riddler stuff I like the RAC trcks but four Riddler races would have just been too many Joker's beta design Joker's early concept art for Arkham Asylum was a lot goofier than the final design we got his clothes were a bit baggier rather than fitting to his slim form his bow tie was outrageously large and his hair featured some odd Spikes all over the place interestingly this oddly spiked hair can still be seen in the trailer for Arkham Asylum though was of course change to a more slick design we see before the final release I'm very glad they made the changes they did because this Joker looks just a bit too Goofy for the more grounded and serious tone of the Arkham Saga sounds in Arkham's grave short answer no long explanation this video appeared some time ago claiming there were sounds coming from inside Amadeus Arkham's grave in Arkham Asylum it almost sounds like groaning and creaking but it's all but confirmed to be fake the person who made the video more than likely added the sounds themselves in post to get a conspiracy going Amadeus Arkham is dead his ghost doesn't haunt the Asylum and Quincy sharp is indeed crazy to think he's The Reincarnation of him moving on Blue hell blue hell is not an Arkham specific reference rather it's a community created a term for breaking out of bounds in games this started back in the days of early GTA where players breaking out of bounds would be met with a blue void because of the color of the sky since the sky wraps around the entire world including below it that's the only thing players would see when breaking out of bounds thus the name blue hell you can reach blue hell in basically every Arkham game as doing so is a very prominent speedrun strategy although the most well-known one mentioned in the last video was the one in the riddle room with the exposed Riddler model talia's missing body so I messed up with this one in the first iceberg again would like to correct myself it has nothing to do with talia's body suddenly disappearing during clayface's fight instead it was referring to the morg in the shadow War mission of season of infamy one of the lockers has a tag that says Talia al ghoul but no body inside this implies that Talia may be out there secretly alive or at least that her body is though it's also a much more casual reference to the previously mentioned rac's missing body in Arkham Asylum guess it runs in the family tiger boat in Arkham Origins way off in the distance in Arkham Origins Beyond any boundaries the player can access is a boat that supposedly has a tiger symbol on it I can confirm it is indeed the tiger logo but this is clearly just a reused asset this is definitely not a tiger boat because tiger wasn't formed until after of the events of Arkham Asylum and the player is never meant to get this close to the boat just look at how low res and far out of bounds it is this logo was never meant to be seen by the player so is definitely not a reference to Tiger Dev wanted posters in basically every Arkham game after City the devs like to have fun and put themselves on wanted posters and recently arrested lists there's really not much else to say on the matter if you see a wanted poster in an Arkham game that isn't of a pre-established character it's almost certainly a Dev who worked on the game Batmobile in Arkham City quote from sefon Hill over a year before Arkham City released there aren't any playable vehicles in the game what we've really focused on is Batman himself we see him as the ultimate vehicle if only they kept that design philosophy in mind for Arkham Knight that's why there's no Batmobile in Arkham City though it does technically make an appearance in the Batcave challenge map to add on to this early in development of Arkham Knight Rocksteady dropped a prototype Batmobile in the existing Arkham City Map as an experiment the results of which were absolutely disastrous the team immediately learned that what works on foot does not necessarily work as a satisfying vehicular experience this was their Awakening moment to start making Arkham Knight's map a lot bigger streets needed to be widened so players wouldn't be constantly bonking into walls buildings needed to be made taller to accommodate the batmobile's ejection seat and Batman's improved mobility and overall they just needed to make the map bigger to again quote Seft in Hill Arkham City was quite claustrophobic so if you were really good at grappling and gliding you could Nick between small buildings but here we have a lot more negative space between the buildings so it's much easier and more enjoyable to Glide around and this right here is just some interesting Insight on game design folks something that works in one aspect will not necessarily work in another everyone complaining that Gotham's layout in Arkham Knight is illogical and stupid you know who you are shut up because this is just proof that it flat out would not have worked any other way the other games were far too small and condensed to use the Batmobile which is something they learned from when making Arkham Knight so made everything bigger exactly as they should be Arkham logo briefly appearing in the skyline Apparently after the Bane fight in Arkham Asylum the Arkham logo will briefly appear in the skyline but only if you're playing return to Arkham in that case for some reason there's a building back on the mainland with the Arkham logo on it it just kind of exists but has no reason to do so so I don't know what's going on there it didn't exist in the original Asylum either which is the weird part so why did they put it there dog barking in Arkham City apparently you can sometimes hear a dog barking in Arkham City I don't know if this is return Arkham exclusive or if I just have really selective hearing but as far as I know I've never heard it what's crazier is that some people think this dog is somehow a hellhound a mythological iCal creatur standing guard in the Underworld yeah one of those is apparently this little dog barking in Arkham City right this is honestly on the same level of stupid as the Arkham City entity it's literally just a dog used for Ambience maybe one of the inmates smuggled one in or maybe you're just hearing a really loud dog from outside the prison it's not a freaking hellhound Lady of Gotham jokerfied after Batman is blasted with fear Toxin and ace chemicals and starts seeing Joker everywhere various parts of the city also become Joker statues and billboards all over the city will replace their normal versions with Joker and Batman's faces and that even includes the lady of Gotham in the center of the city between lightning flashes you can very briefly see the statue become Joker and then turn back to normal although this only works when you're decently far away from the statue and not right on top of it it's pretty fun that this happens because it shows how far Batman is falling to Madness while also putting the player in Batman's shoes they start seeing Joker in just as many unexpected places as Batman including the giant statue in the center of the map Arkham Asylum Lighthouse explorable there was some concept art for Arkham Asylum that showed the lighthouse as an important location apparently it would have been explorable to some extent though we can't say if it would actually be for the story or just for like a Riddler trophy though judging from how much concept art there is it likely would have been an important location the idea ended up being scrapped since the team believed the island was already too big so adding it would just be unnecessary I think this means it would have played a significant part in the story I can't imagine what they would have had us doing seeing as the story is so well put together that having a Sidetrack to the lighthouse would just feel unnecessary so while the concept art looks absolutely incredible I'm glad they ended up cutting it Joker's heartbeat during playface fight Joker actually gets nervous during Batman's battle with Clayface but only when Batman gets hit he obviously doesn't want Batman to die because to quote the Animated Series without Batman Crime has no punchline so he's hoping with all his might that Batman makes it through this fight and anytime the player fails to meet those expectations he gets a little nervous clayface's fate after his fight in Arkham City Clayface is dumped into the Lazarus Pit Where many play assumed he died this is not the case however as he is merely permanently incapacitated After Arkham City was shut down multiple parties acquired samples of his clay including the gcpd Stag Industries and Hush Hush used the clay to cover up the scars from his face surgery which is why his face looks so clean come Arkham Knight despite all the scars that wouldn't naturally heal because his fake face wouldn't get any blood flow meanwhile stag used the samples to start project meta which resulted in the creation of metamorpho someone I've never never heard of and won't go into because it's a lot of details that don't really matter because he never exists in game what does matter is that Carlo is still alive within the samples collected by the gcpd but he's unable to take shape again because of the Lazarus particles mixed with the clay and the explosion from the generator he's essentially living in limbo forever he can't take form again but he also can't really die unless they find a way to destroy this clay which is an incredibly sad fate for Clayface Carlo didn't deserve this but it is his ultimate fate in the Arkham Saga note very deep looking water in Arkham City you can meet Killer Croc just after defeating rachal ghoul if you were to somehow clip your way through this gate you would find a Dev note that says note very deep looking water this is almost certainly just a notice that the team accidentally left behind while they were blocking out this level sequence they needed some deep looking water so Croc could seemingly appear out of nowhere and understandably swim in it without clipping under the floors something doesn't technically mean anything but is a fun bit of game design trivia Left Behind which is always nice Zoro skin for Arkham City hoax back in the days of Arkham City rumors there was some hoax concept artart of Batman wearing a skin designed after Zoro from the aptly named film The Mask of Zoro in the original interpretation of Batman the movie that the Wayne family saw before their untimely death was none other than the mask of zor Zoro this has changed as more interpretations of Batman have been created but the mask of Zoro was the original film The Family watched on that fateful night in fact Bob Kane says that Zoro was the biggest inspiration for his creation of Batman so Zoro has always had a massive impact on the Dark Knight which is probably why this false suit caught on so much as we all know it ended up being fake because there was never such a skin to be released but it was a fun bit of trivia nonetheless rainy weather in Arkham ASI it's theorized that Arkham Asylum was originally supposed to feature rainy weather and there's actually a surprising amount of evidence to support this whenever the player goes to the back cave through dead man's point they might miss the fact that it's just randomly started pouring rain You could argue this is just water from the cliff but it's almost certainly isn't because there's definitely no waterfall here it was perfectly clear just outside the cave moments ago and now it just randomly started raining it continues into the cut scene as Batman dives into the cave system as well so it's clearly not an accident furthermore anytime and I mean anytime the player is in the medical facility lightning seems to randomly flash Through the Windows and you can hear thunder in the distance even though again it's perfectly clear outside also the intro cut scene where Batman is driving Joker back to Arkham has a massive storm going on outside which is still going on when Batman first enters the Asylum then it just suddenly ends when he exit intensive treatment for the first time and we have eventually get those other events I just mentioned all this implies that Arkham Asylum was originally supposed to have rainy weather but it just doesn't it's very likely they wanted to have a storm going throughout the whole game but they couldn't get the rain system to work prior to release so had to cut it leaving these random details in I'll be honest I never even noticed these details aside from the lightning flashes in the medical building and even then I just Shrugged them off with a huh weird and moved on I never even noticed it was raining in the intro cut scene until I had to research for this section so just goes to show how much you can miss if you're not looking for it Rock Steady would of course remedy this lack of rain in Arkham Knight giving us one of the best looking rain systems in any game ever made and also implemented in the return to Arkham Asylum remaster showing us what this game was supposed to look like with permanent rain cloud burst made out of alien alloy there's information on a monitor in Arkham Knight which states that the cloud burst tank is plated with enth metal alloy enth metal is associated with Hawkman and Hawk Girl and is an indestructible metal originating from the planet thanagar so how the hell did Jason get his hands on this metal if it's even true we may never know though that does explain why the tank was practically indestructible during their battle during city of fear the tank was lined with an impenetrable metal that Batman simply couldn't work around bruan glitch by engaging in a little Tom fooler at the start of Arkham City you can escape the invisible walls forcing you up to Ace chemical building and explore the city as Bruce Wayne there isn't too much to see as a lot of textures on the ground are missing since the game doesn't expect you to be here yet and none of the enemies lining the ground will engage you in combat since again you aren't even supposed to be here but interestingly you can make it to the courthouse and even go inside doing so will let you actually engage these enemies in combat and get shot by Twoface but following the cutscene the game will completely break and you'll be soft locked since you don't have the bat suit on you can't enter detective mode and scan the bullet holes but since you didn't scan the bullet holes the game doesn't allow you to leave so you're stuck here for eternity it's pretty fun that you can do this even if it doesn't allow you to do all too much hell there's even a speedrun category of this called Wayne percent and the world record is a staggeringly short 5 minutes 48 seconds which has been held for over a year now lunatics are Strang as failed experiments it's very depressing but absolutely the case during his time working at Arkham Asylum strange wanted to study the inner workings of the brain but given the laws of ethics and Medicine he couldn't do that without having his medical license revoked so he took the patient that nobody would miss those without fam to check in on them who had been essentially abandoned in Arkham and started experimenting in secret those patients were eventually lobotomized driven to Madness locked up and forgotten to keep Strange's experiments a secret they were then completely neglected only given one meal over a week hence their skinniness in Arkham Asylum after Joker's takeover of Arkham Island some of them managed to escape but the few who did either ended up finding caves to live in or committed suicide at dead man's point and as if that wasn't enough the few that survived were eventually rounded up and put back into the Asylum where they were again experimented on by strange after the asylum's closure the few still living were shipped off to penguin and used as target practice for his men that's an incredibly dark fate for these po men they were just mentally sick people who wanted help whose families abandoned them and they were driven to Madness and eventually death it's an incredibly tragic Lord detail that makes me feel really bad for all the times I've slammed them into the floor Titan henchman in morg in a teaser trailer for Arkham Asylum there's a quick flash of footage showing a Titan henchman in the morg where the first scarecrow encounter happens this is understandably confusing since there's obviously no Titan battle in this part of the game and heck Titan hasn't even been introduced at this point yet it's possible they had planned on having a battle here and rearrange the game in post but just look at this clip the Titan is standing between the slabs and barely even fits this isn't a suitable location for a fight I believe they did this as a way of further throwing us off from discovering the existence of scarecrow because fun fact the one thing they didn't show us about Arkham Asylum in the trailers was Scarecrow if you watch all of Arkham asylum's trailers they hide practically nothing you can watch through nearly the entire game by just watching them except for scarecrow he makes zero appearances except an incredibly quick flash of his shadow which is only on screen for two frames in the final trailer a trailer they released 5 days before launch scarecrow was nonexistent in Arkham Asylum marketing they kept him completely under lock and key until the game released because they really wanted him to be a surprise appearance for players so it makes sense why this Titan is in the morg they needed to keep scarecrow a secret while showing off this creepy location and showing off Titans so kill three birds with one stone and throw players off the idea of scarecrow's existence while also giving them a cool shot to look at I say that's a win-win win Arkham Asylum and Arkham City earliest screenshot there are quite a lot of screenshots floating around the internet back in the early days of Arkham Asylum and City's development showing off just what the games were going to look like well before the trailers were even released first we have a really early build of Batman's Asylum model and I am so unabashedly glad they didn't continue with these models because they look so bad this one's face is almost as bad as the one from Return to Arkham almost meanwhile on the later screenshot side we have a lot of moments that that are easily recognizable we've got thugs sub midf fighting moments Joker Killer Croc these things definitely helped build the hype though interestingly the electric chair isn't being manned by zaz but rather some random inmate with back tattoos which either means they wanted to keep zaz a secret for later or had originally planned this section to just be a regular old Thug either way is pretty interesting lastly we have what appear to be early screenshots of the Arkham mansion most likely the library where we have the Predator section though it could also be the main hall there's no real way to know for certain but my money's on the library for Arkham City screenshots we have a lot of fun details that I'm sure people dug super deep into when they came out I mean these things revealed a whole hell of a lot of information and revealed it months before even the first trailer was released we've got our new Harley smoke bombs the cryptographic sequencer a guy holding a shield and a fire extinguisher Batman walking on a wire Catwoman in two face and detective mode tracking a bullet Trail these things revealed a lot of the new things that would be going down in Arkham City though something interesting to me is that the Joker thugs Batman is fighting in this one appear to have some Red Clothing which is very much not their color schem in this game they prefer purple and green so I guess that was changed later in development honestly I'm surprised they revealed as much as they did with plain old screenshots before the trailers were even aired though it's also possible they were leaked and this wasn't Rock City's intent either way is pretty fun m Hatter has no skeleton in Arkham Origins it's true and nobody really knows why considering how much Arkham Origins recycled from Arkham City you'd think Hatter's model would be one of them but Hatter does indeed have a skeleton in Arkham City so it really doesn't make sense why it's missing in Arkham Origins though I have a possible Theory as to why and it's not something to do with lore no it isn't Clayface that wouldn't make any sense don't suggest it as many of us know Arkham runs in the unreal 3 engine and as it turns out I happen to work in that engine during my school days when you have a lot of things in one scene it's really easy to get some things mixed up and either call the wrong function or accidentally hide something so my guess is that a Dev working in engine accidentally hid Hatter skeleton without realizing and it was simply never caught during testing because it was unlikely thing for players to run into why would players bother entering detective mode in Hatter's layer when there's nothing important to see it was probably just never accounted for so was never noticed during play tests and ended up in the final release completely on accident it's shockingly easy to accidentally hide things when working in unreal and with all the files you're working with crammed into one tiny area it's very easy to miss little things like this that's at least my possible explanation what do you all think original Arkham Origins bats suit the original Arkham Origins bats suit appeared to have a bit different different armor plating than the one we eventually got while it's not super noticeable in these screenshots it is indeed different and was changed after the alpha builds it's mostly in the neck area and in my opinion these different designs aren't exactly super distinct so they really could have gone with any of them and I wouldn't have noticed hidden cutscene frame hidden is a pretty exaggerated phrase here more likely a technical oopsy that slipped through testing because all it is is a single frame that shouldn't be there when Robin gives Batman the line launcher and jumps off the building there's a single frame when you can see Batman in what looks to be an Alleyway staring at a wall this isn't of any significance however it's just what the game does during cutcenes the game has two versions of Batman gameplay and cut scene when a cut scene starts gameplay Batman is teleported somewhere below Arkham City to this part of the map so he doesn't get in the way the cut scene plays out and then gameplay Batman is teleported back to where he's needed to to start gameplay again in this case they cut back to gameplay Batman just a frame too early before he was teleported and we could get a single frame that just doesn't look right that's all it is it's not a hidden detail or anything just a minor bug that play testers missed bat scooter blueprints you can find various blueprints scattered throughout the Arkham Origins Batcave some of which are way funnier than they should be there's a bat hovercraft possibly meant to be a prototype batbat a bat jet not to be confused with the Batwing the bat cycle though looking a lot more like a traditional motorcycle than anything we've seen and hilariously a bat scooter you can't make this stuff up man original Cape design Batman's cape in Arkham Asylum was originally going to look kind of stupid it was going to hang over only one shoulder rather than the two we're used to today this can be seen in early screenshots of Batman's model as well as this Alpha screenshot I'm very glad they didn't go this route because a non-symmetrical cape would have made me uncharacteristically angry Jason stalked Batman during Arkham City after fighting Jason and Arkham Knight you can find a billboard in his headquarters with all the research he did on Batman after his fake death he got pictures of Batman collaborating with Tim when Tim dropped off the line launcher among others this was ultimately the culmination of his rage towards Bruce as he got proof that he was replaced as roben this is the only evidence we have for this though as there are no hints to Jason even being in Arkham City during the game's events though he was one of the Asylum gapes during Joker's takeover so we know for sure he would be out by then season of infamy Prometheus yes Prometheus was planned to be in season of infamy DLC pack after only appearing in Arkham City as a wanted poster and bio he was never seen again so it looks like Rocksteady had planned to bring him back in the ultimate Way for season of infamy un un fortunately that's all we know because the only evidence we have to back this up is a single line of text likely in the game's code that references him I believe this image is specifically the code for the Most Wanted Mission wheel you can access at any point in the game as it has a bunch of other details from other Most Wanted missions listed and as we can see Prometheus is listed among the other season of infamy villains and apparently black mask with DLC all listed above them implying that they were all meant to show up for season of infamy or at least some kind of DLC pack in the future but it looks like Prometheus and black mask ended up cut and the remaining four were bundled as the season of infamy we all know again nothing is known about what was cut this text is all we have to know of its existence buy me a beer this is a reference absolutely nobody should have found in Arkham Knight but since this is the internet of course someone has it can be found on a pay phone in the parking structure on miagani island and reads you're not seriously able to read this are you I mean the font is really small like really really tiny it's hard enough to be able to read this in the original 2048x 2048 texture which I have made smaller by now damn man that is impressive catch me later I'll buy you a beer this is just a developer having a little bit of fun putting something absolutely nobody should find in the game and just being a bit of a troll I wonder if the first person to find it ever got their beer though part seven below the iceberg lost Arkham City demo footage showcase well as the name implies the footage for this entry is indeed lost however back in 2011 not long before Arkham city was officially released sefon Hill apparently went on to Jimmy Fallon show and let the death Smacker play a demo of Arkham City the only evidence that this even happened are a couple of Articles and Facebook posts saying that the event simply took place the only photo I could find was this simple screenshot in a game and for article covering the event which honestly looks like someone just photoshopped Batman on the screen but that is definitely Jimmy Fallon holding a controller and that is definitely sefon Hill next to him so I'm inclined to believe this is real unfortunately this is seemingly the only thing that remains of this episode as despite being listed on the show's Wikipedia page it appears to be erased from the internet entirely if anyone has a tap of this episode somewhere you have to find a way to get it online because this is some seriously impressive lost media we are all desperately needing to see Arkham asylum's map had three islands early 3D models from the Arkham Asylum Alpha show that yes Arkham Island was originally going to be Arkham Islands it looks like one would house the main intensive treatment building and I believe the gardens though it might also be the visitor center another would house what looks like the mansion and the last would be the lighthouse mentioned earlier implying it was going to play a much bigger role than just being a quick explorable area I'm very glad it was changed from three islands to three sections those being Arkham North East and West it made the island a lot more manageable though it certainly would have been cool to see this much larger Arkham in some capacity Arkham subreddit going insane that is an understatement the Arkham subreddit it has devolved into pure Madness and it doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon it went from discussions of lore fun clips and things you'd expect to see on a subreddit to the most nonsensical jokes and posts constantly trying to one up each other at this rate it's not a community But A random assortment of memers just shooting the and getting away with it like absolute Champions some of the most popular running jokes at the time of recording include is he stupid and any advice man and the infamous I can use the power winch which has even made its way into the depths of YouTube comments if you see anything and I literally mean anything Arkham related on the internet you will see a comment that says verbatim the bomb's payload is exposed I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion this subreddit is really just doing its own thing and completely getting away with it it's not even about Arkham anymore just whatever superhero jokes they feel like coming up with next I know they're going to flood this video so go ahead and spam your means in the comments guys they're good for the algorithm beating up Dev team in Arkham Knight credits in a Reddit AMA with sefon Hill he said that they originally planned to have a combat level where you got to beat up the development team the idea was that you got to beat up the dev team in combat as part of the end credits and anytime you knock someone out it would go into slow-mo zoom in and show what they did on the game I agree that this would have been an incredible addition that I would have absolutely loved to play through but unfortunately they ran out of time and couldn't implement it which is a shame because sepon said that this is one of the few things he really wished they could have gotten in me too sepon me too canceled movie there isn't much information for this one but supposedly back in 1999 Warner Brothers wanted to make an animated movie simply titled Batman Arkham it would take place after the events of their previous incredibly successful movie Batman and Mr Freed's Subzero and would follow Batman and Robin containing a mass escape on Arkham Island the only reason given for why this movie was canceled is that WB was too focused on making Batman beyond return of the Joker however many of the plot elements in this scrapped movie were eventually used as important plot points in the Arkham franchise so it's really not all bad but that's really all we have it was planned it was cancelled and it was later adapted not much else to say Jason planned to replace Batman this is a very sound theory about Arkham Knight that explains Jason plan after killing Batman using Wall clip mods it was found that there was a hidden Red Hood symbol in the Arkham Knight's base which doesn't mean anything at a first glance but it really does this symbol was placed here before Jason was redeemed and started helping Batman while the other Red Hood symbols namely the ones in the movie studios and outside the depot are there after Jason was turned this implies that Jason had a plan to become Red Hood before Bruce redeemed him meaning in his original plan after Bruce was dead he would have betrayed scarecrow and the other villains becoming a vigilante to take up Batman's place and in retrospect this makes a lot of sense Jason isn't a villain he just absolutely despises Bruce and wants him dead more than anything for abandoning him he took the necessary steps in recruiting all these villains because he knew they would all be required if they wanted even a chance at killing Batman we even see that he has the all-important Red Hood under his helmet perfectly set up to take on his new identity he knew the impact Batman was having on Gotham and knew it needed a Defender he just didn't want it to be Bruce we know he holds no ill will towards anybody else from his interview tapes where he is incredibly kind to Barbara and even asks how Alfred is he just wants revenge on Bruce it would have been Poetic Justice in Jason's eyes as he would replace Batman much like Batman replaced him with a new Robin the ultimate Revenge plan Nightwing appearing out of thin air this is a glitch that orange BR himself found and uploaded some time ago the quick explanation is that after completing the Killer Croc mission in Arkham Knight and returning to the Airship Nightwing appeared out of nowhere on said ship and just started vibing he wouldn't say anything his appearance would match his beat up look after getting captured by penguin and he just kind of exists now he'll follow you around as Nightwing does and even resetting isn't enough to get rid of him extremely rare Easter egg that represents Bruce's regrets H probably not in all likelihood it's just an error that's incredibly difficult to replicate so nobody else has posted it shiva's death sparked the League War another theory for us to cover this time on Lady Shiva so far her only appearance has been in Arkham Origins and his initiation DLC she's one of the few characters to be excluded in every way from Arkham Knight and hasn't even had an appearance in any Comics either even smaller characters like electrocutioner and Anarchy had mentions in Arkham Knight but Shiva is nowhere to be seen the theory goes that since she's associated with the League of Assassins being Close Associates with Nissa as shown in a quick flash during her introduction she would have known about R's plans for Arkham City however like Nissa she disapproves of R's over Reliance on the Lazarus Pit so both sat out for those events despite Arkham City being possibly the largest plan the league had ever enacted this was likely seen as an act of treason by re who had Shiva killed after his Revival to show what happens to defectors this would explain why Nissa acts alone with the league defectors since she was the only one from the league listed as shiva's associate this was the breaking point for her and she left to start the Civil War this is a decently sound explanation for why Shiva just flat out disappears from The Saga after her brief appearance in Origins though is definitely using a lot of assumptions to make its point I'd say it's certainly possible but definitely not a guarantee Christopher Lee as Hugo Strange when the first trailer for Arkham City dropped many people believed that Hugo Strange was going to be voiced by Christopher Lee it's an understandable assumption to make I mean just listen to that commanding voice extraordinary isn't he however this was not the case as he was actually played by Cory Burton but the connection actually goes deeper than that because Lee was the first actor to play Count Dooku in Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3 meanwhile Burton played Dooku in the Clone Wars animated series so the connection is perfectly understandable for some people to have made and for those who never knew this fact now you can't get it out of your head well done Master kovi you are a worthy adversary I cannot say the same about your Young Apprentice shut it down by the end of tonight I will be a hero just like you [Music] Batman Arkham Asylum Cape showing damage in Arkham Knight if you played Arkham night with the original Arkham Asylum skin on you likely ran into this visual bug the cape will show damage as you progress through the story but only when you eject from the Batmobile and after a few seconds it will magically vanish and that's really it weird glitch but it doesn't really mean anything and from what I know it might be patched out now so it matters even less Arkham Knight Batman fighting like Joker during the final Joker battle of Arkham Knight Batman becomes far more violent in his takedown methods as if those brutal moves to defeat the various Jokers weren't enough there's another much more subtle way that shows how Batman is becoming Joker his moves will occasionally change to resemble Joker's fighting style from Arkham Asylum it's very easy to miss since you're probably more focused on Surviving and taking down Jokers than looking at how Batman is kicking him in the nuts but the moves are there the biggest tell that their Joker's moves and not just some brutal Arkham Knight animations is that Batman's limbs will wildly flail out like Joker's did in Arkham Asylum it's a shame that they couldn't Implement these animations in other areas of the game and that they only appear in the final battle especially when they're overshadowed by how brutal the takedowns are having them sprinkled throughout the rest of the story would be another great way to show Batman's slow deterioration into Joker rather than the fast swapped to brutality in the final battle but I'm so glad they're there nonetheless early controls this is an image for an early control scheme for Arkham Asylum and might I say this is one of the worst things I have ever seen so apparently instead of being able to naturally transition between how you play on a whim you would have to manually swap between engaging in combat or Predator with the triggers what why how even you would apparently be able to grab at any time with X a would only be able to perform actions no running whatsoever B would put you in cover but only in Predator and why would activate forensics AKA detective mode because the bumper was occupied by your Gadget slot there's something called a predator cam which you get by clicking the left stick it seems the only thing that survived was the gadget system on the d-pad and the look function on the right stick there isn't even a punch button I am genuinely baffled by what this control scheme implies and am relieved beyond all comprehension that this isn't what they went with this would have been an entirely different game Clayface was supposed to impersonate Talia apparently this is true at some point in development it was discussed that Clayface would impersonate Talia and that's really all we know the only evidence to this was a picture posted on the Arkham Wiki but to my knowledge that photo no longer exists now the only evidence for this is a single line on the wiki saying so apparently there were some unused models in City's files but they were never used it's really weird but doesn't really mean anything since it's cut content Jason killed Bane in the Arkham Knight Comics Jason as the Arkham Knight burnt Bane alive before shooting him in the head multiple times to kill him he then presented his body to the other super villains so this is questionable because it contradicts what we know from the Gotham City Stories in Arkham Knight in those stories Bane went through Titan withdrawal After Arkham City closed wanting to get himself clean and looking for a fresh start he returned to Santa Prisa where he bore witness to a bloody Turf War he ended up killing dozens of drug lords and saving countless lives in doing so after which his next objective was to destroy padura the prison he grew up in and that's where the story ends this comic implies that Jason killed him which brings up a point we'll be covering in a later section just trust me that this will make some modal sense later Earth 2 Skin appearing in Xbox Marketplace apparently the Earth 2 skin in Arkham Knight is a PlayStation exclusive but as if that wasn't enough Rocksteady would occasionally taunt Xbox players by having it randomly show up on the Xbox Marketplace if you thought you caught a lucky break nope installing it has absolutely no effect so you're all out of luck not that it matters to me since I don't use skins anyway Croc killed Anarchy yet another interesting theory that tries explaining why Anarchy isn't present in Arkham Knight I mean Rocksteady themselves acknowledging his existence and how well he would have fit into the chaos ridden Gotham of Arkham Knight multiple times both with thugs asking where he is and with the evidence bio in the gcpd so why didn't they include him well it's possible that he was killed by Croc there are a lot of Anarchy symbols present on walls in Arkham Knight they're basically everywhere however there's one area in particular that holds something interesting there's a tag out the back of panessa studios near a warehouse that players have been trying to find a purpose for for years this tag is placed right below a ledge with a missing guard rail and some marks on the wall the theory goes that anarchy was using the aforementioned Warehouse as a Hideout and was out tagging this wall here then climbed up to tag the wall above as well unfortunately he was doing so very close to Croc's Lighthouse and the Beast was hungry Croc leapt out of the water clawed at Anarchy creating these claw marks in the wall and breaking the rails then grabbed him jumped back in the water and eventually ate him this is possible but so convoluted and unlikely it's easier to believe he's just locked up with the FED somewhere I mean these are definitely not claw marks in the wall these are claw marks this is just black paint the railings are a little harder to explain but honestly it's Gotham someone probably just fell through them while leaning for a smoke break because they rusted it off or something fun Theory but very unlikely unused character trophies there are a couple of unused character trophies hidden within the files from Arkham City and Origins they include an Arkham City inmate Two Face thugs Mr sickle an armored tiger guard an unmasked Batman Joker sitting in a chair a reporter Tiffany Ambrose black MK girlfriend and some reused assets from Arkham City it's weird that some of these weren't used especially the sickle one since he's a full-on boss we face in the game and the solution for a riddle why wouldn't he get a trophy the unmess Batman one makes sense both for being cut and where it came from it makes sense they'd cut it since we have trophies for both Bruce and Batman and can fill in the blanks but it actually comes from the cut scene where Bruce is removing his mask such as when he's first putting on on the bad suit and where Talia removes it to give him a kiss so it makes sense they'd mean multiple models for this and although it makes sense why Tiffany was cut I'll just say black mask has some good taste you can't fault me there Professor J Southgate this is most likely another pseudonym for joker as it appears on letters that he most likely typed up that can be found around the Asylum the most notable one can be found here in The Visitor Center which reads Dear Sir or Madam I'm writing to inform you that your relative is Looney and will be confined to an inhumane floating cage in some crazy dungeon you have no legal recourse in this decision and may be liable for all costs incurred for the treatment of your psychotic family member best regards from all of us at Arkham Asylum rehabilitation services have a nice day The Joker and Pals signed Professor J Southgate just because of the Joker and Pals at the bottom this letter was absolutely written by Joker though it's possible that Professor Southgate is an actual doctor in Arkham Asylum and Joker just stole the name to write up this letter either way this letter is pretty funny if not a very difficult thing to find since it's so blurry in the actual game Alfred audio in Arkham Knight detective mode according to the Arkham Wiki some of the background noise that plays when detective mode is active in Arkham Knight is the voice of Alfred taken apart and jumbled up it's unknown What audio specifically has been used or if this is even true to begin with nobody seems to have made a video descrambling it or trying to recreate it with Alfred's lines so this point really doesn't [Music] matter Batman live 2011 no substantial connection to the games here but it's on the iceberg so I must mention it this was a UK stage show back in 2011 which seemingly only ran for a single year as all activity for it ceased before 2013 the only real connection to the Arkham series is that some of the costumes namely Joker partially resemble their Arkham counterparts but it's not really something we need to talk about because the iceberg Creator himself said it doesn't have to do with the franchise manbat in Arkham City theories back during the days of Arkham City theorizing people were expecting manbat to show up because of a few Easter eggs in the church before entering the Bell Tower or snipers perch there are some chalises in the corner filled with presumably blood along with a dead rat not too far away people interpreted this to to be B bats doing because I mean who else would drink blood and kill rats for it unfortunately we now know that manbat didn't even come into being until the events of Arkham Knight so it couldn't have been him in the church where langstrom hadn't even transformed yet this kind of leaves everyone scratching their heads as to why this was even included but I guess we'll never know now XE suit Alpha version apparently before the cold cold heart DLC even launched in Arkham Origins most of the files for the XE suit were already in the game it was a textureless version of the suit but one that still had all the thermal upgrades usable in the main campaign some players were able to access it through mods though no footage currently exists online it's crazy that this much of the suit was already in the game 6 months before the DLC would launch but that is apparently the case so good on them for being so ahead of the game Damen Wayne hidden in Arkham Knight files back when Arkham Knight released one Reddit user was able to look through the the game's files and found data about potential DLC skins to be added down the line their list had a bunch of items and to this day you can still follow the file pathway they used to see the items for yourself one item that stood out was a Damien Wayne suit for robin as I'm sure all you suit nerds know this cosmetic was never released and is still nothing more than a few lines of text in Arkham Knight's files interestingly there was concept art made for this suit so it was indeed planned at one point I guess they just decided against it for no apparent reason hidden debug riddle in Arkham Knight players can enter a code into the debug menu to see a secret riddle the devs Left Behind the code is on screen now it's hard to see because it just flashes on screen for a second but the riddle says one two three riddle me this why oh why should you never see this because it's debug text yo this is such a fun addition that only the most hardcore fans who are deliberately going through the files are going to be able to see but it's so cool they did it from my understanding this debug was implemented to test riddle pop-ups that display when exploring the Overworld so this text was left behind as a nearly unfindable Easter egg this also technically means that Batman can never solve all the riddles in Arkham Knight since there's no solution to this one and it only pops up for a fraction of a second I do wonder if there's actually a solution somewhere in the code or if this is only for the popups either way it's a great little Easter egg that shows just why I love games so much Joker influenced the batmobile's design Joker implies many times throughout Arkham Knight that he's been influencing Bruce's decision-making for a long time he put violent ideas into his head which ultimately made him put full-on guns on the Batmobile Bruce was smart enough to put in contingencies to make sure they were never used on humans but the fact remains that Batman was influenced Enough by Joker to put guns on his car this shows that joker has been in the back of his mind for a long time now now and he wasn't just a development of the fear toxin it really was from his blood infecting Batman in Arkham City The Lost Asylum cage on several monitors in Arkham Asylum there's security footage of a cage in an unknown part of the Asylum this footage is reused in Arkham City and Origins at different angles showing the cage is hanging over some kind of pit the cage appears to be in the extreme isolation Wing due to the other cages maybe being in the background and all the light shining on this particular one however what keeps me from believing this is the case is that the extreme isolation cells look like this with absolutely no changes between them this is not the same type of cell which just adds more to the mystery of the whole thing there are definitely similar cells in the background and they're hanging which means it should be an extreme isolation but those cages are completely different from the actual cells so it just can't be that maybe these are early renders of the extreme isolation wing and they just kept them to add a bit of atmosphere it's possible and is frankly my best theory on the matter part eight the deep ocean prototype ROM of Arkham Asylum for Nintendo DS apparently there's a downloadable DS prototype for Arkham Asylum it was meant to be developed by full fat Studios but never saw the light of day not unlike the scrapped Wii version mentioned in part one in fact it seems to be following a very similar design to the Wii Port taking place not in the Asylum but out in Gotham City the small amounts of gameplay I could find on YouTube are very incomplete it looks like Batman is the only thing actually working in this demo the thugs wouldn't even move around let alone react to your attacks but from what I can gather it looks like a 3D beat him up Style game where you would run around and well beat up thugs that might appears to have a large quantity of smoke bombs and some bat rangs at his disposal he can sneak around and can even differentiate between punches and kicks something he was never able to do in the entire Saga it's weird that this piece of media existed and we just never knew about it so was practically lost to time it was so incomplete that we don't even really know what kind of game it would have been would the stealth aspect have played an important part would it have been more detective like game or would it play like Origins Black gate and be a Metroid Vania we'll never know because this game is practically lost to time scarecrow's blood bucket these are supposed remnants of cut scenes included in the alpha build of Arkham Asylum which feature an early design of scarecrow looking very similar to his appearance in Batman Begins With a bucket full of blood unfortunately these Stills are all we got but one can only imagine where he got all that blood from and what he was going to use it for other than painting this statue I don't really want to know but it's apparently a thing and now it will haunt your nightmares tonight hope you aren't watching in the dark Arkham City old menu screen we all know Arkham City's iconic menu right I mean it's so good Arkham Origins had to copy it with the almost still shots slowly panning around before suddenly speeding up and showing a new scene of Batman beating up some thugs seriously it's so good well it wasn't always going to be that cool originally it looked a lot more like Arkham asylums as can be seen in the background of an interview with sepon Hill the menu features Batman just sitting on a gargoyle as he does when you first boot up City's menu screen nothing out of the ordinary here except that not only does this screen never progress but you can see Batman's cape and head moving this is very similar to asylum's boot up screen where Batman is just standing on a perch wind flowing through his cape I'm very glad they changed it it works for Asylum but the Epic scale of Arkham City honestly ly demanded a more epic menu screen this was just not good enough Gotham by Gaslight prototype back in 2012 some random video showed up on the internet called Gotham by Gaslight parenthesis video game closed parenthesis prototype footage all it really is is Batman walking around a dark foggy world with a few NPC scattered about and that's about it this was a prototype made by day one Studios most wellknown for the fear series and that's all that ended up coming of it this project was never greenlit so this small prototype and a tiny bit of concept art is all we have a potentially great project for those unaware Gotham by Gaslight was a One-Shot comic where Batman is sent back to the Victorian era and tracks Down Jack the Ripper this could have been an amazing game and although the Prototype is incredibly limited it shows the potential art style and mood this game could have had one thing's for sure they had the cape physics down but even besides that there's a very eerie nature throughout the whole demo with the Gothic architecture and the fog covering the entire landscape that would have lent itself beautifully to a full-fledged game most notably though it could have been a real detective story rather than the beatm UPS we've come accustomed to with the Arkham series and could have provided a much more unique experience lots of people were clamoring around this game getting made but like I said it was canned before even being green lit so this small demo footage is all we got split timeline After Arkham City the quick answer to this entry is that the comics screw everything up basically slightly different events play out depending on if you read Arkham City sequel Comics or Arkham Knight prequal Comics frankly the comics are pretty consistently the biggest sources of broken continuity so I think it's more than fair to say that these things are pretty much all non-canon can we at least agree on that okay there's a lot of details I really don't have the time to go over because there are so many comics and I haven't read any of them prior to making this video and I frankly do not want to dedicate 27 hours of my life to reading these Comics to find tiny inconsistencies for small entry only a fraction of people are actually going to see just know that the comics are kind of stupid sometimes and it's better to get your lore from the games if you want the details yourself go read the comics I'm not going to do it this video is already 62 pages long Batman laughing during cloudburst fight this has yet to be confirmed and only has a single video with quote unquote proof but supposedly when you fire on the cloud burst during its fight you can hear Batman give a little chuckle in the Batmobile I'm going to end you this is the only documented footage on YouTube and could very well be faked but if someone else wants to take the time to recreate this scenario and see if it exists be my guest if it's real it's yet another subtle detail that shows how much Joker is really taking over Batman's mind at this point in time just like a bunch of other details from Arkham Knight your console films your manbat reaction no it does not but this was something director Sean Hill wanted to implement quote from the man himself on a Reddit AMA one feature I'd love to have gotten in was linked to a manbat surprise in Arkham Knight we had planned to activate the xboxplaystation camera and record everyone's reaction to being man batted so you could share it with your friends unfortunately we just ran out of time this would have been a hilarious implementation that I would have loved to see however I can obviously see problems arising from it most notably the issue of privacy not everyone wants to see a playback of themselves even if it would be shown to the player before being uploaded but also it would require players to have a camera accessory with their console and have that accessory pointed at them during gam playay again while it would be cool it's highly illogical and has a lot of problems that I'm ultimately glad they weren't able to implement it 2007 Arkham Asylum alpha build in deleted sector of WB hard drive the story is a little hard to follow but stay with me on this one some people recently found aaked WB Dev hard drive on it was an alpha build of Arkham Asylum which they sadly couldn't extract all in one piece all that survived were some textures models animations a few weird and dark cutcenes and a leftover Urban chaos attract video whatever that might be but yeah someone took all this data and made a mod pack that can restore some of the original Aesthetics from the alpha Arkham Asylum most notably among them being Batman himself and my God am I glad they abandoned this design cuz this looks pretty stupid one of the more interesting changes for me personally was the gadget UI because again this looks pretty stupid we've got the batt rang looking more like a buzz saw than a boomerang the explosive gel looking like the damn shark repellent the back claw looking like a spy kid's Gadget the cryptographic sequencer literally just being a key card and the line launcher requiring two hands for some reason and looking nothing like the one Keen used in ' 89 we've even got some character trophies most of which look pretty much the same except for scarecrow having green needles rather than the orange ones we all know and Gordon absolutely not pulling off that Fedora I'm so glad they changed all of these things cuz holy crap do they look dumb if for some reason you want to see all this stuff in your game you can download the mod yourself but like why would you want to do that when Rock Steady puts so much effort into making literally everything better than all this Alpha stuff Batman is a killer no he isn't this is in reference to an old video by the game theorists explaining some of the science behind things you shouldn't be doing in Arkham City basically they prove that since thugs never wake up after being knocked out they're either dead or in a deep coma cool except this is also a game where time only moves forward when you move forward so the fact that they don't give it up literally doesn't matter because you know no time is progressing fun Theory no disrespect I love the channel love you guys Game Theory but missing a key fact that a lot of other open world games do not suffer from Bruce Wayne died at the end of Arkham Knight no he did not seems to be a running theme for this section isn't it people theorize that Bruce died at the end of Arkham Knight but not for the reason you might think this has nothing to do with the Nightfall protocol and instead is related to Joker taking over Bruce's mind people theorized that when Joker took over at the end of Arkham Knight specifically when we cut back to the real world and the Joker on the lab rather than Bruce that the Bruce Wayne and Batman personas occupying Bruce's mind were killed gone deleted from existence their personas no longer occupy Bruce's Body only Joker which is why Joker begins seeing his fear being forgotten when injected with scarecrow's Toxin and that fear of being forgotten can only manifest because of Batman which is why he comes back notably however Bruce does not so people believe that the Bruce Wayne of Batman is simply no more this is an interesting Theory but one that is incredibly unlikely because we still see Bruce talk to people as Bruce not Batman he talks to dick and Selena as Bruce saying goodbye to them not as the hero Batman but as the man underneath Bruce he solemnly talks with Alfred as they prepare to destroy the manor as Master Bruce not as Batman hell he removes the cow before returning to the manor showing the world that he is Bruce Wayne and talking to Gordon again as Bruce Bruce not Batman ultimately it depends on if you believe Bruce was kicked out of his own mind by Joker or was just pushed to the side and had to fight to take it back the fact that Bruce still has personable human moments after conquering Joker and Arkham Knight shows that it isn't just the Batman under that mask anymore Bruce is still there as well you will become as one we end our Incredible Journey on a fairly recent discovery in Arkham Knight there's a theater on miagani island with a rose and a puddle of blood outside the door while this isn't the Monarch Theater people understandably made a connection to the Wayne's murder however what many people missed is directly across from the door some large bold texts that reads you will become as one people understandably believe that this was referencing how Batman and the Joker were going to become as one by the end of the game however this text has no relation to Joker's hallucinations it it's there at the start of the game just as it is after Bruce overcomes his fear at the end meaning this text is there no matter what you could argue that since it's placed right next to a reference to the Wayne's murder that it could be saying Bruce will soon join his parents' death ultimately it's up to your own interpretation because we don't have a concrete answer but here's my take on it I personally believe this is saying that Bruce Wayne and Batman are going to become as one the Batman's Legend dies tonight as he is unmas by scarecrow and must end his vigilante Legacy by hanging up the cowl and becoming something greater Bruce Wayne dies during the Nightfall protocol hence why this text is placed in such a way that it references his parents' death while we know he doesn't really die to the public he is believed to have been killed during the explosion as reported by Gordon during the end credit scene for all intents and purposes both Bruce Wayne and Batman are dead this Halloween night they need to become something worse to defend Gotham something that can only only come true by rising from the ashes of both Bruce and Batman they did become as one by becoming the demon we see after attaining true Nightfall and to show the true Nightfall connection even more consider this the alley you find this text in is directly across the street from the alley where we see the demon bat we know this is the same theater as the one on Grand Avenue this billboard replaced the Black Canary club and we can see remnants of this sign in the corner of the screen the alleyway simply went through an architectural change between the ends of the protocol and now hence why we can't see any identical buildings to the ones that are actually back here and why it resembles more of an alley than an open area and wouldn't you know that directly across the street from this location is the very theater and wall text we've been referencing and in this very location Bruce Wayne and Batman would become as one and I think that's as good a place as any to end it chaps thank you for somehow watching all the way through if you would be so kind please like And subscribe this video took so freaking long to make and if you made it this far drop a comment to boost me in the algorithm if you can't think of anything to say just comment haloo for a free heart anyway once again massive massive massive shout outs to the creator of this Iceberg orange br both for creating the templates for this video and for helping me understand some of the more obscure entries plus giving me an iceberg that he never officially released so I got special access BR you are the real hero of this video go give him all the love you can on the original post and on his YouTube channel links in the description shout outs as well to derpson P derp a modder who added a bunch of entries and is the primary reason for the iceberg being in its current state with that in mind do all the YouTube stuff because I'm need to treat myself to a good oldfashioned pizza delivery thank you so so much for watching and I'll see you later chaps
Channel: ClownPuncher139
Views: 470,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Batman, Batman: Arkham, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman: Arkham Knight, Iceberg, Iceberg Explained, Batman Iceberg Explained, Lore, Deep Dive, Theories, Easter Eggs, Part 2
Id: a1dkKLH56To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 57sec (10377 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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