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Arkham Asylum July third then made known only ask The Joker has escaped proving once again that the system is broken I've had to put my ongoing investigation of the serial killing Victor's ass on hold the Joker is always top priority his footprints into the West End sewer caverns this is why I'm here his path of destruction has already begun putting Arkham nurse twenty-three-year-old or Rebecca white in the hospital she had only been working at the asylum for two weeks [Applause] [Music] the news coverage of this is spread like a raging fire today the people of Gotham are waking up to the Joker's words the zebra has escaped from the zoo to feast on the blood of the lion [Music] ever since my parents deaths I rarely appeared the city in daylight [Music] but this alley I know too well I come here when I can no longer silence the demons in my head [Music] as with all children I look to my parents for help for an answer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not that insane it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the Gotham skyline towers home to councilman Johnson his wife and ten-year-old son earlier this evening the councilman and his son were kidnapped while his wife was brutally murdered by the Joker hearing this news tears have the only humanity that I have left another child stripped of its innocence Gotham's underworld - kidnapped one dead can you confirm that Joker was here well the preliminary evidence matches his profile are there any recognizable prints none this was very clean and precise there has to be something in here we can use all the evidence left here was intentional as always the city was the Joker bad there's a crowd already gathering outside of the hospital for that poor art of nurse I hate to say it but I blame Batman why look I know our city is dirty we know the only way to come clean is to put our faith in a force that's greater than the law a force that can take liberties where the law can't and we've given that force the power to stop this madness and it hasn't Gotham sick of Batman's conscience so am [Music] to skill well shift gears [Laughter] it seems that that the lack of conscience is what has created these freaks about them this city will never know how lucky they are that I've never crossed that line because if I did step into that abyss I take all of Gotham with me he's here open the cell partly where is he I'm not supposed to talk to you two people are already dead their child is missing I thought he'd be with you by now you're always at the top of this dance card he doesn't care about you Harley he's just using you that's why he needed your help to escape from Arkham [Music] me he'll come back he can't help himself [Music] he's going to do something terrible you know this you know him better than anyone I don't know anything about a missing kid but I do know something about a little man owing him a favor and that he plans to cash in parlays reference to the little man was obvious he runs one of the dirtiest clubs in Gotham [Music] [Music] that's your friend [Music] yet [Music] hey my money [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't you sir [Applause] [Music] oops I could have taken the silent approach slipped in unnoticed but I'm looking to be noticed I need to make it clear that criminals will no longer be tolerated in Gotham that's night it ends [Music] [Music] I don't have time for your games Wesker you got something to say say it to me dummy where is he no idea you come in here off the track into my honest business and think you can put the screws in me Wesker why was the Joker here what did you want you rat one word I'll put you in a wooden box no Wesker a child's life's in danger don't say a word she'll kill me act like a man you dummy no I've got a hell more time why was the Joker here I don't know about a carnival was it you like corner for and then that's it [Music] [Music] god bless [Applause] [Applause] councilman Johnson [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey we got time for a fruit fly oh bomb pops [Music] [Music] are you sure you don't want any no well then how about a story once upon a time there was this fear who ruled over the land unfairly he would bully and scare all of the zebras sometimes in devour them one day one delivers food challenges alive and he bit his head off [Music] boys and girls children of all ages who wants ride the councilman's body was found two miles from here the missing child has now lost both of his parents you see deaths or cos safety first [Music] it's gonna be a great show [Music] [Music] [Music] boy tell me divide the first field [Music] where do you think you're going Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I placed a tracking device on the Joker before I let him go I knew he would lead me straight to the child oh it's you I see that my toy cow it's all fun and games here see give a cliche [Music] why didn't you save my parents [Music] the Joker was anything but anticlimactic [Music] which is exactly what this death is with all of us in mischievious almost whimsical schemes the Joker was nothing to roll your eyes at every performance as he called them had a point even if a horrific death toll landed him back in Markham it was always part of his plan but this doesn't seem to follow any plan is it possible that this child was able to do what should have been done years ago [Music] is it really that black-and-white [Music] is this a victory is this a sign that the storm is passing or getting worse I failed I failed my parents and most of all I fail to him the batmanning says to make sure that what happened to Bruce Wayne never happens to anyone else how many more broken families exist because of the Joker's reign of terror a terror that I couldn't seem to end [Music] even in death the Joker is still getting the last laugh [Music] even without the Joker Gotham has his share of scars but for those that have amassed too many scars it has pushed them over the edge [Music] have I been wrong all these years as I just too afraid to pull the trigger [Music] I can't believe that to be true but as my city and I grow older I began to doubt the choices that I've made I often asked myself if I were faced with the same situation but I've taken the life of my parents killer that is the question that has haunted me my entire life the only answer that I have that I now live he answered that question is Batman [Applause] where there once was the sound of laughter Bowser it's called [Music] where they won't sing of Laos invoices lie severe [Music] take a good look what we [Music] please what to see her to heat [Music] [Music] where there one screw a beautiful garden now sow the seeds of kill where there once stood a proud soldier lies [Music] of a country his forefathers fail [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take a good what we've become down to in a city of scars [Music] you
Channel: batinthesun
Views: 252,750
Rating: 4.9224248 out of 5
Keywords: bat in the sun, batman, story, detective, parody, psychology, darkknight, joker, harley quinn, aaron schoenke, fan film, super power beat down, kevin porter, city of scars
Id: mL73pGQFXV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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