Batman The Animated Series | The Heart of Batman Documentary Livestream | Warner Bros. Entertainment
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Channel: Warner Bros. Entertainment
Views: 1,503,408
Rating: 4.9262218 out of 5
Id: dZLpDvQ6vFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 1sec (5941 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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That was really great. Thank you. Big part of my childhood, and reminded me to revisit it with my little ones. And a fantastic, well-rounded documentary. Several key episodes of that show still stick in my mind 25 years later: Heart of Ice, when Harvey turns into two-face, Ras al Ghul and the Lazarus pits... heck, the making of Clayface episode still haunts my dreams some nights, and I've always wondered why that character hasn't been explored in cinema since.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Great documentary
My favorite bit of trivia is how they animated the show on a dark background instead of light one, like most animated shows of the time, in order to more easily achieve the film noir look.
Holy Batman! Thanks!
Kevin Conroy will always be the best batman
Watched this last night. Amazing doc if you ever grew up watching this show. Still arguably the best representation of batman & joker all-time
Iโm sure Iโll get some shit for this comment, but I donโt feel like Iโm particularly harsh nor do I feel like I shouldnโt be able to comment on the piece itself. Btas was always so unique to me, and I enjoy getting the context and the info from the video. But it could have been delivered better. Constant driving music through the first 20 minutes, and I fast forward ahead and it doesnโt seem like it lets up. It could have been edited more succinctly. Lots of retreading if information. I feel like Iโm constantly in a prologue before the actual story begins. Maybe itโs music, the way the story is unfolding or something else but I think Iโll have to watch this in small bites because itโs not a pleasure.
The documentary was so much of the producers kissing their own asses for getting the show made, and very very very little from the show besides out of context clips about the animation style with no dialogue.