Bathroom Serenade
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Channel: Z Forsythe
Views: 5,891,538
Rating: 4.9721208 out of 5
Keywords: singing, funny, bathroom, surprise, ensemble, quintet, cool, men, sink, mirror, urinal, Billy Joel, Random, Impressive, Quartet, Barber shop, Candid, unexpected, hilarious, amazing, Wash hands, High School, performance, peeing, restroom, stall
Id: 6UklNu2NS4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 3sec (63 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2008
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Imagine what the teacher must think when they all ask to go to the bathroom together.
Wash your hands sucka!!!
From Youtube comment,
He should just ask him out, stop beating around the bush.
School bathrooms have served as acoustically pleasing rehearsal spaces for vocal groups for quite some time.If you grew up in NYC in the 70's/80's you'll probably remember this commercial.
Yeah.. He didn't wash his hands.
This is what amazes me about the internet. Great videos from 2008 still being unearthed. Keep it up internet, you're doing good.
That was the best video of teenage boys in the bathroom that I've watched tonight!
Nobody appreciates the arts these days.