BAT SOUP in Indonesia!! (First Time, Last Time)

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the moment is finally here we're about to eat bat here North Sulawesi Indonesia my Grod are you ready yeah ready let's do this I've tried a lot of delicacies in a lot of different countries but many of them are reserved mainly for special occasions some locals eat snake in Vietnam but it might only be a few times a year it kind of grew into more and exotic delicacy of sorts for men on Palawan Island in the Philippines mostly men enjoy wood worms but it's not like a daily snack however faced here in North Sulawesi I really want to know how common it is for country folks to eat this stuff I mean surely a seven-year-old village girl randomly passing by wouldn't admit to eating bad have you ever eaten back before good good Ana she'll have like in a week like a couple times like set the lingo bit up about it okay okay but maybe it's like broccoli they eat it but only because they have to what's your favorite part of the bat is she like this hi she'll get like this delicious delicious really the eating of that here is much more common than I expected but that doesn't mean it's always say what is the risk of eating this it could right die yeah there are reports of bat lovers contracting Ebola how many people have gotten Ebola from the bat remember to mention that you don't have to eat it a lot I'm gonna do my best but I'll try to restrain myself from eating too much but what doesn't kill me can only make me stronger unless it makes me dead let's find out I am here right now with Michael the bat guy I wish shows a better name for you how many bats have you eaten in your life probably if I can count like more than 100 did you ever get sick nope good what does bad taste like tastes like chicken but the texture is like completely different so you're gonna feel that letter I'm pretty excited for you great three hours from monado cruising down a single winding road will bring you here a village of about 500 to 600 and if you're with Michael he'll bring you here the old traditional kitchen of village bat chef jelly thank you so much for having us here today I like you come to in the home thank you jelly is the master of bats the Gordon Ramsay of dark-winged meat trust me if you have to eat this there's no one better to prepare it when is the last time you cooked a bat oh this is a reason why we came to her yeah thank goodness that isn't a delicacy here it's a staple like Taco Tuesday in the US so it's no surprise that when I visited one of north sulawesi spigots markets they were selling hundreds of bats too eager locals Jesus look at this it's like a meter long oh look how huge this is well it turns out I was still surprised Thoma whole market is home to all kinds of bush meat cut and hunted from the jungle and that seems to be the most populous sir how much does this one cost like four to five dollars for a whole bat Batman who are your Robin you don't want to be the bat here trust me I heard this market was wild and it does not disappoint this is dozens of ants here they have a whole pile of bat wings you can see he's kind of butchering a little bit the bad the yummy I gotta try this bad at some point back in jelly's kitchen I've offered up the bag of furry winged gold for her to inspect Oh what do you think are those good bets yeah should give it a little sniff test you mentioning this fresh new you see this part in here yeah I noticed one year I was at Taman market they it's partly that's like the best cover up and then like all the pee and all that like go through here so like they remove this part so make sure that smell anything bad at all oh I didn't touch any of these bony there's the claws on here to be honest it does smell pretty neutral oh yeah a little bit more it's gonna come - yeah there you go so yeah we eat that little feed - yes really thorough inspection here oh we want to make sure these bats haven't been stepped on because the only male no male one things better than Delphine Ola did she just rip off its penis yeah ice-cold pina day after ensuring our bats are fresh they get a quick bath oh can you see the teeth oh it's getting in the gums this is then off with their heads as she begins carefully cutting around any glands that emit an unpleasant odour who criticize me a lot like you never let the camera guy eat and that kind of thing and for sure like I you're welcome to join us no wait okay she then removes the claws and I take that home on the plane you think I can sound right for you and put it on a necklace or something then sections the body into smaller more bite-sized pieces yes the whole stomach liver and everything - yeah cut the wings in half and it's ready for the walk I'm sure it cooks it you can just say yeah you can just yeah like that I just have this weird thought when you watch a show like this it's gonna feel so bizarre and weird to some people watching but there's something about just actually being here and the reality of it like the bats are right here and feeling the warmth of the people that it dwindles the amount of unusual illness - it feels normal now but earlier I got a chance to join a bat hunting team in the jungle and nothing could have prepared me for that well I don't really have anything to say he just he just he just bat hunting in theory is simple carefully tie a net between two long bamboo rods and hightail it into the jungle bad hunting in practice is not so easy we're gonna put the bemble up and hopefully those bats will get snot to lure the bats into the net the crafty hunters create a high-pitched bat like squeal using some wood and a machete that's the sound they're trying to create before we set off there are some bat hunting ground rules we have to be very polite if we enter the jungle our intention should be pure I feel like having this negative emotion over us taking over and it good second we cannot jump over the bamboo okay that's how the locals believe it and we should respect in some way okay and just like that we're headed into the jungle as the Sun sets behind us how do they know where the bats are there's Firefly over there does that mean that yeah a miss Bence wow that's a good sign there's a Firefly goodbye we've have been upon a stream here and they're trying to build a little bridge for a set of rocks but I think we might just be getting our feet soaked in a second and anyone could die at any time oh wait no joking we've tracked about two kilometers into the jungle here without the fire it's like completely pitch black it's a little bit eerie and they say we need a way to possibly even a couple hours here in the dark waiting for the bats to come this way so positive vibes so we're gonna do all right we're looking up in the tree right now they found a tiny bat out there they're using the piece of wood on the knife to create that bad sound guys there a busload up the net can you turn off your light they're not the light for now yes all right guys it's completely black right now but they've got the net spread apart hoping something's gonna fly through and right now he's just kind of moving the net back and forth I know you guys can't see anything we just got one here Wow we got this tiny bat at me oh this one has like tails and some of this species doesn't have tails and this is not even the biggest one the biggest one is actually deep inside in the mountain they got this one is really tiny aren't they ever worried about like eating too many of them especially tiny ones do they ever just let the tiny ones go okay do they just told me like it will never run out of like this kind of species of bats because yeah pretty much everywhere oh wow they just got another one right here oh my god sounds like a baby crying well I don't really have anything to say he just he just he just bit the can yak oh my but a bigger one you see they slit my throat bat hunting like this makes sense in a community where farmers earn about $100 a month selling bats for two to three dollars each can go a long way to making ends meet back in the kitchen with jelly our bats are ready to hit the walk-in with the bed oh it's not putting any oil yet because this is the natural way to actually cook it after the bat she tosses in green onions herbs including basil lemon grass and pandan leaf my eyeballs are not immune to the smoke I'm crying over air then the spicy paste with tumeric and chilies finally creamy rich coconut milk there's no better experience than just fresh coconut milk I love it cook for 30 minutes and you'll have the favorite local treat we've got five fresh pads in here cooking and coconut milk I cannot wait to try this out first of all jelly I have to say I'm a little jelly of your cooking skills cuz I cannot make a bat look this good thank you we normally in manasa we eat it on banana leaf this is a traditional way to eat it yeah this is to show like the commitment and the sharing and togetherness within the community is this the time that's the fight before we begin I just want to say like the way this smells oh my gosh all right tons of fresh flavors and said I want to peel the skin off of this bone and I want to just jump right into it yes ready you are one of the best eaters I've ever had on my that is that unique texture it's like gelatinous bouncy chewy chewy there's a little bad eat anus look at this I've got this stretchy piece of bed you know it's like innovating ourselves oh she's showing the camera - I love her spirit she's into it okay I'm gonna bite into that you gotta get used to a little bit all the flavors are wonderful I can't even tell if there's gaminess cuz there's so many like strong flavors here okay so I got a nice piece of meat here from the body it makes it wasn't ricin yeah chicken liver very organized there's nothing meat to get the Hat we're jumping right into the head okay so she's gonna show me how to take apart the head Europe the whole thing oh yeah that's it oh I got it I'm gonna eat all this head skin I just got it's very good why I got too messy his hands here I split the bad head open what do i do from here you'll find a thumb oh it's yeah that is the tongue of a bat slow sauce some spices some rice right and a little bit of bat tongue on top mmm the texture it's very chewy firm overall like everywhere but not like so hard you have to gnaw on it and then the flavor it's like a very dark mean kind of it Morgan II the most weird part is that you know I just ripped open the a bats head to get a tongue otherwise if I was just blindfolded and I had to eat it I'd be like I don't know what is it you know it's just the fact that it looks like this that I think might be disconcerting to some people not me not me I do want to say thank you so much for your appearance this was nuts Oh for me it really out of my comfort zone but so rewarding and fun and jelly I mean fat cooker of the century so skilled thank you very much for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi new Chiang Danang high M and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time bad Batman that was worth saying at the beginning of the video we have a man not bad guy [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,641,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bat meat, eating bat, how to bat, fruit bat, eating fruit bat, indonesian food, indonesia bat, indo bat, tomohon, tomohon bat, indonedia food, north sulawesi, north sulawesi food, asian food, exotic food, werid food, best ever food review show, hot guy in bandana, sonny side
Id: hd4cKFwm1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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