BASS SINGER REACTS to Daft Punk - Pentatonix
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Channel: Peter Barber
Views: 18,994
Rating: 4.9120522 out of 5
Keywords: pentatonix daft punk reaction, pentatonix reaction, pentatonix reaction vocal coach, vocal coach reacts, daft punk pentatonix reaction, reaction video, avi kaplan reaction, bass singer reaction, bass singer reacts, pentatonix reaction voice teacher, opera singer reaction, pentatonix opera singer reaction, pentatonix reaction opera singer, penatonix reaction bass singer, pentatonix reaction singer, voice teacher reactions, pentatonix daft punk medley, mitch grassi reaction, bass
Id: rO4fW2_StjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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