Basic Troubleshooting Command in CheckPoint Firewall

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hello good morning friends welcome to my youtube channel technet guide friends in this video we will learn basic troubleshooting commands in checkpoint firewall we will see how we can do basic troubleshooting in checkpoint firewall before going to start please like this video and subscribe my channel so let's start here so friends our first command will be we will check first we will see hardware information operating system information so first our first command is wwr it will show so friends it will show software version our running ios version so you can see our running version is r80.10 when build four three nine okay so friends if you want to check install hotfix version and operating system version then the command is cp info minus y all so you can see it's also build version kernel version on it will show also how to fix information scene pin for dial diag or pix and promotion is there okay fwm version this command is used for management server because this is my gateway this is not management server so it will this one is used for fw1 fwm were for management server okay next we will see our hardware information so assets all it will show our hardware information here serial number because this is my virtual appliance so it will not show hardware information and serial number okay now print there is a command for check your services it's okay now cp wd underscore admin list command is used to check services its services now cp sorry see if we have underscore admin list command used check used to check its services running or not okay so you can see here is all the services running because e stand for execute okay means your all service is executing okay if here will show t terminated then there is a issue if any service is stopped then you have to restart your service you can run this command cp stop or cp restart let me show you cpu stop command okay now check services you can see cpw admin failed to submit request okay because watch cp virtual services is stopped now you have to restart the service cp restart now it will start now it will start all the services okay starting you can see first service is cp whatsoever okay now installing security policy on var gateway now you can check services okay now you can check all services running now friends our next is interface troubleshooting the main part when your traffic is not passing first you have to check your interfaces status your interface configuration okay so let's check there is a command is interface so interfaces all it will show all interface status is here you can see eth0 state is on it's my address type ethernet link status up okay state is on linkedin is up empty of 1500 okay autonomous session speed is 1000 ip version 6 not configured duplex is full okay and ip address 4 version 3201 now it's also so all the interfaces eth1 it will show hth2 it will show ats3 information is here all the interfaces john okay if you want to check single interface so there is a command so interface ath 0 it will now it will show only single interface it is 0 okay you can see now next command is if you want to check your only interfaces ip addresses on interface fw get ips command it will show no colors it is zero ip address it is 183 ip addresses okay now if you want to check yours all the information about your interfaces cp state os minus f if config so also static say appear so now it will so it's showing statics of your interfaces like ip address mtu mac address and rx and tx okay this one is your two if you want to check configuration interface configuration sorry so interrupt sorry so configuration interface it will show interface configuration here okay so you can see this is a command line for to configure your interface set interface it is zero paste it on set interface ip version ip okay so let me show you how to op how to set down your interface let me show you how to set down your ets one interface just run command here set interface dth1 state off now if you want if you check interface status it is one just check atoh1 then you will show studies of linkage down okay now again if you want to on this interface set interface it is one state on enter again you can check now you can see yesterday is on okay so friend now let me show you main command is cp config so this is a main command from here you can check your license and contracts as an mp random tool and this you can see seek control here from here you can reset your seek you can disable or enable cluster on this gateway okay from here right now cluster is enabled so it's disabled you can enable or disable secure action from here you can check your security core corexel instance let me check you correction instance okay corresponds is three so friend one thing make sure if you are going to configure cluster on two gateway so both gateways should be same should be configured with same instance means this parallel correct works this gateway is currently enabled with three instance parallel instance so other firewall is also let me check show you another firewall let me check instance and this gateway 10 you can see both are all both firewall configured with same instance if you want to change the stance from here you can select one okay so right now both parallel configure with same instance that's why is in cluster otherwise it will not join cluster okay now friends let's check cluster status cpha probe state so you can see this firewall is my local firewall firewall one is active in fiber mode it's a load traffic load is 730 percent and other firewall is 70 let me show you other firewall this is my other firewall cph provision this is my parallel to local firewall and link is 70 traffic and okay so let me show you my parallel interfaces cp ha pro honestly if so here is a showing its interface if any interface you down so it will not join cluster okay so it's there is an issue with your firewall okay so this it h0 is showing disconnected because i am not keeping this interfacing cluster okay okay so this is both interfaces both side both parallel interfaces is up cph minus a if okay it's the ip address virtual ip address is 10.1.1 20. if you want to check your local gateway status clustering status state it will show local localhost one member ejective okay okay now friends if you want to check your sync state fragments and net status statics then there is a command in fwctlp state we will show all the statics here you can see system memory capacity okay memory used at percent as kernel memory system kernels cookies fragment net and sync status like that now you want to check show route here okay currently i have when there is no any routes so it will show only connected routes is okay now friends if you want to de-attach policy if you want to uninstall policy from your gateway then there is a command is a blue unload local it will uninstall policy from your security guard so friends i am not recommending you to run this command on production okay because it will uninstall the policy from your gateway now if you want to see your configuration so configuration here okay so all the configurations configured here row test all the things okay now check lenses status license cp link print command here to check your license check one product trial period x file with 13 dash okay now friends if you want to check your packet drop if wctl jet debug drop to check your dropbox sorry w ctl to check depot why your package is dropping here it will show information is here so right now there is no new packet is dropping okay you can see all the mod it will show all the models here okay abdullah model so if any package is getting dropped it will show information in here okay now let me tell you there is a command is stopped to check your cpu utilization so you can see top command used to check your cpu utilization there is total 112 task two running okay sleeping stop zero your ship utilization is zero because there is no any traffic on this firewall that's why cp utilization is zero okay your memory statics uap statics is here now let me show you one main command cp view it will show all the statistics of your firewall interface statics system information network cpu software blade multiple things is there so first let me see your ship overview cpu statics okay so you can see your number of cpu is 4 0 1 two three or currently usage is three you zero percent because there is no net traffic memory statics is here total memory is three gb 4gb uh 740 okay bits network bits per second packet disk space all the things okay now check your system information you will get your system information here platform is gaia you see platform is gaia cluster security gateway current station is down now system of time is 1 over 2 to one hour 586 minutes okay now hardware model vmware available information network you will see network statics inbound packet per second or one packet per second tcp known tcp tcp handshake template drops it also drops also instance high cpu rule base capacity okay first packet not seeing you can see interface status you will see in here interface yesterday all interfaces on okay traffic on interface it is zero it is one it is two days three traffic let's see okay top protocol tcp udp currently there is no net traffic that's right showing your top connection now check cpu statics cpu zero because there is no need traffic software village ips anti-vote antivirus application control not enabled that's why it's showing here advanced in advance you will see your cpu utilization top component memory statics network statics super excel seeker you can see isolated path okay it's an accelerated path here cluster excel load sharing unicast core excel how many course is there it will show all the information okay streaming right yeah all the information will get here okay so friend there is a two troubleshooting command also to capture packet and information uh tcp dump and ah fw monitor okay so we will see in next video what is the tcp dump and what w monitor so friends in this video we have seen basic troubleshooting command in checkpoint firewall so friends in upcoming video we will see advanced troubleshooting video advanced troubleshooting command okay so thanks for watching this video have a nice day
Channel: TechNet Guide
Views: 150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: checkpoint firewall, checkpoint firewall tutorial, ccsa, ccse, checkpoint firewall troubleshooting command, checkpoint firewall command, troubleshooting command in checkpoint firewall, checkpoint firewall interview question and answer, cluster, troubleshooting, firewall, r80.10, r80, checkpoint troubleshooting commands, checkpoint r80 troubleshooting commands, checkpoint cluster troubleshooting, checkpoint active standby command, network security
Id: ZssD9xEaBtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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