Basic Mesh Editing | The Sims 4 Tutorial (CAS)

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hey guys it's just Shia and welcome to my tutorial video on how I do simple measure debts in The Sims 4 before we begin you'll need three programs you'll need since for studio blender version 2.7 oh and any photo editing software I personally recommend because it's free and I find it extremely easy to use once you get used to it so yeah I'll leave all three links to those programs in the description below so let's get started for this tutorial I'll be combining base game swimmers with a pair of seasons shorts but feel free to substitute the shorts for any other pair of shorts or soon as for any other pair of swimmers as most of them seem to be the same but obviously like the tariffs Simmons have like a little skirt or something on them it'll be a bit more difficult to follow along but if you pick a basic swimmer it should be quite easy so before we start to edit any meshes or anything we have to make package files for the meshes we want to edit so to do that open up sims for studio select create cast standalone and then just hit the cast button so once that opens up to make it easier to find just select we want to find a clothing body game package base game and gender female and age adult so then this makes significantly reduces the amount of swelling we have to do and key layout this room is all right yes so this is the similar I had in mind I generally go with the white swatch if there is one because it just makes it so much easier to create like different swatch colors in the future once you're all done so yeah we'll have click on the swimsuit select next I shall call this swears a lot simmers swimmers so once that's done we this cancel out real quick and go back in to create cast and alone and this time we want to create bottom seasons and here this is the shorts I had in mind feel free to use any other pair of shorts like if you probably follow along with any of these ones or even another one from a different pack so yeah I'll be using this one to get next shorts and then once you've X you've created package file so most of the items you want to create a combination of kit Masha's go to export mesh and then just export it as anything so this is call it short to something once that's done feel free to back out of that and then going to swim is be the same export swimmers and then once that's both once both of those have been exported as blend of Iowa's go into blender file open will open shorts first so as you can see the shorts have been opened in blender quite and it looks quite similar to sin sauce video so what you want to do is left click right click sorry right click the parents to see what what they are a part of and they are a part of studio mesh two you can click the plus button to confirm and if you click on the G on file you can see that that is the case and we have found them so then you can decide to go back into seumas will go into Simmons for the first time everything looks okay so then what you want to do is go to file append shorts object and then select the object that had the short on it so it seems for studio mesh true was the one that did have the shot so as you can see as you can see the shorts have been implemented nicely so after you do this you kind of want to clean up both meshes so that they'll combine nicely when you combine them into the same object so what you want to do first is hit the plus button next to the appended object so this will be the shorts as you can see I am selecting the shorts and first off what you want to do is actually go into the UV area and select this little icon right here which is keep UV and edit mode mesh selection in sync this just makes it so that when you make selections on either this area or on the UV section it syncs it up so you can make selections quite easily and they'll pop up both here and there so what you want to do first off is to delete the duplicate leg area so what you want to do is hit L while hovering over the legs make sure to do the back as well and just hit X and delete vertices and then that just removes the duplicate legs and what we probably want to do next is delete the first two rows of the top of the shorts and to do so really easily we can just go into the UV side of the screen hit B and this drag the mouse over with two areas two two rows that we want to delete and as you can see has selected both of these areas and we just make sure we've selected only what we want to and then just hit X and delete and as you can see it's already looking really neat so and we before we combine the meshes we should probably also have a look at the swimsuit and just so we can see this area right here you can select limit selection to visible which just makes it so that you can see the entire mesh through each other so as you can see we probably don't need this area right here so we can just press B and use and the same thing basically pops up as the UV area did so what we can do is just drag across where we don't really need press X and delete and as you can see I kind of deleted more than we needed to so we can just press ctrl Z to undo and redo the selection so that we can select exactly what we want so maybe I won't go as far down as last time that looks pretty good so we shall delete vertices again and as you can see I'll just turn this off again it's still kind of clipping so we should probably delete one more additional row as week and we can do so easily so that looks pretty good now so what I'll do now is make sure everything looks good it looks like there's an artifact there so I vote let's do this I'll just delete that vertice there we go that looks good but generally what you want to do is delete what you can't see but generally if you leave a little bit like that it's not too big of a problem unless like this the shorts were like right up against it but as you can see there's a bit of a gap so it should cater for all body types quite easily and now we're ready to combine the measures so let's go so what you do is go back into this area right here and then hold shift click on seams for studio mesh with the 0 0 1 and then select the swimsuit and then put your mouse in the viewport press ctrl + J and that will combine both meshes like that and as you can see when I move them around holding the right mouse button they are combined here so we want to quickly go back in the geometry as well and turn on limit selection to visible and actually start combining the two because if you don't they may be like a white line that goes across the entire thing so you can just combine both actually it was actually up it's not fair it was up here so this is where the seam is so the shorts begins here on the swimsuit starts there so what you actually want to do is hold shift and carefully select with the right click button select the first the shorts and the swimsuit set and you can you know if you've done this correctly if you can see yellow lines going up into the swimsuit and yellow lines going down into the shorts as well and you can merge them by hitting ctrl and then M actually sorry hitting alt and M and then do since they're so close together it shouldn't matter but I usually do at first merge them at first and just repeat the process for basically the entire mesh so make sure you press a after each selection so that you delete every other previously selected vertices merge at first so yeah I'll just skip through this I'll catch up with you guys when I'm all done okay so the mesh has now been fully merged and what you want to do before you save and re-import this back into seams force to do is press a once again and everything should be highlighted go into mesh vertices and select remove doubles this will ensure that particularly on the side of legs that all double vertices I guess get removed because if you don't remove doubles as the size of the legs especially they get weird artifacts and when you like to look at them from certain when you look at the legs from certain angles they kind of have weird lines across them and they'll look particularly bad especially for taking screenshots of your sins often so that will just ensure that that doesn't happen and be sure to do the other areas as well so just go into the other meshes and then just remove doubles as well the once that's all done just quickly going to save and we're ready to close out of blender and open up seams for studio once again so we're back in seams for studio now and what you can do now is import the mesh as soon as so as you can see the textures to the mesh rather has been imported and the textures have not been done yet so it does look a bit strange but that's what we'll be working on now so what you want to do to get the textures is going to textures export the texture and this color whatever you like I'll just call this one swimmers and then actually to save it go back into shorts and then export the textures for the shorts as well and once you do that make sure you get back into ceilings and then once you're ready to start with the textures open up real quick so once is open drag over the seumas from the file from the Windows Explorer and this should also drag over the shorts so as you can see they're blind up quite nicely so put the shorts underneath the swimmers and merge and then basically what you have to do now is just combine the texture so that there's there's like no obvious scenes which is gonna be a bit difficult but a simple way you can do it is to actually before you merge it you can probably do blur it underneath first so what you can do is just simply blow it like this but then just keep blowing it blow the entire thing don't worry about the scene because we'll copy it and paste the scene by this zoom is a bit later on the oops don't do that yeah especially be careful around the areas that have no textures because that will like bring texture in like that and I'll be a bit weird so once you do that but you can basically do now is combine the meshes by merging downwards and just like simply hovering with the smudge tool over the top like this that there is no clear seam but it kind of looks like there is a crease or a fold where the legs begin I guess at the hips and then once that's all done we have to also bring this this seam down as well obviously you can spend a lot more time on this like I usually do but this is for this is a simple tutorial so I won't be spending as much time with the textures that's just a minor part if you want me to do a texturing tutorial I'm more than happy to just let me know in the comments but for this tutorial I'll just be doing a quick Xtreme tutorial just for like the simple stuff so once that's done what I basically did is I made a selection with the selection tool of the save up here I control-c control-v to paste a new layout and let's drag the copied seam all the way down to that as you can see the same continues all the way down and this is looking okay like this isn't I wouldn't normally stop it stop here but for the purposes of this tutorial I'll just stop here and overwrite you can export this as a different being a different texture file but for the purposes of this tutorial I'll just export and overwrite and then is click swimmer's as you can see there is a bit of like weird stuff but that's just cause of the like effort I put in a full text ring but if you put in more time I've actually made a second version as well which I spent more time on before the video and I'll just add another search actually and I've spent more time with the corners and as you can see it looks a lot better and I did make a red version as well so that's basically it full of texturing if you like to see a more advanced texturing tutorial just let me know and I'll let you I'll create a new video for you guys there is also some stuff about level of detail but if you don't change the level of detail for if you don't change the mesh for the level of detail it will just look really weird but for the simple tutorial I'll just be using the same mesh for every level of detail so that it shouldn't affect your computer too much but like if it's just one item and you're the your seam is the only one wearing this he way obviously be too much of a hassle on your computer since this is a simple tutorial I won't go into detail about the shadow specular and normals of the meshes so just actually just make these blank because if you don't sometimes I'll just leave weird artifacts everywhere so just delete all of those well clean them actually and if you plan on releasing this to like tumblr or or mother Sims make sure you like do all the categories so that when people download your custom content and try and find it with like tags like colors make sure like you change them to the right color so at least like they'll be able to find it like that if they want but just save it once you're done and also since this is a base game swimsuit with season shorts be sure before you like to share with anyone but in modding you add a DLC wrap a DLC pack requirement for season so that you're like complying with EAS like code of conduct in terms of CC or whatever so make sure you add seasons and that will makes it so that people that download this content will repeat rule required to have seasons will be required to have seasons rather so once that's all done save everything and let's jump right in game to see how it will look so we're in game now and now we're ready to see how this looks so we shall go into full body outfits and scroll down until we see our custom contents so here it is so we shall click on this and just delete some of the acts unrequired items so as you can see this is looking really nice so we shall also just delete this accessory because we don't need to see that so as you can see it's kind of looking really good so it we shall let's check the other swatches as well and yeah it looks pretty good so I think I'll leave it at that since I did try and cover as much as I could without trying to draw this draw this video on for too long so yeah I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll try to answer them so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video please tell me what you think and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: IllogicalSims
Views: 121,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sims 4, Sims, Sims 4 Gameplay, Sims 4 Playthrough, The Sims 4 basic mesh editing, the sims 4 cc tutorial, sims 4 custom content tutorial, sims 4 how to make cc, sims 4 how to make custom content, sims 4 making cc, how to make cc, making custom content, sims 4 how to, sims 4 cc guide, custom content guide, custom content tutorial, sims 4 mesh edit tutorial, sims 4 make cc, sims 4 cas tutorial, how to, custom content, cc, making cc, mesh editing, sims 4 mesh editing
Id: UwItqO_F_I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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