Basic Manual Digitizing in Floriani Total Control U

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hey everybody its Brad with another Floriani total control u video for you today and this month i've got a whole bunch of new people in Floriani club because of the trade in master works program that Floriani started doing where you could trade in your old master work software towards Floriani for a discounted price and so it's gonna be a lot of people that are new in class and I think that the best way to learn is to be thrown in the deep end sink or swim so we are going to be digitizing a entire embroidery design from scratch today it's a simple design but we are gonna digitize it manually and we're gonna digitize it the right way and we're gonna learn some neat interesting stuff so even if you know what you're doing watch the video cuz it's you know some stuff that you might not know about anyway let's get started open up your Floriani software and on the my Floriani today page click create a new design there we go and it'll open up your design field we're gonna be digitizing from a backdrop today meaning we're basically going to be tracing an image to create our our stitches and to do that we go over on the left hand toolbar there is a little mountain scene here and when you hover your mouse over it says backdrop tool this will load up a picture for us I went ahead and clicked on that and then you're going to navigate to wherever the the images on your computer I'm gonna have a link to it on this the description of this video on YouTube and if you're watching this off the CD this design is actually on your CD so we're going to hit open on this image of the Corgi here okay it opened and there he is now a lot of times when you get good artwork off the internet like I did with this um it's going to be very very large and you're gonna want to resize it before you go and and and start digitizing it because if we start digitizing it at this size this is really big your first clue is that the the grid got real small and if we look over here on our backdrop properties we can see the width is 25 inches so this we wouldn't really be able to even on anything because it's enormous it's like do feet wide and we don't want a corgi that's quite that large so we're gonna size this down and the way we're gonna do it is in the properties menu set the width just go ahead and change this value from 25 to 4 inches and hit apply there we go and so it sized it down it's no longer centered which doesn't really matter that much but we're gonna drag it close to center anyway so just grab anywhere on the the Corgi just left-click and drag it so that it's closer to center it doesn't have to be exact though just drag them right in there and then we're gonna zoom in a little bit either you can scroll with your mouse wheel which is what I'm doing here or you can go up to this little percentage up here at the top and change that to to fit and it'll zoom in as big as it can and fit it all on your screen which is probably the best way to do that really and then I'm also going to do something else I'm gonna have you turn off your grid entirely lately I've been digitizing without the grid on and I kind of like it so you can do it too you don't have to if you don't want to but to turn this grid off and that's these lines you just right-click anywhere on this ruler or on this ruler right click and then here where this says show grid just hit that you can also do it there's a button somewhere somewhere where's the button button button button button here we go this button this turns the grid on and off also that's probably the faster way to do it I just I've always done it this way anyway grids off now we're gonna start digitizing this little dome so before we digitize a design we want to come up with kind of like a plan of attack how what order we're gonna we're gonna digitize the thing in and kind of what layers on what so let's take a little look at this dog here let's see so his fur we've got basically two different colors for his fur plus we've got the shading which is kind of like a like a we're just gonna lay some gray thread on top of this filled in part eventually and we'll just use the same color great for here let's see so I think that the first thing that needs to go down is the darker color yeah because this kind of like is like overlaid on it and I want this part to kind of be overlapping this part a little bit in so much as there is overlap so looking at this and I'm thinking the order that we're gonna do this is the kind of like burnt orange and then the tan and then the pink and then the black and then the gray that is my plan or maybe the gray and then the black cuz look his mouth is gonna over this shading so you always want to have kind of like a plan in mind we first start looking at a design think what should go first what should go second and I'm looking at this and I'm thinking I'm gonna start with this little teeny tiny triangle here we're gonna ignore any shading because we're gonna actually create the shading by layering other stitches on top of existing stitches so this we're gonna treat this as if this entire little triangle here was one color even though technically this is like a darker shade over here cuz that's where the shadow of his other leg is so we're gonna do this part and then this part and then I think I'll do the tops of the ears and and then the face here that's that's my plan for that and then we'll work out the rest when we get to it so let us get started so to begin tracing this guy the main tool that we're gonna be using is this one right here it looks like a little set of barbells it's the line tool and what this does is it lets us create straight lines and so I'm gonna left click on that my cursor turns into this like crosshair thing and I get these lines that show me exactly where my cursor is and the way we're gonna do this is we're just gonna draw just on the hardpoints of this so we're gonna the hard points are here here in here so I'm going to left-click once here once here and once here to get these three points in and then I'm going to close this shape and there's a keyboard shortcut to close a shape so that it's it's not an open line and that is shift C so I'm gonna hit shift C on my keyboard and now you can see that that closed and finished my my triangle there so let's go ahead and edit this shape a little bit to edit it you're gonna go up to your select tool here just left clicked on the select tool and see how it highlights it it's got all this stuff around it we've got all these different icons the icon that I'm gonna work with is this one this is the shape tool we're gonna left click on that and then I might zoom in a little bit too so if I scroll my mouse wheel see how it zooms in a little I'm just using my mouse if you're not using a mouse you can zoom in with this percentage up here and then I'm gonna use my arrow keys on my keyboard to be able to pan around to here so see how this is curved in slightly on this side to achieve that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just move my mouse over the line that needs to be a curve and you see how it does this little icon that means it's gonna allow me to pull the line into a curve so if I hold my left mouse button I just left clicked and I'm dragging down you see how it bends this line all around I want to bend it down so that it matches the line in the original just like that and then I can also grab these blue dots and if one of my points was misplaced I can move it just like that okay then maybe I'll Bend this one down a little bit to give it a little kind of a bit of a natural curve there and then once I'm satisfied with my shape I can just um go ahead and hit the Select tool again and boom now it is it is no longer in the line editing mode so I I don't have the line highlighted in purple or anything so we are also going to change the color so pick a color that is like the dog's fur I'm gonna just do this light brown and then we're gonna fill it with stitches so I'm gonna use just my standard fill down here this one that looks like the the first purple star you know left click on that and boom now it fills it in with stitches put that in 3d see there's stitches there and the next thing we're gonna do is we need to get the the needle from here over to here and we don't want to have the Machine do a cut what I mean by that is between areas of the same color if you have a machine that cuts drum stitches it'll automatically cut but we want to avoid that and then especially if you have a machine that doesn't cut jump stitches you really want to avoid that but so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make it so that there's a running stitch that goes from here over to somewhere in here and the reason for that is like I said we don't want it to cut and the reason we can get away with it is there's gonna be beige stitching that goes down on top of this to hide our our movement so the this area here we actually do need to use our shape tool again because we want to make sure of where the start and stop point are for for this element so if we hit the shape tool again once it stitches this Green Dot is where it starts stitching this and this red dot is where it stops so we will put our start or start didn't really matter for this I'm just gonna stick it up here just for the sake of doing it and then the stop I'm gonna move it as close as I can to this little corner of the shape of his body right here right and then once we do that we can use the the Select tool again to generate it it doesn't change the way my stitches look but now we're going to use this tool here this Run stitch tool and instead of using the line tool we're going to use this runstats or just gonna click once here right at the end where our stop was and then once right in here in the inside of the the dark brown fur here and then you right-click one time and that's all you have to do that's just generated a run stitch I'm gonna put it in 3d so we can see see that is stitches already and it's just generated that stitch so that it will automatically run from here to here and not put in a cut there anyway so now we're gonna draw in our next shape which is going to be this big bulk of his body here and the way we're gonna do this is gonna look really strange if you're not used to the way the artwork tools are in in this program so just bear with me just just hang tight and and and believe me that this is gonna work out in the end so I'm gonna use my line tool I'm gonna start over here and I'm gonna just follow the arch of his back but once this curve starts go and look what I did i just right-clicked on accident and that generated it deleted what I had done on my line so far so if you ever do that it's okay you just go ahead and start over again so I want to click here and then I'm gonna click here right where the curve starts and then I'm going to ignore the curve and just go straight to the next little hard point which is also called a cusp so there this whole thing is curved we're gonna go straight to here so it's a straight line from there to there and then same deal with this where this has this big long curve we're going to just go straight to there now this is a straight line and then this is a little bit of a curve but again we're ignoring all curves and just going just to the cusp points there to there to there to there and then this one has a little bit of an S shape so what we want is we want to find the middle of that s shape and put our point there and then our next point is the first one so that means we have to close our shape shift C to close our shape and then we're gonna go and select with our select tool that highlights this crazy shape I just made and we again use the shape tool here and now we do we can grab our curves and move them all so that one and this one and this one that's how we get that little S shape in this gets pulled out a little tiny bit and if you need to zoom in a little bit you can recur this one up just so it's actually curved down a little tiny bit this one goes down a little tiny bit now here's a big big curve so we'll pull this out and we see that it doesn't quite perfectly match the original what we can do is left-click on that curve and you see these two handles that you showed up that lets us increase the amount that one of the sides curves out so we select it again and we do the other side see how that let me spread that curve out we'd have to do the same thing with this when we grab this and pull it out as far as we can but you see it's just not wide enough so we select the curve and then we manipulate these two handles here and they do the same thing on the other side and then you can grab that curve and pull it down until it until it's perfect now you can sit there and mess with it till it's perfect if you want I'm just gonna leave it like that Oaks good enough to me so there we go we've got his body generated and we're going to apply a stitch to it the standard fill stitches when we're gonna use down here there we go now let's take a look at this in 3d hmmm well this certainly does work but wouldn't it be cool if we could make this textured even make this texture to look like fur and I'm gonna share with you a cool way that we can turn a fill stitch from a flat boring type bill to one that kind of replicates the look of animal fur so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go we're gonna have our fill selected and we're gonna go over here to the fill type and we're gonna change this from the pattern normal pattern is pattern one and we're gonna go down and change this to satin and hit apply okay now that does not look better okay that looks terrible I know that that looks terrible so what we do is we're gonna add what's called a random split to this satin stitch which is going to make a really interesting look if you go in your properties over here you see how there's a little arrow on the right hand side by these tabs hit that and then you should be able to hit this tab that says split we're gonna change this from none to random leave the defaults alone and then hit apply look at that isn't that an interesting looking stitch so that's that's a cool way to generate an area that that looks interesting so we want all of his fur to be this type of stitch basically so instead of having to go and do that every single time what we're going to do is we're going to save this as a preset so that we can just apply it to any area that we generate and the way that you do that is you're gonna go down to the little star you see how it has a little arrow next to it you're gonna left click on that arrow and choose save preset it's gonna ask you for a name we're gonna call it the dog fur it tells me that it's saved select it's saved successfully wonderful and then we can even go back and change this one so that it's the same type by left clicking on it and then hitting the arrow and choosing the dog fur overlay so now that is gonna match with the rest of his fur and that is what we'll do for his little face - what about his ears I hear you saying yeah where his ears are actually gonna be a different type of stitch and that is the next thing we're gonna do is digitize these ears so let's see what do we got to do we got to make sure that the start point for this fill that we created is at the same spot where we stopped that run stitch which is roughly at this corner and then we want the stop point to be somewhere close to up here so the way we do that is we gonna select it use our shape tool and we look for our start and our stop point look at that it put our start point there already it's almost as if it realizes what we're doing it automatically sets our start in our stop point spoiler it does do that and so then we're gonna change the stop point to up here and then we're gonna have a run stitch that goes up to say right here so bear with me if you don't understand why we're doing this run stitch thing but we have our stop here we're gonna go and use the run stitch tool again this is this one looks like a little snake click on that and we're gonna click from here just straight across and we're gonna end right around there okay and that is called a Travel stitch we just right click it's generated it's done that's that is ready to rock and roll they don't have to do anything else to it it automatically will start here and stop here and then we need to draw this so this is a skinny little narrow shape and skinny little narrow shapes you don't use a fill stitch on skinny little narrow shapes you use a satin stitch on and that's what we're going to digitize next so we've done run stitches we've done fill stitches now we're gonna do a satin stitch and those are the three types of stitches in general that there are in in embroidery digitizing so it'll be hitting all of them anyway we're going to trace this so the way we do that is I'm going to zoom in on this area here and then pan can use either the arrow keys or the arrows that you just saw me clicking on and we're going to use the line tool and we're gonna start here I'm gonna put one click up here so that's tracing the outside edge and then we're gonna do kind of right there and then give it another one here up in the middle and then back down to here okay close the shape shift see well and then we'll select it with the Select tool and use the shape tool to pull out our curves and again if you have to don't hesitate to use the little handles by selecting your curve and pulling on them to get it exactly the way that you want so you select the curve you want to edit and then you can move the handle for the side that needs to be adjusted and it's kind of like you just kind of get a feel for how these little handles work you just put a little little handle around and you can see what changes you're making anyway once you have a shape that kind of looks like this you're done you can select it and then we're gonna apply a stitch to it this time we're gonna apply a satin type stitch instead of a fill type stitch even though our fill has a satin overlay might be confusing but this is still a fill stitch this is gonna be a satin stitch and there is a cheaters tool that works really well for simple shapes and that is this icon here so for right now the only way we're going to be dealing with satin stitches is using this tool here the auto satin tool so I won't get a left click on that and it will automatically generate a beautiful satin stitch that goes that goes around the outside and it's gonna look just nice so now we are going to let's see what do we need to do we need to make sure that it starts here and we actually also want it to stop here so we're gonna select it use the shape tool and see where our start in our stop points are look at that they're already in the right places so we want this to start and stop here because over here well I guess we could technically have traveled from there to there but it's kind of far so we want to have our next Travel stitch go from here over to here again we're putting in these travel stitches using the run stitch we go from where the red dot was on our last shape we're going to take it over to where we're gonna have the green dot on our next shape just like that so that's one click there one click there and then right click wonderful we're going to do the same drawing that we just did on this ear on this one to generate this satin stitch use our line tool we're gonna start here and then it comes up with pick right about the apex of the curve and then I'm gonna put one kind of on this side then there come up and around say to there back to the other side close the shape shift see there we go use our select tool and then hit our shape tool here and start pulling out our curves I really love the way that this works to be able to pull out your curves like this it is so much better than trying to manually click every click to make a perfect curve yeah perfect curve like it's possible to do that without this tool it's almost impossible I think once you get the hang of it it's really quite powerful so that is pretty much good enough for me right now there we go I'm satisfied and remember we are using the auto satin tool for this so we hit Auto satin generates us a really nice beautiful satin stitch there and again we want our start and our stop point in the same place here and it is automatically because it kinda can tell what I'm doing and now our next area is going to be this marking on his face so we're gonna use the line tool I'm gonna start on a cost here and then go to here and again we're just clicking where the curves are or where the where the cusps are so there and then we're gonna go up and I'm gonna even though this isn't technically a cost I'm gonna do that because it's a big long straightaway there and there and then kind of mirror it on the other side there there and then we can just close the shape here because this is one big long curve here so shift see and select tool it highlights it we use the shape tool and we're going to start pulling in our curves so we got this one you have to use the handles for this to get it perfect select the line adjust the handle and let's see we'll get a little closer over there perfect and then this one just pull straight up you fatten it a little bit with the handles it looks good pull this curve in and this curve in this curve up like this this one down see how easy that is this kind of could even use another point here so if you right-click you can choose at a point and then then I can adjust my curve even more and I can move individual points if I need to just like that okay wonderful now this we're going to use our preset which is the dog fur there we go just like that we've got our nice beautifully textured dog and now we just have to do his his beige markings and then we're gonna do the the shading and actually I guess we'll do the pink ears it doesn't really matter what order we do that but so anyway so next we're gonna do these guys here the beige markings now I am going to turn off my 3d before I start this I really had just had to 3d on to show you what that special Phil looked like and I think let's see yeah well draw the leg and then his butt and then his other leg that's the order that I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go this leg but other leg so we'll just go ahead and use our line tool if you like you can zoom in here and use my arrow keys to pan down let's see you're gonna click here and then right at the beginning of this curve to there if you don't like where you're pointing it up by the way backspace is how you go back then I'm gonna go up to here here here I'll close my shape and let's go ahead and let's change the color we want this to be like a cream color and then use the shape tool to pull out our curves there select the curve and make it a little wider on both sides that looks pretty good pull this down and think that's all I have to do for this okay and we're gonna use our fur preset for that this big long thing here just indicating that the machine has to travel from all the way up there back down to here it's not actually a jump stitch and now we finally are gonna set our start and stop points a start point is fine the stop point is fine we just want to make sure the start point of his butt is going to be right there remember we're ignoring the shaded areas for right now so we don't need a travel stitch because these two areas butt up against each other and we're gonna start clicking on the cusps of this shape here and this isn't really a cusp but I'm going to make it a point anyway and then travel around up here to here and then put one here and then I'm going to close this shape at the Select tool use the shape tool and start pulling out our curves there fatten it up on that side like that using the handle this pulls out here and then this all the way down select the curve adjust the handles the technical term for these handles is Bezier handles by the way in case you were curious about that alright so that looks pretty good and we're gonna apply our dog fur stitch just so now this area here and this area here this bit of fill and this bit of fill they are right next to each other and they need to overlap otherwise you're going to have gapping in here right so when you're put in areas that are fill areas right next to one another that is a consideration that you have to make so we can see that there's going to be gapping here there's going to be gapping here so we actually need to adjust this shape a little bit to avoid that so I'm gonna go and reselect him and use my shape tool I'm going to pull oops I'm gonna pull this edge out a little bit over here to make that overlap which some reason has just screwed up my curve and we want this curb to be up a little bit anyway so that it overlaps right-click to generate what we've done you can see that there's still a gap here so we're gonna move this entire point this time there we go that should be okay okay so that's just a consideration when you're putting a fill next to a fill you always want to make sure you always want to take a look at it and make sure that you know that there's a little bit of overlap otherwise it's gonna be it's gonna be a gap actually I'm looking at this shape I kind of want to pull this part out a little bit to fatten that up that'll work all right so anyway next we're gonna make sure that the back down here we're gonna make sure that this last one that we did the start and the stop are in a reasonable place to start is we want the stop to be down here though so that it can go right to this next leg okay and then we use our shape our line tool rather to start drawing in the next shape err there and then the final one is when we use the closed shape tool on our select tool shape bring in our curves it's really not much it's really the only curve on there so there we go and we're gonna apply our specialty fill wonderful now there's not a reasonable way for us oh you know what I forgot about the shadow down here we can't travel through the shadow there because if we do the shadow that actually needs to sew down first so we can't really make a traveling stitch I didn't even think about the shadow all right I'm gonna pretend like this shadow here doesn't exist and we're just going to go straight over to here we don't have to worry about a stop point for this because there's no way to make that go to that without a jump stitch so we're just gonna let this be a jump stitch in here and it's gonna be fine so let's zoom in a little bit and we're going to do his front legs they should be pretty easy use the line tool put one here here it before the curve starts here here and then close the shape shift see use the select tool and then the shape tool pull this curve down that's the only curve in this shape so that is it weary select it go back to our dog for a preset there we go same thing for the for the other four paw here here here right at the beginning the curve back over here close the shape shift see if the select tool hit the shape tool and pull this down you might need to fatten it up a little bit this one has a little bit of a dip in the top ok and apply dog fur wonderful so now we've got this part of his face to do next and we're gonna just again we're ignoring the gray parts so I'm gonna start here two here two here we're not doing his ears either by the way his ears are gonna be a separate piece so from here to here not I'm actually gonna redo that one and then kind of down there to there to there and now this is that same shape we drew before basically just we're draw on the other side of it there there there now this one has kind of an S shape to it I'm going to put one right middle and then shift see select use the shape tool and start pulling out our curves they're there they're there it all looks pretty good why do I have two points there whatever all right so that'll work we select it with the select tool go back down here to the our expressly specialty fill the dog fur and there we go so that looks pretty good now we're gonna do is ears and one of these can have no jump and then there's going to be a jump to get to the other one so let's set our start and stop point for this use the shape tool for that we need our stop point to be up here and our start point may as well be close to the stop point of the last one so we'll leave it right there so then we're going to draw the inner ear next use the shape or the line tool rather and just go here here here and then close the shape okay select shape tool pull that up pull this out that looks pretty good to me we'll right click to generate that and we will apply our dog fur to it okay now this one the start point should be here and it is the stop point we'll just move it as close to the next element as we can and we're going to do the same thing just we're going to draw it over here line tool point point point close the shape shift select tool shape tool pull out our curves okay we're gonna select that and then use the dog fur fill okay if we wanted to we could choose a different type of fill for you know say we wanted his ears to look a little bit different say we could use a standard fill for those you know to make them a different pattern that's totally up to you you know you have control creative control over how your designs look so if you want this to be a different type of pattern you know you can experiment with with different patterns you know so like there's like a snakeskin pattern you know you can make interesting looking different types of fills just by playing with with the type of fill that you have in there so if you wanted to you can do that I did so let's turn off our 3d and take a look at what we got we've got the pink in his ears and we've got the black in his eyes and his nose and then we've got the kind of gray shadow let's go ahead and do the pink next now for this we're actually layering stitching on top of other stitching which you have a choice of whether you want to do layers essentially like we could cut holes in the ears the stitches of the ears and then then it wouldn't be two layers but I find that that two layers on top of one another is generally okay there's just a couple things you want to make sure of when you do this so we want to just draw let's start drawing in the pink area first so I'm gonna put a point here this is such a sharp curve that I might as well just put a point up there as if it was a cusp and then I'm gonna put one here and then we're gonna close the shape shift C let's make it pink and then use the shape tool to pull out the curves there there and there and then we're gonna put it just a standard fill there for that um or we could do the dog for it you know it's up to you however you want it to be but one thing we want to do is when you are layering fill stitch on top of another fill stitch you want to not have any underlay because the stitching that's already there is going to act as underlay so you want to go over to the underlay tab and your properties of this object and we want to turn that off and hit apply that way there's nothing checked in underlay that is going to make this work better when we go to sew it out it's okay so we're going to draw the same thing over here I'm just going to a point here here here close the shape shift C select with the Select tool and then use the shape here to pull out my curves there there and there we select it make it a fill and let's turn off the underlay hit apply all right there's gonna be a jump from there to there there's no two ways about it there's just no way to put a Travel stitch in there so that is the ears put in 3d and take a look he's coming together he's coming together I think the the shadows are what's really gonna give him the definition to make them look really good so let's do C let's do the shadows next because the black is a little bit on top of this one shadow so the way we're you're gonna do these shadows um we're gonna do them with really really loose satin and fill stitches so the real skinny parts are gonna be satin stitches and the thicker parts like this and this are gonna be fill stitches and we're gonna do them let's see what order do I want to do this in I suppose it doesn't really make that big a difference because we can't jump around through many of these I mean obviously we'll do this part and this part right one after another but let's just go kind of from left to right we'll start with this but shadow here we're going to use the line tool put one here put one here that's going to be the inside line and then well we'll get one out in here anyway just to make it a complete shape and then shift see use the select tool to select it we'll make it a gray dark gray and then use the shape tool to pull these curves in here and here and here so that's a nice nice shape we've made and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna do that that Auto satin tool again but just like how I didn't want there to be any underlay on with the fill that I was doing I don't want there to be any underlay under the satin so we're gonna go to underlay turn everything off anything that's selected we want to turn off it'll be parallel will be selected turn that off and hit apply and then the other thing we want to do is well there's two more things we want to do under the fill tab we need the density to be much less we don't want this to be a super dense fill we want it to be loose so we're gonna change this value we're gonna up this up it all the way up to 1 and hit apply and then well that might be a little bit much let's turn it down a little bit point eight okay and then the other thing we want to do is we want to try to get rid of this line that's running through the middle and the way we do that is we make our start and our stop points on opposite ends see just like just a little hint of shadow okay now we're going to do and trace the next thing we're gonna trace is this part down here and this one we're gonna do is a fill stitch so we're just going to trace from here down to here here and here and then we're gonna close this shape so that's C and select it and we're gonna use our shape tool pull the curves out there and there okay back to the Select tool you know what I really didn't get those points in exactly the right place I'm gonna pull this out and make kind of a curve there so that it's pulled out more like it is in the picture anyway now we're going to apply a standard fill this time but we're going to make some changes let's change our density to say points 0.8 see how that looks we're gonna get rid of the underlay and we're gonna change something called the connection end which is the ends of the the points on the way the stitches we're gonna go over here to general and change the connection and that's how it how it generates the fill we can do kind of a thing that's like a satin stitch we set this to sharp and hit apply what this does is it makes almost a satin stitch but instead of being a satin stitch what it does is it runs the whole way so it's like a running stitch that's doing this that's what a sharp connection end does and that allows us to make a much wider area that looks like a satin stitch notice there's a little bit of a Travel stitch going on in there that's because we've not set the start and stop points to be on opposite sides so we're gonna hit the shape tool move our start and our stop point onto opposite sides we actually probably want the stop or no I'm sorry we want the stop to be down here and the start to be up here okay and that's going to be a good little bit of shading there so now the next spot is this big long guy up here we're going to do him as a satin stitch at the wrong button there alright so we're going to click once here and then down here and here and then close the shape now we're going to select it use the shape tool and pull our curves out to make this little crescent shape looks pretty good and we're going to apply the auto satin to this and turn off the underlay and the start and stop points are already set in the appropriate way so let's take a look the actually no we want the start and stop points to be actually in what's going on here what did I just do I just messed it up if you mess something up and you don't know how you did it just hit undo up here undo there we go I don't know what I did but we actually want the start and stop points not only on opposite sides but we actually want the start for this one to be up at the top and the stop to be down here that way it doesn't have to trim to go to this next area so we're gonna have to start all the way up at the top and stop down here wonderful doesn't change the way that it looks it just makes it so that will not have a jump so we're going to trace this area of shading here here to here to here to here to here and then close the shape and use the Select tool to then open up the shape tool there there are my kind of curves for this okay let's see we can do with this little shading bit we're gonna make it a fill and underlay we want none and we could actually have made a preset for this I was smart I would have done that fill and then we set this to a higher number but I didn't I accidently right-click does what that was all about and apply let's see what that looks like put in 3d and take a look yeah we I'm gonna leave it going this way to do full coverage and then we're gonna set our start and our stop points on opposite ends so that it hopefully gets rid of that line in the middle it didn't though hmmm well we definitely need to get rid of the line in the middle so we have to twiddle our start in our stop points until it's gone so let's see what happens okay so in that corner and in that corner gets rid of the Travel stitch on the inside so that means this there's going to be a jump to get to down here there's nothing we can really do about it all right so now the next little area of shading is this down here so we're gonna use our line tool and go here here make that one curve here and then close the shape all right and then use the shape tool bring this down okay looks good select tool and then we are going to see we'll make this the same kind as this one so that's going to be a fill set the density to 0.8 we turn off the underlay over here we hit underlay turn off the perpendicular underlay hit apply and then we're going to make this a under general we're going to make this a sharp and hit apply okay and we've got this little area under his neck can you guess what type of stitch that's going to be if you guessed satin you were right so we use the shape the line tool put in one point here to three close the shape shift see and then select it hit the shape tool and we're going to drag out our curves just like that perfect and we want this to be a satin so we hit this one here Auto satin we want the density to be a little bit lower so that's a higher value okay and then we turn off the underlay and we need to adjust our start in our stop point so that they are on opposite ends looks great and we've got this little bit of shading to define his jaw so we're going to do click here here here here here here close the shape shift see select tool selects it shape tool lets us pull out our curves guess what this is going to be well it's a skinny object so that means it's gonna be a satin so we use the auto satin tool and we go through all our Wrangham around here and increase the value on the density which is going to lower the density turn off the underlay it apply and then we need to adjust our start and stop points so that they are on opposite sides I'm gonna have to start over here and stop over here awesome ok we are nearly there all we got to do is the black parts and the little white reflection in his eyes so let's see we're already right here so we may as well do is his nose first so let's think about how to do his nose I'm gonna zoom in a little bit now this part should be a fill stitch this part should be a satin stitch so how are we gonna get actually you know what this could be this could be a run stitch so let's do this part as a run stitch so we're going to go up and use our run stitch tool up here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do this as if we were sketching so we're gonna go and we're gonna run over a couple of times to make it nice and bold we go one click here here here here and then back up and then we're gonna go back over ourselves a couple of times to make it nice and bold okay then we right click to generate and now we've got this in 3d we've got his little doggie mouth going on right there now we go over that a couple more times to make it a little bit bolder I'd have to sew it out to see how that looks but it would be a simple thing to just go ahead and and draw more on top of that if we need it it's really hard to tell with a run stitch on the computer whether it's going to be bold enough I'm gonna say that I think it probably will be even though it looks really thin the computer does a very poor job rendering what a run stitch is going to look like alright so now we need to draw his nose in so we use the line tool for that and let's see we've got click here and here and then we'll put one in here just so that we have a line to complete our shape it shipped see select it use the shape tool there there and there make that a fill stitch and we're just going to do a regular fill stitch there I'm gonna make sure our start point is right there and we're gonna have the stop point be oops say up there so that it can cross over to the eye okay now these eyes are perfect circles so there's a way to make a perfect circle oh what's the one thing we need to do though to this it's a fill stitch on top of a fill stitch that means we have to get rid of the underlay right yep that's what you said so we hit the underlay and we turn that off so that there's no underlay under that alright so now we have perfect circles we have a tool just for that so right up here the if you hover your mouse over it it says rectangle but what this should say is shape because this has Auto shapes one of which is a circle so we're gonna grab the circle and the way you draw circles on a computer is you want to imagine a rectangle around the circle that you're tracing and start at the top left corner of where that rectangle would be and then click and drag in your circle will be in just the right place okay so there we've got a nice circle there select that and we're going to make it a fill and then we're going to turn off the underlay and we're gonna do another one over here and we can actually copy and paste this so if you right-click copy right-click paste that generates a second one which we can then move over to here and avoid how can you draw it twice okay then the last bit is the whites in his eyes and little teeny tiny circles like this are impossible to make with with the auto stitches okay you can't do it you you can't make a circle that little and then apply a stitch to it and have it have it look good so what do you do well we're gonna use the run stitch tool to draw his eyes in manually so we're gonna click on the run stitch tool where you go and select white this is our last color and then we're gonna just gonna kind of zigzag back and forth to fill in this white area with stitches just like that okay that's perfect and we're going to do the same thing over here boop-boop boop-boop boop-boop boop-boop alright put the whole thing in 3d zoom out see what we got got a little dog so that's it I mean he's digitized we can turn off the backdrop and take a look if we select our backdrop tool and then move over here somewhere right-click and uncheck show backdrop that's our design right there he is done now is he the you know the most amazing you know it's I think it's pretty cool though so that is what I think is kind of a quick and easy crash course on the fundamentals of digitizing and embroidery design from scratch so you know if you have trouble just pause the video go back make sure that you're doing everything exactly the the way that that it you know I told you to do it and you should be able to do this kind of stuff it's it's pretty easy so I hope you liked this video I'll see in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Brad Martin
Views: 10,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to digitize embroidery designs, floriani, total control u, baby lock, embroidery, how to make embroidery designs
Id: Bl3zHmiIbTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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