Basic demo of ChatGPT Code Interpret

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my name is Paul Byer and I want to show you this amazing new feature in chat GPT called code interpreter so let's first pull up um our chat CPT these new features are only available in the paid version which is chatgpt4 we talked in the past about how plugins do a whole variety of things plugins are a little bit like an app store one of the plugins that's um really fun to use or useful to use is ask PDF where you can upload your own PDF and then use chat GPT to interrogate or have a conversation with that hundred page PDF so this is extend extending the notion of using Chachi BT's power to work on your own data code interpreter is available in forms let's turn that on with its first start with um uploading a file and I or a spreadsheet so I have a old spreadsheet here it's a five-year financial model for startup uh I've uploaded that and I'm just going to start asking it questions what is this spreadsheet about I haven't shown you the spreadsheet so I'll show it to you at the end and it's using a large language model now to look at that data and one of the this continues the theme we've seen over and over again of these large language models being an indispensable and incredible tool to have a conversation with or interrogate um both structured and unstructured data so what's it telling us saying the spreadsheet contains a single sheet called Financial projects spreadsheet seems to be a financial projection document appears to be created for the following Revenue projections total Capital needs scenario planning for each one of these it shows that work if you want to look at it so this is a actually um kind of the code it's doing underneath you can copy the code load the financial project sheet into the data frame display the first few rows as we draw further interest pressure we find more specifics about the financial projections uh Capital needs or references to average monthly um Revenue per family and dollars per sde there's a reference to a yearly churn rate Now talks about the actual base case there's an expense assumption again we haven't looked at the data there's no graphs in the data either here so it can also create some graphs so create line chart or Revenue working working finishing work column names seem to have shifted so it tried it it made an error now it's readjusting and it's still making error that's really interesting I tried this earlier today and it worked fine so this is a good oh there it goes great so there's a revenue projection so it goes from thousands looks like you know zero and year one to one or two thousand and year two to um you know 30 million in year five here uh we we told us earlier this was a um a model about financial projections uh for some type of um startup that's got uh customers so let's plot our customers and Revenue so create buying chart of Revenue and customers so again it's using the power of uh chat CPT to interpret uh my intentions it's creating creating code behind the scenes it's then going against this particular data set that we uploaded in Excel and now we have a spreadsheet for revenue and customer account projections so there's a number of Revenue here's a number of the revenue grows up here here's a number of customers and on and on and on let's do one more here so uh let's again keep pushing the cognitive keep challenging um chat gbt diagonally here so let's ask our many business analysts that go a nuts further what are the biggest um Financial assumptions in this model let's see what it says the following seem to be the key financial assumptions Revenue growth cost assumptions churn rate price sensitivity customer acquisition cost so anyway hopefully that gives you a sense for a really really cursory overview of this very powerful tool called chat gpt's code interpreter there's a whole bunch of other more advanced ones on YouTube but um for anyone out there who spends a lot of time using cell spreadsheets or employees Financial analysts this is a game changer in terms of productivity Improvement
Channel: GAI Insights (formerly ChatGPTnuggets)
Views: 99
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Keywords: ChatGPT, ChatGPT case studies, BingAI, Google Bard, Bard, ChatGPT tips, ChatGPT prompt, ChatGPT best practices, ChatGPT killer app, ChatGPT business use cases
Id: uDS2maaWw_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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