ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Image to Video Prompt (Midjourney)

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today I'm gonna show you how we can use chat GPT code interpreter to create videos like the ones you can see here once upon a time the kingdom of Sakura zaka renowned for its never-ending cherry blossom Groves were a coat of pink these are actually mid-journey images that the code interpreter turned into the sliding videos we can stop some music on this we can slap a story like a voiceover or something and it looks pretty cool so let me just show you step by step how we can do this okay so the first thing we need of course is an image and with this new pan feature on the mid-journey we can start to create these panoramic photos we can use for this here I'm just gonna start off with a very simple basic picture of just a woman standing outside but you can see we have those arrows here so this is 16 9 format and I want to keep that so I'm just going to click on pan right here for this instance I'm not gonna add anything in the prompts I'm just gonna click submit and now you can see we started with this image right you can see now we have extended this image out to the right right so what we want to do now is just keep panning right but now I'm gonna add something else in the prompt here so I'm just gonna add a um my Majestic deer let's just try that in nature let's see what happens so we're just gonna keep expanding this to the right so we get what it is called an panoramic image and this is what we can use in code interpreter to create this sliding video that I'm going to show you soon so you can see here now we got this deer coming up here maybe this was not the best prompt but I'm just gonna keep expanding this a bit more to the right then we're gonna save this image and then we're gonna move on to the code interpreter okay so we have our Photon app this is just an example you can expand it much more if you wanted to right so let's just take a look at this so we got the girl on the left we got the deer in the middle we come into nature and here we have our hunter right so that is the image we are going to go take over to code interpreter and create this sliding video okay over here on code interpreter we are going to use exactly this prompt here I found this on a Twitter thread I'm gonna probably leave a link to that in the description because that was a very good one so you can see we have uploaded our image here this is a panoramic shot help me turn this into a video with the aspect ratio so here I put in my own aspect ratio image filling the whole video the video should be centered and we want to give it some we want to start off the left right because that's where image started since we panned right we're going to Center and right and we want to end it there Pan the video smoothly with no certain jump as follows and it gives some instructions to our library image i o image i o use the step frame of 8 pixels crop the edges if necessary so basically this is the whole prompt so just hit submit here and that was basically it that took me like maybe 30 40 seconds so you can see it went through all these steps there it made a step-by-step plan so it's going to load the image determine the dimensions write the frames using a video image we have the pixel so you also have some custom ability here if you want to change up the pictures you can change up the speed right and the aspect ratio of course so then we get this link so we're just going to click on that and we can download the video here let's take a look and there we have it so you can see this is sliding over to the right so it's about 15 seconds of video and yeah I think it looks superb see there's no sudden jumps or anything and we can extend it much more I have some examples I have prepared where I'm gonna add some music and stuff over this maybe some storyline or something and yeah so I think that's basically it I thought it was also a very cool prompt for code interpreter yeah I think that could be some cool use cases for this so I have actually left the prompt uh you can find it in the link in the description along with some mid-journey prompts you maybe want to try out if you want to use the gpt4 to create your prompts but anyway finally let me just show you the examples I have created with this with some music on and stuff so maybe you can see some potential there thank you for tuning in and I'll see you in the next one Once Upon a Time the kingdom of Sakura zaka renowned for its never-ending cherry blossom Groves were a coat of pink a site that poets sang of lovers sought and artists bled their souls onto canvas to replicate it was a realm where petal Laden breezes whispered stories of yore and the scent of cherry blossoms entwined with every breath taken but one morning as the sun peeked Over the Horizon the kingdom awoke to an alarming site their beloved cherry blossoms the soul of Sakura zaka had transformed overnight a sea of crimson waves replaced the soft pastel hues the pink canopy had given way to a mesmerizing but unfamiliar red Forest its Eerie Beauty filling the hearts of the people with awe and Dread this mystical Forest seemed to pulse with an ancient energy the vibrant Scarlet leaves shimmering in the sunlight hiding secrets in their Shadows no longer did the winds whisper they roared with Forgotten Tales the transformation had turned the familiar into the [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: All About AI
Views: 9,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt code interpreter plugin, chatgpt, chatgpt code interpreter, chatgpt data analysis, data scientist, chatgpt data science, openai code interpreter, how to use chatgpt code interpreter, how to use code interpreter, how to use code interpreter in chatgpt, midjourney
Id: bkQyXyaPU-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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