Basement Frame Inspection - PPRBD

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how you doing I'm Dakota I'm a building inspector with the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department today we're gonna be talking about a frame inspection on your basement finish let's go take a look so first thing we look for is obviously stud spacing making sure all your studs are space according to your plan as we come around we're also going to be looking at the drafts topping of your walls so horizontally like this we are looking for drafts topping every 10 feet [Music] drops topping is going to stop the draft behind your wall so it's gonna slow that draft down as it comes around now the other thing we're going to be looking for is that your wall is floated as you can see you do have to have an inch and a half float on your walls we're also looking for these 60d spikes 32 inches on center this isn't just a regular thing this isn't this is a 60d spike so you can see it's a little thicker than just your normal nail what this does with all the expansive soils we have here in Colorado helps separate the wall from the slab as we come around as well we're also going to be looking at your fire stopping any penetrations you have through the top plate do have to be fire stopped and that is just a can of spray foam foaming those penetrations and that stops basically if there were to be a fire we don't want it to get up through that hole and get up into the joist base so that's gonna slow that as we come around we enter a bedroom one thing we're gonna check on the bedroom make sure that it is at least seventy square feet we're also gonna be making sure that it has a closet at least 16 inches deep the big life safety item for us here is your egress window we're gonna make sure that the sill height now at frame isn't higher than what is allowed which is 44 inches this is a big deal just in case there is a fire that cuts off the doorway we do want to make sure people are still able to get out of the bedroom and do so safely exactly that's that's the reason for the sill height requirement is we want to make sure that the kids are able to get out now other thing as we do come around again talking life safety is we are gonna make sure that there is a smoke alarm free wire inside of the bedroom and then we're going to come out and make sure that there is a pre wire for a combo CO and smoke and a lot of people kind of forget about those carbon monoxide these are require these are required and they are required to be within bedroom hallways so we do want to see those close to the bedroom now as I come around I do want to make note that we are also going to look at your ceiling heights at this time so minimum 7 foot from finished floor to finish drywall under ducts you're gonna have 6 8 6 4 it's gonna be your minimum requirements there now one of our bigger things that we do normally see is the under stair storage so adding a doorway to this under stair storage makes this an accessible storage compartment with that being said you are gonna have to drywall in this area we do want to fire protect this area so they have run their legs across to add drywall backing and this area will have to have at least half-inch drywall to it they forget about it or they just they just don't know so this is one of our most common things that we do run into okay this is kind of a crash course you guys are looking for inspector exactly this is our basic now if you do want any of this information we do have a great handout page for you you go to our website PPR Biddy org go under the handout section there is a basement finished handout has a lot of great information for you [Music] you
Channel: Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
Views: 48,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inspections, Basement Finish, Frame Inspection, Basement, Regional Building, PPRBD, Construction, Building
Id: LVB-rLN4p7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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