Baseball Rules for Beginners | Easy Explanation

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hello friends welcome to the school of sports in this video i'm going to tell you the rules of baseball baseball is played with a bat ball and a glove now the bat is circular in shape so it's hard to hit the ball where you really want to hit it baseball is played in massive stadiums and you would see four blocks on the baseball field they are called bass and because it's played with the ball the game is called baseball baseball is played between two teams one team would be batting at the time and the other team would be fielding at a time and after an ending they would switch their roles so the batting team would field and the fielding team would bat baseball is played in a 90 degree area so only this area would be used for playing if the ball goes into any other area it's not really useful now the basic purpose of baseball is pitcher throws the ball batsman hits the ball in the playing area and then batsman goes to first base second base third base and back to the home that is one run the team that scores more runs wins the match let's take a look at the top view this is how it looks like from the top this is a field this is how it looks like from top let's cover some terminology this is a pitching mount this is a home plate and then first base second base third base so there are four bases and then this is center field left field right field and foul line so foul line determines the playing area if the ball is between the foul line it's good otherwise it's not good and then there's a places for coaches and if we look at the pitching mount and the home plate from this area this is how it's gonna look like you have a pitcher in the batter and catcher and the umpire pitcher is objective is to throw the ball to the catcher and better need to hit it pitcher can throw ball from 70 to 95 miles per hour and the distance is short so ball can come in just half a second hitter need to make his judgment to hit the ball within half second that's fast mostly you would see television angle which would have a camera behind the picture so this is what you're gonna see when you look at the tv here's the batsman this guy's a pitcher and he's a catcher and here's an empire and you see this white box this is called a strike zone so what is this strike zone basically the objective of pitcher is to throw the ball into the strike zone strike zone is between the waist and the knee that's the height and the width is equal to the base plate with the same for all players but the height depends upon the height of the player taller players have a bigger strike zone let's talk about strike what is strike in baseball when pitcher throws a ball in the strike zone and the batter didn't swing his bat that is a strike even if ball is on the boundary that is strike if pitcher throws three strikes then the player is strike out the player would go out and then the next player would come in another thing is ball what is ball if a pitcher throws a ball outside the strike zone and batter didn't swing his bat then that is a ball a pitcher throws four balls then a walk to first pace so the batsman would go to the first base and as you see here the second batsman would come and stand on the home plate there's another way in which strike can happen if a batsman has swung his bat and then it doesn't matter whether the ball is inside the strike zone or the ball is outside the strike zone if he's not able to contact the ball and swing his back that is a strike this is where it gets very interesting if the pitcher knows that the batsman is going to swing then he's going to throw a crazy ball and there's no way the hitter is going to hit it and that would be a strike that's what the pitcher needs another thing is hit by pitch so if a pitcher throws the ball and it hits the batsman then it's a hit by pitch and then pitcher gets to walk so he would move to the first base and the next player would come in let's talk about foul so if a pitcher throws a ball it hits the bat and then it goes into the non-playing area that's called foul so you see here the pitcher throws the ball and these are the foul lines so area within the foul line is fine if it goes outside then it's a foul ball so any of these shots the ball would be a foul ball so what is really foul ball is it a strike or a ball it depends it depends upon the situation it depends upon the situation if there's a zero strike and then there's a foul then that is counted as strike if there's one strike and it's a fall then it is counted as a strike if you have a two strikes and then you do fall it doesn't really count so if you have a zero or one strike then the foul would be counted as a strike if you have two strike then fall doesn't really mean anything let's look at a fair ball the most fun part so pitch it through the ball batsman hit it and it's in the playing field anywhere in the playing field is fine even if ball lands in the playing field and then goes out that is also fine once player hits the ball it's a fair ball he must go to the first base he doesn't have any choice he needs to go to the first place let's take a quick look of what we learned so far ball is in the strike zone batter then swing his back that strike three strikes is equal to out ball is outside the strike zone better than swing his bat that is a ball four ball is equal to one walk better swing his back but was not able to connect with the ball doesn't matter whether ball is inside the strike zone or outside it is called a strike and three strike is one out if a ball hits the batsman that is called hit and in that case the batsmen get to walk to the first base if the ball strikes the bat and it goes into the foul area then it's called foul ball if a player has zero or one strike then the foul would count as strike if a player has two strike then the foul would do nothing if a player contact the ball and it goes into the fair fair area it's called fair ball in that case the batsman must go to the first base let's talk about the ways in which a player can get out so the first way is hear the pitcher through the ball batsman hit the ball it's in the air and one of the fielders caught the ball in this case it's out if ball went high and player catches somewhere here it's called pop out but if ball goes like deep into the field and there's someone catches it it's called as a flyout let's talk about put out picture through the ball batsman hit the ball nobody caught it directly now the hitter must run to the first base but before hitter runs to the first base if a fielder can reach to the first base with the ball in his hand then the player is put out in this case because fielder is closed he reached before the batsman so he's a put out let's talk about taggle so pitcher through the ball hitter hits the ball fielder is coming to get the ball and then runner is running now here the fielder with the ball has two options one either he moved to the base in that case it's a put out or he can just touch the player who's running so if a fielder has a ball in his hand and he touches a player who's running then it's a tag out consider this scenario pitch it through the ball hitter hit the ball and then fielder got to the ball now in this case you might be wondering you know runner should be able to run to the first base there's no way fielder can either touch him or he can reach to the first base so he should be fined right but think about it what if this player can reach to the first base and another player can throw the ball now the player is on the base has a ball and if they can do it before the hitter reaches first place then hitter would be out so that's what exactly going to happen here he threw the ball before runner reaches there so he's out in case runner is able to reach to the first base without getting out then what would happen is player 2 would come here and he would bat in that case we would say first base is loaded and second player is batting let's talk about first base loaded and stolen base if you remember this is first base this is second base this is third base so here first base is loaded now what can happen is when pitcher is throwing the ball he can run and go to the second base look what happens he went there and he's able to do it before catcher throws the ball back to the player to prevent player one to move to the base second they move the player to the first place the reason they do it because now in this scenario pitcher can throw ball directly to the first base and player one would be out so player one needs to reach out to the first base before pitcher throws the ball and the person on the first base catches the ball now pitcher has a second option which is he needs to throw the ball to the batsman as well he need to make decision whether he need to throw the pitch or he need to throw ball to the base so depending upon how far this guy is if he's somewhere here definitely he's out so pitcher needs to be very aware of the surroundings let's take a look at the first base loaded and it's a fair play so first base loaded you see a player over here and second player is batting ball is thrown ball is in the air and you would see player one is in middle of first and second base why isn't he middle of these two bases why he hasn't gone to base two is because if ball is caught then he must return to his original position if ball is dropped then he can move to the next base so he's standing here and waiting whether ball will be caught or dropped if it's caught then he need to come to original position if it's drop he can move on to the next basis anywhere the situation would be different if player is standing on some other base if player is standing on third base what would happen is he's going to wait until ball is caught because now that ball is caught he can move now before ball is caught if he moves anywhere he need to return to the base where he started but now that ball is caught he can run here and he know there's no way this player can throw ball before he can reach so he's gonna run here and he's able to do it depending upon where you are you need to make those adjustments so it's a very conscious sport people need to be aware of what is happening let's talk about double play what is double play so consider this scenario there's a player on first base and the second player is batting pitcher threw the ball ball went to one of the fielders now here if this player can go to base two and he can get the ball before player one reaches to the base then player one is out and then if he can throw the ball to the first base before player two reaches then he's also out so because you got two outs it's called double play let's take a look at the home run the most fun part of the baseball if a ball is thrown and hitter hits it outside let's take a look in the stadium if a ball is thrown and it's hit outside then it's called a home run remember you would see your outfield fence the ball should go above the outfield fence to be able to make a home run in home run what happens is everyone would get enough time to run all the bases here you see there are four players and because everyone was able to reach to the home base they would get four runs if there were two players and the home run they get two run if three three one one home run happens less frequently but whenever it happens it's a lot of fun everyone cheers up and it's it's really good to see this let's understand from high level when the team is batting they get three outs if a team gets three outs their inning is over and then other team would come to bat and they would need to feel so then team b comes and bats so they also get three outs these are called half innings combined it's called one inning so in one inning they would have six outs another way of saying is in first inning you have a top half and bottom half in the top half a team is batting and b is fielding and then they would do the bottom half where b would bat in a wood field this would comprise of one inning in the second inning they'll do the same thing again in the first or the top half a would bat and in the bottom half a wood ball so they do this for nine innings and whoever has more score at the end wins the match here after one ending the score is zero after second aiming a is code one b score two so the score is one and two at the end of nine inning they look at the score so a has five points a one the match if it's a tie then they keep on going one more inning one more inning until they have a winner it's a long game it's for three hours and they throw on an average 300 pitches so it's a lot of fun to watch baseball it's a long game a lot of things can happen now let's take a look at the real match so how are you going to read a score if you're watching match on the tv this is what you're gonna see on the right bottom or the left bottom so let's take a deeper look into it so what is happening here what does it really show it's because it's the beginning of the match the runs is zero zero the triangle pointing upward is showing l a a is batting first when the triangle is down it's called bottom meaning and then ny would be betting one shows first inning because match has just started zero shows the out so because there's zero out at zero they have three outs and then eating would change the first number shows balls so if one two three and a four ball they get a walk the second number shows strike if three strike then the player is out these three square boxes so the first second and third base right now because match started nobody is standing on the bases in case if there's a player on first base the first base is loaded then you would see something like this let's say you open up your tv and this is what you're saying how to figure out what is going in the match so if you see the runs laa is having seven runs so they are leading in the match if you look at the triangle it's bottom so bottom inning means ny is batting right now l a has completed their batting in the seventh inning so seventh inning is going on for ny they got two out so their last batsman is batting if they get one more out they'll the evening would be over the two shows two balls has been delivered to that player and two strikes so he needs to hit the ball if you get one more strike this evening is over on the bases you see this first and second is yellowish which means there's a player standing on first base and second base now if the batter hits a home run imagine the batter the player on the first base and the player on the second base they would get three runs so the ny would have seven runs so it's a close game right now la is leading but it's a close game so that's how you can make it out from the scoreboard how the match is going that's all from my side i hope you liked it hit the like button share it with your friends so that they can also learn and if you want to learn about other sports subscribe my channel i keep posting videos about new sport so that people can learn and really enjoy the beauty of sport the blessing to humanity thank you so much for your time
Channel: The School Of Sports
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Keywords: baseball rules for beinner, baseball rules for beginner, rules of baseball for beginners, baseball rules easy, baseball rules explained easy, easy baseball rules, baseball rules, rules of baseball, baseball rules for dummies, baseball rules explained, rules baseball, learn baseball rules, learn baseball game, learn baseball, ninh ly baseball, ninh ly, baseball explained, how to learn baseball, how to learn baseball rules, baseball rules for kids, baseball, mlb
Id: E160D9rEY0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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