Base Building Is COMPLETELY CHANGED with the Sakurajima Update | Palworld Base Building Guide

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yo power world pocket pair whatever really gave us a lot of quality of life changes when it comes to building now I haven't experimented in depth yet but I'm just going to go over some of the first impressions some of the things I first tested because it's really exciting it does make my most popular video obsolete but I'm not upset because now it's not so dang hard it's easy right let's go over some stuff real quick first if you notice when you're standing still for long enough the HUD disappears which is pretty nice now let's just go over some stuff real quick here's the alignment change mode I don't know what it's doing though it aligns it perfectly with the floor maybe if I put it up against this yeah I I don't know what it's doing to be honest all floors must be touching the ground they are I'm spamming the alignment mode change right here as you can see and I honestly don't know what it's doing so that will require a lot more uh work in testing but first that's that's what it does so yeah I don't know we'll fig I'll figure it out don't worry so first things first they added pillars and now these pillars you can place them on your builds like so and then you can also connect the roofs to the pillar like so each Foundation still only gives two build space away from the foundation of support but what you can do so you do this connect some of these you can build foundations directly to these to these pillars I never connected these you see that and then you can continue building nice which is absolutely fantastic that's such a good change and then say we only build pillars over there let me delete these two pillars actually just to show it a little bit better then you can build the pillars on top of this you can also build walls [Music] doors windows anything can be built in between the pillars one thing they did not add is the ability to build stairs upwards directly off of a foundation so what you'll have to do is either build another Foundation a roof or a wall so you can just build a wall like that and then rotate it so it's like that then you can delete the wall again and you got the stairs another thing they added is the ability to build foundations directly connected to stairs I can't do it here cuz it's not connected um or it's not low enough for me to test that here without an actual change in elevation I'll have to put the foundation like directly into the ground hold on come on buddy there we go so now you can connect foundations to stairs wow like that and this still is considered support it's still counts as support boom boom boom boom this overlaps with tree but I don't want to destroy this guy he's so beautiful look at him look at this guy so that's awesome they really wanted to take all my hard work and take it away from me then you can also I haven't tested this yet so let's find out together nice okay can I connect defensive walls to this no cannot you can't connect defensive walls to the gate but you can connect defensive walls together what the hell there like it actually snaps to it I guess you have to point it okay now it's doing it for some reason I don't know but then you can like swing it look at that look how good that is now you can make actual nicely connected walls for your bases for your builds Etc look how look how nice that looks look how look how straight that is how straight that whole thing is nice okay let's see what else can you do see can you connect a roof from a pillar alt holding alt any alt Changers no but say you're for whatever reason you're building off of this boom right now you can just straight up you can't build walls down still so you can't build walls down so what makes this easier is instead of building down I still don't know what this control thing is for oh wait a second what the hell yo yo what can you build on walls got to find the right one got to find a good angle for it oh it was there for a second I saw it two hours later come on let me in let me in buddy you know you want to let me in come on let me in I don't know but you can do stuff like this and you build stairs off of this overlaps with another building do this me go back to home and sleep yo this is this is gamechanging the other stuff is nice like it's like nice uh quality of life kind of we were able to do that kind of stuff um you know but you had to kind of a little bit slightly exploit a little bit you know there was a little exploitation going on but now and then they made it so you know it's part of the actual mechanics of the game which is fantastic and I in what I was actually hoping for so good good good good good good but this this is crazy come on let me build it into the wall you know you want to come on come on guy let's go find a good spot this is insane another thing they did not mention in the update or in the patch notes I don't think is that you have the ability to have 10 bases you have the ability to have 10 bases rather than the four that I originally thought okay look at that can I connect the foundation right to that or no you were about to let me build there a second ago oh that's cool that is cool and then the pillar hangs off a little bit oh that is cool it's probably a little janky but that is cool thank you thank you I would would like to build some stairs here please not overlaps not connected overlaps oh maybe I can get rid of the walls and then I can do it not connected not connected like this seems a little like it's not like maybe this isn't supposed to happen I feel like I should be able to build here with the stairs not connected not connected maybe that'll be fixed I don't know if that's intended or not I feel like it's not um but anyways back to what back to what I was saying earlier oh God no no no come come come leave leave leave run no stop oh they're so low level anyways back to what I was saying earlier that I I got completely distracted from so previously if you were using the exploit that I posted about to you know build vert vertically and stuff connect foundations vertically now you can just uh let me make sure okay yeah like maybe like right here you can just build a foundation that's going to overlevel build just build a foundation bro I can't I'm blind build up why you croaking stop croaking so much and then just straight up Y what the hell okay I [ __ ] lie okay still have to go downwards and in order to go down we need to do the thing we need to and in order to build down you can just do one of these um wait hold up okay just do one of these I got my thing hanging off hold pause what do you mean by that just do that connect your wooden wall all the way down then boom boom and to show that this is actually connected I did previously you just build out too so now you can just do this the game just allows you to do this which is absolutely a win a huge freaking W from pocket Pa thank you very much for the building update there's a lot of cool stuff in here if you're watching this right now I'm probably streaming so if you want to just come hang out go over some stuff look at the look at the update and come on by just click the little picture of the cat it'll be fun thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed I'm looking forward to this let me know what you think um and be careful of the oil rig all I'm going to say anyways peace love you friends and I'm going to figure out a way to build into the wall I promise okay bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: priqe
Views: 20,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld base, palworld base design, palworld base building, palworld building, palworld building design, palworld creative base, palworld creative building, palworld base tour, survival craft, palworld unique base, palworld aesthetic base, palworld aesthetic base building, base building palworld, building palworld base, unique palworld base, palworld cool base designs, palworld best base design, palworld functional base
Id: jDdtRm39Jzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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