Bartolomeo's Barrier Barrier Fruit Explained - One Piece Discussion | Tekking101

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today's video is sponsored by the Church of our Lord and Savior Luffy senpai sign up now and receive your free welcome package including a straw hat wanted poster one bottle of Franky Cola a limited edition straw hat pen rubberband ball and a secret mystery item that we may or may not have taken from Nam EES bedroom please contact the Bartow club for any further information regarding the Church of our Lord and Savior Luffy senpai hey guys what's up techie 101 here and I think we all know what this videos gonna be about I mean we got the straw hat we got the scar we got the shirt we got that thing we got the poster today's video is gonna be about Bartolomeo screw the bari bari Nomi also known as the screw you I don't care because I got a freaking forcefield through um yeah it's weird I was I was going through my little mental rolodex the other day at work isn't I was stalking the shelves putting the peas and carrots up there I was going through all the devil fruits in my head and I'm like which ones you know are interesting that I could make videos about you know some fan favorites and everything and then I get to DeBartolo mayose fruit and I'm like how come I have not made a video about that yet cuz that seems like one of the ones because Bartolomeo is such an interesting character he's [ __ ] hilarious and his fruit itself is really cool and he just that the personality he has in the whole you know you know obsession with Luffy senpai and everything makes it him a really really cool character and I kind of just forgot about his fruit for a little while there so I'm sorry about that but yeah his devil fruit is really simple on the surface in fact it just even in the way it operates is very simple it's just really a more of a question of exactly how durable it is because as I stated it's it makes you generate force fields that's pretty much it it's just that the way he handles the force fields and the limit to them is a little different than what you might think obviously he wouldn't be able to just create an indestructible force field at any time as big as he wants because that might be a little bit overpowered but it was really it was really interesting the first time we saw it so the first time we do see him use it he's fighting in the cordilla Coliseum he was in Block B I believe and you that was the same block as King Isabel oh the second you know the guy that you know coined the phrase you know kidding pun you know this was this was a little bit after king of lightning had already coined his phrase but he didn't patent it yet so hey King that's you got a patent these things before they're used in manga because then you get screwed over and it's like whatever but isabella is charging up his King ponch and I think like the entire chapter everyone's talking about how freaking amazing this punch is like this is you know we're not quite at Saitama levels yet but people are saying holy crap Isabella's punch you know it takes forever to charge up but when he lets that thing rip I mean it could stagger a freaking Yonko which was by the way just something out of the gate I want to mention as something kind of kind of an odd statement because you know like a young code just because you're a young code doesn't necessarily mean you have like high amounts of physical strength I mean look at Blackbeard Blackbeard is actually the exact opposite he's a young Co and he actually can feel more pain than the average human so if like Isabela launched his freakin King punch against Blackbeard it would probably like knock him into a freakin coma you know considering he could feel way more pain but I understand what they were trying to get across here they were probably referring to like white beard big mom Kaito like if Isabel owes punch hits square big mom right in her freaking fat you know rolls you know it would like all that you know that's staggered me I'm kind of rocked they're not not taken out but whatever so that's a bold statement nonetheless and it's like oh crap what's gonna happen and Isabel oh you know he lets his punch roll and it just blasts everybody else out of the freaking fighting arena and it almost damages the crowd as well but then all of a sudden the shock wave just kind of disperses and the dust settles and it's like what the hell just happened and there is Bartolomeo acting as arrogant as every uh-huh what's going on oh oh you you you you launched your punch that's cool and everything and then we find out that his ability is the bari bari no me being able to summon force fields he usually chooses to summon them in geometric shapes so squares rectangle he used the cylinder ones he you know spheres you know things like of that nature he chooses but it it seems like he can make any shape as what he wants but this is just the simplest way to go about it you know no need to be needlessly complicated you know a square or a rectangle does just fine in these situations although you could have fun making like different like shapes in it or anything like that like Bartolomeo given his personality he could have like made a barrier in the shape of like a middle finger and so you know when Isabella's punch gets deflected it's just this big middle finger like a screw you and from what we've seen when he threw up this barrier that he threw up the barrier in like this one specific place is the bellos punch hit it like full force and it didn't move the barrier didn't get knocked back it didn't seem to be any situation of like a standard a nurse show or like the shock wave actually pushing it back or anything the barriers stayed right where it was and the attack that it seemed actually the shock wave seemed to be dispersed off to the sides because if you have something that you know you know enough force hits a solid object it's either gonna do one of two things it's either going to you know that the shock wave is gonna get absorbed into the solid object and the solid object is gonna break or it's gonna get dispersed somewhere else and it seems that it that that is the case with the bari bari Nomi at least it seems that way to a certain extent but I think that was ona's way of telling us you know this massive setup to Isabella's punch and the fact that it could Rock a young ko that was like his way of saying like yeah his barriers are ngayon destructible they could tank something like that and it wasn't even that big of a deal for Bartolomeo it wasn't like Bartolomeo was like can i push it back the punch that could even harm a young ko I think I can I think I can and he no it was just like what I don't even I wasn't even really paying attention what did I stop something that's all it was he can also move his barriers you know psychically so he takes his barrier and he can like push it forward and honestly he could have done that to like knock everybody off the fighting stage at first but that's not how Bartolomeo does things he he's he has to make the entire crowd you know hate him first you know piss in the water and everything and then he then he wins but he uses a berry crash to extend the barrier forward really fast smashing to isabelo the barrier like a said nigh and destructible so I guess in this situation greatest defense is also a pretty good offense and then just pushes him off the side and then Bartolomeo wins Block B now later on in the arc we do find some limitations to his fruit to make it not as though because the first time we saw that a lot of people were like okay that's kind of broken but there are some weaknesses to it so first off he can only create one barrier at a time so regardless of what the size of it is he can only make one so he can't make barrier over here to protect you barrier over here completely separately to protect this other person can only do one at a time and there's a limited surface area to what he can actually create so after it extends past a certain range he can't make any more barriers after that so if he stretches his out to its maximum that he's left open to two attacks however he does have an ability called berry ability which allows him to actually mold the barrier into a specific shape even after he throws it out so he can throw up a square barrier in front of him but if there's an attack that tries to fly over his head that he needs to avoid he can modify the shape of that square to extend like maybe you know like get the sides a little bit thinner but that increases the length a little bit and then that blocks the attack coming from overhead he just has to have good reflexes and it seems like he can do this pretty good another drawback is he has to be crossing his fingers when he creates a barrier I guess the idea here is I guess this is a sign in in Japan that means like you're repelling evil forces or something and I think it's also in other cultures it's actually something offensive kind of like you are throwing up the middle finger but hey given Bartolomeo personality that seems intentional like oh yeah in some cultures it's to prevent you know evil from passing through a certain area hence the force fields and other cultures it's like an offensive sign to other human beings and it's like well that also works with Bartolomeo and this was messed up a few times in the manga but in the anime this was rectified like every time he throws up a barrier he crosses his fingers in some way like I think the big one was when he used gods like the homage fist and he used bari bari pistol you know the attackee he borrowed from luffy's arsenal I I believe in the manga it wasn't like expressly shown you know he takes his fist and then he takes his other hand and he you know crosses his fingers in his other hand and it creates a barrier ball in this hand and the anime it was shown a little bit clearer to actually see what's going on and at first I thought that that was just a little like a thing that he liked to do like you know crossing your fingers creates barriers I didn't know that that was actually like a thing with his fruit he needs to do that he cannot create a barrier without his fingers crossed and likewise if he uncross as his fingers whether it be on purpose or accidentally while a barriers up the barrier is dispersed so that's a big issue so yeah he throws up this barrier wall that might be nigh indestructible it hasn't been broken yet in the story though you know let's let's run some tests on this let's have Kaito you know go freaking like a few rounds in a boxing match with his barrier and let's see if that would stand the test and if it does well I guess you pretty much could resist anything let's have you know let's have white beard breakout as guru I guess it would be black beard now break out the guru guru no me against that son of a [ __ ] and see if that is stays the test of time but yeah if all you have to do though is to get him to uncross his fingers and there's a few ways you could actually do this because there's a few flaws with the barriers beyond than being indestructible so you this is not the kind of fruit that you just want to get arrogant about that you wanted to say oh I'm unbreachable all I need to do is throw up a barrier and you can't do anything now there's still a few things you could do for one thing they're not soundproof voices can still carry through barriers and the problem with that is is if you had some sort of ability that could emit a lot of sound you know you know even if he throws up a barrier to protect himself if you send out like a massive sound wave that would still affect Bartolomeo and burst his freaking eardrums and he probably would uncross his fingers in that situation also Bartolomeo has to be very careful of how he sets up his barriers because whenever he was fighting Hakuba or cavendish however you want to go with that if you want to consider them separate characters he throws up a barrier that's like a cylinder around him so he's got like this cylinder and Hakuba slashing about it at all angles and he can't cut it but then he forgot to stop the top and so he used variability to close up the top but that doesn't change the fact that if Haku bow would have gotten in he would have been screwed yeah he's used it to create stairs before like he extended like the the absolute limit of his barriers and he molded them to be like you know just straight up you know like like stair shapes doesn't seem like he can create anything too complicated with his barriers just very limited to normal shapes but it's sort of like a cheat code in a lot of respects like you get to a space in a video game that's like oh man I can't climb up that wall it's like wait a second sheet code I just make stairs out of nothing can make a ladder out of anything it's fine it's whatever as long as it's within the limit um I was trying to just to figure out the exact limit of the like the surface area his barriers could cover Oda answered it but it was answered in the typical troll fashion that Oda already's does whenever somebody asks like hey Oda how far can luffy stretch hey Oda you know how many arms can Nico Robin creator what's the limit of like around him like how can buggy like what's his limit and he doesn't actually give real-life measurements he just makes up measurements I'm like oh yeah yeah the the surface area of Bartolomeo barriers is 50 Burroughs divided by 60 polka pocos and that'll give you the the general area and it's just like he just makes up [ __ ] so it's like you can't go by that so the best I could come up with was this scene here when he first used as his barrier against isabelo you can see that he's standing there and he's got his barrier in front of him and we can't see the entire barrier because part of it is underground it seems below the arena but Bartolomeo we know his height his height was seven and a half feet tall like 220 centimeters so god dude's pretty tall by our standards and I was like okay maybe we could figure out the exact size of the barrier based on you know Bartolomeo height and the general height of the barrier we could figure this out and the number I arrived at when I tried to calculate this out not a freaking guy I mean it's been you know it really was nostalgic for me because I'm like it this is like back in freaking high school my math class back when I was a senior because I had not taken a math course or an algebra course or anything relating to math since fall of 2012 so it's like okay how do you how do you find area again look is like length times width mad I'm like okay alright I got this I got this it doesn't come up in my normal life a lot I arrived it like 28 square meters there was somebody else that I uh you know I asked on a live stream for some people to go out of their way and try to do this and a guy by the name of Reggie Smith tried it out he arrived at like 32 square meters or something like that so around that general area is the amount of like the square area of this barrier right here but that's not exactly the maximum size barrier he can make we saw him use something that was much bigger during The Birdcage event and that's probably the perfect example we can have of his barrier being the largest size that he could actually create because you have the bird cage closing in and he needs you know to create a barriers so he can put it up against the bird cuz the bird cage will shred you if you actually try to push against it yourself your arms will get shredded so he puts up the barrier so people can push against the barrier of you try to get the bird cage to go back this also brings up something unique about is that there certainly is a limit with how it could be pushed back because when he used it against his ax bellow the barrier didn't move an inch when he used it against if that was the logic if it like dispersed any sort of force or shockwave pressed up against it you'd think that all Bartolomeo would have to do is like here's the bird cage closing in on dressrosa slowly getting you know tighter and tighter all Bartolomeo would have to do is like a barrier and then it would just cook and then it wouldn't be able to extend any further but that wasn't the case the bird cage kept pushing against it so I guess it all comes down to the exact like level of force and the size of something he's trying to push back the same thing with pikas punch he mentioned like I can't create a barrier big enough to block pikas blow it's just too big so in that situation if the thing that he's trying if it's like a physical thing that he's trying to push back and it's much bigger than his barrier then it will begin to get pushed back as well it doesn't seem to be able to disperse the force with anything you know but like for instance you can give me like hey hey Matt here's this shield it's like this indestructible shield I'm like okay that's cool and then you then this giant behemoth steps out like a freakin like my name's Kilgore and he pulls out this like club that's like a tree and he goes to like hit me with it I can raise up the shield and the shield might not break but I would get sent flying to the next County so it seems like even though that's not the case with sometimes he uses it sometimes he does get pushback probably a limit there you know I've already mentioned the sound thing lights light can still pass through his barriers it basically seems like tinted glass whenever he creates one and but you could still see things on the other side so you know if you had like Keys arou for instance even let's say Kizer OU's lasers can't penetrate Bartolomeo barriers like you know Kizer who's fighting against Bartolomeo Bartolomeo throws up a perfect cube around him and you know keys aru's like i will take you out snow buffalo mayo and he shoots a laser and just just give like in breath of the wild you're just rejecting like a freakin Guardians laser like shield guard mother yeah and it's like oh I can't hurt you okay all Kizer who would have to do is walk up to Bartolomeo like face to face and just like create like a blinding light all around him and just maintain that for a few minutes and then eventually Bartolomeo would probably go blind or he would have to disperse the barrier that's another way around it um not really sure if air can get in that's kind of an important thing if he creates a perfect defense queue barrier like every all six sides or you know sealed up you can be attacked from any angle but that would use up a lot of surface area and if air can't get in that's kind of a big deal you know and there was I've read a lot about this in the last last day or so and there's a lot of people trying to apply so much science to this like okay well if you know there the sound waves can travel through the barriers so that means air can get in and I'm like well no air doesn't is the only thing that can carry sound waves it's a solid structure could also carry sound waves and the point is the premise I'm trying to get across or at least odours trying to get across is it's the berry berry no me it's the bari bari no me the barrier fruit and I think Bartolomeo had a line at some point that was like what kind of like it wouldn't be a very good barrier if you could break it that's kind of the whole point of a barrier that would be like Luffy eating the gum gum oh no me and not being able to stretch very well or blue and no eating the door door fruit and not being able to open a door very well like the whole point of it is it's a barrier the whole point of barriers is they don't get broken so I don't think it's I don't think they're it's possible for them to break I don't think I think that yeah up against freakin Kaito Kaito could hammer that frickin barrier all night long and I don't think the thing would get broken but I think it comes down to like other ways you can harm Bartolomeo there might be a stamina thing included because we never really saw him use his barriers for like a really extended period of time like he used one to block you know that the bird cage they were pushing on that for a little while but it might be like after like could he maintain a perfect barrier like I guess as long as he keeps his finger crossed could he do this for like an entire day and keep like a barrier up like at all times maybe he could I don't know some other attacks we've seen him use with it is like I said combining the barriers with his own body like gods homage fist you know he creates the sphere ball around his arm you know oh and that's something else that he can't do which would have been cool is let's say you know an enemies coming at him he can create a small barrier that only covers the person's chest and so it cuts off the arms or legs you know like just a barrier ball like right here covering your torso and because he creates the barrier like you know cuts he can't do that unfortunately that doesn't seem to be an attack he's capable of so he creates the sphere just around his arm ending at his wrist and then because the barrier is indestructible it makes his you know fist a lot stronger and he punches Gladys right into the frickin floor that was a cool one and something else you think he could do with it is if he creates all these different geometric shapes with it instead of a ball create like a like a cone or like a pyramid something that has a point on the end you know like like a pointed cone and then so when he punches you you know he creates it actually does like some stabbing damage or something you could do something like that you know even if even if we're going with basic shapes you know you can create a sword out of a barrier or a spear out of a barrier yeah maybe you'd be able to throw it who knows I mean that made that might just be like a level of variability that he just hasn't been shown to be capable of yet he's capable of creating stairs he made it in the shape of a rack at once so just like a thin like like rectangle and then like a large circle oval thing that creates like a tennis racket shape he's used that but nothing really complicated but I think with some training if he can mold these barriers in any shape he chooses I mean you can create weapons out of it and you could just go to town I don't think there's ever gonna be a limit of creating more than one barrier but there might be increasing surface size may be the stronger he becomes he can maybe increase the surface size by just a little bit who knows because this is a fruit that if you're not careful could really be hideously broken if you could throw up as many barriers of you as he wants or like the sizes doesn't matter which is obviously what oda tried not to do but I enjoy Bartolomeo and we might actually see him testing out that barrier against a young ko because in the last cover page he was kind of pissing on shanks his territory so we'll we'll see how his barrier truly you know measures up to a young ko when when shanks comes calling to that Island in his lab mm-hmm you did here ok takes out Griffin goes to slice bartylla man he's like and then like little crack up here's what are you shanks is like I'm a pirate but yeah truly awesome and I'll be doing uh trust me I'll be doing a separate video on Bartolomeo and all his splendor you know after I'm done with the supernova series I think I'm gonna start doing like a Grand Fleet series so we'll be talking about Bartolomeo you know eventually but that was his devil fruit bari bari know me let me know what you guys think a berry bit was it okay hold on because there's there's the chop-chop fruit witches buggies fruit which is the barabara and then there's the berry berry fruit which very good hat and then there's the bari bari which is what Bartolomeo has okay I got this locked down alright everybody thanks for watching and hope you join in to the the first national church of our savior Luffy Sam pie I mean I'm joining in I want that mystery Nami item I mean come on now what could it be that's what loot crate should do all right signing out everyone later
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 237,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, Bartolomeo, one piece, luffy, senpai, manga, anime, bari, fruit, barrier, dresssrosa, birdcage, elizabello, punch, ball, homage, block, forcefield, defense, grand fleet, tekking 101, teking 101, tekking, teking
Id: JCBWBve8s2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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