Straw Hat Devil Fruits, What If The Whole Crew Had Powers? - One Piece Theory | Tekking101

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carpenter ant infestation yeah had to wipe out like an entire colony today oh you know and it sucks too because they're those poor ants guys they were just trying to build a house for their queen oh it just happened to be made out of our kitchen cabinets so they had to go but I feel kind of bad so you know what I'm dedicating this episode in the memory of those brave ants okay that's enough dedication anyway um a number of months ago in fact I think last December which does not feel that long ago but whatever I made a video discussing what it would be like if all of the straw hats yes even Shopper managed to attain hockey and and master it in some way what types of hockey would they have like uh Nami would have observation hockey because she's a navigator and she's finally attuned to like the weather and everything so that would make sense for her Frankie would have armament haki you know cuz he's super strong and he could add haki to like his cyborg body and stuff so that was a really fun video and I thought well the natural next step is let's make a video talking about what it would be like if all of the straw hats yes even chopper because he already has one had devil fruit abilities okay now let me just go on record saying that I would not prefer this I would not like it for all of the straw hats to have devil fruit powers that just seems a little bit well hideously broken for one and also it just it lacks in the individuality at that point you know just like they all have devil fruits I'm like oh okay I mean that's neat and all but you don't need to have that in fact one of the reasons why some of the straw hats you know like you saw are so cool is because they can do all the stuff they do without a devil fruit power you know what I mean but it would be cool just to look at all of them and see like all right which way what devil fruit would suit their personalities you know logia paramecia zone what kind of devil fruit would it be and I have a list here so some of these these are all mostly going to be double fruits that have already existed in the story alright so you're just gonna have to just this is hypothetical so like if I say a devil fruit like the Goro Goro Nomi is going to be used by like Zorro or somebody like but enter who has the Gora Gora know me yeah just it's hypothetical so just go with it however there is a rule here and the rule is that they're getting the devil fruit where they are right now in the story because if they would have gotten the devil fruit when they were younger like if Zorro ate the Goro Goro Nomi when he was like six that would have probably changed his character around a little bit you know he probably wouldn't be maybe fighting with the sword as much as if he could just summon lightning bolts from on high maybe he would maybe he wouldn't so that's just the one rule that they're all gonna have the devil fruits like right now if they just stumbled upon a devil fruit in wanna or something and just ate it and got the power all right so that's that's the case there there's a few of these that are and there's also a few of these that I just kind of made up because maybe they would be adapted to their personality and the devil fruit doesn't exist yet so I just wanted to throw it out there so that's that's that now of course this is going to exclude all of these straw hats that already have a devil fruit so sorry Luffy sorry choppers sorry Robyn especially sorry about you robbing because I can't talk about you in this episode I mean I could talk about Nami but whatever I'm still gonna find a way to shoehorn Robyn and don't worry and I'm sorry to Brooke as well because we won't be discussing those characters so with that being said let's start off with Rowan or Zorro and what kind of devil fruit he would have now this was surprisingly difficult because Zorro is such a badass that he doesn't even really need a devil fruit like we all know he doesn't need one to be like incredibly you know powerful lot stuff so I went down the list of the most obvious ones the first one that popped into my head was the supa supa know me the devil fruit that is used by - bones mister one because it allows them to allows the user to turn their body into a blade into a sword mister one can summon blades from his fingers he can turn his arm into a sword he can summon those buzz saws from his arm you know all that cool stuff that mr. one was able to do um but then you start thinking like yeah that's so cool but Zorro can cut steel now you know and it's not like even if he ate the fruit now it's not like he's gonna be like oh well I can turn my body into a sword so I'm just gonna take all my katanas and just chuck him in the trash you know Zorro is a guy that highly respects his blades so I mean it's not it wouldn't really do much of anything okay he has the supa supa know me now you know his regular blades he's way more trained at using a katana than the you know you'd have to have like some kind of special training to actually turn your body into a blade he's already got the zero sword style with you know making armament haki with his hands so I know that was only in film gold but there's no reason why he couldn't do that in the actual story so yeah the supa supa mone that doesn't even make any sense so I didn't go with that really I mean I guess he could have it but it's like it's redundant at this point so then I started thinking like okay okay what about something like the kama kama no me the Eric had in the first one piece filler and that dragon filler okay remember Eric he was a guy that the kama kama no me the sickle sickle fruit that made his fingernails grow really long and then when he like swiped they could send out like air like wind pressure blades so maybe not the exact same fruit like Zorro grows really long nails like Allah you know Eva sama would you like to style my nails but maybe some devil fruit that would allow him to send out like a wind blade but then you start to think he doesn't need that because he can already do that he has the he has the pound the whole you ever you ever tried the pound the whole I've tried that once I failed miserably but yeah he's got the thirty-six you know 72 108 and those were upgraded to the 360 720 1080 pound phoenixes a phoenix i whatever the plural of phoenix is whatever he's got those he doesn't need he has it set on projectile attacks so I'm like okay okay what about a devil fruit that would like I don't know add some sort of element to his sword like it I got like the Mara Mara know me or ovens net su net tsunami that heats up his sword so we can light stuff on fire and then I remembered he could already do that the technique he used against Reema the flying dragon blaze or whatever it was called one sword style Shing and then the I guess from the friction of the cut the wound like literally ignites itself so if Zora really wants to light a mofo on fire he can do that so I'm like okay um I threw out the example with the Goro Goro know me like okay well that's he kick in the cans or oh channel electricity and his sword does or have electro I don't think he does so that's one thing so you know what though barring some sort of devil fruit that would allow him to suddenly have a good sense of direction like the compass compass fruit that was an idea I came up with I think honestly the best fruit that would suit Zorro would be a zone you know and I know zones are regard is maybe not the weakest but more of the like basic fruits because with logia you can turn into an element with paramecia you had a bunch of wacky abilities zone fruits just turning into an animal and just seems like oh you turn into an animal alright there's not much to go on there unless you're talking about mythical zones but you know what I can see it from Zorro so I came up with the idea give him like the the monkey monkey fruit model gorilla or something you know they give him that kind of fruit or like the orangutan wearing a captain's suit you know something cool like that because that would already he already has those techniques like you know where he flexes his biceps like each gorilla need gorilla and then he fought the human drills on me hawks Islands so I just kind of like arrived at the conclusion you know if he got some sort of guerilla zone and I by the way he would be way stronger than the ordinary gorilla of course like Zorro is already stronger than an ordinary gorilla it's just bigger body more muscle and just you know more fit for like that primal kind of attacking and stuff like you could see Zorro as a freaking gorilla I can you know I would be really badass so I'm gonna go with that I'm gonna go with that Zorro gets a zone that turns him into some kind of like large primate and just you know increases is kind of like raw power and agility and stuff like that that's the best I have for Zorro I mean yeah you could always go the route with it with giving him a really cool logia or something but he doesn't even really need that I think just the zone to give him that kind of like raw primal power he's kind of already exhibited I think that would work fine so that's that's what I came up with Zorro is actually rather hard to come up with something involving him but now moving on to the Navigator of the straw hats Nami Swan I'm just gonna throw a few pictures up there just to get us warmed up okay we got alright cool now I'm afraid for Nami safety all right in the story I am okay because I've said this before Nami a glass cannon um like when she was like doing her against big mom and everyone was losing it because it's like oh my god Nami is the one that lands all these hits on a young code that's crazy that's nuts like you do understand that if she takes one solid hit she's going down right she doesn't know hockey she doesn't have a devil fruit in the series she she has really useful techniques and she's really clever and you know but her expertise is really not on the battlefield you know what I mean her expertise is in like interrogation in a lot of sense seduction she's really good at that she's got like five stars in that stack Oh in thievery of course you know cat-burglar Nami of course navigation obviously she's she's kind of scholarly scholar e scholar well that's a word I figured out I can't pronounce see she's smart not as quite as much as Robin but she reads books and she knows you know common sense that kind of stuff but when it comes to a fight you know she has to rely on tricks like using her fata morgana or you know some other type of you know diversionary illusionary attack to try to protect herself okay the way I look at it let is like this let's take a character in the series that's like not even that ridiculously strong not weak but not ridiculously strong like let's use let's use smoker okay smoker you know uses armament haki on his fist and let's say he punches Luffy or Zorro or Sanji right in the stomach it's going to hurt them like there it's not gonna do like zero damage they're going to feel it but if like smoker like punches Sanji rightness in the stomach with armament haki asan she would just be like oh got another one in yeah you know some like it's not gonna hurt him that bad with Nami if that exact same attack was done to her um I wouldn't just be worried that she would be severely injured I would be worried that she would die I would be worried that she now has a sophisticated back side of her body alright cuz that is horrifying because that would be like she has like no protection against that I mean yeah girl works out girl stays fit but that's not gonna be good enough when you're fighting against attacks like that now armament haki aside because you know that's that's the case there it's going to hit a logia user so I'm trying to justify giving Nami a logia power because that would give her at least an out you know like oh I'm being attacked from a bunch of different angles with swords I can't I don't have time to reach for my climate actor or whatever I can't attack all of them at once at least I could just turn into an element and the attacks can pass through me once again involving a armament attack then that would hurt her unless she pulls kind of like an alkie G move like remember when Whitebeard took his by scent o ha keyed it up and and rammed it right throughout key G there are a lot of sexual innuendos in this video even more so than usual but why pur took his staff and rammed it right through our key cheese you know body parts okichi just used his ice and just maneuvered his body around to make a hole so the blade passed through it didn't even come in contact with his body so if we're gonna give nami a logia she would definitely be the kind of character that would figure that trick out she's very clever she would definitely be able to do that that sort of thing now what kind of logia would it be well I would be remiss if I didn't at least bring up the old Monet devil fruit you know passed on Toonami theory this was a theory that's been around for a while a lot of people have made videos about this I made a video about this the general idea of this goes that Monet who was the user of the youqi youqi know me died on Punk hazards so that means her fruit went back into the reincarnation cycle however they were in the middle of punk hazard in the Arctic zone which is this vast you know wasteland of just ice there's not a lot of like fruit grown on trees out there and so people believe the nearest fruit for the youqi youqi know me to get reincarnated into would be the tangerines that are growing on the sunny and so the straw hats just have a devil fruit they just haven't realized it yet and tsunami would eat that one and then she would get the powers of the youqi youqi know me all right now I've already made a whole video about that and I'm not against that idea but let's um let's try to think outside the box on this one you know what I mean you get it outside the box it was a box that was outside it's called a sight gag which is completely ruined because I just explained that it was a sight gag here's a picture in Ami's but so other ideas though because she is a navigator I thought okay wouldn't it be neat if she had some sort of devil fruit and that kind of operates in a similar way to dragons and we don't know what dragons fruit is yet but let's say it's a logia that's wind that would be something Nami would definitely be able to utilize you don't just predict the weather you make the weather girl you know she had a wind logia and if it was awakened that's a whole other level we're talking about here but if it was awakened she'd be able to like manipulate it so it's just like just easy sailing straight through by the by if dragon has a wind and it's a wind logia and it's awakened that's probably what he does I wouldn't I wouldn't you know doubt that for a second if he's just I don't any ship that dragons sailing on it's just straight shot to wherever he's going no matter the weather conditions cuz he could just use the wind to move around the clouds or the storms you can do all that that would be something that'll be very advantageous for Nami or other option how about the pika pika Nomi how about Kizer ooze glint glint fruit because a lot of na meas techniques involve using the climate act to bend lights in the atmosphere you know she uses the combination of the cool and the heat balls you know to mess up with the you know the different way the light is refracted and it appears that she creates like duplicates or doppelgangers of herself like her fata morgana technique all that stuff my idea is that's a pretty cool move in everything how about you just cut out the middleman though using the cool and heat orbs and why don't you just make light based illusions now granted we haven't really seen Kizer ooo use the glint glint fruit like that we he uses it you know and just like lasers which by the way no I'm a using lasers that's terrifying in its own unique way through Blazers but yeah I had to mention come on come on I had to bring that up obviously but yeah we haven't really seen Kizer to do the whole light illusion thing he makes swords out of light he can travel at light speed but keep in mind two things number one everybody's gonna have a different way to use a double fruit and number two Kizer whose high off his ass half the time so he might have just never thought of it he's just like dude you know what I think I'm gonna make a sword at a light man that's how I'm gonna fight so I mean I think if keys were really wanted to he could Bend lights or make a bunch of like like a hundred light clones of him or something like that so I think a devil fruit like that would be right up Nami zali she would be able to utilize it to its fullest extent she's pretty smart and it would give her a little bit of buffs in the Defense Department because she's kind of glass cannon a now the only thing there is that if you give her a loggia like if you do give her the pika pika Nomi Nami suddenly becomes extraordinarily Opie especially if she learns hockey as well Nobby went from being glass candidate actually one of the more really Opie characters in the story but it's really cool to think about and of course boob lasers that's a bonus as well so those are the ideas I came up with Nami either the snow snow fruit or some sort of like whee - based logia or going along with the the pika-pika know me gambit just you know utilizing keys aru's fruit to best create light clones out of whim not really focused that much on whether at that point but you know you could do some cool stuff with that I mean light can generate heat am I wrong on that I thought that doesn't sound like I'm wrong but I didn't zero research into that so I would assume if you could control light you could control heat at least in some capacity so she could still do her heat orbs and you know her weather I'm just saying she can also you know fire boobs out I mean fire lasers out of her boobs and she can also make mirages and not even a mirage at that point it would just be making a light like an illusion light like you through light so there you go all right so who's next we have Musab all right so who's up I thought of a bunch of them I have like five different ideas for us up all right so let's do the obvious one first and keep in mind who saab is the kind of character because he's so good at like the bluff and he's good at just coming up with pretty much any like his main weapon is a slingshot for God's sake and he made that threatening with the Kabuto and everything so you could give a sob like I think any devil fruit even one that's really lame and he could figure out a way to spin it to be useful like even like something really useless like the jacket jacket fruit in fact okay we're gonna back I was gonna mention the BuChE BuChE no me I was gonna mention baby fives arms arms through but let's let's talk about it I think could use the jacket jacket fruit really really effectively because yeah it's a devil fruit that really has no application on its own so when you're fighting by yourself you really can't use it to brawl with your opponent but that doesn't matter because who's ops already got his bag of tricks to begin with so you know it would just be more like a bonus thing like who saw fights pretty much like he always has except if he's ever in a tag battle let's say with like Zorro or Sanji or chopper cuz chopper noose op have fought together many times throughout this without the story if he's fighting with chopper like chopper time for a special ultimate combiner attack or Frankie as well you know Frankie chopper you know I'm gonna use my jacket jacket fruit you put me on and then I have my brains and then your brawn and then there you go I think that would be a pretty cool combo so I think he could definitely spin that and make it work but yeah the most obvious one right out of the gate is the BuChE BuChE no me the arms arms through because it allows you to summon variety of weapons whenever you want we're talking guns swords scythes daggers missiles just imagine a missile but it has a giant nose sticking out of it like a spike or something um flamethrowers I mean you could do all this crazy stuff who stops already good at inventing and stuff he's good at weapons I've always questioned why who's up doesn't use a gun and I think from Otis perspective from a story telling the reason he doesn't use a gun is just to make him more of like a unique a distinguishable character like he doesn't need a gun everything that someone can do with a gun in the one-piece world sock can accomplish with one of his slingshots like and you understand that he's gonna fight against van augur like that's set up like you know the final battle between the straw hats and the Blackbeard pirates there's a little bit of a debate like you know who who nah me or who Robins gonna fight but it's pretty much set in stone luffy's gonna fight teach Sora was gonna fight she to you and the other pretty obvious one is who stops gonna fight van augur cuz he's the sniper and I could totally see that fight going down man I could totally see that I don't even know how it would go entirely because would they both snipe from a distance and then get close I don't know but I could see van augur taking out a sniper rifle firing it who's soft could just stinks and then like the slingshot pachinko would destroy the bullet and Van augur would be like with a slingshot be really I could see that fight going down so yeah he's something already been really useful that but if he wants to use a gun you give you saw a pistol or a rifle he would be able to use that just as accurately all right it would not be that difficult for him to master that weapon so you just give him the BuChE BuChE no me given an entire arm on Armada of weapons I mean I'm assuming using the BuChE BuChE know me a slingshot is a weapon you bet your ass it's a weapon you could definitely use it to injure somebody he could just put up his fingers like this and just summon a slingshot and just ping there you go that's an obvious one though another one that I thought was useful is the flag flag fruit diamantes fruit because he has this big you know messenger bag full of goodies and trinkets and all these inventions he comes up with the flag flag fruit basically just allows that to be more compressed so who saw and Frankie could come up with the Hoos so Frankie dead death bazooka ultra plus super extra this giant bazooka thing and like how is he gonna carry it around with him well if he had the flag flag fruit he could just fold that damn thing up and - like I mentioned this in my diamante video just fold it up into a little cloth like a little handkerchief and I don't keep it in your you know he wears the overalls doesn't really wear a shirt he's got to show off the ripped abs alright I don't have ripped abs I can draw on ripped abs if you want me to if we have time nuts that's that's that's that's that's that's it would be really unbelievable um but yeah he could take that and just carry a bunch of really large weapons that him and Frankie come up with in his messenger bag so if things get really in your all man I mean the pachinko is aren't cutting it here I need something a little bit more firepower I need like a like a giant flamethrower or something that'd be pretty useful you know ammo as well you can you could store ammo that way so the flag flag fruit would just be useful and also he could turn into a flag to just kind of dodge attacks you know um also how about this how about taking advantage of who stops Bluff and lying ability with the money money know me mister two's fruit the clone clone fruit imagine who saw it being able to transform into anybody infiltration that's definitely Abu Musab Sally he definitely could spin a tale you saw me some merchants right now in wanna all the crazy he's doing as a merchant he's like come on guys get this total yeah check it out it could heal wound didn't one just go there it's awesome right he's perfect at that kind of stuff so who saw uses the money money know me and he transforms into various characters maybe around town infiltrates the town nobody recognizes him and not that we he would definitely be the one straw hat that could pull that off you be very useful in that said that capacity there so we have that and then the last one I have on here is something that speaks a little bit more toward who stops cowardice but the Naga Naga no me horizon's' silence who stops in the middle of a battlefield and he's like oh please don't let them find me please don't let them find me quiets his entire movements around him also makes once again infiltration stealth sneaking around extremely useful that's how Corazon did it but I think who's up would be better at it in that situation you know because who subs kind of already good at kind of sneaking around trying to avoid battle so yeah those who suck was really fun because I think once again you give him anything you give him just any random devil for it let me let me just think of any random devil fruit right now that I can just pop off top of my head I'm trying to think of a devil fruit something dressrosa mock vice ok mock voices ton ton fruit you know something that okay that that one actually does not seem like it would be really useful a lot of ways because you would have to like the ton ton fruit seems like in order to for it to be really really useful you have to get some airtime first like it's some airtime above your enemy and then activate it and then you would just crush them like that you know but I could see I could see some other stuff with that I could see who's up having that fruit and like um facing off against an enemy and he's like I'm gonna kill you you long nosed freak and who's ups like oh please mister don't hurt me don't hurt me and he's like groveling at his feet and he's like please you have to understand I'm super weak and he's like what the hell are you doing you're freaking pathetic I'm like yeah ton ton fruit and just crash this emirate smacks his head right against the ground and it just cracks he would he would like play it up like he's weak and then get close and just touch him and his ton ton fruit just jaw that that would be useful okay so moving on next we have Sanji all right so I don't have there's no pop figurine of Sanji unfortunately they need to get that roll in Iran there's none of us op as well but I'm moving on to Sanji okay the first thing I thought of wasn't even a combat based fruit but because Sanji is a chef I thought the key q keek you know me that was used by Struzan the head chef on tot land that was just the immediate one I thought of so Streisand Kiku Kiku new me allows him to basically turn anything he wants and do an ingredient so he could take like his chef knife and a log and he could just cut it and it gets turned into just like strips of like ham or does whatever he wants he had the technique where he likes stab whole cake chateaux and it turned into an actual cake now big mom has stated that whenever Struzan uses this ability the flavor of his ingredients kind of lacks now I don't know if she was referring to just the sweets she might have said something along the lines of like the food or thus the sweets that strays and creates it might fill your stomach like it's actual food it's not like an illusionary food it really is food it's just the flavor kind of lacks but then against troyzan didn't have time to prepare it because the whole cake was falling down so I wonder how it would actually work like if Struzan just took that log and cut it into pieces of ham and he ate it with the ham tastes like a log or would it have no flavor or if you if you actually prepare it like take the ham and then like grill it or add some seasoning would it taste normal Shawn she's a master chef so he would definitely be able to if there's any way to perfect that maybe that's the awakening of the kekekeke you know me it gives flavor to all of the food you create but if there's anyone that would be able to do it it would definitely be Sanji but going along that line I also thought of okay what about the clear clear fruit because that's the one he always wanted to have you know the invisible invisable fruit allowing him to turn into an invisible man and spy on the ladies in the bath so we had to throw that in there as an option like if Sanji had a preference like if you asked him he would probably go with that fruit although the whole experience with Absalom sort of soured him on the concept I believe during that fight he said like you know what now that you've shown me how you use it I don't even want it anymore but I think that's just Sanji kind of justifying the fact cuz he could not have it so I think I think if someone went up to him is like hey Sanjay you have to clear clear fruit do you still not want this it's like oh yeah you know I'm just gonna tell you what I'll just take it off your hands for a little while I think he would still definitely eat it that are the door door fruit I think oda came out in an SBS once and says if Sanji ever got his hands on the door door fruit blew a nose fruit it would be like Armageddon because no women's bath would ever be safe because he could just open a door or whenever he wanted but I think the best devil fruit that would be suited to Sanji guess which one it's going to be you're probably not gonna think of it right away because it was one that hasn't been shown in a while one character that was it um it's the toga toga know me yeah the spike spike fruit that was used by mrs. double finger or Paula so this would just be devastating if Sanji had this now Sanji keep in mind he already has an ability that can light his leg on fire so kinda the same thing with Zorro like you know there's no yes I mean he could have the net soon ETSU or the Mara Mara doesn't matter he can already use Diavel John Bay but imagine all of Sanji's kicks but their spikes coming out of his leg like I want you just to picture something right now okay the fight between Sanchi and Jabra remember how that went Sanji was just kind of getting beaten down by jabber a little bit Jabbar is laughing at him like are you idiot you know I'm gonna beat you you know I have the six powers okay and then Sanji gets back up and he just kind of like and he starts spinning goes into Diablo chubby raises up his leg is like this is the leg of the devil Diablo Jumba and then he just jumps in the air and just kicks jabra right in the stomach imagine that kick but a three-foot long spike was sitting at was sticking out of the soul of Sanji's foot just a flaming blazing I don't know how hot Diablo John Bay gets pretty damn hot like five hundred degrees just stuck right through jabra like he's just impaled on a burning spike and he dies right there that is horrifying but awesomely horrifying going beyond that just like he goes to kick this way and just spikes just shoot out of his leg as he goes and he just impales the opponent um he does the you know how misses double finger did like via the stilt thing where she had spikes sticking out of the souls and she used them to stilts Saji could do that too but he could do it like a spinning top so to increase like his rpms for Diablo John Bay you know just have a spike shoot out of the bottom of his soul and then he could just use like a spinning top like wicked fast or he could do the spit cuz Sanji apparently can spin like ridiculously fast without getting dizzy or disoriented so imagine he does that spin thing but then sticks out his other foot sends a spike out that and then you have this spinning death like world coming at you um he could you now here's the thing because Sanji doesn't like to fight with his hands or his arms because those are the treasure of any chef and his his arms get to you know damaged or destroyed then he can't cook anymore this could add added protection to that because I don't think how it works like I think the spikes are like something separate that's being produced because let's say for instance Sanji creates a spike out of his elbow and then someone grabs that spike and snaps it off like with that damages elbow or would that just damage the spike I don't know but either way that would add some added protection to him someone comes at him he raises up his arms or something to block or something well Sanji would usually use his leg but you know what I mean he could just raise up his arm and just have a bunch of like really long spikes shootout to like add as a layer of protection for his arms or any part of his body really um so yeah simple kind of a simple devil fruit idea but I think if Sanji had that with Diablo John Bay and add some hockey to that that would be devastating that would be absolutely devastating for him to have that um all of the enemies who'd be like Vlad the Impaler like everytime Sanji would get into a fight they would just be like damn Sanjay you went kind of intensely yeah that's what I do okay and you might think like what about the super super know me for Saji the the you know the steel steel fruit of the you know the blade blade fruit mr1 had you know cuz that would be the same basic effect and especially since he's like he's a chef he could like just make a kitchen knife out of his arm and just cut food like that but I don't think he would want to have that particular fruit because I think that would be too similar to Zorro because you know he uses us you know blades and now Zorro uses blades so yeah and I could see that I could see the disc talk right now I could see if Sanji did get the super super know me I could free I can see Zorro going up to him like super super know me huh you know I cut up the guy that last had that you know you know you know I could give if mister one didn't haven't in this version of reality if Saund he's the first one to head he's like yeah you know I could I could cut that I could cut steel you know so I don't think I think Sanji would prefer to have that but let's go with the tow the toga toga no me I think that would definitely work for him okay so who's next well chopper has a devil fruit and Robin has a devil fruit so let's move on to Franco Franco Franco um you know what can you fit on top of Nami you holy you kind of can all right cool let's yeah yeah that works okay cool Frankie Frankie was a lot of fun too because yeah so um first one the obvious one for me was once again Borsalino x' pika pika Nami Frankie has the radical beam but just make just give him the fruit you know just give him the fruit already so he doesn't even need to like put his hands together he gonna shoot it out whenever he want Frankie nipple lights take on a whole different meaning you know whether you're man or woman if you have the ability to fire laser beams out of your body there's gonna be a time when you have to fire it out of your nipples like what's them let's imagine you're a guy and tomorrow you eat the pika pika know me it might not be the first thing you try but it's definitely gonna be in the top five things you're first gonna try you know I I eat the pika pika know me all right I'll try using my hand first like you know I'll do a Kamehameha first you know like kamehameha oh that's awesome now let's do like a Frieza deaf beam thing awesome now let's shoot out of my mouth like ah death laser ha nipple laser you know you got to do it all right but he can already do the radical beam so let's you know let's once again funny for a twofer okay what about how about this what about the Shiro Shiro know me beiges fruit so Beijing has the castle Castle fruit which allows him to turn his body into a fortress with Frankie's wacky crazy hentai body that would be like a mechanized like carrier Zord from from Power Rangers by-the-by my favorite carrier Zord was the zenith carriers Ord from lost galaxy I had that toy when I was a kid man and I lost it and man part of my childhood went with it I love that damn thing I got it for Christmas in like 99 yeah I love lost galaxies that was probably my that was the first Power Ranger season I ever saw all the way through and I just fell in love with it from there on out and I wish I still had some of my toys from then but as memories I don't I do have a quasar saber though that's like yeah right here I keep it right under my bed for good luck but yeah Power Ranger tangent aside that would be Frankie Frankie would be like if he wants to be like you know BAE Shay has you know big father Frankie would have like I don't know big bro and he just like the freaking giant mechanized fortress comes out or something you know like I don't know I'm I'm picturing a cross between like a carrier Zord from Power Rangers and the Thunder you know the Thundercats lair I don't know why because I don't think the Thundercats lair could could it move I I seem to remember it might have been able to move because Panthro was the guy that would always mess around with like technology and stuff I mean maybe he made it so the lair could move and but that's what I'm picturing alright and it's like this really advanced like interior like it's on Star Trek it's got like sliding doors inside of it and it's got like Cola fountains all over the place like a water fountain you just go up to and get some Cola that would be Frankie's castle that would be his Shiro Shiro know me you could access all of his lab like the straw hats could jump into Frankie and they could utilize all of his weapons and like the fire at the opponent oh my god man that would be incredible that would be amazing so yeah Frankie Shira shiranami I thought of a few other ideas like I thought of the the like El Drago's go ago and know me that was from the first one-piece movie el Drago's for it was basically just he could shoot a key blast from his from his mouth it was like a sound wave like a vibration or something but look at its it's a it's a key blast so I would imagine Frankie if he had that fruit he could just let out a big you know super or they just shoots out an energy beam as he sang super I thought that would be pretty funny but you know i-i-i thought of the Goro Goro know me too you know n aru's fruit because he would have like a limitless energy supply I mean he's supplied by Cola though and yeah before the time skip it was kind of a problem that Frankie would run out of coal on he would run out of power but ever since then I think post time skip it's never really been an issue of Frankie like running out of Cola obviously his body is much bigger now so he could store way more Cola but I don't think there's ever been a single issue post time-skip where Frankie's like oh gosh I'm out of power I need to get some Cola I don't think that's ever really come up so I mean the Gora Gora know is a different energy source but come on man Frankie drinks Cola that's what he does if unless there's like a Cola Cola fruit out there I mean that'd be neat if there was but there isn't so I think we'll just stick with the castle Castle fruit the shear of shiranami I think that would work perfectly fine for Frankie okay and skipping over Brook because of course he has the Yomi Yomi Nomi we get to Jean Bay now G Bay was the most difficult because he's a fish man now it's not impossible for a fish man to have a devil fruit look at vanderdecken and keep in mind that fish men are perfectly capable of living on dry land all right it's not even like they need to get like moist every now and then they're not even like alright guys hold on we need to splash some water on ourselves every hour when we're on the surface it's not even anything like that like there that's why our long you know and Hardy thought they were so superior to humans one of the reasons they're naturally ten times stronger than the average human but also one of their big gripes with the humans is like you humans could only live on land we can live on land or in the ocean so it's it's implied they have the perfect you know capabilities of living on land for an extended period of time but it's not that he couldn't use fish man karate because remember when Gene Bay was explaining this to Luffy he said you know fishermen karate' involves using you know when you're fighting against an opponent one on one using the water in their body as like a you know a shockwave against them so you would strike them in the water you know ripples in the body and that does the damage okay even on a devil fruit user so he would still be able to do that kind of stuff it's just he wouldn't be able to swim so I thought all right all right there's a few ways around this though now these are not gonna be as he's not gonna be as strong as he is right now just inherently because so much of front of gene Bay involves you know fish man karate in the water being able to swim really fast but here's an idea we could give him send your Pink's Pink's fruit we could give him the Suey Suey Nomi the swim swim fruit he can't swim in the water but he could swim on anything else on the pavement in the grass on the dirt you know whatever he could dive underneath the surface and swim that way and he would he be able to even use it more effectively than send your pink because he's already a fish man so he already knows how to swim and I think you know his fins and everything in his the the natural body movements that he's like developed throughout the years of doing this and living under the ocean it would just come in and naturally to him he would still be able to swim perfectly fine really fast as he would in the ocean just on land so there you go the sooie sooie nami the downside of course is it's not really water though so he could dive underneath the pavement he could swim under there but he couldn't use the pavement as like you know water could you know so that would be kind of a downside another idea I had and this is giving this is giving Jean baya logia which once again that's pretty strong but I'm like alright if we can't make him Opie in the water let's make him Opie on land and what's the best devil fruit you're talking about when you want to be Opie on land using earth look no further than crocodiles soon as soon and Oh me make him ass and show you know make him yeah like he could swim around in the desert and use basically instead of like you know water heart it's sand heart you know over you'll sand current overthrow or whatever and just shoots out pillars of sand um yeah once again he I mean in the desert he would be the most lethal but if you know you crocodile using his devil fruit he candy truck dehydrate an entire area turn the rocks and stuff into sand so if just give jean bay a little bit of prep time use a hold on guys I'm just gonna feel awakens and you know just let me turn the air into sand really quick on the GAR of this alright we're good certain sharks go and then just dives in and just does that so yeah I don't think now either of these that would be a downgrade from where he's at right now cuz he's just so good in the water and so much of the one-piece world is covered in water but it would it would not be a complete um it would not be a complete throwaway vanderdecken had a shitty kind of fruit I don't really know the story about why vanderdecken ate the fruit I think it was actually one of those examples where he did not know it was a devil fruit when he ate it and he thought he was cursed rather than actually eating the fruit because obviously no fisherman that had any you know logic in their head any a brain in their head would not eat a devil fruit because or would eat a devil fruit because that would severely handicapped their main way of life they live they live under the ocean for God's sake and so vanderdecken had to stay inside that bubble but that was kind of a shitty fruit if vanderdecken also vanderdecken was kind of an idiot so if a nerd eken wasn't an idiot and the soon as soon anomie and was living on land he would be a pretty big threat but he lives underwater and he's an idiot and he's also an old fart now so wait no I don't know if he's the old fart I don't know he ate did he take the energy steroid I don't think he ever did I know he was stabbed by hortie and I thought he was the day it was dead for the longest time I thought he was completely dead and I think I mentioned it in a video and someone's like he's not dead he's do you survive that I'm like really he should have just died he's screwing me should have died but um anyway yeah that's that's the last straw hat there we went through all of them so I think I came up with some pretty good ideas for this but hey there's a lot of devil fruit skies there's like 75 plus paramecia 30 plus zones and like I think around a dozen logia and a bunch of more fillers and hey you can come up with ideas as well like I came up with the gorilla fruit for Zorro so or the wind fruit for Nami because that's not confirmed either so if you have a better idea for any of these straw hats let me know in the comments below that'll be a lot of fun to read these thanks for watching everybody I didn't I didn't really bring up Robin um but uh okay Robin you know honestly I thought about that's another thing I thought for Zorro like man if Zorro had the Hana Hana know me she he could make other arms to hold his swords but then I remembered he can already do that with Asura so and that's I mean Asura it's not like it's not like they're they're illusionary swords I mean they might be but he could still you're still getting cut like it's 9 so they're 9 you know they might be like a like an illusion like the image of his demon aura or something but you're still getting cut with what feels like nine swords so it might as well be nine swords but yeah that's what I thought for Robins fruit but yeah Robin um she's really hot and she she has she could she has hands she has lots of hands yeah okay so anyway hope you guys enjoyed the video this will be teching 101 signing out have a great night everyone
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 1,218,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, manga, anime, nami, devil fruits, logia, paramecia, zoan, zoro, sword, enel, usopp, flag, clear, sanji, franky, shiro, castle, jinbe, fishman, suna, sand, swim, water, wind, what if, straw hat, tekking 101, teking 101, tekking, teking
Id: cq4GPQR8oQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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