Barstool Pizza Review - Slice Out Hunger Pizzapalooza

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[Music] so big event in New York today something called slice out hunger it's U like a charity event so the homeless get to eat I'm all favor that let the homeless get their slices and I have no problem with that feed the Homeless I'm a humanitarian like that um so it's that this church St Anthony St Joe's some church just a million slices all right just millions of slices dollar slice you go in this huge pizza box as many slices you can fit in the pizza box as fast as you can um I heard about it since I'm the king of pizza I'm doing a special 10 slices in one day don't know the places I'll rate them all one bite tons of One Bites tons of scores Pizza everywhere Pizza everywhere uh I bought a VIP Pizza pass to let me cut this line there's a huge [ __ ] line over there 100 bucks Mogul straight to the front of the line get my pizza box first and get in on this [ __ ] so say Anthony St Joe's something Saint Pizza Fest for the Hunger for the homeless I'm all about the homeless maybe get a job then maybe you want to have to depend on meat and slices whatever different story different day there about pizza not about the homeless but it's about the homeless but it's about pizza this is one of more heated Pizza environments I've have been a part of starting to get a little bit heated now if anyone thinks I'll hesitate to smash a pizza bottle over somebody's head if it gets heated in there they're wrong oh yeah then you didn't I'm getting pushed in I'm getting pushed into a brick oven pizza right now so here's the deal it's total [ __ ] chaos they don't know what the [ __ ] going on I got two boxes 20 tickets that's 20 slices I don't know if we're open we're not I don't know if they're like they run out of slices like the premere slices all I know is when the king of pizza is here I'm going to take control of his room I'm going to start just [ __ ] one biting the [ __ ] out of everything giving reviews left right I'm going to become the hit of this [ __ ] pizza party all for the homeless even though it's not oh look at this guy with a $1 pizza slice hat that's a [ __ ] awesome hat where' you get that hat right there oh [ __ ] awesome hat what yeah still can I buy that hat off yeah oh man thank you awesome for free thanks man so start over there and perfect awesome man of the people that's what she said she seems surprised that we don't know like we didn't pregame this [ __ ] got a plan for these things why what are you trying to like there certain places I'm wing all right so then there there you go but I don't review pizza for like every but I'm I'm doing the entire all of Manhattan I do One A Day so I don't have like I just spiral out till I hit them all it's a pretty sophisticated One Bite Pizza review system you take one bite then you score it no more than one bite it's so your entire review is based on one bite one bitee all right you excited about this yeah I'm real excited so I mean this is this is what this is every Pizza man's dream right here like a million slices million different people how can you not love it this is what this is what I dreamed about when I woke up as little Davey patri being like I'm going to taste Pizza I'm going to give a people a taste of the city this is it this is the big time showtime [Music] I'm going to have to eat and go eat and go it's going to be fast eating fast living not everyone's cut out where I am I put away 20 slices no questions asked in real time New York City Fiori's Pizza everybody knows the rules one bite L walk not that one bite everybody knows the rules I like it good pris good Tang that's an 8.2 ubala Union Square huge points for the way he's yelling Pizza you got that Paul one bite M Uno everybody knows the rules one [Music] bite some interesting Tang on on that one one bite everybody knows the rule and some good pizza here this is some good pizza rolta 8.3 this is some good [ __ ] Pizza Morino one look at this flop there we go there right here one by rules New York FL at his finest New York FL 4.2 baby get in there by the way [Applause] than this is the first football Pizza we've had looks like something you can eat on Sunday [Music] Sams is Sams this is a real deal everyone says I got to go to Brooklyn for the real Pizza this is the real deal you have a spot though in Manhattan no this is the real deal one bite everybody knows the rules Sam Brooklyn oh yeah the football pizza right here homie football Pizza I can eat this all day on Sunday twice on Sunday one by every those fake Monk the old fake monks they're everywhere one bite everybody knows the rulle S Pizza got a carrier for you I a going to be able to hear me it's so [ __ ] loud in here Sam's Pizza is the real deal 8.9 yo Square s59 all right yo we started this did you corner office you'll be coming back some more in a little bit 1959 it's no new [ __ ] this this particular piece is not from 1959 however I hope similar strategy this right here a stor is finest a stor is finest we also have a low East sign location low side Rizzo one bite everybody knows the rules how you doing monk than oh I that was really good I don't like that move the te came right up there those one bite everyone knows the rules seven that was seven all right let's go table 87 ask on Shark Tank Cuban tried to invest I said no one bite everyone knows the rules a little bit on the basal side side with that leaf I like it they're watching me like a hawk one bite everybody knows the rules this one's a 5.8 don't tell them I said that but this is not the best one that what was the one from Brooklyn that was legit all right scars piece of Lower East Side one bite everybody knows the [Music] rules I like fing scar really one bite everybody knows Ru you yeah uh scars is like uh seven good but not great thank you all right one bite everybody Neapolitan Express one bite everybody knows the rules I can I can almost make this in a hand fist I can maybe one bite this in one shot [Music] one bite everybody knows the rules here's what's happening that's called Neapolitan style there's a little place called neopolia which makes neopolis and pizza I prefer the football style still really good that's another like 7.2 I just took a bite that I can't afford to take I just took a bite because that's what I do I love pizza but I need to save my appetite I got one of those is Island you know Rico BOS Rico Bosco Staten Island guy no huge Staten Island guy Rico Bosco Rico BOS I'll have to ask him about Good Fellas you're one bite everybody knows the rules very cold this is the coldest pizza I've had so it hurts the grade like a 4.8 cold pizza when I think of what I want a pizza to look like is this print Street Pizza is exactly how I want my pizza to look it kind of looks like Regina SL no looks like Regina this is good prin Street prin Street Pizza yeah Yep this shit's the [ __ ] one bite everybody knows the rules one b fight no no no not today I have do I have a pizza mishap you got play through am I hurt or am I injured I'm just hurt I'm not injured that was prin Street Pizza was a 9.5 that was really good o are you running on pure adrenaline right now what you on pure adrenaline right now like I haven't even started I love this I live for this the adrenaline the pizza the sauce good a oh my my guy yeah hey man you here yeah just SP oh no no no no I'm just help out all right so we met this guy in Austin but the more the more people who are eating pie the better and only because of that one thing which is it can make you feel better love Yeah Pizza is love pizza is absolutely love the world is hard I knew that we'd see him here Pizza is love we you are the best pizza man in like the world what's your favorite place to hear can you hear us make sure you can hear saara Pizza H Nino's over there at Williamsburg Pizza that guy's out of his mind the entire place is on fire Prince pizza was UN awesome unbeliev uh was Rizzo the one I no early on you had too we good which one did I like over there tasta I think I is good robus is great tanos will blow you away tanino yeah yeah SC Island high great all right Incredible family people all right I got to try yeah you hey thank you so much it's just a family I feel warm and fuzzy right now Nikolai Nikolai Pizza everyone knows the rules one bite all right we're starting to get into a part of the night where the beach is little cold like one by everybody knows the rules I'm going to say this low you can probably hear me but that's like a tooth thank you droing off this is Two Boots little bit of flop one bite everybody knows the rules Two Boots Pizza one bite not two boots one [Music] bite some people are doing a very good job at keeping the pizza warm this is [Music] warm one b everybody knows the rules Two Boots taste like papaginos everybody who knows papaginos knows that papaginos the seven this is EMT square but I can live with the square as long as that it's crusted on it I don't like the middle [Music] side one bite everyone knows the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rules one bite everybody knows rules EMT [Applause] [Music] Soho lardies lot com on people are around lardies really paid the price for this not it's how do you keep a pizza warm in this environment one bite everybody knows the rules [Music] fieber lari are six no four all right denos gr Gren Village I'm not sure if that's what my boy said was I can't believe we saw my boy uh one bite everyone knows the rules that's good see that's cold but it kept its texture one bite everyone knows the rules Den know 8.2 really good I get one of those drop on top Queens The Original Pizza Store one bite everybody knows the rules I like it one bite every know rules Danny in clean the original 7.1 I could do this all day I could keep beating people up all day just drop it right on top Williamsburg and double barrel Emily double barrel double barrel one bite Williamsburg Williamsburg Emil let's go let's do it one bite I'm not even slowing down one bite I only do tee I only do tee best right that's ticket no dollar no it's all right that's good one bite I'm eating [ __ ] that I don't like eating this is so outside my comfort one by i r on rope after zero I only do cheese don't try to slip in a [ __ ] act like a steroid I don't do that singing they're singing they're singing one bite that already knows the rules one that was a three the the Emil was a three the Williamsburg Williamsburg was seven I got to slow down take it serious I didn't want that that was [ __ ] you guys are in uh Italy right yeah one bite everyone knows the rules got to break sweat I'm sweating it's hot water Pizza the box is like 40 lbs not the best pizza I've ever had right here [Music] uh well Boston Pizza not the best representation of Boston I'm spit Pizza I'm swea Pizza what I don't know what yeahall try Pizza that was like a 3.8 auros right across the street one bite everybody knows the rules kind of heavy it's a heavy [ __ ] Pizza it's got like a layer of cheese on it one bite everybody knows the rules real cheese real cheese real cheese a heavy one I would say that [Music] is 6.8 this thing will fill you up like a [ __ ] one bite everybody knows the rules [Music]
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 383,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, pizza review, barstool, barstool sports, barstoolsports, funny, lol, boston, cleveland, new york city, manhattan, comedy, slice out hunger, pizzapalooza, dave portnoy, davey pageviews, el presidente, el prez, one bite
Id: BYR7Zl8xf4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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