Barstool Pizza Review - Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Red Carpet

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[Music] okay we're live red carpet Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2017 second red carpet for those keeping score at home the first one some may remember the AVN's I have now upgraded from the porn Awards to one of the more prestigious events and we're gonna do pizza reviews if we can get a shot of these pizzas over here can you do that we ordered 16 pizzas these girls as they come through they may be skinny they may not eat a lot you eat tonight you try the pizza one bite I read knows the rules get the other side how the famous pretty people how they eat pizza that's what it's about it's about girls it's about pizza it's about this whole experience and then meet in Frankie Borelli we get on a private charter and this is what you do when you fly on a private plane you go vroom so I'm going to go room to the moon and now we own 75% of it by the end of this trip me and Frankie Frankie will probably be married to a supermodel and will own the whole thing so let's do this Pete review one bite everyone knows the rules SI swimsuit issue 2017 vroom-vroom-vroom Ana de pollo de Paula how are you doing I'm Dave so do you know what we're about to do here no are you a pizza fan la pizza where you from Rio Brazil oh wow did I have like good beats in Brazil yeah they do yeah like normal choices there so yeah okay I didn't know that live and learn we do something I do something pizzas kind of my game I try a new pizza place in Manhattan till I try every single one okay so we have pizza that I've never tried we want you to try it in score one to ten so Rosa's pizza it's one bite don't get it on you because you look beautiful one bite and then a score zero to ten Cheers one bite everyone knows the rules score hey good good nine that was too high of a score it's very good definitely it may not be around numbers of rookie score but I actually think it is really good would be better if it's warm I'm gonna go eight point two it would be better if it was warm agree a Beretta what with ketchup pizza would ketchup yeah get her on it that is that is insane you don't put ketchup on pizza this or is invalidated so we have like 16 different joints and honey I'm the plus-size girl in it I'm down with this here marilla's the slice you take one bite I think our Trump pizzas better he's out your favorite Manhattan you got a tummy wrong our joke is good John's on Bleecker Street way better I'm gonna give this a four point eight okay I feel like I was being a little generous like I mean I was I was in a good mood I was happy I have to agree know what's the score now I'm going to go with a four point eight seven nine never had never had a fraction like that four point eight eight seven nine disregard it though you got stick with your first euro scores all yet so it's a straight and no seven you keep changing score it's an e we have it on tape loves your website oh [ __ ] you guys are the bad boys of sports writing I don't know if I've ever heard of sports running maybe the bad boys like just bad boys of life all right this one bite went right in which I addressed people are saying to small bite [ __ ] them [ __ ] them one bite everybody knows the rules what do you got it's like a three it's so much press questions to Joey couldn't even drive across this is a problem by the way not to get distracted during the interview and a bit I was about to say I liked our eyes but you can't do that when the whole pizza falls out of your mouth hey how you doing oh you're going right into it I was looking at it all right fine [ __ ] it let's do it I didn't I thought you're doing a curtsy no we're not doing out that one sticks hold on this is um off Broadway that looks good awkwardly I like it more juicy and more cheesy I don't even know what juicy means that's not pizza terminology I'm gonna give this a six point nine and I did that with the fight I made that a whole sexual thing kudos to me doing it Nino's Nino's Nino's one bite everyone knows the rules score zero let me have another bite Oh one bite ah - okay I'm gonna say six round numbers drop it over there yeah you want you can have as much it you want another piece I know there was more like I have to wait different ones this is a five point eight we'll keep going of a double review never been done with the same person ever again Daniel Harrington forget the swimsuit cover you just made history history one bite yeah we'll do it on the plane really yes all right I can't wait to see you on there are you pizza banging down are you seats up but you like me okay what do you think of square slices I don't know if I like a square but let's try it right Wow crazy garlic you know they don't name I don't know what you don't like you know like that big leg Parmesan cheese on the top yeah what got ya know one bite everybody knows the rules got face gave it away by the way we're playing pizza poker I'd know your hand right now by your face three another round score I actually agree I think this is the worst I'm going to point one okay this is bad pizza hi yeah right yeah yes so tell me that you're gonna be like an MMA fighter after that's done for you I know I'm a Thai boxer sorry Hannah like fight though after this Dodger yes I I do yes that's why is it is it like a John Claude Van Damme movie when you have the things going back and forth and everyone's like bloodsport not quite I wish I was talking about I know they're wild you are the doctor tell me I look at you like [ __ ] there yeah and they throw the powder in his eyes you can't see puts on a hank like a blindfold and he goes totally off the senses and kills I mean come I really have no idea what you're talking about right now but it's real [ __ ] let's get to the pizza then by the way I love that dress it's like it's like you're a gladiator or something so this is famous amedeo's right one body you're eating it with me okay what I'm not gonna just let you eat it my face one bite era knows the rules again turf for taking two bites you hear them they like you took three bites the crowd I'm hungry five down I'm hungry they don't know no no could you know overcome in the head like good news hi good I would I would never but if I wanted to Jeanne Bouchard I tweeted at you today and you ignored it hey I have a lot of tweets these days especially date kind of tweets I wasn't asking about date I just like hey looking forward to seeing you tonight and eating pizza okay now did you bring your date that I was reading about is he here tonight no I went on my date last night and we you can't go on two dates in a row come on this happened because the Patriots are losing and the tweet yet you'd be like the Patriots come back you'll take me on a date yes I mean I thought there was no chance the Pats would come back come on did you yes no yes you're lying I am not lying you truly believe at 28 three you believe I believe in Belichick and Brady so much that there's nothing they could ever not do so yes I had full faith I got a little nervous but I would never make that bet that's how you had enough on dates with strangers that's exactly what happened and I mean I just tempted fate and that's what happens it's big of you to stand up and like honor it I had to I mean I wanted to first of all it's a fan of course I want to spend time with fans and it got so much media attention I couldn't back out of it and I wanted to stay true to my word you know I'm not fake I'm real so I had to do it so one bite everybody knows the rules alright one bite more if I want to know one bite it's hard and fast if you do more than one bite it doesn't count one bite never knows the world and then score it took a sweet-ass time coming around the carpet we've been here for like two hours so that's how its hope I win my game what do I win what's the bet there is not your bad offense I want to do anymore that I don't bet anymore side note I'm gonna give you a little fact that you probably won't believe but I want a game verse Andy Roddick in tennis I don't believe that I told you you wouldn't believe it ask him next time I see you ask him you ask him say Dave Warner says he Pete you barstool sports guy says he beat you in tennis fact one game he won 6-1 the set he was booked list on your sir well he was playing with a frying pan so it made it like a little bit more difficult it doesn't count though oh yeah Eric LeGrand we're doing beat review with you all right you guys give me a bite what's up you got to give me a bite man I'll [ __ ] put it right down your [ __ ] throat man one bite everybody knows the rules all right Don Antonio's so I'm going to give you the beads it's gonna be one byte in a score all right margarita type what are your thoughts on singing ah I'm over regular time with you this is what I it's not football pizza there's like fancy SPC you don't buy this at NFL Sunday's so I don't know that you need me to put this goes in him up all right this is the first time we've done it this way one bite everybody knows the rules Eric LeGrand first time ever fed here we go one bite everybody knows the rules you want mixing the crust seven I tried to offer on the crust you want no part of it now I'm going to take my bite he's a seven he did but even before he did it one bite ever knows the rules as a man bite I respect his store I'm gonna go seven-point-three what's not football pizza this fancy pizza this isn't when he laid it on the line people this is kind of got a swimsuit issue Pizza seven Don Antonio 7.3 Thank You Man [Music] hi Aly Raisman needham zone tonight Dave nice to meet Ali also Boston guy so what we're doing here I moved to New York a year ago okay so I tried every pizza place in Manhattan one today so I try them all so he brought like yes literally so he brought 16 different pizzas so as people come down everyone try it you take one bite and score it zero to ten you're in 202 right Jamie all right so double review it's a one bite and then everybody knows the rules if you want if you want Jaime's closing her eyes which I respect six I'm seven okay round numbers because it's cold you can taste it better than flavor yeah I've never heard that sometimes I like eating food cold because I feel you can like taste it better I think that's weird and I think incorrect but um it works for me I already scored this it's getting colder and worse I gave this like a seven point eight what you are you're a 37 round numbers okay I appreciate it thank you for coming back first of all you're like my all-time favorite so it's a pleasure to be here it's the only reason I actually want to be here some psyched that you're here I wish you guys were the cover I [ __ ] love you guys one bite and we score the pizza on a scale of zero to ten you're wait wait wait a minute pizza's vegan isn't it oh geez she's are you vegan you're both vegan so I'm gonna take a bite you guess what it is we'll do it up we've been waiting you're in high demand we've been waiting for you for like three hours so what do you think we got it's a little dry what would you score be for my pizza that I mean five what about you I like that little thing you did that was a prep school face with your mouth I appreciate you guys coming are you going to use thinner John's a Bleecker Street looks like a ten it's really really good hole in the wall on 79 - left side of this what's a name it I don't know but it's only about that big but the crust is always crispy and the juice on it is tangy idea that's a second juice thank you thank you very much thank you nice meeting guys they're vegans even though I love Christie Brinkley if you don't eat pizza you can't win my heart you just can't all right so what you guys just saw was the first I think ten to fifteen rapid-fire supermodel pizza reviews in the history of the peace review game all the credit in the world goes to the girls slashed me for keeping it moving keep it in organized letting the pizza do the talking and let the sauce do the talking the Brinkley's they're vegans they reviewed my pizza that's never been done before I made a couple girlfriends I'm going to jump on a Houston flight we're gonna talk pizza we're gonna talk crust we're going to talk Italy we're gonna talk at all hope you enjoyed it a lot more content coming this weekend guys a lot more pizza it's a [ __ ] lifestyle
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 510,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, swimsuit, sports, illustrated, models, review, barstool, nyc, el pres, palvin, kang, jeter, swim, hot, sexy, hoopes, samantha, aly, raisman, italian
Id: bcvgMIBuQF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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