Barstool Pizza Review - Ah-Beetz New Haven Pizza (Delray Beach, FL)

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[Music] brushing it out all right so this is not even this isn't sliced like a normal New Haven either they don't do triangles do yeah um no you don't no no New Haven would be in a triangle yeah definitely no well they grew up on what street absolutely no they're modern's definitely you know they're like uh no they're not Square they're this but they're more like they're like disorganized this is an organized it's organized I did it organized for you all right here we go we got we got enjoy thank you I appreciate it thank you all right so a piece New Haven pizza so I've known about this place we're in Delray by the way I've known about this place for a little bit they've been around eight months I I scheduled and we got all the back footage I scheduled the whole trip around this place the website says they open at 11. I call see like we don't open till 4 30. it's like well the website She's like hold on it's like sorry yeah the website's screwed up we're not open till 4 30. like all right well I'm kind of a big like pizza guy I'm not gonna get back out here it's not close and she's like no no I know who you are wait wait wait no no I'll get the oven I'll do whatever I meet her we get the story I'm almost like getting like teared up hearing our talk about New Haven style pizza I know bad timing is a couple things I want to say that I believe sets us apart from you know everybody who's out there right now most of the people that work here this you know this pizza is in Italian [Music] you know um give me chills she's got a new pizza guy making the pizza apparently they don't trust him so there's three main people involved that I can tell there's I didn't even catch what is her name what's your name yes Cass so I talked to Cass and she had her head down by the way in there she's got a Muriel a shrine to me but she's like we have a system from when you came we knew you'd come oh man did you just put that up I found it up for a long time we got this Bell for luck I guess I called him at a bad time because they weren't open so they opened it the kid who generally runs it is not here he's getting his blood work done in Connecticut back home so the whole thing's a [ __ ] show so the other partner streams in here finishes up the pizza and here we go don't know why the website we are not open yeah I'm here you're gonna get enough beats that's it it looks great now I have struggled getting New Haven pizza outside of New Haven they have a Pepes and like what is it Plantation horrible it was horrible Pepes and they said we're gonna be better no you do yeah you should be ashamed of themselves because normally me I've had everywhere I go people like that Pepe's is a disgrace these guys I think were involved in a place in Fort Lauderdale that I didn't think was great so not cast but the other so long story short I hope and I can tell that seemed pretty good go down to Carriage this is the best I've felt I can already tell I'm such an expert my upbeats and yes if you see a beats on the side that means New Haven that means drop your draws drop your drink drop your balls and run because they have New Haven you hear this that Jersey Manhattan Chicago no the best pizza in the world in the world I've been to Italy I've done the reviews the best pizzas in New Haven period this is the best feeling New Haven pizza I've had outside of New Haven or at least in Florida area I remember there's a one I thought was pretty decent in Providence I have High Hopes this is better than anything I felt outside of New Haven one bite everybody knows the rules and I want this to be great now was there hanky-panky with who's making the pizza maybe okay [Music] I wanted it to be great and it is great it does New Haven Justice now No Doubt this answers the question can you make a New Haven style pizza outside of New Haven you can because that's it I'm so confused on whether you just have to get the right pizza maker here or is it a kid who is in Connecticut gets his blood work done whatever the case may be this what I'm eating right here is spectacular and it is true New Haven style pizza I'm gonna go I just want to take a second I mean where you got that to the undercarriage look at the crust it's everything I love about it eight four it's all fun games and I do love casts so it's great it's great question now becomes shoot if you weren't here yep who's making my pizza Hampton but did you make this or did he make this because what what now you got great school this is this does New Haven justice but I I did it was like he's streaming down well so if if like I'm putting my reputation online like yes this is this this is new hairstyle it does it justice which this does no I sold that spot in 2017. you reviewed it on my birthday I'm sitting and making a tuna sandwich and I'm getting texts Dave's at next I'm like okay sold it two years ago because this is I'm the pie Guy this is the whole this no doubt I gave it an 84. it's this is that this is like you're a New Haven I haven't found that anywhere else but I'm gonna be on the lookout If my people come in and I know what floppy it was because this is great this is no doubt great dude thank you I haven't had it I haven't had it this good outside so it really did adjust it I think we work on it yeah have you had the Pepe's over here is trash have you had it no [Applause] and then she's like well we're not open it's like well we drove two hours yeah yeah so but I had the one with the mustache and the glasses on just in case he's in Disguise you can't keep that up I'm gonna keep that [ __ ] thing up this was as good as I've had outside of New Haven I haven't really found anything outside New Haven actually like that does it justice that definitely back up in myself yeah I appreciate it thank you Visual Studio thank you
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 875,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza, Things to do, Italy, Pizza Review, Review, Food, Food Review, Dave Portnoy, Barstool Sports, El Presidente, Pres, El Pres, Italian Food, One Bite Barstool, Barstool Pizza Review, El Pres Barstool, Dave Portnoy Barstool, humor, entertainment, comedy, celebrity, funny, yummy, New York, new york pizza, el pres reviews, pizza scores
Id: 8S83EebcizA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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