Barry Bonds - World Record Hitter (MLB Baseball Home Run Documentary)

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baseball has a drug testing policy and very Ponce's matter the drug test that has been thrown at an inside look beyond the headlines from the man himself bonds on bonds a weekly zoo they needed a villain you know so I became the villain all the time and if you're not guilty of anything why are you being charged and that's not our society that's not the American Way I don't wish this upon any person ever this whole thing had to do a Barry Bonds and I work welcome to downtown San Francisco over AT&T Parker at the corner of third and King streets on the shores of McCovey Cove play host to the Atlanta Braves it's opening day San Francisco if anyone ever plays a San Francisco it's a place you would never ever forget anyone ever ever playing where else because it's the most forgiving place in the world the feeling that you feel inside you can't explain it to people and it's Showtime - bye there why hit fit one the one that I think will always stick in our mind was in 1993 first year of new ownership first year Barry Bonds as a giant and first at bat he's very emotional because the Giants came was so close to moving to Florida and people in San Francisco thought of Barry as our there's really a homecoming to that's pretty dope right there the Braves have always been a classy team and they've always been just a dominating team internationally so you know they've earned that respect the rivalry with us in the Braves was just that it was good competition you lose you lose it lose by 20 last night 20 it was an amazing run most two years against a quality Pittsburgh team our goal is a runner double ply if it came to the last innings er last within the last innings the brace always came back they did it all here is everybody then they did it probably more times against us and anything after the first baseman Oh Pittsburgh to Atlanta with two out to the bottom of the ninth inning in Game seven of the National League Championship Series we were playing shallow to try to take the hit away but y'all been I also remember her barricading two foul balls out of the ballpark if he hits a rocket like this there's no way the ball is just over my head and there's no way I'm gonna get to it so I took two steps back to try to play my middle key back to the - oh now the two the score we've had circumstances in that situation of runners born it was a bang-bang situation to just say he's off line a little bit I think that play crushed us just an amazing series and one that basically was the demise of that Pittsburgh Pirates 1993 was probably the most dominant team I've ever been I remember the all-star break going to bury they had a nine or 10 game lead on and I said Barry I'll play you and around the Gulf for that tens ten game lead I remember him saying no way I'm loving it we're finally gonna get you that pennant race to us was a World Series because it was England's crazy it was really a sort of a surreal experience you had very having a magical year 103 wits but we had to play every game like it was 160 seconds and I tell you what the last series in LA was rough going back Rover's iPhones time to get and keep winning every game because the Braves would be in Colorado unfortunately Mike Piazza just got hot Mike Piazza just basically did what I did on Friday he did on the last day down to their final out the Dodger fan standing I'm Martinez flyball this season is over one of us has to lose unfortunately it's always us or me jump off the balcony on that side jump off the balcony you know everybody common issue this is baseball baseball go away where you craves uniform and walk away with the signs baseball we knew worries tonight for San Francisco Giants superstar Barry Bonds her opinion was if this went to trial that better but it'd be hard to put bonds in Jeff not only further I wanted to like grab one of them and just like say hey do you know you're shoving a dude but you know the next one I'm probably in a lawsuit they're single bonds attack the camera dude but basically they were attacking everybody else tonight new reports are out saying a federal grand jury is investigating with a vodka Miniver jury they're gonna break me there's no legs they could drive but this is not going to happen if they want to call me hey they called me before they'll get the same answer they got before well he went before the Valco grand jury in 2003 right at the end and was basically asked if he ever knowingly took steroids or performance enhancers and he said no he's always said to me that at the end of the day when you tell the truth you have nothing to worry about he could be indicted he could be convicted he could go to jail he's firm in his convictions and you know there's always two sides to every story nothing fell on Barry Bonds he did it all himself so no he's on a fall guy he's just a symbol he's become symbolic of baseball's worst nightmare the whole world's going crazy the whole world's gone Barry Bonds crazy everybody except one person that's perfect there's no secret there's no secret behind what's going on here it's a little crazy it's a little crazy and I think it's gone overboard to be honest with you does it that's to make any sense lunch zero follow each other tripping you got anything say your fancy it well who's they've given one of the team I'll forgive you in two more days yes there's no win situation from you here I knew I'm still being investigated but I didn't know that was particularly coming the people that are behind this they're not coming out all we have are sources so let them sources come out bring them out I'm never going to repeat what I said in the grand jury I did what I said I said in a grand jury testimony that's what I stated and that's what I was lived by for the rest of my life literally cannot even walk into the locker room by the time I can get my shirt off to put my uniform on there's ten guys behind me watching me get on dress it's exhausting there'd be a lot nicer to be able to allow me to just be able to go do my job talk to you about what I don't talk to the depressing besides about games I'm walking into done Clubhouse Dodger Stadium the visiting Clubhouse and I look over and that's Barry Bonds laying in a big couch in the middle of the room his eyes close and open and close he's kind of like those and all I'm thinking how does this guy do it how does this guy for several reasons not the least of which is this great rivalry between the two ball club but also the controversy surrounding Barry Bonds a lot of animosity from the la fans towards bonds when he came out onto the field you can't get up but dr. Syria you have no business client and I even had friends on the dime but once the game started you know you think you hated them I love that series I love being in LA at that time I think it's more the rival in LA than it is in San Francisco I think our fans in San Francisco with la a lot more classy respectful la ages they're mad about a lot of other stuff not only the traffic they have to deal with just to get to the ball game while kind of crap we don't have those problems on people there's somebody always hit a home run there in the game or somebody charged the mound there was a fight or something but most of it was knocking each other out of playoffs I won two pitch a kiss bonus girl : I think the rival between the Giants and the Dodgers are more on the stands than it is in the field because there's more fights at a baseball game I've ever seen in my entire life and it distracts us because we're trying to watch the game playing in game and watch the fights that you're talking I'm a giant hater hating the Giants just it's the Giants Dodger rivalry what else what more do you need to say the orange and the black is just a hated color Oh hate the giant you can't believe I hate them I hate them I like the Dodgers and like guys know I'm watching Dodger giant like hanging up anti Barry Bonds makes it very easy to hate the Giant if you're a die-hard Dodger fan then you hate very much it's just the way it works I think very much public enemy number one would be Barry Bonds he's guilty he knows uh I would hit the Giants period but it makes it easier with bonds on very bars on the stage this weekend the dangers of increased security because of the arrival of Bond the fourth intentional law putting the LA Times to date one guy had a bagging man so what's in there and he pulled out a big syringe the guy so was sorry but the we have confiscated I guess it I'm diabetic struck out and grind I have never had a problem with Jeff Kent ever I always thought the guy's a great ballplayer he's intense player you know he's just different it doesn't talk that much whatever the Jeff Kent situation I had nothing to do with absolutely zero I was sitting on the bench and if Jeff Kent says a lot I'll punch him in the mouth and he and I swear to God we have a rule two guys fighting they groan let them argue long as there's no punches throws leave it alone right next minute Jeff Kent is in Athens Bell in the dugout David handles the situation better than anybody I've ever seen because I would have fought well before the fu got before he got the I'm whipping his ass that's just that right David Bell game is respect Kent's the veteran player he backed out cool what you know everybody's like you know classic you next minute out of nowhere champ you did it at that my dude jail no you know that's the wrong person to ever say that to I jumped up try to chop his ass out that's what happened with me and Jeff when I got the call that was drafting by the car how's that cool this bird sucks yeah and I say dad man you're tripping it sounds wrong what you dude he's like why I said because if I'm on a team that's got all superstars I'm staying in my league for the next five six years I got a chance to be alright chance to be in the big leagues dude and my does like yeah you're right I always had one person on my side anything that came out bad about general always defended me and always protected me no matter what he was kind of a brash confident youngest player but he laughter you had him for a while you could understand why he was the guy that you dudes at some point was gonna be a star and certainly that's turned out that way he was relentless when it came to working he worked harder than anybody would have ever imagined I think he worked harder than any offseason people thought I think there was this misconception he just walked in the spring day and start hitting home run to look back and you know you think that you were his manager at one point you see everything he's a cop if you're proud of that best manager of my life best friend of my life this this person elegant to take care about his job didn't care about the money he cared about his players beautiful temple chapters don't get me wrong I mean there was days we lost games and he dumped over the whole kitchen thing we were allowed to eat I was young manager he was a young player we bucked heads we expressed ourselves do some bad language and what about our business the same thing happened I've yell at him again and he's yelled back at me but we'd be still be friends forever timmy was a bet awesome no one know who ain't never seen a manager to have no rules ever I understand imagine that just would tell you at 7 o'clock just be ready makes the catch of a shaking lion Drive he lifts one down the left-field line is Barry Bonds in pursue his attitude was if I like it hits no one's getting their hips out here and that's the way plate do you know what there was always a cardinal rule if I ain't getting no hands you ain't getting on it that was just the way it was what Barry Bonds comes from what is essentially no an Olympian family in terms of athletic traditions and accomplishments his father Bobby Bonds of course great baseball player could have played football and this family has a different reality relative to our athletic achievement check I had a problem I had a famous father I didn't want to play baseball because I didn't want to do the same thing my father did and that was a lot to have to do with the two because I had a lakhs of days ago attitude all the time he let it be known who he was where he was from and who who he came from he came in with a pretty boasting attitude when you're coming as a freshman and you're as talented as he is right away you're gonna get somebody else's job and then somebody else has friends and so right away you have problems built in and it would be Frank start athletes do get some preferential treatment all my coaches were harder on me they were the other player I separated myself from the team because I was better I mean that's just the fact I was better might even work that hard because it came really easy to you I always have this lakhs of days ago style of play some guy just do something that we please get pissed up all the time but I'm like I don't want you madly for me get ready get to you gotta be a little humble okay at time and that's something that Barry Bonds probably is is lacking I always tell everybody my major was MLB that's why I'm master dad because I think the rest of it was just waste of time but I did major in criminal justice and I never went that far I played baseball to go to school I didn't know that this would come out like this I just went to there so my parents didn't have to pay for my college and I had to hear my mom and dad yell at me all the time so I played baseball got grades enough to go to college I had tutors I went to summer school twice I mean I wanted to try to graduate I just didn't and I would I did a major on something I couldn't read that was the best part I just never could read that good that's why I had tutors all time people around my parents know you put me in front of numbers not always right through that you let me play in the stock market and stuff like that yeah I understand those things I think through my growing up years I've learned to block out so much is that I block out too much stuff you know working with kids to me is where I feel comfortable okay now you're taking this subject right here's the same thought process this balls come right hand you begin it surrenders for him to come out here talk to us a new are we getting the best out of them is something that I can do I don't I don't know why I don't know how but that's where I feel comfortable X where I feel safe I think he should be a coach someday pass out all that he knows not only about on the field stuff about the game but pass on what he's learned through all this it takes time Karen took there a lot of years again right I sweat a lot of we still don't get it sometimes you got to just say get it oh no today I just don't have it and you got to go do something else positive that's why I figure from them again that again in this right now have to do I'm gonna try and stay in a good position it's in a walker sups database will run make a positive dollars a day but then I'm playing a game my head my hand because then it doesn't matter to me another curveball so much thought in here I'm saying but if I'm ready to play a game with him that curveball cool I might even hit that ball right through the home I got a base hit because I'm not allowing him to dictate what I'm doing he has become the poster child if you will for an error that everybody in baseball will just assume forget and therefore he's become somewhat of a scapegoat he's become the guy that everybody is looking to throw under the bus in order to somehow absolve the institution there's an element of tragedy relative to the institution of Major League Baseball and its historic a place in the pantheon of American sports I just got to come back to it come back to the real world and start playing baseball at post plays game I'm not the same person and I need to become ready to get back to Who I am I'm having to hide in places that I never really had to hi and let baseball history happen first and then let's go from there whether you like me or you hate me it don't make no difference to me you love my game great Yeah right Aaron 714 MA we have route 714 don't know if we yeah you know if the ball will be blessed pounces back on the field but if it does that'd be awesome one that players might one pocket keep try to do even count on something 714 750 and we wanted to be right that's our job and it should be certain parts of my career I want to give to the Hall of Fame there's parts as I want to keep there's parts I want to give to my entire family boss when the drive to left field the other way holiday his first time a homerun has become a lottery ticket you have the opportunity to better somebody's life by hitting a homerun to me that's satisfying Thank You Barry Bonds goodbye you are welcome these all use tax yeah oh my god I've never in my entire life I've ever ever not kept anything that's monumental to be giving away a couple of my bats but that's about it but never anything that's been when I keep everything you're gonna face ball I have a mound everything these are all my shoes around my ear these are the best one for here my father doesn't have this whole career with him in a Willie was she kept all this stuff number two I can go back and look at my history relook at what I've done and throughout my career and it would give me time to go through my own museum before I allow everyone else to have my museum I came up in 1986 right I kept every single one of my facts this is 684 569 70 and 71 I used this bat for three home runs 703 when my dad died my dad said you know we should probably start keeping your home run bats if you get to 500 you know and I decided to keep them I will make the final decision on anything that goes out on me I did the ad for Victor Conte because Victor Conte did something for my father out of the kindness of his heart and for me Victor Conte gave protein shakes to me for my dad when my dad was going to cancer right to use the amazing leg all of it all in one pill because everyone hates to take 17,000 pills a day and so I did his act out of the kindness of my heart for him they do not know him personally I guess I met the man maybe twice that's about it and then asked me if I would do that my would said yes because um so I don't have any problems with Victor Conti working working bad that's good come to watch us play some ball man always watch you long time Danny Glover knew my father all the people that come back to my father's days I talked a lot with Barry's father because by your father they're not the same age we couldn't the same generation yourself that movie business huh I just wanna play the son you would play myself I wanna lies there I just want you know the city we worked it out man I won't play the one where we don't call that famous child so you know when you're famous father you know other famous people just at that time you were a little baby everybody all right your vice my brother's my good everybody grateful now no no no Jazzercise and stuff we ran all over the place oh good on the church all the time good leave a great man thanks my head look great man trying to hang in there I don't like you always say this your honor hey they say what's wrong with Jessie as long as it's attached I'm all right here nice good I don't know how he's able to function on this current climate I think that on the one hand it is important to really focus on what this is about and this is without a doubt an attack on Barry Bonds an attempt to use Barry Bonds as the scapegoat the issue with race is that is always there but people feel as if they afraid to talk about it so they can cloud it up and say hey you the cat used steroids so you can you can now dismiss is your race I know that I'm black in America there's no secret behind it every time I say some I'd become a headliner so I just leave it to Danny I'm surprised that black community has to come out and make a statement about this I think the fact that the black community would say we know what this is we've gone through this we know exactly what this is and they can call the spade a spade I never fail to marvel at how resilient baseball is I often have likened it in print to a drunk crossing a six-lane Highway and baseball's like that bad leadership and the owners who can't agree grumpy players with no clue as to how to win over the fans and somehow it all gets through to the next thing and I think baseball will survive his bonds in the lineup tonight bonds is in the lineup now this is a day game after a night game so the big fella wants to go out there back and forth to now line breakers ready and the pitch to bonds and bonds I hope that that that drew this whole throughout this and at the end of this that people will will judge Mary for what he was and what he was and what he is is still the greatest player in the game today good I need to get back into my my sanctuary I need to get back into sit to the game that has blessed me and played to the ability that I've been blessed with and right now I haven't been able to do that to my capabilities and I'm one pissed-off athlete right now I tell you what's interesting by coming into this town right now is that one of the great heroes of this town is Hank Aaron this is a hank Aaron town twin you go to Milwaukee you know everyone knows Hank Aaron I mean there's no secrets but I'm not close to Hank Aaron I'm not close enough tank Aaron to be thinking about that in the walk Hank will always be the toast of no no you guys don't want to talk to me yeah we do no you don't you think mothers are here for I know a lot about Hank situation but I never knew how much it spout today's there is even probably worse than their era there's more press there's more media there's more attentions not as easy as people think it is stuff I'm liking was this old great hitter over here how you been yeah old you got right a member that way you could do how you been man be hung up are you I'm all right join this I'm enjoying life I got you I'm going to can't enjoy it you shouldn't do he's played a long time now and this game takes its toll on you physically over that that many years and you know he's at that stage of his career where you you know it all adds up well you know how it is it coming you play the game long enough you ain't had any problems doing they were playing golf you know the game yeah everyone goes like you know he hit you I said you have never been hit in baseball you ain't played baseball okay yeah damn you don't need isn't it crazy this is crazy man good to see you buddy got Hartman I'm not in character I'm not the same person with everything around it I'm watching where I go watching my step can't do this I can't be the normal person that I've always been I'm always watching my P's and Q's because I don't know what is gonna be said next so you know who's gonna get hurt by it next - the black homeboy on that was that ball here to do not have a Uncle Fester taking out I'm not thinking about 7:14 ever I only think is 755 hi there's no reason for me to pick a 714 and 755 is a record but the thing is I can't even think about that I'm not no 230 hitter that's what I'm pissed off about ain't got nothin to do with the home run now I can give a damn about a garrison right now our Babe Ruth Vons was leaning against the cage during batting practice i was just sitting there going I cannot believe I just got hit in the head I mean I I stood up because I was more mad about getting hit and thinking what the hell else can go wrong in this whole year like somebody trying to knock the outer zone we'll play tonight although I'm sure not feeling at a hundred percent he's got to have some sort of headache II took a real shot in the forehead we're talking sports you got a problem with that big weekend weekend at the ballpark this could be the most fun Philadelphia fans have had since they belt in Santa Claus the puckered snowball Harry's coming here's the real problem though that Philadelphia fans have to confront how are you going to deal with Barry there's nothing actually that you can actually talk about every single day was it for me to have to say on it what do you think about so on so here right now I just care about playing bass this signifies itself from being demonstrative we're gonna let Barry know how they feel I don't know how they feel so that's why we open the phone lines I'm taking my kids down to the game Saturday she's seven years old and now he was taking down your shoulder stand this guy Ponder's his cheater I'm going down and to be honest with you I hope eh at that day I wouldn't see history made the farm watch me idiot firstly I'd like to see Vedic disease all the baseball edited history like almost like seeing - no it is but I gotta show the kids if what he did is wrong Philadelphia well I don't care what that is the toughest place i'ma go there get me a Philly cheesesteak to work out deal with the massacre you need this many people yeah there's nothing you could ever say bad about Michael Jackson it because he is a class act know something until Mike hit the home run the three all pitch wagon you know would have been cooler if I knew what the 500 baseball would been working I would have jumped over the Fen to got it get over the wall hit the ball like Schmidt to me is a real ballplayer he's a real man and a Hall of Famer and not only has respect for the game he just has a lot of respect for himself with other players we're all in the same tank here we all should always respect each other should not run and hide because it's nice to see a lot of guys get to have fun in their lives and make a lot of money and still have a good time and I'm on that other side offense sometimes it's it's it's difficult to be on the other side offense sometimes 3 million dollars or 4 million dollars is better than 20 million dollars I'm not a headache and that's the truth and I remember how feeling I was younger just seeing the name font across his back I was like pawns that's one hell of a name I made it to something I grew up you know grew up with and it really made me smell maybe you know realized I'm gonna make a liege this is a god I was watching I want to find feel with if you're not willing to overcome adversity don't get into this business you know they got a young kid over Philly over there that's a first base that's a hell of a ballplayer I talked to Nestor I said boy don't go through this if you don't I'd stay under the radar maybe they were all sinner standing he wants he's gonna must be like me ere he wants it to break out all my stuff I'm like good fit under somebody else to me it's just unbelievable you know I can come out every day and kind of take the ridicule and the abuse and everything and kind of kind of dust it off and still go out and duty what he needs to do she will pass one of the great players of all time even if it's not the record and I'm working now I'm not sure that he will pass Henry Aaron and Halonen hope it ends with him having a for his sake just for all of us I hope he has a decent season I hope he doesn't look as pain as he does now the season ends it's up to him in Philadelphia city of Independence the city of brotherly love show the motion for bond he was visibly upset after grounding into that double play they didn't do friendly jobs I didn't have to hit the homerun I'd have to do a lot of things I do I didn't have to I had that choice but I chose that I wanted to be like Willie and I wanted to be like Hank Aaron and I wanted to be like Babe Ruth who's gonna be out things are tapping around me that just are normal some players are happy at work and those that aren't are the ones that want to be the superstars and they have to take on a lot you have to have broad shoulders that your whole life has to become scrutinized and everything else and you have to be willing to take on that fight because every time no matter what value can feel alone I can feel all by myself and then sometimes I I can't sing with the lid the Lord but I said more than air behind all of you do you see and the two on delivery and binds hits it out of here off the facing of the upper deck and it's a five to three ball game and that is 7:13 longest home runs this park has ever seen that's Barry Bonds that's the way he is happy with what I've done laughs ain't no doubt about it there's no doubt they no shame in my game I don't care 7:55 is reachable when Barry Bonds gets back into his character 755 can be reached if Barry Bonds contactus character you guys leave if I did it for good we all be gone Alessa here in the seven essential I'm just overwhelmed by it all Wow but I truly believe I can I can do it you know I've always had you know my father there all the time my dad always did all the work for me it's tough when you're on your own I'm not talking to the press anymore really I can't get pressure in something I've been doing for 20 damn years sometimes you know you get stubborn you have to drop your pride and go back to basics this supposed to be such a enjoyable time and yet it's been such a pain in my butt you're just add the bat that the chainsaw is simple the bat with the logo on it and then what they'll do is they'll cut Dayton on the day hat all right in here they underneath and ended up the blank for the ones you want to on son let's boom this has been my home this has been my place that piece to go out there every single day you're standing ovations all the time even though you're hitting like 220 I'll know if I make it tomorrow my doors hell I'm already tired you tired hitting right now you don't know how much more so you want to take there are a ton of cameras here the entire field was lined with cameras during batting to have the greatest baseball player I think playing a game of baseball say hey I want my godson to walk me out on that field on my son that birthday is beyond an honor it's bigger than a dream it's larger than life I know you came out to see Barry and I wish you her rap because up top coming to the game to go up and get fun and see what happened it really called me up in the middle of the game and said he needed me I walk away that's how close our relationship is it was in my locker for age five on I think Pat put that uh initial me hey he's yours you take care of him back outside my dad coaching me really has always been the one that I needed the most to to accept me cuz Willie was the best like dad was a great baseball player but Willie was the best and to have the best baseball player say you know I got your back no matter what that's a great feeling he's still a little bit better spiky triple and doubles thank you raising our do he steal ahead of me was defensively a better player really could score on anything here I had to stop a little bit well he's never had to stop I think he can play is good on one leg I hit 616 661 Willy made me feel that I wasn't done yet he's like you haven't done none just cuz you hit 660 home runs and I was like God you know my head I'm thinking what else do I got to do and like this guy happy I was there to hug him I was there to make sure that he understood hey keep going don't stop here just because of me I know Willy accepts what I've done and I know that I've gotten his approval as a baseball player but I haven't gotten his proof all in a way until I get everything I can out of the game it'd be nice to hit it on Mother's Day you know and everyone would probably come up and say you know God you did on mom's day you know how's this and when mom would probably sit there and say you know my son just being born and being healthy is good enough that he feels like he's not going he wants to bump this club win a game to the head and get back on yeah hey Timon you talk about a legend Batemans caliber or Hank Aaron amazing man too many temperature clutch have the sense of accomplishment you wish you could just shake their hand are you wish that they were still here that you can sustain thank you people may think you know I have one attitude on a baseball field feel it so different person I don't think the game has ever changed even as a child except the Indians got longer and things around you may change but the games the same it's something that we're all not good at but somehow successful I don't understand it because there's no business in the world that you could be three four ten and be successful I don't know any business in the world that allow you to give 30% and you'll end up being a multi-millionaire the only part of baseball that I ever regret and that I owe an apology to are the older veteran players when I was a young kid because they were in a train room getting massaged out or sitting in the whirlpool couldn't play and I was this 22 year old kid going I can't believe you're in a training room what the hell you know we haven't even played yet sorry guys because I'm in their lot now as you get older it gets harder cuz they see me hobble in along you know trying to survive which is a lot different boy keep driving a ball like that gonna be checking me again every ballplayer like paper I mean babe who started all in this mess he was in a league of his own I mean he started the game and we as ballplayers in my entire I mean those that have come after him that have put bigger numbers they've given us sites to chase i've changed the game in a different era on the same as aspect of Babe Ruth I've changed the way managers think about pitching the players I'm trying not to really think about it so much I mean when you got me at 24 hours a day asking you some of the dumbest questions all day it's kind of hard not to think about it I don't think about it virtually I think about later all right if I think about hitting homeruns I'm not gonna hit period cuz you just can't go up there and just say oh I just want to hit a hold on boom you're gonna go into a major slump I have to occupy my mind and other things to make that happen and so I'm changing my thought process see if I could take a 200 average and move into 400 and then everything comes out on its own Barry Bonds thought he was now the 1 1 pitch fun swing there's a hydride in the deep left field that one is way back there and that ball is in the bleachers for Barry Baum and that is home run number 710 when you're in a zone recognize things a lot faster a lot sooner you see everything happening that's a zone you all of a sudden know exactly what this man's gonna do for us it's just a split second of knowing something that you did know for three and a half hours and that'll bring up bonds and this ought to be fun pictures in his career you just can't believe the power that this guy has and he's only about this tall and a guy just those rockets to diners Barry Bonds I haven't been asked intentionally walking Matt for sure I don't try to be stupid and thought to his honey hole and that's the ball game I didn't feel I gave her my best and I not believe the night before I gave Billy my best because I was sore Wow well my body just hurts on the first rounds oh just everything hurts again wagner need 710 last night no you're not gonna get yesterday sky it's over with it it's just you're not gonna be yesterday's you might win this fight though but you're gonna have to fight it's a thrill for me knowing that I placed the best athlete Claire I've ever seen and he's arguably the best ever to play the game I just had a feeling that Billy was gonna challenge me with the reliever there's only one shot at each other and you got to dig in deep the pit outside corner proof by he threw me a fastball that it's just I was just like oh my god he's just doing like gasps I'm waiting on wagger they're on their feet here at the ballpark egg from Castro and the lefty crows and bond to die let's get a bill done on the moon always gives me his best and the night before pissed me up it really hurt my team I heard everybody and I hurt myself most of all because I thought that the pair let the pain in my knee get in the way on the on taking on the fight it's like I always tell everyone just get in the fight doesn't matter if you lose the fight just fight that is the first time that bars yeah he's fights me every time and he's knocked me out a lot of times and I keep getting back up but I just want to keep on fighting in that night I'm not Tim out anytime that you can make 42,000 people's jump out of their seat nothing is better than that nothing that is about as good a drama as you can ever provide I don't think the kids are really educated into the game as it used to be the fundamentals of the games aren't the same people are reading so much of everybody's personal lives and stuff like that and they're not really learning about the game we're not really teaching our kids the game like it should be played like you should you should do things it's just not the same I never see sport so bad just some practice me oh I'm like fine that hurt until you get loose what laughs I just conserve it that's it man I just save it all for a game time I don't do anything prior to that ah baby I know it had enough anytime there's not enough time if they went out with a spout yeah I feel good now big difference when you mechanically get your stuff right choose different I think at any time any picture can kick your butt period any pitcher can kick my butt at any time no matter what I don't ever try to assume what I'm gonna do next then I tell every ballplayer this take on the fight that's in front of you first then deal with tomorrow I've been in controversial situations ever since I was because ever since I was a kid and I'm pretty sure my kids block out a lot of stuff too because personally they're my kids go through this too I had never talked to them really about it but I could imagine what my son and my daughter and then have to block out and what people think of their father we're going through all of this over baseball it's a game that's sad that's sad people are standing in line to take their shots that Barry I'm not gonna be one of those guys I think Barry's taking the fall for a lot of guys and yeah I can't imagine going through what he's going through every single day from every waking moment bonzes former personal weight trainer Greg Anderson has received a subpoena to testify next month Andersen bonds his boyhood friends pleaded guilty and has just finished serving time in prison for his part in the BALCO case Anderson has repeatedly refused to say whether he provided drugs to bonds it hurts me because I know Greg Anderson and I know Greg Anderson's a good person I know he's a great dad we grew up together we played Little League ball together Greg Anderson and I will always be best friends judge not lest ye be judged yourself and we Barry said that in the press conference y'all clean your clean your own closets out before you come to mind you know nuts judge not lest ye be judged yourself and I think a lot of unprofessional people in the media personal attacks on Barry when they should just be writing about Barry Bonds the baseball player there's some time to sit there and say you know God why am I doing this you know this is crazy is not worth it you know but I can't give up on something I love like this you know it starts with a young boy who unfortunately Valley cancer What's Up kiddo who does your emails Oh so you wrote the Dean you know check him yeah how you been good yeah we're doing good well that's what you said in your email you got a picture of Barry from a friend of ours who had some connections with the Giants and it was very uplifting for Christopher because that's favorite player meant a lot I mean this is the person that my son kind of basically was are his idol in essence and for him to go ahead and take the time to have that that beautiful picture for him was huge then Christopher saw an interview a very talking about how he was obviously very frustrated and struggling with the recovery of his knee and Christopher said you know mom he can't give up and that's when he said I'm gonna write him a letter I was getting through heavy treatment cuz I just got diagnosed and it is really painful and so when I got back after he gave me a personalized photo um I wrote him a letter saying stay strong and don't give up I read the letter and I was just fired up by it I was just like I couldn't believe that this kid was going through what he was going through and basically I'm sitting over here acting like a kid this kid woke me up so in September we got the phone call that Barry wanted to meet Christopher and wanted him to join him celebrating his night coming back and how he had been an inspiration to Barry Bonds then they later on told us that he was going to have the opportunity to go out on the field with Barry and Christopher was speechless taking the field as a special guest of Barry's tonight we welcome nine-year-old Christopher loud that was Paulo most powerful experience of our lives seeing uh seeing my boy Johan the field mr. Watts seeing him help each other with such confidence to see my little boy go out there it was awesome and all these kids that could have been doing that I'm really lucky didn't realize that kid could not be alive and what he's going through and for me to to not get back up on my feet to do something I got better by staying strong and not giving up and that's how he got better we did it together he helped me at the same time as I helped him and so it was a team effort we helped each other and I'll always remember that
Channel: Baseball Doc
Views: 215,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barry bonds, steroids, cheat, baseball, sports, sport, history, documentary, incredible, athlete, career, world record, base, home run, hitter, yankees, giants, new york, team, teams, league, shocking, truth, performance, drugs, lance armstrong, greatest, best, ever, wins, playoffs, championship, treatment, hosting, lawyer, attorney, pennant, world series, all time, mortgage, loans, loan, credit, claim, donate, rehab, degree, classes, educational, rodriguez, jeter, babe ruth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Wed May 28 2014
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