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hey guys we're gonna do something a little different today or this afternoon anyway i'm hooking up the trailer and we're gonna go to a barrel race today we're gonna get a couple teeth floated are a couple of we're gonna get a couple horses floated before the barrel race and then and then barrel race so i thought maybe you guys might be interested in something a little different so i'm going to take you guys along okay i'm going to catch czar here put him in the trailer i already have dibs and easy in the trailer so he'll be the last one while we're just about to get on the road and i wanted to show you this product that i use it's called neutral back ph i use this stuff to help uh the horses and their anxiety if they have any going down the road my thing is broken so one two squirts in their mouth it helps to neutralize the acid in their gut in case they get a little anxious traveling i am not sponsored by these guys but i have seen this product work wonders on our horses um you can treat ulcers with this and use it for anxiety like like i do now i have used it to treat ulcers but it's really really good in helping these nervous horses like especially before a performance okay just about ready put the boots in connor's getting my ice chest ready because he doesn't want to go come you don't want to go dude good times i guess barrel races aren't cool enough for for him well there's dibs we already have uh czar over there and easy unloaded the plan is to get um dibs and czar floated it's it's there it's just not quite as aggressive as i normally do but it's it's there i got the corner knocked off but she's not happy she says hey man yeah i've done it i've done it you got my sharp points that's it he rode czar he did really well tonight so it's his turn to get floated i was writing czar when they were floating dibs so i didn't get much video of that any video of that actually [Music] he is almost out of it see there's the end of it right there oh good boy there's tsar he's all done with his teeth we are running under the lights tonight not means are but dibs and i she's over there in that pin there is easy and henson they're gonna go take a spin around the practice pin get her exposed to some of the stuff they have here in town and all the riders in that arena [Music] she's never been ridden at night in a public arena so she's doing really well and henson never hardly ever rides her i'm the one that rides her so she's probably trying to get used to his feel in the arena he works on her like drags calves and pushes cows and stuff but she's probably [Music] not used to him being on her and doing circles and stuff [Music] well just done a day of ranching just playing cowboy so tonight we're at the bail race now i go to the barrel race with danielle because i mean she's smoking hot she is a 10. i'll tell you so for all you young cowboys that are looking for love you gotta do it you know whatever girl you're chasing you gotta do what she likes to do too maybe more of what she likes to do because you know i like to you know kiss on danielle and she's going to let me kiss on her if i go to the bell right now if i didn't go to bel ray she's like don't give me no kiss so a word of advice do what your ladies like to do and they'll do what you like to do but now she comes in cowboys with me she's pretty good she's pretty handy all right then you almost got done with um bell racing i don't know what do you guys call it running running just got done running good [Music] around the first she went to the first real nice i didn't help her much around it but second and third were spot on she felt real good she felt confident she's getting there and what'd you think dibs she's like easy peasy i'm not even breathing hard yeah it was fun we're pretty consistent so i'm happy with that yeah you guys look good good looking horse good looking uh woman yeah looks good we're just gonna unsettle and load the trailer up and head out we should be home about 10 11 o'clock unloaded fed about midnight gonna feed everything else everything in the pins well connor connor's home connor's home oh i hope you had him get on that well i told him to i haven't checked but i'll check yeah make sure he fed everything okay well oh somebody noticed my saddle somebody said hey where'd you get your saddle who made your saddle he said they noticed that it wasn't that it was kind of punchy yeah so yeah ben geisler makes these no looks pretty sexy [Music] this goes for you young cowboys when you're out there dating and when you're riding them horses you know you can tell if you like that horse within 30 days you're riding it you don't have to ride it a whole year six months to know that that's a good horse and you like that horse you want to keep that horse around same thing with them girls you don't gotta be uh with them a whole year six months riding it to know that if you like them or not 30 30 days you'll know if you like them enough to keep you know riding so there's a little bit of advice yeah yeah 16 years you don't have to ride it forever know that you like them there's plenty of fish out there or plenty of horses if you don't like that horse go get another one same thing with that girl shane he's still giving girl advice if she you know the one you like within you know 30 days tiller you know maybe you know i ain't wasting my time i'm not wasting my time i ain't riding you no more we're gonna i'm gonna get another one okay well it's time to go she says time to go i'm hungry are hungry you gotta work at it try hard mom
Channel: Painted Desert Ranch
Views: 18,598
Rating: 4.9429927 out of 5
Id: fAvaU0ItMWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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