Patient Injures Herself During 15-Minute Seizure | Inside The Ambulance SE2 EP10 | Real Responders

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okay [Music] all right we're back on shift inside the ambulance it's on it's on let's go with more medical emergencies is that a little bit better now and more cameras let's turn you on yes there are some new faces this could potentially be quite hazardous and some old friends seriously oh that's disgusting [Music] body mounted cameras record every moment nice and slow to show you what goes on behind closed doors caroline can you hear me swedes okay that is a chunk you'll be on the front line with the paramedics from the west midlands ambulance service i reckon you could do this job you know take a big deep breath and hold it for me never a wasted moment when i'm being paid by the ambulance service as they deal with 3 000 emergency calls each day there's nothing to worry about that's not too bad petal is it no you're eager to come into the world step inside the ambulance i love this job you know i don't actually think i've got a really strong like dudley accent oh i think my bromy accent is terrible but you know when you're like going to like some patients houses and as soon as you or i [ __ ] and you're like oh no i said to this patient i said what are you going to do then after you dialysis he says i'm going to take the one more down to cut what does that mean then take the whammel down the cut no idea it's going to take the dog for a walk down the canal oh right it's the cut the canal yeah the cannons come out a woman is a dog an animal yeah mammal yeah it's 20 to 11 on a monday night joe wilson and ash bolas are halfway through their 12-hour shift oh here we go 2906 category one unknown patient 23 year old female fitting for 15 minutes me [Music] a 23 year old woman is having a violent seizure and her friend has called 999 joe and ash are only a couple of minutes away and they are at her house within four minutes [Music] what's the patient's name okay naomi can you hear me yeah yeah all right so we're done ash from the ambulance service all right what's happened you don't know a seizure or if it comes through as a category one so that's our highest priority call so we're expecting someone to be actively having a seizure on our arrival there are different degrees of a seizure so it can be from where the whole body's jerking arms legs and they're thrashing around quite violently on the floor to sort of a focal seizure where they're just staring into nothing and unable to control the sound is she known epileptic electric so she's non-epileptic what's the cause of the fit we don't know you don't know okay sweetheart and how long will she fit in for about 15 minutes about 15 minutes naomi has had a seizure every single day for four months some are over quickly but tonight's episode is ringing alarm bells anything over five minutes can limit the oxygen supply to the brain okay we're gonna give you a little bit of oxygen all right just to help with you you're breathing in all that jazz all right just pop this on for a minute sweetheart [Music] okay let's breathe that in for us and what type of episode was it then sir you've you you've seen it haven't yet yes what what's the episode like what does she do what happens she just passes out a lot of faints what sort of fit how would you know what we're really going to tell you how would you describe this one tonight violence so you banged your head any lump will see you wearing for any pain no no is it just on the front i'm just gonna have a look all right let's just try and move your hair out the way sweetheart so it's painful there naomi is now more alert but her seizure was so strong ash is worried there might be other problems any other pain anywhere else your knee which knee right knee the right banging on the floor banging on the floor all right obviously they're not in control of their body so thrashing around and they've got the potential to cause a multitude of injuries and we have to keep an open mind when evaluating that patient naomi has brittle bones and suffers at least four fractures a year the signs tonight aren't good is that painful there where joe's pressing it is [Music] where i'm touching making you cry it looks like naomi may have broken another bone straight yeah have you ever had any surgery or anything like that on your knee or known to have one leg shorter than the other no when i saw naomi's legs one was shorter than the other which is what we look for when we're looking for a fracture to the neck of femur it was also uh of an abnormal uh rotation so the rotation was out so this indicates to us there's some sort of fracture as the bones move positions right hold your legs i'm gonna move the duvet whilst all this is going on naomi is desperately trying to make contact with her boyfriend alignment yeah [Music] if naomi has broken her hip she'll need major surgery they need to get her to hospital urgently they give her morphine to help with the pain as well as gas and air right so what we're going to do we'll get you on the scoop right we'll get on the vehicle and we'll pop off to a hospital alright ash and joe need to completely immobilize naomi's leg and hip for the journey to the hospital slide this between your legs mate i don't think your knee mat although i've never done anything to my heel it's right right keep it still right nice and relaxed nice and relaxed all right lift that arm for me mate i'm going to push that out oh you can swear if you want you can you can hold on to me all right we're going to go over towards joe now i'm going to push my ability i like that idea [Music] oh thank you is that all right they're ready to get naomi inside the ambulance but a tight hallway means it's going to be tricky okay ready oh see that's a good sign if you're whistling it you're getting the most out oh my god there you go all right keep going on that gas and air [Music] it's over an hour since ash and joe arrived at the house they give naomi some more morphine to help her during the potentially bumpy journey to a and e okay i think i agree with you what's up i think it might be my hip yeah is it hurting now when you move oh man just stay there we'll make a move now now naomi is safely in the back of the ambulance she and joe have a chance to chat because of everything that's happened to me in the past right through that point in life and i'm like everything's already happened is there any point of getting on oh yeah but bad things happen but there's always a way out yeah yeah always i knew of that optimistic approach now then i need you yeah i've got an autistic brother i've got an autistic brother yeah oh yeah that's what i really want to do work with both adults yeah and children but obviously i can't since i'm 15 at the minute oh my gosh just pulling into hospital now anyway oh no oh god it's nearly midnight naomi will have her seizures investigated but first we'll go straight to x-ray to see whether she has broken her hip i reckon they should bring back voodoo magic so you don't actually do anything but you sort of wave your hands over them and shake some chakras or whatever and there's out right i've done all i can though those people that don't really need them drink this portion made from a crow's a crow's crawl and a crab's sense of satisfaction and we've got sidetracked again it's 6 30 on a bank holiday weekend and for michelle mcnulty and hannah simpkins it's been a busy shift and the calls keep coming in we are going to a male with chest pain and that's all we know on what looks like some sort of industrial unit [Music] sweet lights could on holiday weekend unless they have night shifts yeah i might block some sort of shift work might not for longer hours [Music] hannah and michelle are at the industrial unit within minutes and quickly locate their patient is this valeria i'm going to say yes hello sir hello what's your name pain in your chest okay how long has that been full since yesterday okay have you ever had it before michael no okay is it just a new chest or does it go anywhere else yesterday down your arm and down your leg has it gone at any point since yesterday has it been continuous no it's gone and then it's gone back okay it's a hot summer afternoon and 46 year old father of three macan was on shift at the factory where he works what were you doing when it started just sitting down with it you were sitting down yeah okay do you feel sick at all no i don't feel sick you don't feel sick do you have any medical problems normally high blood pressure okay what we'll do then because you're in the obviously it's not ideal to try and access you in the car we'll get you onto the ambulance and then we'll have to get you on there is that all right yeah okay just bear with us two seconds macken's chest pain started two days ago he was in so much pain he went to hospital where he was given strong pain relief tablets but the pain came back and did it go away no last night had the same problem with like sweating yeah putting on sleep when you sleep this morning yeah got up again which i was all right then all of a sudden when i come to work same thing happening concerned his chest pain could be cardiac related hannah wants makan in the back of the ambulance quickly so she can do more tests right mac and what we've done is because we don't want you to walk all right just in case it is anything to do with your heart we've got a stretcher literally just here so if you with our help we'll swing your legs out and get yourself on the stretch and then we'll put you in the ambulance and check you out all right that's it and then swing your legs up for us [Music] [Music] with makan safely on board hannah gets to work okay what we're going to do is going to check you over we'll do blood pressure again the same as the ecg that you had yesterday we'll do another one of those but obviously because you had an occurrence of chest pain it always needs to be investigated we are gonna have to take you to new cross if that's all right yeah but we'll try and do something about the pain for you as well all right if you could score the pain back on naught to ten not being nothing and tens the worst pain imaginable how much pain would you say that you're in at the moment tomorrow's about eight nights okay because the pain is really stiff pain so constant pain as well it's always there yeah just it's like it's like someone's got a fist in your chest that's right okay what do you do here no i'm supposed to you've not done anything that you're aware of that might have injured your chest or your shoulder or anything like that recently i'll tell you what my main thing is because i don't work night shifts right for the last two weeks i do work night shifts okay like during the night i don't eat anything right okay i do the day i can eat we'll do the night you don't get chatted nothing here just drinking water anything like that i feel your pain i know what that's like five minutes later and hannah has finished her medical checks but chest pains can be frightening and making needs a little reassurance well your heart tracing looks fine my hand which is a good thing but like we say the only way to definitively tell whether it is something related to your heart or not is to have your blood test which is what we're going to take you to new cross for now and that's what they'll do for you while you're there um in the meantime because what you're describing to a sense like it might have a feature of cardiac pain so it might be related to your heart we're gonna try you with um probably something that doesn't sound like we did yesterday which is the spray that goes into your tongue yeah makan had quite a lot of things going on and he had an episode of chest pain the day before that he was seen at the hospital for he was a diabetic that had been working night shifts which was making him feel unwell in general it was a really really hot day he hadn't eaten but he did look very uncomfortable when we first got there hannah now gives makan gtn spray which should help with his chest pain right there we're going to spray this okay it helps us rule in and out whether it's your heart as well all right but it's not gonna harm you all right the only thing it might do is give you a bit of a headache unfortunately it sends all the material it's a bit like standing up too fast yep if you lift your tongue up for me in the open your mouth as wide as you can lovely and then close your mouth again okay it's not the nicest taste in the world i do apologize just check your blood pressure again okay not that i'm wishing it on your backhand but just in case you do feel sick i'll put that there okay [Music] seven minutes after giving macan the spray hannah wants to know if he's feeling better [Music] here's the piling new chest what number would you give it now it's not here now it's just back it's more in your back yeah okay whenever you're ready shell okay thank you the pain may be down but he'll still need to have his heart checked out for macken this is his second visit to hospital in just two days and his worried family are on their way to meet him i think just one at the top then you're all done will be able to have his heart fully assessed to see if he's actually had a heart attack don't you find there's a lot of men that are liking these like sort of industrial jobs they get chest pain in their mid 40's yeah it's quite typical i don't quite tend to go to a lot of them yeah i don't quite know if there's like associated risk factors involved but it does seem to be like a recurring theme but at least he was more comfortable fixed him a little bit he's a nice guy [Music] turn left at the sheet field get down the end of the road to the sheep field and then turn right to the shepherd and there's a houston sleigh move there's a power left there all this horses in the next one it looks [Music] true oh there's a tractor tractor i'm from yorkshire some people make jokes about me and tractors there's a tractor apparently i wear dungarees and a check shirt with a straw coming out of my mouth oh my god i can totally see that [Music] we're on a race against time here it's 20 to seven all saints are on at 25 past seven and then take that is on a half past eight i believe but usually the main act is late isn't it so i'm really hoping that they're not going to come until at least water tonight gary barlow's totally not going to come until he knows what's your favorite type of [Music] never forget me gary it's four o'clock in the morning and joe wilson and ash bolas are now coming to the end of a long shift just ahead take a second it comes really light really early so second wind [Music] the worried parents of a 16 year old boy have called 999 as their son was coughing up blood [Music] every moment is captured on the body cams worn by the crew are you sure hello is it joe is it yeah yeah nice strong name that is much all right what's your name what's joe what's going on there buddy i've woke up this morning rob shivering bad stomach and then i went into my mom my mom said i'll just leave like and then i started to feel really sick and dizzy yeah and i felt felt like i was in the passing went to the toilet i didn't watch it threw up blood yeah was it blood or look good yeah okay like bright red was it okay however yeah i'll have a look at in a minute then um and have you had you been throwing up this weekend but you just haven't thrown anything off just pop these on here we'll just do a cup um let him check them then and i'll just go and have a look at this vomit in your toilet if that's all right it's not a very nice job but joseph says he's been throwing up blood so it could be serious he's have problems with um [Music] okay and movements for a while it really doesn't look like blood though that looks pink it's really i just need to get my phone what's he had to eat tonight yeah he's had nothing have you been drinking raw bean already for a lot i've already actually done it yeah that ain't blood that's whatever you see he says pink that you say joseph is in the middle of taking his gcses before he starts an apprenticeship in carpentry how about the pain how would you rate it zero to ten about a seven the stress has been getting to him and he's had stomach cramps for the last 10 days his worried dad has given him something to help him sleep sometimes [Music] no that's fine that's fine uh i never even thought really quiet life yeah yeah it's not blood mate so don't worry all right because it's pink it's not you know it'd be like it's red in it blood you know it's reddish is this like all that yeah it's whatever you've eaten what a that quiet life or whatever that's what you've vomited on yes i am what you're in uh you're doing gcses at the moment all right stressful time here really we've all been there that's good squeeze that down there with your fingers have a little listen to your belly make sure everything's all right there before we get like normal noises joseph has been so anxious he hasn't been to the toilet for two days and he's been struggling to keep food down too and you really when you say you're not eating you're just not eating anything just not feeling like i've tried my best to everything that you've described to us sounds like acid reflux can be quite painful at times because it's the acidic in the body um it was you know really really hurting i'm taking it you do science at school with your gcse now like the ph strips that the teacher gets and it's like oh if it's ph8 what is it you know alkaline acid where is it on the level basically that's what your stomach is doing you've got loads of acid in there and you need to neutralize it so you need food to neutralize it so that it digests milk could be the best thing for you um yesterday joe do you find yourself burping any more than normal yeah yeah and does it sort of taste weird a weird sensation you've got a metal toast like yeah yeah like a copper sort of tape well you're not really like licking pennies or anything to find out the taste but it's with jose's scenario because he was going through a stressful time with exams um and getting his qualifications to set him up for life he was going through stress and potential anxiety issues these can come across of like loss of appetite emotional sort of stress becoming withdrawn so there are a multitude of feelings that people can go through there's no need for joseph to go to hospital so for now it's over to mum even in a j20 glass so i'm too easy i know we're all watching you drink milk but there's no pressure there's no pressure joseph still has two more exams to sit got some natural yogurt wait till you get home from your exam there's like yoghurt everywhere i think we felt sorry for him really it was a tough time in his life and you know he seemed a level-headed kid who'd got you know a puff in life set out for him and which he wanted to achieve so i can understand sort of the stresses that would be involved take care joe and good luck with your exams tonight it'll be fine friday yeah yeah you will be thank you right don't worry [Music] it was quite interesting it was a whole fact of you know 500 yards examine stress i think there's always going to be an element of stress in your life regardless of what it is again it boils down to society a bit though isn't it you know as a society i think we're quite ill-equipped to deal with stress you know ever remember a lot of stress being a problem like i was younger and stuff and i certainly didn't get stressed myself i think you just gotta try and remain you know not stressed in a way i find your own way of coping with things oh so we walked off my grave what what you reckon funeral directors got the best job security what people are always gonna die always going today yeah i think you are correct yeah you get that chill down your spine yeah they say oh somebody's walked over my grave all right no that i will have a grave i'll be created so you'll have a little square yeah well i've not even that i'd want to be scattered somewhere so that i'm not i don't want my family coming down and going to one specific place because they think i'm there not i'm long gone [Music] i've told you about my idea for the the um the ambulance part haven't we and we could just go and end up with like sweaty repairmen we just turn up yeah i love getting the pod and you get in the pod and then you're closing these words and glows and then whatever was wrong with you even if you were like near death or actually dead gets better it just gets better just swipe your credit card as you go like they inject you with some like super health serum and actually makes you feel better than you used to and it's like yeah are we paying by credit debit card or check [Music] [Music] activated [Music] it's 7 51 a.m and hannah simkins and michelle mcnulty are back on shift when the first call of the day comes in we're going to dallaston to an adult female that's fallen off her push bike and injured her shoulder and a little bit fast yesterday yes we all saw and looking at you people being on a push by a car they're trying to improve the cardiovascular health [Music] [Applause] morning you're right did this did you come to see hello good morning all right what's your name sweet june june what's been up in june i fell off my vocal from something to my shoulder did you land on your shoulder there's some bollards there what made you fall down did you feel did you just lose your balance or did you feel unwell while you were now you just we'll go and get everything ready we'll bring you back don't worry and we'll get you up have you ever damaged that shoulder before no where were you going to i was going to do recall oh you carer yeah okay you're hardcore you're cycling around doing care i used to drive doing it and that was enough i'm on cycling what we're going to do is i'm going to support this arm all right so it doesn't go swing it around in the wind okay if you bend your legs up and put your feet flat on the floor for us all right so that your knees are then tucked on and [Music] one two three every move june makes is causing her more and more pain the paramedics need a closer look at june's shoulder lump there june is that where the pain is yeah it's dropped right june from what we can tell it looks like you dislocated your shoulder sweet all right so what we're going to do is we're going to try and strap it to your body where however is best comfortable okay and then um take you for an x-ray they'll x-ray it and then they'll pop it back into place all right is it an easy thing to pop it back in um it yeah as a general rule it is i mean i can't say without you haven't had an x-ray because i can't definitively we're not definitively low to say that it is dislocated until you've had an x-ray but let's face it that looks like the top of your either your shoulder joint or your collarbone yeah depending on where people have dislocated shoulders can be slightly more difficult but it can dislocate and go back and down which makes it very difficult to actually see that it's dislocated because you don't get the same asymmetry as you would do normally with juno one shoulder was dropped down completely she'd obviously got pain there and it had come down and sort of forward so you could see the front of her clavicle was pushed forward in her inner chest hannah and michelle give dune some gas and air to help relieve the pain so pop this mouthpiece in your mouth okay make a nice tight seal around the mouthpiece take nice slow deep breaths in and you want to hear that noise all right so big deep breath that's it okay and then breathe and then again and while you're doing that dune we're gonna because it's gonna relax the muscles in your shoulder all right we're going to tie your arm up so that it's not swinging around in the breeze and we're just going to bring your hand up and in a little bit like it was before so if you that's it once that's tied off i want you to let it relax into that sling all right because it'll take away all the use of the muscles in the top of your shoulder and just give it a bit of support okay lovely right then let's go and talk [Music] is that making it feel easier i can't drink the real thing i've been sober for 11 years and i attended and i'll get to the prisons on a saturday on a thursday night yeah and i talked to our colleagues here and we talked to them about you know our experience strength and help that there is a better life on offer now that's amazing did you not ever arrange yourself when you were drunk i knew there's a gap not no no never fell out nothing and now you're sorry and you've just looked over your shoulder all right then let's get you into hospital june will have to put her caring for others aside today her suspected dislocated shoulder will now be x-rayed at the hospital [Music] it's wednesday afternoon matt rodwell and leon asgari are off to their first call out of the day so we are off to a full no injury [Music] matt has been a qualified paramedic for nine months university it's doing well actually i think i'm doing rather well got the two more to do two exams leon is a trainee paramedic in his final year at worcester university one of the things i'm picking up on that i need to focus on is the confidence to make decisions like medication-wise i just trust my instincts a bit more matt and leon have been told an elderly lady has fallen over at home and is unable to get up eleven what's up sorry dude behind this i could be on this road son and then we'll just walk down on arrival matt and leon are greeted by the patient's carer harvinder hello hello good morning good morning inside they find 84 year old delphine harvinder was alerted to check on delphine after she pressed her personal alarm where did you find delphi yeah she's the ones okay was she on her bum or she on the front or she sits on the center with the ball okay she says she was sat on a bum and sat upright okay we'll give the young lady a once over if that's okay matt needs to find out how delphine ended up on the floor and if she sustained any injuries when she fell there is a stack of bumblebees around here so i've never seen anything like them so i got up to try and here we tape the window so filthy okay have you hurt yourself anywhere from falling i just kind of caught my okie dokie could you just lean forwards for me and just keep your head nice and still just have a little feel cool blimey it's very warm in here you open the window no no no no no no no no no no no no anymore no no do you not like bees delphine we're just going to do some checks on you delphine just be careful i've seen two flights two bumblebees in there they're coming through the bottom of the radiators over there with the bees distressing delphine matt takes action come on mr bumble going out you go dude off you go with matt on b chasing duty leon carries on with his medical check on delphine just stay nice and still and focus on your breathing okay i'm going to print this tracing off your heart off i've done my bumblebee removal act i know my breathing's no good matt is concerned with delphine's blood pressure reading it's a ted on the high side right delphine do you uh do you particularly want to go to the hospital okay delphine needs to be seen by a doctor but matt can't get her an immediate appointment so he's no choice but to take her to a d right but as they're getting ready to take her they're interrupted again where in god's name are they coming from is it under the radiator [Music] okay come on mr bumble out you go yeah that's it they're all out and we're going to try and fix what we think might be the hole quick thinking matt finds a solution you might have a beehive outside finally with the blasted bees banished matt can take his reluctant patient to hospital better come and have a seat you might chariot for me [Music] on three one two three [Music] maybe i know i'll get you i know i know you like it a bit on the warm side so i'll keep you covered i don't like to to get cold no these things i don't like them i know i'm gonna have to put them on no petal because we need to keep you safe can you lean yourself forwards for me delphine okay let's pop your seatbelt on then we'll get you to the hospital there we are that's not too bad petal is it no smashing just get cracking lil [Music] i'm sorry for this rather inconvenience oh that's them in just a couple of minutes delphine arrives at her local a and e [Music] hello fancy seeing you here delphine yeah i'm sorry what are the odds i think i think i missed my profession in life i think i should be a professional bumblebee catcher for naomi who had a fit and was rushed to hospital x-rays revealed it was her knee and not her hip that was dislocated doctors have still not got to the bottom of why naomi is fitting but she has been diagnosed with non-epileptic attack disorder good news for factory worker mackin there was nothing wrong with his heart he was treated at the hospital for overheating caused by an unseasonably hot day he's now back at work and in full health [Music] having passed all his exams 16 year old joseph is now feeling much better he started his carpentry apprenticeship and has changed his diet [Music] care worker june who came off her bike broke her shoulder and following surgery now has titanium bolts in it she's awaiting physio [Music] and 84 year old delphine who had a fall trying to chase a bee out of her bungalow was kept in hospital for two days she's now home and well and the bees have buzzed off another glorious day in the west midlands ambulance service happy days [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 303,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15-minute seizure, England, ambulance operations UK, ambulance procedures, ambulance service, ambulance trauma, critical situations, emergency calls, emergency medicine, first aid responses, healthcare professionals, life-saving actions, medical emergencies, medical emergencies UK, medical professionals, paramedic dispatches, paramedics, saving lives
Id: COpNz2IP-mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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