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well then hello and welcome to a new episode so I do apologize that it's going to be a bit wobbly because I mean Annie and she's that low that um every single bump crack crevice Gap hole scratch uh you can feel it so oh and also don't have a GoPro Mount it's just festive so in today's episode in today's episode what you're going to see is a a good collection of vehicles a very good collection of vehicles so uh firstly we are we find a few gems in a bit of a collapsed Barn I just noticed something sticking at the back of this button we also find a few gems in some bushes ladies and gents what have we found and we also find a few gems some more bushes a V12 xjs just knocking about in the in the grass gorgeous falling [Music] falling uh let us let me know because not many people want to you know really mention Annie I love my honey I'll go sit back later back so yeah like I say sit back and uh enjoy this week's episode and I'll see you all soon [Music] so I don't know where the satin is taking me but it's clear that this isn't um this isn't the road there's no damage there look homicides whatever I'll call that is that's well into the old yeah I uh I was driving past this place so I thought I'd just uh stop buying them another look last time we're coming I got chased off look at this loads of old pictures loads of operations older Mercedes estate nothing's really changed since the last time I came one of those weird weird places very weird weird place I mean if he was in Russia you'd be mistaken for this to be some sort of Mafia so kind of a area I mean this is a weird weird area I mean you've got this new Mercedes here too look what I know it's a 56 plate but do you know what I mean I mean you can make a lot of money on carpets but this is just strange I mean obviously one of them they haven't been looked after they've been just been battered and look at all the carpets in the back I mean this is an expense of your Mercedes really expensive so is this one and that one I mean last summer came it was getting quite dark already in the daytime looking all jacked down look the xjs I wonder she's opened no she's not what a shame what a shame beautiful uh stainless steel mirrors a gorgeous Wheels look no way I'm gonna take my time on this one ladies and gents because this will be the last last time I come here last time I have to rush it so this is one of those cars that people dream of owning me being one of them yeah here it is just been discarded like it's just a piece of rubbish I mean you've got a classic website is a state there too I never understand the imagination of its owners I never ever will I don't even want to because nothing more needs to be said I mean this beautiful Mercedes here this uh was it three 320s filled with carpet and then we've got a ranger over here but this thing was parked there relatively low mileage and unused while I'm seeing from this car graveyard is the chap has a car gets bored of it buys a newer one you've got an E300 over there they're becoming so desirable now they are I mean these two here I'd love one of these cars here the Green's beautiful I'd love both of them in all honesty all these cars here need to be rescued I just noticed something sticking at the back of this behind wow ladies and gents he's got two cars in here look I can't even tell they walk on these guys ladies and gents and this Barn does not look at all safe so we haven't seen these cars in the last time I came here we're certainly going to see them now one second but it's a Vauxhall Deluxe the Vauxhall Deluxe and then kind of tell what that is any ideas on those ladies and gents because it's covered on a fine ladies and gents that's weird I mean you can't it's so tight look I mean that's probably tight that is and the whole everything's fell in on it Vauxhall Deluxe I don't find anything like that knocking about anymore really probably so we're out let us know in the comments below what that is there I want to find what I find there's another car over there ladies and gents as more cars look oh God ladies and gents what have we found because if these two they're both crusters aren't they I mean it says questionnaire so I'm assuming they're both crusters how cool were cars back in the day they're like bloody American low rider look to them God cars have got boring I mean this is a cool looking car the front end of this I mean it's seriously it's not in the mirror unrealizing Gents so I'm guessing that's a Peugeot there Peugeot in two Vauxhall crestas one an absolute amazing location this is and to think of think I miss all these cars the first time around see it's always good to come and second time around ladies and gents I wasn't even coming here my other locations just down the road from this place so I can't really do anything about it with regards to looking inside these because obviously could turn it's quite overgrown so the only thing we can do is just to carry on looking but yeah you get the picture this place is just phenomenal absolutely phenomenal I'll just put it back on top maybe maybe have a that buzz on I was I was losing again let's keep looking nice and gents another classic Mercedes ladies and gentlemen I say this place is phenomenal and absolutely unreal this place is absolutely unreal so the classic Mercedes the whole wooded area is full of classic cars that's heartbreaking that is soul destroying those wheels are cool as well when I say classic cars everywhere I genuinely mean classic cars everywhere but there was a Peugeot but it's just giving up the ghost another Jagger or Daimler I mean I missed all this last time I came I'm not missing that one I'll tell you that after a fact Vauxhall dramatic look Ed tractor there too most of these are Pleasures we've already seen these ones another Cresta burn estate oh wow ladies and gents look at this I just keep going through they're all over there I always will get permission to do this place because come on oh that's not even a uh Colton it's a senator so the thing is though like I said I wasn't going to come back to this place but as I was passing second time around is better because I see more now a lot more as well worth well worth it well worth it I'm in my element ladies and gents this is what I like to find I know they're all locked they're all locked I mean what a waste though what about all these cars they've got low mileage on them what an absolute absolute waste I mean it is it's just a waste it's just it's just shameful I'm not hating on the uh on the old chap I'm just saying it's just it's just a waste it really is nice on the road in 2008 oh okay we'll look at this then for example let's use the carpet fitter you know clearly but this is a waste all these packs have a carpet grippers just I mean look how the wind has been put through so they wouldn't have rotted but do you know there's packs still in there loads of packs but that's a waste there's not many grave doors like this left in the UK there's one or two but there's not there's not that many what do we have here oh looks like there's another another um oh just let me look at that so it looks at me like he went for a stage of peugeot's Peugeot Estates and then he went on to the Mercedes yeah he went to the massages afterwards uh three liter Center 24 valve full of carpet full of carpet this was the last time you saw a senator ladies and gents apart from when I was chasing you oh I don't know what to say anymore I'm just it is one of these ladies and gents there's nothing you can do about it because people like this don't care they don't care they have no value towards cars or nothing like that they just don't they just genuinely don't care put a couple more here it's really really hot grass has really grown High got a Rover 214 there I uh this should not be here another jug over there I'd love an st one I already would but she's open certainly won't be I wonder where you put all the keys yeah she's locked she looks flipping I don't know how mean she looks inside it's just brand new I can't see the mileage but she looks brand new inside ladies and gents [Applause] 3.3 Vauxhall Deluxe again [Music] what a shame what's an absolute shame all right let's get back let's go back round because there's no way out this way so I'll go through all this again we have but uh I do hope you like this video I'm going to use this as one video ladies and gents and all the rest of of today's uh Expedition with a be on Sunday's video um because this is one one long video on its own uh I mean look at this come on really there's no need for this there's just no need for this I know I know it's it doesn't belong to us it belongs to him he can do what he wants with it but there's just no it's unfair on the car now you can laugh or you like it if that's your thing but the car didn't decide didn't choose this do you know what I mean none of these cars decided decided the f8 it was given to them I don't know you can't save every car going and again I know that these weren't worth anything they're only worth stuffing now but I love those headlights on this thing I never liked them but I just love them I think they're brilliant at least it's peaceful this is what you called a car graveyard at his finest rather than Let's uh get out of here this gentleman has allowed this allowed us to look around his mg rubbish wow uh um you're right there mate foreign [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 81,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KBEkR2bEZx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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