Barney & Friends: My Favorite Things (Season 2, Episode 12)

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imagination and when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation barney's friends are big and small they come from lots of happy places barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend abc's if me and my best teddy bear sitting in my favorite chair we are going out to play just like every day i've got lots of friends out there and they're lots of fun but they're not my teddy bear he's my favorite one getting all ready cause my teddy he no i'm not even scared of the dark cause with my daddy right here alongside me i'm not even scared of a shark teddy getting all ready for school sometimes i leave him at home by himself all alone but he doesn't mind and that's cool that's cool hi everybody would you please take off my itty-bitty hat sure barney thank you you're welcome and thank all of you for that fun dance welcome barney we had a good time making our teddy bears dance oh and speaking of teddy bears i see bears bears everywhere oh i'll bet there's something special happening here at school today there is because today is my teddy bear day your teddy bear day yes it was my day to choose a favorite thing for everyone to bring to school and i chose teddy bears because teddy is my favorite friend oh that's nice what sort of fun things can we do with your special friends well we were going to have a teddy bear picnic in the playground but the weather's too cold and windy oh gosh a picnic for your teddy bears does sound like a fun idea maybe we could have a picnic here in the classroom that's a great idea david we could put a picnic on the table and we're dress-up clothes and you make teddy bears sandwiches teddy bear picnic i can't wait oh barney everything's ready all right then ladies and gentlemen let the picnic begin yes you may thank you cathy would your teddy like summerton tea oh yes thank you you're welcome i do believe that we have another guest coming to our picnic hi guys hello pj how lovely to see you we're delighted that you came most delighted did you care for something to eat whoa hey barney everyone's talking kind of funny what's going on we're not talking funny bj we're just having a teddy bear picnic and everyone is using very good manners oh good manners well i know all about good manners and they're really important my parents started teaching me what i would just do all about manners and the right things to do they told me learn to say thank you and learn to say please my parents kept on teaching me when i was three and then the more i learned the more that i could see that there's a way to do it wrong there's a way to do it right everybody use your matters now and be polite good matters are important to everyone in the world stay with me now stay with me good manners are important to everyone in the world yeah they are good manners are important to everyone in the world now may i please be a part of your picnic yes you may oh thank you oh you're welcome oh this is so much fun let's see i'll need a plate and a teacup and a napkin and i've got the napkins right here here you go oh well that's funny i uh i think i've seen this napkin somewhere before yeah wait wow that is not a napkin huh that's my blanky here you go baby bub thank you hi did you lose your blankie again i did not lose my blankie frankie lost me look at all the teddy bears we've been bringing our favorite things to school and today we brought teddy bears because that's my favorite thing oh cathy i brought my favorite thing to school too i did it's blankie that's her favorite thing all right she takes it everywhere oh but that's because baby bop's blankie helps her feel good when she's tired or scared or a little bit shy and lots and lots of boys and girls have blankies baby bop have you had your blankie for a long time a long long time when i was a baby my blankie covered me all up but not now i guess you've been growing since then oh i grow every single day but i still like my blankie i'm gonna sing now i like my blankie it's very very yellow i like it even better than a bowl of jello see my dance my blankie is so special and very very yellow i like to keep it with me when i say hello my blankie feels soft like a big marshmallow but i like it most because it's oh so yellow i like my yellow blankie in the day and night thank you my blankie is just for me and it's very soft is it soft like my teddy it is soft like a cloud well let's find some other soft things here in the classroom come on everybody yeah zippy is very soft this toy globe is not like a pillow and this feather feels soft and sort of tickly too hey look at this i've got a big soft beer oh those are nice soft things but i like my blankie the vest my my blankie is gone where's my blankie oh you added just a minute ago but it's gone right now uh-oh we'll help you find it baby bop come is on i want my blankie and don't worry baby pop i'm sure we'll find it very soon oh thank you we've looked everywhere but we can't find your blankie baby bob oh and we looked down yeah we looked in front of us and then we looked in back of us oh okay i think you should have looked behind baby bop see why you are baby oh my blankie oh thank you see everything turned out fine oh yes hey i'm sorry you lost your blankie it made me feel sad i know it's no fun to lose things if i lost my hat i'd feel really bad you would feel bad cause it's your most favorite thing yeah it is but you know what what you're my favorite sister oh sometimes we're real close friends we stay up late and talk at night sometimes we don't get along there are even times we fight but i know she's always there and i know he'll always care she's my sister i love my sister i've given her a great big hug when she was feeling bad sometimes you've said some things that have really made me mad but i know you're always there and i know you'll always care she's my sister i love my sister but i know you're always there and i know you'll always care she's my sister i love my sister i'm his sister i love my sister oh i love you vijay i think we need to clean up the classroom a little we sort of made a mess looking around for baby bop splanky oh cleanup time up two three here we go everybody barney we finished cutting up the classroom so we decided to build a mountain to play on what do you think oh my it's a big one in fact it's so big that it may be sort of a problem what kind of problem barney well i'm pretty sure that a special friend of mine is coming to pay a surprise visit he tells the very best stories but now i don't know if he'll be able to get around this great big mountain when he comes hmm let me see now hmm well yes there's plenty of room for our very special guests to be coming round the mountain he'll be coming round the mountain he'll be coming round the mountain when you go he'll be driving six flying horses when he goes and we'll all be glad is hi barney hi everyone hi joe oh this is great everyone this is my very good friend joe ferguson hey how you doing hi joe we've been talking about all sorts of favorite things today teddy bears and blankies and hats so i thought that you could visit and share one of your favorite things with us that's a good idea one of my favorite things is sharing stories with boys and girls and little dinosaurs hey that's us and big dinosaurs too let's go i have a story about a very good friend of mine see if you can guess what he's called he's shaped like this i circle you're right it's a circle and my friend mr circle lives inside of this book and sometimes he won't come out of the book come on out mr circle he said he's not coming out because no one said the magic word please please everybody said it mr circle so come on out of the book you say it won't come out still because no one has on the color green if you have on anything green raise your little finger okay they have on green and they said to me come on out of the book mr circle can you say hi to mr circle hi mr speaker his favorite game is a game that's called basketball basketball he likes basketball because he's shaped as a basketball well one morning he got up and he took his bath can you take your bath he brushed his teeth he flossed his teeth and sometimes your mom and dad have to help you with that strength yeah we got a nice breakfast and then he wanted to find someone to play basketball with him now he started to go down the street but he started to roll at first very slowly and while he was rolling down the street he saw a very beautiful butterfly can you show me a butterfly he saw flowers blooming but while he was rolling down the street he saw a little girl the little girl was riding a yellow tricycle the little girl's name was miss triangle so he rolled up to the triangle and he said miss triangle would you please play some basketball with me today i can't say miss triangle i'm getting ready to go to my ballet lessons okay said mr circle have a nice time at ballet but he did not give up he rolls some more and he was rolling down the street and he saw a little boy and the little boy was real cool he had too long sides and two short sides too long too short too long and too short his name was mr rectangle too long and too short so he said mr rectangle would you please play some basketball with me today i can't say mr rectangle i'm getting ready to go to the library to check out some books you mean you like to read books yes says mr rectangle i like to read books because i'm shaped like a lot of books i have two long sides and two short ties okay mr rectangle have a nice time at the library but he did not give up he rolled some more well he rolled down the street until he came to the square now a square is a shape that has four sides all the same length and when he came to the square he met all of his friends and then his friend said mr circle would you like to play some basketball and mr circle said okay boys and girls and dinosaurs that was a story that was all about shapes oh yeah oh boy oh that story was still appendis i'm glad you liked it mr ferguson do you like listening to stories too i certainly do men i thought since she told us such a good story maybe we could tell you a story to say thanks that's a terrific idea oh another story yes oh boy what kind of a story would you like to hear joe well i see a lot of bears around your classroom do you know any stories about bears we sure do come on everyone i just know this is going to be a fun story i can barely wait one day goldilocks was walking in the woods you could tell by her look she was up to no good she found the the bears came back bear says i can't believe my eyes mama bear said our porridge my chair there's someone in my bed with curly blonde hair oh i better leave before i lose my head mama bear said this will happen no more next time we leave we're gonna lock the door oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes that was wonderful i really liked the way you told that story i've had a lot of fun but it's time for me to go thanks for inviting me barney oh sure we hope you come again soon joe barney yes kathy we've had lots of fun today with our favorite things but what is your favorite thing what do you really want to know yes maybe you can guess we'll try my very favorite thing is sort of like your favorite things it's as warm as baby buffs blankie oh then it's very warm and as much fun as bj's hat yeah it is kind of fun yeah my very favorite thing is as sweet as kathy teddy now can you guess whatever it is it must be really special oh it is because my favorite thing is having good friends like you i love you you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too i love you you love me we're best friends like friends should be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too oh i'm sleepy come on we had a lot of fun today but it's time to go okay bye everybody see you later i think it's time for all of us to go but what about our teddy bears where are they oh there they are oh hello again to all my friends i'm glad you came to play our fun and learning never ends here's what we did today we had fun with everyone's favorite things like the teddy bear picnic we had for kathy's teddy oh that was such a nice way to practice using good manners baby bop's favorite thing was her blankie because it's so soft like a hamster or a feather when my friend joe ferguson came to visit his favorite thing was telling stories he liked hearing stories too like goldilocks and the three bears do you have a favorite thing my very favorite thing is having friends to love and you know what i love you you
Channel: BarneyIn2014
Views: 1,265,039
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Id: NbMLQ1zG7zI
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Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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