Barney & Friends: Red, Blue and Circles Too! (Season 2, Episode 4)

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sensation while we're waiting for Nina we can have a tea party Teddy let's put these oops play so you can sit down tea is served miss fear my like pretty cups and plates for our Tea Party may I pour your tea sir here's an old jack-in-the-box Barney Oh this'll be a super-dee-duper surprise Tasha Oh Oh Cassie will love my jack-in-the-box hi Cathy have you seen Tina good hi Michael no I haven't seen her yet hi Michael come over here I have a surprise to show you I'm sure it's my very special touch a terrific jack-in-the-box watch all around the cobbler's bench the monkey chased the weasel be the monkey was all and firm my love buttons the weasel let's all pretend we're checking the boxes okay all around the cobbler's bench the monkey chased the weasel the monkey thought was all in fun ha goes the weasel a penny for a spool of thread a penny for a needle that's the way the money goes pop goes the the painter needs a letter and brush the artist needs an easel against Reseda Fiddler's - goes the weasel funny time to sit inside or to tell the reason why here's me quick goodbye see much fun Oh Cassie back to terrific Chattanooga especially when Barney pops out it shucks where's the other jack-in-the-box it was here a minute ago look all the plates on the table are gone in a triangle - hmm where could they be where are the hoops I put them on the trunk so Teddy could sit at the table what could have happened to them did you take them teddy she says he didn't take them oh well we'll find them later I guess but it sure seems funny mm-hmm well maybe they'll turn up later hey Michael are you having fun at your new school uh-huh it's great it's close to this school so I can still visit all my friends here do you ever see Lucy at your school I sure do Lucy had cheerleading practice today so she asked me to walk Tina home no carrier books for why can't she carry your own books hi Barney wooly blue what happened I was climbing a tree in my backyard yesterday I fell and broke my eyes oh I'm sorry Tina the doctor put this cast on she said it will help protect my arm until it gets better does it hurt it hurt a lot when I fell but it's okay now did you cry uh-huh but the doctor made it feel much better well I'm glad you're okay Tina the doctor said I could play but I'm supposed to be very careful till my arm gets better do you think it would be okay for you paint a picture I'd like that but the cast makes it hard to hold the pencil or a paintbrush I have an idea we can make sponge friends it'll be easier for you okay using baby guidance purple paper that's my favorite lucky - we'll take that some brown paper please Wow hmm I know I can use the back of a brown paper grocery bag from the recycling beans yeah we like the shapes we like the shapes we can paint them all right here we like the shapes you like the shaky to paint them oh my here this one has four sides and it is called a square this one has four sides any is called a square distortions are all the same all the same this where is four sides are all the same all the same we like the shapes we like the shapes we can bake them all right here we like the shapes we up the shapes we can paint them all right here this one is a circle cuz it is so round this one is a circle cuz it is like this like this we like to shape we like the shape like a baby all right here we like the shapes we like the shapes we can bake them all right here this wine is a triangle like this this oh we like to shake right here we like the shakes we like to shake right here I need lots of shapes on my paper here's a red triangle and a blue circle it's pretty and I put yellow and green squares on my paper I made a big circle out of little circle good idea that's using your imagination Tina Thanks what did you make Michael try to guess oh that's a pretty purple what did you paint Barney well I'll give you a clue my pretty colors crossed the sunny sky after rain clouds say bye bye what am i hmm pretty colors crossed the sunny sky after rain clouds have gone bye-bye I know it's a rainbow look look at all the colors oh I like red gets the color of an apple orange gets the color of an orange yellow it's a lemon and I love the whole Sun Sun Sun green it's the color of the trees and lots of things that glow and then there's before the sky and purple that's a color that's fun fun fun those colors side by side now what do you think we done made rainbow and it's really beautiful Oh it's the color of orange it's a lemon and a wonderful Sun Sun Sun Hey it's the color the trends and Watson that's another that's fine side by side now what do you think we done made we made a rainbow is really pointed strike every color in the rainbow is pretty but together they're really beautiful that's right Kathy and there are lots of different colors all around look at us hold out your arms we're all different colors and we're all very special we are yeah Tina's caste is really different colors it's really yellow did you hear that what it sounded like the triangle we lost wait a minute what's that sound it sounded like pop goes the weasel it's the jack-in-the-box let's go look it's the missing jack-in-the-box for my party with teddy triangle - you know you're playing with lots of shapes Baby Bop well sure you are would you like to play a game with shapes okay I'll tell you about a shape then I'll draw it in the air and you can try to guess which one I'm talking about okay your nose the first shape is round is no Mullens know what sheep is it that's right Baby Bop a circle is round it has no corners oh okay what shape has 4 sides they all the same size and four corners all corners oh I don't know Barney this is the square it has four sides that are all the same size and it has four corners one two or course oh okay this shape has three straight sides at three corners what is it wool I know I know it's a triangle three sides and three corners one two three yeah let's see what shapes you've been playing with Baby Bop okay dis jack-in-the-box has a square shape and square and this is a triangle Oh one two three five and the two is a circle Oh big round circle let's show Baby Bop how to make a circle yo yo yo ref is my darling Oh never everybody that's mine let's get more pleased with the pretty baby bomb thank you look everybody well baby bucks we could lose it up a little yeah come on everybody let's go for a little spin I guess so I forgot about my broken arm it just hurts a little it'll go away soon oh well maybe if I show you my very special favorite dinosaur no trick you are will feel better yeah watch carefully now that was great Barney you got it on your tail thanks I forgot about my arm Bernie it's okay now oh that's my favorite hoop because yellow is my favorite color my blankie yellow I love my blankie is very very yellow I like it even better than a bowl of jell-o when she holds it close he feels just right she in the day and night is so special and very very yellow and like to keep it with me when I say hello when she holds a ghost it feels just right she likes her yellow blankie my blankie feels soft like a big marshmallow but I like it most because it's come yeah when she holds a ghost it is just right she likes her you love lucky in the day and night Harrigan II have something to show you okay Dan I want to show you something special about colors that's red that's yellow and that's blue right but did you know when you mix these colors together they can make new different colors really Oh show me tell me when you mix yellow and blue watch what happens oh I see green now yellow and blue make green now let's see what happens we mix red and yellow together exploring portals red and yellow together and they make toys mm-hmm and what very special card you think blue and red make when they're mixed together I don't know what is it it's my favorite color purple red and blue make purple oh I know gather there pretty kitty sure our Baby Bop colors are beautiful they are all around us we'd like to have a color huh how do you play everyone picks a color and then tries to find things that are that color I'll look for blue I'll look for red things I want to look for orange I know I'll find something brown Oh what color should I look for Barney well let's see why don't you try to find two things that are green Baby Bop okay and I'll look for something oh okay oh boy oh boy oh boy look Teddy I've got something around I found some great crackers two things better orange dis basketball and surprise an orange orange good thinking Tasha did you find something Brown giving well Teddy's brown and so are these graham crackers good how about you Tina this teapot is red and this red balloon was easy to carry even with my broken arm because you find anything purple Barney boy sure did here's a purple bevel and a purple flower and it smells so what'd you find baby box I only found this green pail no more green things wait Baby Bop the pail is green and so are you one to make me I'm great I'm great great movie Baby Bop did you find anything blue my don't wash it in this chair is blue and so is this flag come on everyone there more flags right here enough for everyone raise the red flag raise it high wave it up and down if you've got a bootleg it's your turn way that round and round hold them up as high as they can go those wines I let the colors show my best is they can go rain the green light raise it high wait let side to side if you've got a yellow flag it's your turn make a circle in the sky if you go red flag great no blue place kill it single screenplay back up in the classroom everybody Baby Bop wants to go find more shapes and colors okay oh it's time for me to go come on Tina I'll walk you home okay I better go too so I can help my mom we're gonna have a new baby soon well your mom's gonna have a baby that's great oh are you hoping for a brother or sister it doesn't matter to me I love a sister or brother right now we're getting the baby's room ready and I'm healthy oh let's cry there's lots of purple in it boy purple is such a special color and remember Tina there's always something special at the end of every rainbow and you're very special too Oh love you you love me a kiss from me to you won't you say you love me too with a great flavour and a kiss from me to you won't you say love me too hello again to all my friends I'm glad you came to play our fun and learning never ends here's what we did today we had so much fun learning about colors and shapes today Michael used different shapes to make a picture of me and I'll need a picture of a rainbow with its pretty colors of red blue green yellow orange and purple we learned that a circle is round and has no corners a square has four sides and four corners that are all the same and a triangle has three sides and three corners me plate with circles called poops I love to throw them in the air and catch them on my tail goal wasn't it fun mixing colors together to make new colors you can have fun finding different colors around your house can you find something orange or brown or red I found a purple flower and baby Bob found a green bay Oh Tina learned that even with a broken arm if you're careful you can have fun with your friends I love blowing a kiss to make your arm feel better and I love you too
Channel: BarneyIn2014
Views: 2,847,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ub02nKgEjis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 03 2015
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