Barney & Friends Seven Days A Week (Season 5, Episode 10)

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hey where's everybody hello Oh anybody up there is that you Danny yeah want to do something uh-huh but I'm not sure just what have any ideas not really hey come on up I'll check with Robert and Emily what do you want to do today we've been looking through the telescope and now we're ready to do something else we'll be right now okay fine now that we're together maybe we could think of something to do I wonder what Barney would like to do everybody oh come on it'll be fun to enjoy this bright sunny day together it's a Great Dane a beautiful day the kind of day that makes me wanna I'm glad that I'm alive I'm happy to be me and that's the way to girl on a day like this and that's the you're right Barney it's lots of fun to do things with friends oh that's good cuz I need some help for my friends like a few today hi guys why do you need help EJ did you lose something no did you forget something no it's some things I can't stop thinking about like what Oh fishing and hiking and toasting marshmallows you see I'm supposed to go camping this Saturday and I just don't think I can wait till then I just can't wait it's just not fair I'm jammed in here but I wanna be there I just can't wait for what tomorrow brings I just can't wait for anything we just can't wait for his camping day out in the woods where I can pack with all I need to bring he just can't wait for anything oh you know what I'm saying he just can't wait to climb a mountain to sleep beneath the Stars but Saturday seems to be also just can't wait it's just I'm standing here but I wanna be there just can't wait for what tomorrow brings just can't wait for what tomorrow brings I just can't wait for anything then I mentioned that I can't wait just can't wait for you should be excited EJ I went camping last month and it was great yeah just think you sleeping in a tent and there are lots of birds to see in here last time I went camping I even saw a deer oh I want to go right now well but Saturday seems so far away it's just a few things BJ but I think we can help you pass the time until Saturday my dog BJ will have just ever so much fun camping yeah sure wish I could go with him why wouldn't it be delightful to make a special surprise he had to take a long do you really think we can make the time go by faster until next Saturday Barney we can make it seem faster kind goes by quickly when we're having fun so we'll plan something you really like to do every day between now and Saturday then before you know what the fifth day will arrive right so let's start planning that's right calendars help us plan every day is every week and there are seven days in a week one two three four five six seven there are seven days there are seven days there are seven days in a week there are seven days there are seven days there are seven days in a week Sunday Monday okay there are seven days in every week so let's start planning fun things for every one of them yesterday was Sunday well yeah that's a day and I always go out for ice cream cones oh okay so Sunday was and we know that next Saturday all those days before I can go camping we'll just have to plan something fun for every one of them starting with today Monday think one of your very favorite things to do BJ well I really like to play baseball summer is the time of year baseball baseball the hometown crowd will clap and cheer wildly okay grab a bat and get your baseball baseball the sky is blue way up what a baseball day your sun shining rinds we can't wait to play summer game we really love what we saw you ready here comes the pitch just watch it curve ball spin and watch it's work swing me how bad boy loves to play baseball right you girls oh sorry she's Michelle I'll start writing up some nuts hmm that would be delightful yes yeah don't you always tell me not to talk my mouth full that was great baseball is always lots of fun to play so Monday is now we need to plan something for tomorrow that's Tuesday how about it DJ well I always like to fly my kite I'm so high with its tail in da breeze I love and I come and dancehall it's a wonderful thing I love flying so high with its tail in the breeze up in the air with the greatest of ease flipping and dipping with colors of light I love to fly my kite Oh that was a great idea BJ yeah we should fly kites more often okay so Tuesday will be but I still need something to do on Wednesday Thursday and Friday then let's plan something special for ones game you know I really like to read maybe I could read books on Wednesday okay looking at the pictures looking at the words I love to read a brand new story what I heard about to me reading a book or magazine that I've never read before I find out what I want to know and then I read some more looking at the pictures looking at the words I love to read brand-new story for one I burn I love to eat meaning the side I'm on the road to thee what they have to say or reading the box hey I love a story I love I love reading is fun but it's more fun to have someone read to you right Barney mm-hmm then why don't I read you this story the ant and the grasshopper Rudy everybody comfy cozy and snug as a bug in a rug came in once upon a time there was a lazy grasshopper who lived in the woods every day he loved to lay on a rock and watch his neighbors the ants work hard in their garden the ants worked Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday every day is past the Lindsey grasshopper he slept on the rock or seven days a week little ants please don't shout I can't sleep and they need clothes you work so hard you must be crazy you mr. grasshopper are just plain lazy the ants sang to pass the time as they worked in the garden this is the day we take the whole stick the whole state the holes this is the day we dig the hole so early in the morning this is the day we plant the seeds plant the seeds plant the seeds this is the day we plant the seeds so early in the morning the corn the corn we pick the corn so early in the morning when the summer ended and the cold winds of winter began to blow the ants had gathered lots of food but the grasshopper so the grasshopper learned his lesson and every summer after that works so hard he never went hungry again that was a good story Barney thanks reading to us you're very welcome so BJ yeah Wednesday will be well BJ what would you like to do on this day Thursday huh hey how about if I play my drum it's up in the tree house I'll be right back you I just came up some other stuff okay Michela hello juicy raisins yeah yeah forgot about raisins they'll be great and yeah we can stick them in with everything else and you'll be sweet thanks for letting us march in your band DJ hi you're welcome Tim so Thursday will be your that only needs one more day to plan for what would you like to do on Friday BJ well I'd really like to go to the movies Andy popcorn popcorn what a tasty treat oh you can carry Friday can be your day Wow thanks everybody for helping me plan the days of the week so let me see Sunday is Monday is Wednesday Thursday is a is and then Saturday you'll be having so much fun Saturday will be here in now time but now let's eat our popcorn hey it's gone who took our popcorn well whoever did the trail to follow looks like it's leading up to the window then out to the playground the trail leads up to the tree house come on guys hey what's going on bill we made a surprise for you sugar a surprise scooter and I heard you were going camping so we met sunflower seeds and nuts and raisins Oh even a little bit of popcorn to make you a nice trail mix snack yeah yeah my snack huh trail mix I'll have the trail mix when I'm camping it's the super-dee-duper surprise ah thanks scooter thanks miss a doubt will come Joel could you take a squirt on with you on your camping trip oh do you like hiking yeah yeah do you like sleeping in a tent oh yeah yeah yeah do you like to see lots of animals Oh scooter you should be rattled Oh okay scooter be ready bright and early Saturday morning Oh well I've gotta go now I want to tell what a fun week it's gonna be thanks everybody I'm mini PJ's going to have a lot of fun things to do till next Saturday my favorite thing to do every day is spend time with my friends I love you You Love Me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you won't you save me well I guess I better be going thanks for making today so much fun hey everybody it's time for Barney says hello again to all my friends I'm glad you came to play our fun and learning never end here's what we did today wasn't BJ excited about going camping at the end of the week he could hardly wait but a week isn't really such a long time as it it's only seven days long the next time you just can't wait for a special day to arrive did what BJ did play your favorite games or fly a kite play some music or read a good book yep time always seems to fly by when you spend it with friends and remember I love you you you
Channel: BarneyIn2014
Views: 422,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FRRunM3fMq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2015
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